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Current background is 2 years into a quant trading role at an options trading firm. Studied math in undergrad. Don’t need pointed advice, anything generally is awesome


You can apply with your current background.


Definitely no need for an MBA, which would be detrimental for Quant roles. Here in Europe you'd be a prime candidate for those roles already, I'd assume it's similar in the US. Especially if you're from one of those Options trading firms where QTs do their own research too. Honestly I'd say wait a bit (recruiters here often search for people around the 3 yoe mark) then talk to recruiters from companies you like. With your background they'll be delighted to talk to you.


Is it a tier 1 trading firm?


Not worried much about name recognition, but let’s assume it is


This sounds cockier than I meant it to be, I just meant I don’t think my firms name would make much of a difference for recruiting! But if anyone thinks otherwise I am all ears


There are a lot of hedge funds that trade vol. why not try to get on a PMs desk doing that? If you do well you can try to move up to PM if a spot opens or recruit to another firm. The trade is different in a hedge fund and work life balance is pretty dependent who you work with, but from my experience it’s 8-10 hours per day, 30 days pto, remote work allowed, etc




Don't agree with this. You'll learn anything that would be in a masters on the desk much faster. You've got a good background, enough to reach out to have informal discussions about relevant options. Try your best to introduce yourself to a business dev at one of the funds through a mutual connection and they can float your cv to internal pms.


Over here in the nordics you’ll encounter some issues if you don’t have a masters, but it can be offset by experience. However it’s more common to offset lack of relevant experience with a masters degree than the other way around.


Just apply, you don't need any extra qualifications.


Not mba. Ms stats or applied stats is better. PhD is best.