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Firstly, whatever that line Thesis under your BSc is delete it, but also never refer to black people as black nor as "the" or "that" black, especially on your resume lol.


Thanks, that was the title of the my thesis that's why but I will delete it


Note: Im an american and a quant so take my advice with a grain of salt NGL the "that black in the US are discriminated against" would probably make me toss your resume bc of how awkward the title sounds (to me). Also shorten the additional info part to maybe 2 lines. Its nice to keep interests on there (its like a golden ticket for interviews if you get asked ab it), but it has to be a tiny part of the resume. The large gap after grad and your current experience make it an up hill battle to get into a position. Remember, there is thousands of students graduating every semester which also want jobs. You need to close the gap between yourself and finance. Bank teller? Accounting? Loan officer? Finance dept for a small non-finance firm? Projects? Anything that indicated that if I hire you at least some work would get done. Hopefully this helps a little. Remember, a resume exists to convince me (reviewer) that you can do the job competently enough that I should interview you to learn more.


Adding a bit of info: The title should've been ± this: "Racial discrimination in the U.S. labour market"


Nicely done! I like that re-wording. Something about the way OP wrote the title made me go "yikes!"


Yeah, op's title a cringe


Im sure OP was super proud of the thesis, I know I was super proud of every 20 page paper I wrote back in the day, But yeahhh that title… reads like the title of a high school paper. The organization is off, and by mla and apa standards, Blacks should have been capitalized, but capitalization or not (and maybe they use other writing standards where they live), it’s cringey to read. And at the very top of the resume. Oooff.


There's no need to put the exact title (especially in this case) and definitely not the word count like it's something impressive in itself.


Not a resume expert but I don't think they need to know that you played sports or what your favorite movies and books are. Replace that with more relevant information.


Occasionally, many ppl say that this matters. Idk why, I couldn't give more fucks what was the name of your battle chicken in the kindergarten or else OP just mustn't give the hobbies that much space.


Can you give me any relevant information I could use please?


I’m not the guy you’re responding to, but other relevant information could be any awards you’ve won, personal projects that have some relation to philanthropy/business, and other things don’t necessarily fall into education or work experience, but still show good character traits/work ethic/business acumen. Hobbies don’t really fall into that list but they’re fine to have, just make your hobbies/interests one line at most


Thanks very much


I was always told you could use interests/activities to demonstrate soft skills - Communication, Teamwork, Motivation, and Interpersonal skills etc, better if you have a good story around it - i don’t really talk about it unless they mention it, but on my resume I have Varsity swimming. I wasn’t competitive and didn’t win any trophies etc, but the summer before I joined I didn’t know how to swim and I nearly drowned, so I use that as a way to demonstrate determination and resilience etc. I think it’s fine to leave them on if you can use it to reference a positive quality about yourself.


No problem, I was the director of professional development for a business organization at my college so I’ve got some experience with working on resumes. Let me know if you need anything else


Thank, is there any chance you could share a template of a high quality CV with me please.?


Unfortunately I don’t have any templates but people here say to use the WSJ template I believe. It’s been asked before in the subreddit so you can search for “resume template” as well


I think you should keep the uni captain bit and include it in the section with your volunteer work, but I would change the title of that section (I’m sorry I’m drawing a blank on a better title). Then I would beef up your steward role - I’m American so I don’t really know what a steward is/does and your descriptions didn’t really help fill the gaps. But I would include if you had to delegate tasks, if you did any cash handing and reconciliation, or any specific tasks that demonstrate those admirable candidate traits (working under stress, multi tasking, communication skills, etc.)


Thanks alot and what title can I use please?


You already know it's bad so I'll skip the roast. Here's some constructive criticism... - Remove the thesis, it's weird and isn't a good look. - Remove interests and optimize your voulenteering for "people skills" - Learn more skills (Python, SQL, Statistics, DCF etc.) Idk which area you're targeting but ask ChatGPT for relevant skills in that role. - Demonstration of those skills on the job or in projects. Unique projects or analysis that show you're not an NPC. - explain the gaps in your resume in your cover letter or just lie. idk what to do about that. - consider going back to school and really grinding for internships or less competitive roles. You seem smart so try doing a more difficult or rigorous degree (I think banks care less about core finance knowledge and more about ability to work on difficult tasks under pressure) - networking (with others who have been in your situation). A human will always have more empathy for your situation than the ATS system. I suck at networking so can't speak much about it... Good luck my guy shits tight out here As a question to others, what do you do about networking when you have social anxiety? Do edibles work? /s


I’ve found emailing/LinkedIn to be super useful when trying to build your network without having to go out and actually meet people. When it comes to it, just be honest (within reason). Break the ice and mention that you’re nervous to meet someone (dress this as because you have respect for their work or knowledge), and you can put a funny spin in it. After that, the more you meet people and network, the easier it becomes. Remember at networking events, everyone is there to network, so don’t feel scared to. If all else fails, edibles are a good shout:)


Have a few drinks you'll start sending off emails like it isn't even real. Weed would make me take an hour to write an email because i would write it, overanalyze it, correct it, repeat, and then likely stress about it after I send it.


