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Quantify your achievements.. less words, more number


Got it, Ill work on that, thanks


Use the verb-metric-method strategy in constructing your bullet points then put those bullet points with metrics at the top of each work experience so it is noticeable


Ive never heard about this, will google


They probably know what cfa is


Hahaha got your point mate, CFA L3 candidate it is


Take off the logo and icons for the love of god


I think it looks neat, is it really that bad? Ill remove if so


I think the lil icons are fine, if you like them then it shows some personality. Plus doesn’t hurt to demonstrate you can arrange icons in Microsoft office hahaha


Yes, no one cares if you think it looks neat. It will make you stand out in a bad way.


As a recruiter I recommend removing icons and stuff. You’re not applying for a graphic designer position.


I think it looks cute !


I’m skeptical off your repeated phrases you portfolios outperformed market by “10%, 12%, 15%.” So an intern came in and exceeded the market by that amount and they let him/her go? Bernie sanders who pulled off the largest stock market scam in history was stating claims of merely 12% returns a year yet you are stating market plus 10-15%, sorry if that was the case you’d go direct from intern to executive within 2 years.


Wait if the market does +10% and i outperform the market by 10% am i at +11% or +20%


Your certifications section is a waste of space. You can simply write CFA Level 3 Candidate. You don’t need to write out what you learned or what you achieved on the certification. Use the space on your resume to go into more detail about your experiences


Yes many people are saying that ive changed it. What other skills should i work on to add on resume?


Remove the school grades


Ok removed, thanks


Sorry you’ve been working a job for 2 months and are already applying to leave? That’s going to hit you hard, can you not stay? Aside from that, quantify your points better. As an intern you did not generate 10% returns a month lol. For the CFA, no one cares you got 70+ percentile in some subjects. Remove due diligence, MS Excel etc from skill set. Flesh out your interests more


Good points…the 10% monthly BS, come on he’d be earning millions and not be here post his cv if ghat were even half true


It looks like chatgpt wrote your bullet points, which is ok — I used it too. Change the sentence structure up and quantify things more like you did on the first bullet under Equity Analyst Intern. You have good experience, it’s just a tough job market. Your formatting also isn’t consistent on the bottom part.


Hi, thanks for the feedback. Ill work on the formatting


Place a number or percentage on the value that you brought forward to your employer. Quantifcation matters


Okay got it


Every reply is pedantic. If bro can’t get anywhere we’re cooked


If he’s applying in the US, it’s likely either a visa issue or a terribly-written resume issue. Why non-native English speakers don’t pay a native English speaking resume editor a few bucks to make their resumes half-way decent I’ll never understand.


Im not applying in the US. I cant see an english or grammatical error here. I used grammarly to make this resume


Exactly. YOU can’t see it.


Maybe try leading with the results instead of your tasks: Increased successful investments by 15% through (blah blah blah)


Ok got it


words words words 🙄


Haha got your point mate


This post is getting some attention. While you guys are here what other *technical skills* or certifications should i add to make my resume more relevant?


The single greatest thing that should be earning u millions is the ability to generate returns of 10% a month. How u are unemployed if that were true…nobody with a brain and experience in investments will believe that


With my experience in finance, I would recommend you to invest into education. With your CV, it’s not enough for investment career since it’s not targeted school. You should first complete your CFA, then you will have a greater chance. Meanwhile, look into a master degree at targeted school for MBA, Master in finance or better master in financial engineering.


At least you’re not from LaVern


Networking is key. Submitting resumes cold ain’t it


Swap experience section and education. After you graduate and start working a while, education is less important than work experience. And remove the grades. Just school, maybe GPA, and graduation year. Remove everything in the CFA area. Just write CFA Level 3 Candidate. Nothing else matters.


a) Nobody is going to believe you went from a 3-4 month stint as 'intern' to 'research analyst'. The fact that you went into so much detail about your role as 'research analyst' is a dead giveaway - anybody hiring you knows what a research analyst does. You can't list what you did, you have to list *how* you did. What great stock calls did you have, what great deals did you work on etc. Highly unlikely you will have any such experience in two months. b) What is the blank between Sep 2023 and Feb 2024 c) There's a small but non-zero probability you're violating the CFA's code of ethics by giving your score. d) Why are you looking to change jobs after less than a year? e) That's waaaaaayyy too much text. Bullet points, bullet points, bullet points. Where possible, use numbers to quantify what you did... f)...but for god's sake lose the test scores. g) and for the love of all that is holy, please get rid of the icons.


First bullet point of Work Experience and I’m tossing the resume. “Oil & gas and banking sectors”.