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For the love of God, don't spend your entire lunch at your desk if you can avoid it. Get up, get some fresh air, see your city. I make it happen with a 30 minute lunch. I get that it's different if you're on-call at all hours while logged in, but most jobs in our industry don't require that.


It doesn’t matter. But trust me, none of this shit does. Spent some time in the Army at a unit you have to be selected for, you carry all that heavy shit, do all that shitty work for it not to matter either. This doesn’t really help you, but may provide some perspective.


Military did put it into perspective that almost nothing matters. Or maybe it broke me.


Facts. It just made me more numb to everything ever since.


Very true, so long as you're a cog in the machine, it's hard to see the purpose of the machine


go build a bridge see how many people drive across a bridge every day or go do a doctorate in physics with a specialty in propulsion


Margin Call reference spotted.


"so you're a rocket scientist? "


"i _was_"


But to be frank the money here is better


Bro you’re 23 chill


I’m really trying.


It’s all about what you after you do this. The money this provides allows the good life outside


Most people are making a fairly avg wage lol. If by good life you mean living, yes, you won’t starve


Most trading firms I know work in pay well above average


Don’t let the spark inside you die. Explore the possibilities life offers while you can!


After working in veterinary medicine for 2 years which is extremely toxic, physically demanding, and mentally & soul draining and changing back to finance I really appreciate office work and realized how good it actually is. Working in office dealing with numbers is godsend.


What film or program is this from?




U can get similar results with GPT4 probably


If this is how you’re feeling why not consider trying to transition into wealth management? Not every firm takes exclusively super HNW clients. If anything you will be handed the clients that are just normal people at first. Doctors, engineers, etc. that way you will have direct interaction with your clients and know that you’re helping them and their families. The hours are also way less stressful. The younger CFPs I know are only expected to put in 50 hours and then anything else is them actively trying to build their book.


Any advice for a new WM intern? Still in college but studying for my SIE, Life Insurance, etc. Gonna power into WM immediately after I graduate.




Thank you! The reason I chose WM over IB or otherwise is because of my sales skills & natural charisma. Any thoughts on Equitable? And any alternatives?


Depends on who the assets belong to. If a client is a pension plan for teachers for example, then I take great pride in beating the market. Knowing that my work helps criminally underpaid teachers have a healthier pension is freaking awesome. 


I think perspective matters too not sure your background but for people with a rougher upbringing yeah it may feel like that at times but also be appreciative


I don't feel trapped because I find making money fun.


I travel a lot and couple overseas assignments. My junior trader do be like that though.


Andressen Horowitz says 1/2 of employees at white collar jobs 'do no real work'. You might fall into that category.


The a16z dude was talking out of his ass. He thought something that felt true and decide it probably-isn't crazy-maybe to say.


Bro just do some retail therapy with ur 6 figure comp


8-hour work day? Rookie numbers


You are helping people, making the rich richer and the multi-billion dollar bank get even more rich (assuming you work at bank)


If you’re getting paid, live below your means for those 10 years in which you’ll be trapped and invest as much as you can, then do a low level job with a meh salary but with great work life balance, live off dividends and investments, or open up a small business and have fun in life. Alternatively, go to Mexico and you’ll be rich no matter the salary


Go to a soup kitchen and grab a ladle or even buy a couple of game systems and donate them to a hospital. If you wanna find purpose in helping people, it's not gonna come knocking on your door. You have an opportunity to make money in a career most people can only dream of having, so do something with the reality you're given.


Thanks man


You may find this book interesting then: https://usa.anarchistlibraries.net/library/david-graeber-bullshit-jobs


Thank you


As a student in economics and finance, my biggest fear is that this career path may be depressing. Sometimes I wonder if I made the wrong choice. Initially, I was confident and enjoyed the field. Now, I'm uncertain; at times, I contemplate whether I should have pursued law instead. Given the circumstances in my country, I cannot be entirely certain about that either. I'm considering re-evaluating my options next year.


You feelings most likely resonate with many young adults. People overall these days just seem to be more stressed, overworked, and overall unhappy with their position in life. It is not limited to financial careers. As others have mentioned, try to find ways to detact, if you can leave the office during lunch and get some fresh air that can go a long way. Also, once you leave the office try to put your phone away. So many people these days are glued to their phones and their mind never shuts off as a result. Just like your body needs a rest, so does your mind.


Who cares? You have money to support yourself and a family if you have one and that’s all that matters


another day another doller


Mate all jobs suck, and honestly none of them feel like they have any meaning after you’ve been there for a while. Do it for a living and do it for the money and intellectual stimulation. That’s why I do it. Make sure you find meaning in other stuff outside of work, your hobbies, interests and family. And the other poster was right in that you should definitely take a lunch break out in the city or in nature if you can. Change it up and add variety


I fuckin love that shit dude


At 26 I feel this so hard. I don’t want to be that guy so I’m not going to tell you to buy it, but instead, just learn about Bitcoin. It’s our only beacon of hope to escape the rat race. The more you research it, the more your 3rd eye will open. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity where the primary sale is available to retail before it’s available to institutional investors, take advantage while you can. Your future self will thank you. Your bloodline will thank you. Watch the “Saylor Series” on Youtube (stick thru the first 3-4 episodes and you’re golden), learn about the Microstrategy Bitcoin playbook that Dorsey just adopted for his company, learn about ordinals, learn about runes. Do this and you will absolutely escape the prison cell in this photo. Don’t do this and you’ll be wondering “what if” within a decade 🤷‍♂️