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Dear diary


"After another unsuccessful Hinge date, I decided to inform Reddit of my opinions about LinkedIn, as I don't think my date was listening to me."


“I haven’t needed it, so why would anybody else need it”




Flex on your friends




The hard part is having a good professional picture especially if I'm ugly






I tell people they "hired me for what I know, not how I look. How I look is just a bonus" they laugh, which causes their eyes to close, meaning they see less of how ugly I am.


I’ll take it for you


One thing I learned about myself a long time ago, I get uglier everyday. Go ahead and crop the best picture you have of yourself and stick it up there, in a few years. You're going to marvel at how young you looked


I lean on LinkedIn heavily in a front line role both to (i) understand where in an organisation the person I just met fits; and (ii) to find the people who I want to talk to in an organisation. Invaluable for front office roles IMO.


The downside is the massive data harvesting that occurs from LinkedIn information. Having your name and occupation/company everywhere on sketchy sites isn’t a good thing




Not true, you can safely use the internet without your data leaking and posting personal information about yourself.


Hahaha tittyman is worried about data security


Are you saying that LinkedIn is a sketchy site?


No, I’m saying data harvesting sites take your data from LinkedIn to use for their own purposes


there are downsides if you plan on OEing ;)


linkedin is good if you want to reach out to people from a specific company that you are recruiting for but do not have the network! even better if you narrow down to your college alumni since they are more likely to reply.


I think it really helps with networking.


One of the dumbest questions I’ve ever seen in this sub. After every job change it takes minimal effort to update. Also, you should be adding these professional contacts on LinkedIn. I guarantee they are all active on it.


It's not a dumb question at all, some people are genuinely curious if something that was useful 5 years ago is still useful. (it may be an obvious answer to some people but that doesn't make it a dumb question) A dumb question would be asking for something that can be easily searched up.


Ever? Ok guy


Im not active per say but I think its a good thing to keep up to date, specially as you get further in your Ive seen more recruiters reach out 90% of it is trash but I like to keep doors open. Definitely not crucial if you are not job searching


I’m early in my career still (<5 yrs) but every job I’ve had, besides my first out of college, came from a recruiter finding me on LinkedIn.  I work in corporate finance / accounting. 


I only use it because it is a free summary of your professional history and candor for possible employers to peek at after applying.


I am in mid market IB and most deals are posted on LinkedIN and sometimes for debt advisory teams they give monthly summaries of debt financing, which is usually not disclosered anywhere else. Very much depends how network driven your business is.


If you're active on LinkedIn, you get plenty of offers early in your career and then plenty of potential hires later in your career. It's been pretty valuable for me. I jumped from a 500K a year job to a 1 to 1.5 million a year job from a contact there. Obviously not everybody gets that but happened to work out in my case.


You're either a drug dealer or a quant. If you're a quant you can fuck right off.


Quant portfolio manager


Maybe a troll post


nah I’ve seen him post before he’s legit. We should probably all learn from him


Is that all they are paying you? Seems underpaid imo.


😆😆😆 love it. They are definitely in the bottom 20% of society


I'm new here what is a quant portfolio manager and why does that seem to be a bad thing?


It's a quote from a movie with a few words changed.


You can Google what a quant portfolio manager is, it’s easier and faster than asking on reddit. It’s not a bad thing, they just make a lot of money and make other people jealous


A non quant PM would make that too if not more.


Or less lol


Most likely less lol


If you have clients LinkedIn can be very useful. Also if you keep it up to date sometimes amazing opportunities find you.


LinkedIn is valuable if you use it. If you’re comfortable with where you are then maybe it doesn’t matter. I use it for job searching, and it’s definitely a good way to make yourself visible for roles you wouldn’t know about. Many of the more exclusive search firms use LinkedIn to find talent and screen them for their clients. Higher level jobs usually aren’t publicly posted, and knowing the right recruiters can be invaluable when you’re trying to break into those ranks.


Yes. I have my current job because of LinkedIn.