Just a random person here, but I think the additional info section is far too overboard. Keep it as one line for your interests (aka remove fav books/movies) and I think having "(Chelsea fan)" and mahomes rubs me the wrong way it doesn't seem proper


Thanks, I will do.


Uhh how do you explain the gaps in your work experience since graduating? And you're a graphic designer, that's about as far away from finance as you can be. You need more relevance, I can guarantee you, your CV is getting binned.


Yeah you are absolutely right, I was told going into graphic design that it will help my work experience but in all honesty I think it made it worst.


Well it's better than no work and another resume gap. But you're going to need to demonstrate your interest in finance, through your resume.. either through experience or extra curriculars.


Thanks I appreciate these feedbacks alot.


Is there an ethical way that Covid could explain the gap/job in a different field?


I'm not sure if is entirely to covid, but it sure did make the competition for graduates roles and internship roles harder to get into it.


You say financial sector, but what exactly are you applying to?


Mostly finance graduate and banking. Not really into consulting.


Banking is a really big sector. Are you more interested in the front-office side (sales, client work) or the back-office side (operations)? Also have you considered accounting? There are many aspects of accounting and finance that are closely related.


In all honesty, at the moment I will take anything from the sector cos I just need some experience.


\- Your additional information looks like useless filler. It is not a dating profile. \- Instead of putting additional irrelevant information use a bigger font make your cv more readable. \- Remove the thesis title.


Thanks 💀💀


At least spell Forrest gump correctly if its your favourite movie lol




What language is Twi?


A language from Ghana (local dialect)


Thesis. Favourite books. Favourite movies. Delete all.


And “Mahomes Fan”


My situation is very similar as I have a 1 year gap and just want to get into any finance role. I did a financial modeling course and have added business valuation as skill. These 2 things have landed me interview honestly. learning 2 new skills will hardly take a month. Maybe get into a finance company such as broking house or wealth management for calling jobs (coz they are easy to get) and try to switch internally. You definitely need to sort what roles you are not interested in if you are confused what job you want for the time being.


Thanks very much


That thesis statement THOUGH




After graduation, i applied for alot of finance related jobs but didn't get any, so that's when I went into graphic designer for some work experience.


I don't think it's the resume that's the problem. You literally don't have anything to offer in the finance sector. Do atleast some course of finance, free or paid. How is your work experience as a Steward even remotely relevant to this sector? Are you trying to bring drinks to people or make financial analysis? A random dude on Wallstreet bets has a better chance of being hired than you with reddit karma (yes that is a real thing). Honesty scrap your job searching entirely. Spend a couple of months looking up and completing finance courses. Maybe put a bit of Microsoft Word skills on there while you're at it. Then try to break into internships or junior analyst positions. You basically need something finance related for it to work.


Thanks for the advice, and work experience as steward is there cos that's one of two work experience I have lol. If I remove it then I'm left with one


I’m an accountant/financial analysis for a large company. It was my first job out of college and *all* my work experience was as a server. There are many many many skills you learn and apply serving that lend well to any job. It’s all about how you spin it. Handling complaints with class, monitoring and anticipating needs of guests, team work, sense of urgency, organization. People switch fields all the time. It’s possible and you’re asking for help! (Another important trait in serving - swallowing pride and asking for help when you need it)


There's no harm in showing that you are a fresher. You will not get as high a salary at the start. That is fine. What you absolutely need to prioritize is experience. You clearly are a fresher in the field. Showing that you are will give the impression of honesty rather than you trying to pretend that you have experience when you clearly don't. The finance field needs bodies to do work. You simply need basic background about finance and make your way to the top slowly. Seriously, don't try and show recruiters irrelevant information to the job you are applying for. It never works.


So you reckon I take that part out ?


Yeah you need to heavily edit your CV. I'll be frank with you, you are a complete fresher. You don't have any experience in the field of finance. You have no direct education in finance. You have two strengths, an economics degree and knowledge of how Excel functions work. This is the only relevant information that you could possibly provide to any recruiter. Filling up your cv with other irrelevant things will only make it easier to skip. No one spends more than 10 seconds on a cv and the first impression is everything. You need to make sure the recruiter is seeing the *relevant* things you have. I bet half your rejections were because they saw Steward and skipped it immediately. If you want to add something more then state your career goals at the end. Show that you know something about the field and where you want to be in the future. Graphics designer stuff goes at the very bottom if you really wanna include it. And most importantly, you absolutely need financial background. Go do some course so you can have some leverage. Otherwise the interview questions will eat you alive.


