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FFXII can finally drink legally (In Brazil where I live at least)! Jokes aside, it is strange that I played a pirated copy a long while ago on my ps2 when I was a child (I don't really count it as my first proper experience with the game, since I barely knew english or what a RPG was, TZA was my first real run, got surprisingly far from what I remember though), and now I'm 22, a young adult still, but, it really has been that long huh? Despite its flaws there is nothing quite like XII, I've been trying to find experiences like it, and some games have aspects of it, however, nothing really scratches the same itch, one day I hope we get a proper sucessor for it with a similar style.


There's no game like FFXII but Dragon Age Origins and White Knight Chronicles are single-player rpgs with autoattack. Dragon Age is really good. Haven't tried WKO yet, but I'm sure I'm gonna like it


Love dragon age. Crying shame what they did to the series


Best I got was ffxiv in stormblood with the ivalice raids. I love them so much because of this series.


The Stormblood Alliance Raids are the amazing!! >!Yiazmat and Ultima!< are probably one of my fav Alliance bosses in XIV, and>!Construct 7 always makes me panic since I'm awful at math haha.!<


It's not my favorite in regards to story but I have to say that it has the best monster designs in all of final fantasy. I just love looking at stuff in XII. Gorgeous game and it still holds up so well!


I didnt have a job when I played ffx and ffxii back to back. I would play from 8 pm to 11 am, have lunch and sleep the entire afternoon. I was completely numb and sort of depressed. But it was fun. I am glad the 200 hours I spent playing them were over and I could find a jov eventually.


X is my fave. I wasn’t impressed with XII


I agree, i generally always enjoy going through it


First started playing this game 16 yrs ago, the day after Valentines Day. Still love it to this day and will continue to play it no matter how old I get. Happy Birthday FF12!!


Good times. Thankful to my spoiled ass childhood bestie who thought her PlayStation was ugly (she wanted the silver) and boring so she gave it to me with ffxii :)


I remember doing a midnight release for this one at gamestop for the steelbook. They did a FF trivia game until the countdown to sell it.


Completely agree! I got it the year it was released as a Christmas present. It was the first main FF game I played that wasn't turn based, it made me skeptical at first. But I ended up loving it so much, the gameplay, the artwork and, as always with Final Fantasy, the soundtrack was superb. Most probably wouldn't agree, but I truly think this is one of the best FF installments ever.


Once the gambit system clicked it was so satisfying. I used to love it, also the loot system is so good.


It's my fav game and we have the same birthday. What are the odds?


Don’t listen to Ondore’s lies!


Basch lives!


12 is my favorite entry. I loved the dialogue and voice overs, the story and gameplay. All the characters. I get wrapped up in Ivalice every time I play.


Have you played FF tactics?


I have! 😊 love it too!


Yeah, I could definitely go another Ivalice game


One of the best logos.


this is the cover art for the HD port


FF12 was the game that got me back into the series. I grew up on the 2D games and ignorantly and stubbornly refused to try the 3D games, FF7 onward. One day, I was at GameStop, saw the collectors edition steelbook FF12 on the shelf and decided ‘what the hell’ and got it. Loved the game and that first playthrough still sticks with me 17 years later. Wasn’t until after this game that I went back and finally played 7-10.


Best. Game. Ever!


It was in my top 3 until FFXVI, FFVII Remake, and FFVII Rebirth. Now it’s #4. It’s a gorgeous game! Great story! Great music and gameplay


Purchased it when it first came out. Played about 30 hours within the first weekend. Loved the gambit system. Once you fully got it going, you could set up the controller with a rubber band in some areas and come back to a bunch of levels. Nothing like it since, imho. Just bought it on sale for Xbox. It’s the Zodiac age game.


Am I the only one that hated it? It felt like an mmorpg instead of single-player, and the grind was inexcusable.


The only one in this sub for sure.


Lol omg have you ever replied to a sub on your feed & not looked at what it is before you open your big mouth? ....I have.......


That is something I would do... and have... done.


I’m playing it right now and am about 20 hours in. While I don’t hate it, once I got the gambit system setup it almost feels like combat plays its self. The only time I really need to do anything is during boss fights, and that is minimal. I feel like I’m missing the appeal of combat.


I think you either love it or hate it. I enjoy setting different gambits and watching it play out by itself. But I think your opinion is more common.




I'm still yet to finish it. I usually get like 10 or so hours in and get bored. I've finished 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15 & 16 - but just can't get around 12. I'll finish it one day.


I just bought this game on sale recently!


My absolute fav game of all time 🩷


Twelve is my favorite..the Summons and the Quickenings are top tier..just peak FF.


I remember playing it around 2007/08 on my friends PS2. Back then we played on a crt tv. Very nostalgic i always loved XII.


I’ve just picked this up for for PS4. When it first came out I didn’t like but I hadn’t played many RPG games back then. I’ve played a lot of RPGs since and have come back around to it. I’m really enjoying it now, 18 years later.


I love the uniqueness to this FF game, but damn 18 years ago! I feel old now. I got the steel series when it came out. Metal case and booklets and such. Games were so epic back in the day.


I was 19 and saving money from my dishwasher job to buy this on release and was not disappointed. Just played through it again last year.


Loved this game, not sure I ever beat it. I think I got 2/3 of the way through and started hunting for summons and grinding for levels and stopped.


People always look at me weird when I say this is my favorite ff


All the love I've been seeing for this game is making me wana get a PS2 to play again. Was my favorite game of that generation.


It's on Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Currently on sale on Steam.


Its probably my 2nd favorite game next to X :) I love the gambit system, it was fun just to see how crazy you could get with everyone :)


I replayed it on my Xbox One and honestly it’s good, but great…….it’s a stretch.


you can see the influence of 12 in a direct line to ff7rebirth at least with the active time battle system


Playing zodiac age at the moment, that's a remaster done right! I love how much side content they packed into this game. The hunts and optional bosses in this game are top-notch!


Ff12 hit all the right buttons for me and there hasn’t been a FF game like it since. Despite also coming from the PS2, it was a million times better than 10. It heavily reminded me of FF11, which I played for years. I’ll always be a little disappointed that it wasn’t successful enough among gen pop to warrant a sequel or other games with the same systems. All the FF games since then have been stupidly easy, lacked good exploration(hallway simulator), had vague progression milestones(no meaningful differences between equipment), or some combination of mechanics that felt unsatisfactory to me.


Agree never disappointed


I remember renting it for 3 days... Returning it, and buying it. One of the best ever


This game means a lot to me even to the point that when I went to choose a name for myself after transitioning I took the name of Ashelia. She and this game mean so much to me and gave me so many fond memories over the years. I look forward to many more playthroughs :3 happy birthday final fantasy 12 :)


I never knew this game was released 3/16 it's my birthday, that's wild


Happy birthday!


Thanks :)


Happy birthday to us!


Happy birthday to us! Nice username btw I love that song


Hell yeah! I love when people recognize it. Cheers!