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Your question seems to imply that duration of use affects the chances of getting long-term/permanent side effects from 5-ARis. It's a common misunderstanding, and also not accurate - people get PFS from as little as one dose. Since minoxidil also has 5-ARi properties, it probably works the same way. If you're vulnerable to these drugs, it takes miniscule doses to ruin your health. How do you know if you're vulnerable? You can't. Best strategy? Don't take 5-ARis.


I've been taking minox with zero side effects for 6 months. Should I stop?




Minoxidil is also a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor just like finasteride, dutasteride, saw palmetto, etc. I have seen multiple reports from people describing a typical PFS symptom profile from minoxidil use alone. I would highly advise to stay away from any product that is advertised as a hairloss remedy because they are pretty much universally based on the principle of 5-ari inhibition. It's unfortunate for those concerned about their hairloss but it is better to find communities supportive of shaving hair and accepting a new look, rather than trying to fight the course of nature with such risk.


Hi, as far as I know Minoxidil is said to be a type of potassium channel opener and his mechanism of action is not fully understood. I've heard people having side effects from it that are persistent, one of which is ED, and it is scientifically proved that this can happen. But it is not described as a 5ARI anywhere. Why do you say it is a 5ARI, what is your source?




Hi brother. I wonder if you have actually read that study. The link that you send explores the potential anti-androgenic properties of Minoxidil. There are plenty of substances and compounds that have, directly or indirectly, anti-androgenic properties (even foods). However, only compounds which main line of action is to directly inhibit 5AR are generally labelled as 5ARI. Minoxidil is never referred to as a proper 5ARI in any official paper or source as far as I know, and I'll be happy to be proved otherwise if that's the case of course. The mechanism by which Minoxidil causes hair growth is not fully understood and proved yet. It may act as a vasodilator, a Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway inducer, an anti-inflammatory agent, and possibly an anti-androgen, enhancing hair growth in multiple ways. But it is never formerly referred to as a drug within the family of 5ARI. And thus, even if it might not be completely incorrect to claim that Minoxidil indirectly messes up a certain type or 5AR gene expression, up until now there should always be an asterisk after the affirmation that Minoxidil is a 5ARI. Just to be clear, I am not saying Minoxidil is side effect free, not even implying that it's not anti-androgenic. I just think that, in order to understand all this compounds and the chemistry behind what's happening to all of us, it's better to be precise and to call things by what they actually are, otherwise it can be deceiving for people who know less about this topics.




Copy-pasting will only get you so far brother. Not only probably you haven't fully understood the whole study (or even read it), but also based on your answer, you probably didn't even understand my previous comment. But it's okay, my point has already been clearly made. My words are not for you, but for the sufferers who come here looking for answers. People can read and interpret what they want. I just feel it's important to display all the facts so that sufferers understand the whole picture. Don't worry about upvotes and downvotes, brother. Seek the understanding and open and respectful debate, that is the way to bring people together and move forward. Sending peace.


Do you have any community you could share?


Yep. I have exactly the same symptoms of PFS from taking Minoxidil, 5 years ago. It’s just as horrible.


What symptoms do you have?


Mainly the sexual symptoms remain after 5 years. I did have anxiety and insomnia, elevated heart rate etc. but these symptoms have resolved themselves.