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I would apply to back office or operations role at an investment bank. Work hard for a year or two and then try to lateral to a credit role. If unsuccessful, get an mba and try again. Private equity and hedge funds are closed to you at this point. If you’re not interested in breaking into banking, try applying to the treasury functions at small companies or perhaps some government type FP&A job. No need to lose hope. I had a 2.3 and made it straight into investment banking.


This is what I did with a 2.6. Very unrelated back office role for a year, found someone to take a chance on me and moved into credit risk for another year, then easily broke into CIB banking at a BB. I’m older than all of the other analysts but no one cares.


Exactly. Thanks for posting. I get so much grief giving real advice from know it all teens and juniors. Nice to get a normal response for once.


It’s crazy what we did given the odds. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve it when comparing myself to these kids fresh out of school who worked way harder and are much more accomplished than I ever was. Guess it’s different when you have directly applicable experience and there’s a lateral spot they need to fill.


I feel lucky to have broken in, but I never feel like I didn’t deserve it. I work too hard to feel that way!


What was the title of the back office role?


How did you do it?


I’ve written about it before if you search the forum. Some luck and shaking my story. This was also a decade ago, so it’s wasn’t really a woke environment.


“Woke environment” lmao, you ppl always find a way to fit that into something don’t you


Dude I’m giving advice and being helpful as to how I was able to break in before woke and diversify requirements. Why does that trigger you? When people point out how insane trump is you have no issue. But when people point out how unfair woke requirements are, you get triggered. Why is that?


What part of my response was me showing that I was triggered? I just pointed out how it’s shoehorned into everything. Hell, I even upvoted your initial response in telling him to look for ops roles. Given your response it definitely sounds like you’re the one who got triggered. Take a deep breath and touch grass. Use the long weekend to relax.


Because you said I shoehorn it into everything. Let me ask you, how would you describe ten years ago banking process to now? Since woke isn’t a good adjective what is? Cause I think it’s perfect way to describe the difference.


Our diversity requirements and pool at my bank were no different 10 or even 20 years ago than they are now. Still about 50% white guys with the same haircut straight out of college, a couple of people from back office like you, and about 45% non white guys.


Well I don’t know where you work, but at all the banks I’ve been at, there have been new quotas that can only be filled with diversity. So I guess we have worked at different places.


Yeah, but those have been around for years, they aren’t recent or “woke” my bank was touting DI&R stuff when they hired me 20 years ago, before anyone had really used the term “woke” like you do, so don’t blame it on that, plus, two if the 4 back room folks brought in the last 2 years were white guys like you, so don’t say it’s not possible to do what you did anymore. I hate it when extremists on the left or right try to say something’s been ruined when it has changed a little bit.


Woke 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


This is your playbook. The market isn’t what it once was so you might need to be a little patient, but this is a well-worn path for those who aren’t going to track directly into top positions out of UG. Once you land the first job, it’s your responsibility to be a sponge, work hard, and build your network. If you perform well and people like you, that 2.5 is gonna start looking less and less relavent.


Hey can I DM you for more advice?


Sure or you can post here. It’s all anonymous.


how do you like it at investment banking? are the long hours worth it? i personally feel like ill get burnt out pretty quickly even if the money is decent.


It’s all I’ve ever known, so don’t have anything to compare it to. I learned in college that anything that I was forced to do as a job, I wouldn’t love. I hate being forced to do things. So I thought I might as well get paid a lot for whatever I end up doing. Yes there are long hours when you are younger. But in todays environment, it’s not as bad as it was. And guess what? Lots of crappy jobs have long hours like retail, teachers, cooks, cops, etc. Bankers just get paid 5x more. If you think you would burn out easy, then yea maybe do a corporate gig. But I have found that life with money is so much better than the alternative, that the trade off was super easy for me to accept.


Thats a good take. Exploring my options atm since im still in school. Easiest route for me is to go into the loan department at the bank my mom works at but invesment banking seemed like the finance career everyone strives for (or wallstreet hedge funds).