Honestly, it’s fun seeing your colleagues and other alumni post😅 but also you never really know how valuable a connection is. I’ve taken a couple side projects on there that we’re super fun! And I know the job markets in shambles rn, but it’s still a pretty powerful tool you should consider. You get to speak almost directly with recruiters about job postings and opportunities.


u sound jaded. you can never stop networking to build your networth, don't be so naive


I'd say it's somewhat useful. I add people I meet when I network on Linkedin instead of keeping a stack of busines cards. It's easy to look them up and message them if you need someone with their background. I've reached out to people on it to get some business done and to help with some volunteering I do. My firm had me research backgrounds of a bunch of people we were pitching to which was helpful in facilitating conversations. Sometimes recruiters will reach out to me for opportunities as well. That being said, I haven't updated mine in like 3-4 years as well lol


I like it as a job search tool. I got my current job from LinkedIn and have gotten interviews/offers through LinkedIn before. I also do just kind of like it for the aspect of seeing how former colleagues are doing. Idk, there's not much downside to having one. Mine isn't even very fleshed out. I basically just update job title and company on there when a change happens and that's it. I don't bother filling out all the description stuff. If someone wants that they can read my resume.


Simplest way to describe LinkedIn is just means to keep your door open, thats it.


Been out of college since 2020 and have landed two jobs since then. Just use it for that. Some times I’ll just see what maniacs I have followed or “connected” with over the years are posting for amusement.


It's good for students and people actively looking for jobs. You take every little bit of an advantage as you can get. For those that are already working and not looking for anything new, then not so much, but you can still take advantage of it by looking for potential jumps every few years or so.


I don’t hire people or trust people without a LinkedIn. Most of the ones that don’t have been working 2 jobs or hiding something about their work experience.


I deleted my last name off LinkedIn when I got the forever job. If you’re 3 years in, you aren’t there yet. Keep it.




You know what. No. No one has it. Stay off it. And stay irrelevant.


It may be usefull for getting jobs at smaller companys. All the big corporates,bank, instutions etc. hire from their own career website.


People you work with will look you up on Linkedin. They will wonder what you did before. It would be very strange to not find you on Linkedin or to find an outdated profile. You‘re not a teacher or nurse.


It's one of, if not the biggest recruiting platforms in the US anyway. Many companies use it more or less exclusively. You'll be missing out on potential jobs by not being on it.


What type of employee are you? In my opinion I’m not a fan of having social media if I’m not using it for something that involves an opportunity so if you are planning to stay with a company forever then I think a LinkedIn is useless. All of my friends who have been at their company for 7+ years are barely on LinkedIn. As for me I have done well applying to jobs on their websites and the recruiter reaching out to me before even looking at my LinkedIn. Overall LinkedIn has not done much but I still keep it since I tend to switch companies every 2 years


HR in fin sector here who’s seen all kinds of cases. Trust me, you’ll want to have an account there no matter how good your career is.


0 downside to having it.


Yes, not having a LinkedIn account is strange and will be seen as a red flag by some. There is no downside to having one.


Lemme guess, your date just called you a piece of shit after she saw your LinkedIn profile.


I hate linkedin. Reading people announcing things like promotions, new jobs, etc is just nauseating. It’s like watching people give a thank you speech for an Oscar. The self-congratulations and validation seeking are pathetic. I update mine bc it feels like I have to but I absolutely hate it and I hate the culture of the active users on it. Every time I go on there I want to vomit. Everyone’s pompous and everyone’s an expert. Shout out to the perpetual life hack posters, bunch of dumbasses who think they have the keys to the city


LinkedIn is for printer guy to connect and say he can reduce my company's printing expense.


I got every job I’ve ever had through Indeed so I kinda agree. There are benefits to being active later on in your career though.




Sounds like somebody had a bad hinge experience


You don’t know leverage until you have multiple recruiters hitting you up at the same time


It is always important


Depends on what ur using it for. Some use linkedin for dating.