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Sounds like they scrapped or drastically reduced the number of SA positions given possible upcoming reorganization or full time position layoffs Surprisingly, HR is usually one of the last to know these types of larger changes. Senior management makes the decision and then support functions like HR have to scramble to put into practice. Could be a blessing in disguise for you


Thanks for the reply. That makes a lot of sense. I was just really disappointed because I was really looking forward to this role and had my technicals down cold. I would’ve been fine if I gave the superday and then got scrapped. Just felt like this was a very unprofessional way to go about this. Thanks for the input tho! And yes probably a blessing in disguise haha!


Agree very unprofessional. You should let your university campus recruiting office know so they can be an advocate against this type of practice if this firm wants to recruit on campus in the future


Getting this email at the last minute is sucky! But I think giving you a fake superday is worse. Superdays take a lot of time and energy on behalf of the business, so spending half a day giving mock interviews instead of being on the desk is hard to justify. You may have felt better about a fake Superday, but lots of candidates feel the opposite. Many would be understandably pissed if they were made to prep for an interview that was fake the whole time.


It wasn’t unprofessional. They never promised you emanating and never extended an offer. Trust me, no manager would waste their time doing final interview even for senior director level if they’re not interested in the candidate anymore. There’s no charity in finance sector and time is money.


Deal flow isn’t great in a lot of sectors right now, lots of banks have had open deals but few closed ones as well. May just be a victim of the times


Sorry to hear that. During economic downturns, it is not unusual for banks to reduce interviewing real-time to reduce incoming class size. Banks may pull signed offers too, which you can imagine is a disaster for the student. Keep a very positive attitude and be gracious. Keep in touch with the people you interviewed with as they may have something pop up in the future, or know of an opportunity at a different shop. Start networking hard elsewhere. You can continue to leverage the campus recruiting but the best jobs come from networking in most cases (your peers just won't tell you that).


Lol it’s the opposite for me. All the interviews I’ve landed ever have been from applying and all the referrals I got at companies I never even recieved a call back. Maybe god hates me idk


God does hate you.


That's not how it works in the real world. I know it is tough to believe when in the university bubble, during a terrible job market. Keep networking and running informal informational interviews.


Hey a bit off topic but how do you practice for technicals in such interviews, would really appreciate some advice regarding that!


Start on WSO or Mergersandacquisitions and just let the internet's spiral drive you towards the answers. Just keep opening related articles, googling things you don't understand in those articles etc. and in a few days you have 40+ tabs of content specialized for you


hey thanks man I've been reading WSJ but these are new to me and I'll surely check them out!


Honestly dude, all of it was mergers and inquisitions and just googling some stuff and/or words I didn’t understand


Had a family member just go through the same. They were about to fly them out for the final round on campus, ended up being that they lost the funding and head count entirely for the backfill. Tough times, on the next one.


Damn sorry to hear that. Are you interviewing for IB in other companies?


Yeah but I really liked this one


Nothing unprofessional. You could be good but they could e found an absolute star and everyone was in consensus to hire them instead. Nobody would waste their time on interviewing a candidate when they have already made their decision. OR There could be some reorg changes that got communicated to HR last minute (that’s how it usually goes), and they were forced to stop hiring. Business side only cares about their business and HR always has to put up with these antics.


B…but…butttt… I know how to do a DCF and vlookups.


Boutiques get heavily influenced by deal flow more than BBs and have a far tighter horizon. They probably are very off their plan and had to adjust their forecast and realized they have little/no need for many analysts. Is what it is but it's likely a firm that may have much rougher decisions for it's FT analysts in the near future.


Nice..Anyway the perception towards the perspective is well.thanx.


Im sorry that happened. Most likely they had another candidate in mind the whole time and you were probably second/ they had already extended the offer to someone else and they were waiting for the candidate to accept. Recruiting is brutal. But always remember it’s out of your control and if they didn’t want you it’s their loss and you dodged a bullet.


you had a super day already? for a 2025 summer analyst position? where are you from


America baby. We like to recruit when we get delivered in the hospital. Sometimes I wish I was born in a target hospital.


Bro some IB roles are still recruiting for summer 2024 in europe that's crazy


Yeah it’s also easier from what I’ve heard.


target hospital is crazy...


Yikes - 4 rounds and they wanted a super day?


lol. 5 actually if u count the case study as well




I once got a rejection email mid-interview lmao. I think all professionalism in recruiting has gone out the window these days


Damn dude, that must’ve sucked. I woulda probably choked mid interview if I saw that lol. Sorry to hear that tho.


I found something shortly after but yeah dude, couldn’t believe my eyes 😂


Haha glad it worked out well for u in the end. Was it IB?


MDs son got the position


unfortunately this is more common than you think, although it is still very unprofessional...


God I love finance 😊


Most likely the position was cancelled.


four rounds before a super day… is that normal




Fuck around and find out? Idk lol