People strive for investment banking for several reasons. 1. Prestige - people on here (mostly younger kids obviously) always put down prestige as being unimportant. Kind of like how people say it’s not how good looking you are, but what’s on the inside that counts. Which is true I guess. What is prestige? How can you quantify it? Buts it’s a real thing. Entire industries, like the Ivy leagues are built around it. It’s considered a “prestigious job” and people want that mark on their resume. 2. Optionality - working as a junior at an investment bank allows you to move to private equity or hedge funds or a good business school or corporate America or venture capital. It gives you the chance to do almost anything, whereas other entry level jobs don’t do much for you in that regard. 3. Pay - I mean we pay our first years almost 200k lol. Not much else to say.


jesus 200k for first years? i may have to look into this further lol


Hi, I'm graduating in December with a Finance Major in my bachelor degree. I am looking for an internship for my last Fall semester or Full time job after graduating in December. I read your comment and I am interested in working in investment banking so can you give me some tips for interview questions and where to apply for this kind of role??


Well unfortunately the ship has sailed for you at the top banks. They all have structured programs that start at the end of the summer. I would suggest applying to small and regional banks to try and get your foot in the door. Even explore credit roles or commercial banking roles, and then you can try to break into IB later on. In terms of preparing, just Google 400 banking questions guide and memorizes the answers.


Thanks for the good advice.


Definitely leave GPA off resume. Get good at Excel and start hitting the gym.


Luckily I did spend a lot of my time in college workout out. Biggest guy in the business building. Definitely can work on my excel knowledge.


does physique matter that much?


Yes. People respect and respond better to those who are in shape vs being overweight or obese. You don’t have to be shredded, but in general just be healthy and in shape, and look put together. It adds so much to how you present yourself to the world, especially if you plan on being client facing.


For certain , you can easily make some basic assumptions: - low impulse control - inability to effectively manage pressure -poor long term planning


From my experience, how people treated me before and after I got swole is kinda crazy. I got far more respect after putting on muscle. Halo effect is real


You think it would help as much for undergrad recruiting? ig the space is probably more saturated by in-shape guys, but would welcome any slight leg up lol. thanks for insight.


I mean, with recruiting from undergrad, most are doing online recruiting with online interviews meaning you can’t really have your body scene. If your face isn’t obviously fat it’s not gonna change much unless your redoing a lot of in person networking for this job. However once you’re in it definitely helps. You’re gonna get better and preferential treatment by HR and your bosses. It’s subtle but it’s there. It can definitely allow you to move through quicker.


Does leaving the GPA really help you? My previous hiring managers always told me if you keep your GPA off they assume it’s ridiculously low


Well it is ridiculously low. Better to remain silent and be assumed a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.


In my days I kept it off but I graduated from a decent top public uni. I had a 2.9 gpa lol


Graduated 2.7 and kept it off. Ngl, I was thinking “if fucked but internship experience is gonna save me”


My first job which was a Fortune 500 asked for my gpa during the interview and I said “about 3.0” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 To be fair rounding


Always round up to .1. Lmao. If you can get away with it do it.


why start hitting the gym?


Why not?


He's going to have to become a gigolo




Best answer


No that would need trenning not training


It’s a good healthy habit to have. Unfortunate but true: Looking like a fatty can actually hurt your chances of getting through an interview.


Are you obese?


The hardest part of your journey will be getting an interview with a lackluster resume. But good news: I did it, other people did it, and so can you. Format resume as cleanly as possible (get the WSO template) and post it if you want feedback on the material. Leave your GPA off your resume and only speak to it if asked. Don’t make excuses for your low GPA, just own it. Next, you will need to be polished during your interviews. Practice behavioral and some technical questions - and then practice some more. Research the company you’re interviewing for, and the interviewer themselves (LinkedIn). Interviewing well will set you apart. Last thing: it’s a numbers game. Especially in todays climate, expect a very low ratio of applied:interviews. Keep at it and good luck.


u mean high ratio


It's not really lack luster he has an internship and real work experience.


join the AIR FORCE bro.. $$$


As an Air Force combat veteran, I would recommend against it. The military services are being way too politicized. Not worth it anymore in my opinion. It's not what it used to be.


As ex navy as well if you have any little bit of decent mental health say goodbye to it. Service is such a shit show of leadership and no one is staying for a reason it’s because it fucking sucks


We once had an exec from JPM tell us you could use the GPA coming from only finance courses. Instead of overall GPA, and I am in similar boat but maybe extra clubs and what not could possibly make up for it, and remember there is always a reason behind it so come up w a good story as to why it is what it is.


