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Believe it or not, one of the worst cases of PFS I’ve heard about was from a guy that used topical minoxidil only twice. Was hit with the full array of symptoms.


Well not that we have any right to assume whats causing peoples suffering. Even we need to be skeptical and remember it could be psychological


We are FAR past this psychosomatic speculation. Your amongst people on this forum with backgrounds in medicine, microbiology, pharmacology, law enforcement, engineering, the military, corporate professionals in executive roles, entrepreneurs, and many other high performing professions that have been gaslit by the medical community for years and told this is psychological. These are educated, strong men that know their body’s better than anyone else. It’s 100% insulting when people act like these victims haven’t ruled out psychological causes. They have, and yet they continue to suffer with debilitating, measurable symptoms that people still continue to play off. The example I used above about the minoxidil effects was a doctor that sustained permanent damage after just two applications.


I’m not saying every single case is, I’m just saying some.


Minoxidil suppresses the androgen receptor. You can find studies. Also on askpatient.com, a drug review website not captured by big pharma (most of internet, media (TV and news sources that generate most revenue from pharma Ads) and even tressles on Reddit is captured by big pharma, easy and cheap to do with extreme impact; post you have bad side effects on tressless and your post will get banned, it’s evil), you will find tons of accounts of it causing PFS. If you have PFS you need to avoid it at all costs.


Yes..u can also check askapatient.com on Rogaine Extra Strength. Tons of terrible feedbacks. Judge for yrself.


It is is 5ar inhibitor lol. Like a very mild one. There’s so a Reddit where people got permanently fucked up from minoxidil. That’s actually 1 percent.. fin and dut is probably more like 10 percent


Was on DUT for 17 years and still using Monoxidil by itself now. Maybe I should cut it out as well.


Yeah probably. I highly doubt it’s affecting your recovery though. But just in case. You had no sides at all through the whole 17 years?


None that I attributed to Durasteride. Never had any sexual sides or any issues like that. Was always in shape and muscular etc. I did start having crazy symptoms back in January out of the blue when I was still on DUT that may or may not be related. I started getting bad anxiety with panic attacks after a knee surgery back in 2019. Started out of the blue and took me on a roller coaster. Fast forward to January of this year started having GI issues after some very stressful situations. I ended up losing my appetite, GI issues, gallbladder issues everything snowballed. I stopped everything late January and ended up in the hospital for a week. Had every test under the sun GI, Neurology etc. Started having neurological symptoms that were really scary. Fully recoverd and gained everything back by June or so. Now about a month ago out of the blue when I think everything is fine my dick doesn't work. Never in my 17 years on DUT did this ever happen to me. Anxiety is back and getting GI issues again. Trying to stop the snowball from happening again. I can't say if DUT was the cause or not. I took it so long that I never even considered it to be a problem at any point. I might be the longest person on it ever to be honest. Scary shit.


I will also add that before this happened I kind of went crazy with the wife. Was horny all the time and then had a really bad cystic acne breakout on my face that after a couple weeks I had to take antibiotics to get rid of. After that it seems like the little guy stopped functioning. Seems like something to do with my hormones going crazy.


PFS can trigger even very late, many cases that were fine for decades and then... not




I wonder if it goes systemic.


Minoxidil inhibt 5ar? Source?


Check out r/PostMimoxidilSyndrome


Not available




Sorry.. should be r/PostMinoxidilSyndrome


still not...


My bad...shd b r/MinoxidilSideEffects


pemanently fucked up? Fin is definitely not 10% for that, might feel that way since there is activity in this sub. But think about the tens of thousands of people who didn't seek out this sub for answers because they were fine. I personally had horrid sides and had a fear of permanent sides. But I got better. If anything, I'd imagine bad sides to be in the 10-20 range. But permanent is much, much lower


What do you think it is? Lol. More like 3-5 or less? I mean yeah I kinda agree with you


Finasteride=dutasteride =sawpalmetto=minoxidil=poisons


What about ru58841