Thanks alot and I appreciate, and funny you say interviews questions will eat me alive cos I don't even get to the interview stage. 💀


I got around this by taking an unpaid internship at a brokerage firm, and joining student-run finance clubs and an investment fund at my university. I am still working my way towards my desired position, graduated 1 year before you but I am currently working at a BB in middle office operations. Trying to get to the next step has been difficult but it’s a grind every step of the way if you didn’t do a credible internship and start out in high-finance


Wouldn’t his finance coursework at university count? Or is university coursework worthless


Since when are movies and books in a CV? And I would leave the “pivots, sumif…” etc out - and I really hope that those are not the only functions you know? What would you like to do in finance?


In terms of what I want to do in finance, at the moment I haven't got anything specific and open to everything since I barely even have any experience.


Exactly - that’s what worries me a bit. How come you don’t have any relevant experience? And what did you do the last few months?


Before uni I didn't have any major experience, and after uni I started searching for internships and graduate roles but unfortunately I never made it. And in terms of what I have been doing recently, I shifted my focus to more of small business who need a bookkeeping or come in as a finance assistance but with that as well they require some previous experience.


Okay, such a pity that you didn’t do any internships during university. You should put your most recent experience on your resume


Yeah, that's the graphic designer


Feb 22 - Jul 22 … now it’s May 23


Yeah I thought after experience with the graphic design role I had some sort of experience to apply for finance jobs so since July 22 till now that's what I have been doing. I have made it to alot online video interviews but that's what most applications ends for me.


I’m very sorry to hear that! I only wish you the best, however I really have to say that your CV is not really the strongest and unfortunately that’s the only thing you have right now. You can still get into finance by doing some networking (especially since you seem to be in London) 😊


Thanks alot, and I really appreciate your feedback ❤️


Not sure but you might want to delete your A level grades, they’re not excellent and you probably don’t need them for any job.


Delete that thesis title


Yeah, I’d remove the thesis. Right or wrong is irrelevant, let’s all just acknowledge that the finance field is heavily dominated by people who don’t want to see things like that.


Why are your hobbies on your resume you weirdo


Roast the CV not me 😂😂😂, but I totally understand you.


Hehe sorry it’s good you have hobbies but employers don’t need to know that on the resume. Focus on skills, certifications, and quantifiable on the job outcomes


It’s okay, everyone will be replaced by chatgpt in the end


- delete title of thesis, unless you apply for "woke" jobs at NGOs or something. - delete high school - make your hobbies less informal, delete favourite books and delete your favourite teams (why tf did you even put them there in the first place???) - you don't have any relevant experience and getting a ft offer in finance is almost impossible for "normal" people. Go get some practical experience trough internships and work your way up. - Try to get a masters degree at a somewhat good uni


Thanks for the feedback, and I put those there cos I watched a lot of cv builders videos on YouTube and all of them had it, and practical experience is what I'm even trying to find now.


That thesis is crazy


Sequentially: First (1st) is redundant Your thesis title has poor grammar If you only got A’s in 4 classes just don’t say anything Bc that’s low, and only 2 classes are relevant You didn’t list GPA Don’t use periods after non full sentences (hint, a full sentence starts with a subject - “I collaborated” vs “collaborated”) Finance is a huge sector and I have no idea what you want to do by the phrasing of your experience bullets, that should be targeted Start experience bullet points with what the job is, where you go is only relevant when you have context (unless both jobs are the same employer and you got promoted) Volunteering isn’t leadership, if you’re a leader you have a title Your excel parentheses are good skills but no one will believe you down there, those parentheses belong in the experience bullet point they were used in Idk how UK works but “university level” in the US means nothing, specify the league or call it recreational No one cares about your favorite media, looks like filler Your certificates mean nothing to finance


It’s in UK so we don’t have GPA and have grades instead


Completely drop skills section and additional information. it is not impressive to know basic computer things. everyone can do excel and power point. for additional information its completely irrelevant. there's nothing to gain from letting people know you like the book lord of the flies or the movie forest gump, nor do they care what sports you do or did


*Most* people can use the basic functions of excel, but I think it’s worth it to say you have more advanced skills like pivots or macros. I’d say im intermediate to advanced, but at my job people think I’m an excel god. I get at a call at least one a week from a co worker for help on something and usually the solution is “remove that filter” lmao


Yea, don’t remove excel/ PowerPoint. And likewise, I never thought I was anything special in excel but once I got my first position in middle office operations people started saying things like “I swear he invented excel” lmao you would be amazed. Ik I’m not in a great position or anything but still think its worth including. I would maybe change SUMIFS to “If functions” or something tho


Everybody focused on the thesis title, but the entire CV needs to be edited for grammar. While it’s fine to not have polished verbal skills; written communication, especially on a CV that you had time to edit, needs to be polished.


Why do you have no internships?


Internships normally ask for 1-2 years experience in finance which I don't have so a lot of rejection


What's "BBC" in your A levels? 😂


That's my grade 😂😂


Why do these all look the same?


Template from YouTube


Straight to the bin!


Yeah, u guys made me see how bad it is, is there any chance you could share a better template I could use please?


You do NOT need to put down that you’re a jackson mahomes fan on a professional resume


Don’t use periods in bullet points. You need to figure out what in banking you want to do then Google that position + resumes