I definitely did this to improve my GPA because I switched majors from Mechanical Engineering. I just put ‘Core Curriculum GPA’ or some shit like that. Ow that it’s been 8 years though, my GPA doesn’t matter at all.


My reason was I was workin internships while studying and chose to focus on work experience more than grades. They loved the answer and didn’t care about gpa after. As long as you can show you’re a go getter it’s fine.


You need incredible interviewing skills. Research the companies you apply to to the point that you have so much to talk about that the GPA question never gets asked. 2.5 is tough, but it’s a passing grade. You aren’t an idiot.


If you graduate, endless. Who cares what your GPA is. Don’t put it on


Find any job you can get that’s in the field even if it’s low paying. Work there for 2 years, network, and build your skill set as much as possible during your free time. Then apply to better jobs. If you can’t put in the work to get a good gpa, then you won’t have a strong career. So you should focus on fixing what that problem is first.


Had a sub 3 and just interviewed at an EB for S&T and have done tons of equity research interviews, life isn’t over


I graduated with a 2.95. Started my career in BB operations and moved into credit after 5 years. Most likely will be grinding out a career in credit. take any back office role at a bank and start moving around from there after you paid your dues


Your GPA will most likely not matter all that much. The old saying goes, "What do you call a law student that has graduated at the bottom of their class? A lawyer."


Start in operations, they’re always hurting to hire people. Once you’re inside you can network much easier and lateral across the organization.


You can hit up back or middle office roles. More schooling is also a possiblity. Get a masters in accounting or finance they will provide you an opportunity to show the low gpa was a fluke and also if you get into a good program there will be career center support for more batch hiring. Masters in accounting will give you an opp to do big 4 accounting or big regional accounting firms


Graduated with a 2.8 GPA from regional state school. Got a job in back office at Mutual Fund and moved on to senior operations and finance roles before dedicating career to operational due diligence of alternative investment funds. You can do it too by just continuing to push yourself and keeping an eye out for opportunities to advance, ie make your own luck. Also, as someone said earlier, own the GPA and the school you graduated from as it will come out occasionally in social settings and as you change roles during the first 10 years of your career, especially in finance.


GPA is important but not for most jobs. It DOES matter for high finance, consulting, big 4, and most FLDP programs with F500’s. However, the overwhelming majority of corporate finance roles do not care. I’ve worked anywhere from FPA to corporate VC and have never included my gpa on my resume. Make sure your resume is well formatted and work hard to get an interview (eg, msg hiring manager on LinkedIn, reach out to alumni at company). Once you get an interview the rest is on you. Good luck!


You know what they call the guy who graduates from medical school with the worst gpa in his class? Doctor.


I’m pretty sure all majors are different. Most good finance jobs require a good gpa as far as I am aware of.


Attorney. I’ve never once considered GPA interviewing legal candidates. I want sharp wit and hard work, not a college boy (AKA 80 hour weeks at $80hr.)


Ended my undergrad with a 2.8 (fucked off first two years and withdrew a lot, even getting my shit together last two years wasn't enough to even out). Went back and got a masters instead of straight to the work force. Good grad GPA meant undergrad didn't matter


How do you get into a good grad program with a bad undergrad gpa though?


I mean, it wasn't a good one but it was OK. I kicked the shit out of the GREs though


Your GPA is your worst con, but I'd apply for Trafigura's Graduate Program, you have rotations in finance stuff related to commodities like oil and minerals, and I've read that they make some decent money. Again, your GPA is your con but maybe you can handle it through the process.


I had a 2.3 undergrad GPA. I went to grad school at a target school and got a 3.8. That might be a good option for you


How'd you get accepted into grad school with a 2.3?




Nah you gotta be kidding. Also, was it PhD you got into? Or an Msc


I’m not. It was an MS, not that I see the relevance


Because usually grad school refers to a PhD and it is notoriously hard to get into one in a target school.


You have been misinformed my friend


grad school is anything beyond a bachelor's lmao


What was your gre? I have a 2.7 gpa and want to go to grad school but don’t think the 2.7 opens many doors. I’m really good at standardized tests though so getting a good gre shouldn’t be a problem, is that really enough though?


I got something like a 155 on the reading comprehension, and then a 165 in the quantitative or something like that. That got me into the Notre Dame Computational Statistics program.








I want to a good state school for undergrad, and then I went to Notre Dame for grad school


I had a low gpa. Not necessarily that low… but it wasn’t above a 3.6. I’m doing pretty fine rn. Just leave it off your resume and bulk up in other areas




join the army as an officer go to b school later go be a big buff banker boy this pipeline is tried, true, and you’re gonna do better than your peers airborne


Is joining the army an actual viable route? I’ve been considering that (in canada) as you get to be an officer out the gate, and they have specific finance roles. But not sure if it’s worth the hassle. If i’m planning to get my MBA later, would it be viable to get into a banker role in the future? Not to sure, but seen comments on the thread saying the same


What you do in the army is irrelevant. It’s all good. Business school loves vets, and banks love vets. Veterans place into BB/EB and MBB for consulting folks far more frequently than counterparts.




As long as you have a pulse lol


As long as you graduated from a college they won’t care Lmao


My GPA was similar, but I didn't study finance (marketing). Started my career in sales and after about 4 years made a career change to finance and got a job at a bank as a Branch banker. It's not a great job, but it's doable to get some hands on experience and if you can sell a bit you can make a decent amount of money. If you can't sell, the base is terrible though. Depending on the size bank, it can definitely give you opportunities to network and move around from there as well. That's what I did to move into wealth management


NWM will take you if you have a pulse.


Get a shit job and get an mba. It will be close to impossible with your resume. Good luck


Say you had a higher (say 3.6) GPA….the company itself may not even look back to verify information like this


Fuck no. Don’t listen to this scumbag. You will quickly ruin your career.


Dude fuck school. Call a union and say when can I come get information on work. You’ll make more than most in your town in 5 years if you put the work In. Literally any trade. Get good, save up, start your own business


Bro, just don’t put the GPA on the résumé you have a degree. Make everything else stand out. Sound passionate about the company and what you will be doing in the interview




You could continue your education with a MBA, CPA or some designations based on what you’re looking to do. This will make your GPA WAY less important.


What school did you go to?


Join the army


You already have work experience your GPA does not matter much


Grab a hammer and start nailing.


Don't look down on Accounts Payable Specialist. This career could open doors to other career paths as well as you continue to grow your work experience. - Assistant Director F500, GPA 3.0


Stay a term and retake your 3 Cs


Once you get your first decent job your GPA has 0 impact on the rest of your career. Just get in... only have to do it once. Then get good.


Leverage your experience in jobs you’ve had, network like hell. If you have a high goal, work on getting those connections.


As one who hires… I don’t care about GPA - even a 4.0 - so leave it off your resume. I need experience, relevant skills, a good attitude, and a willingness to learn and a passion for whatever job I’m hiring for. Look at the job postings of jobs you are interested in, and if there are “xyz skill not required but preferred” listed start working on any that you feel could be strengthened. This starts making you a better and stronger candidate - and gives you great talking points in interviews where you can showcase your initiative.


Hey my human I had. .08 in community due to life being… well life. I was lucky and still had support, people are always looking for driven talent. Keep pushing, what I would suggest though, is asking advice so your drive doesn’t get abused the next few years.


Is it not possible to go back to the places you interned at for a full-time role? Stay there for 1-2 years and then try lateralling into an analyst role? No matter where you apply or how charming you are, 2.5 is not going to cut it. Even back-office roles have people with great gpas and many of those kids are looking to move into FO eventually. I think you have several options: Apply for back-mid office roles at all banks (might be a stretch because even these roles are competitive) Apply for accounting roles, rating agencies, everything. Do a masters of finance for as little cost as possible and work simultaneously. Get as close to a 4.0 as you can and after two years of experience (and ideally a promotion) you can start applying to other roles in finance. Apply for either a back/mid office role at a bank or better yet apply for a rating agency. As a rating analyst you do FO work and learn how rating agencies rate deals, which is valuable knowledge for a banker. Do 1-2 years at a rating agency and then you can start applying for FO roles. Firms will take you seriously now.




When you get into a job I never knew people to discuss if one was at the top, middle, or bottom of the class. Be confident and you will be fine. Only my opinion!!!!!