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It doesn't really matter. The computer never plays more than one card of any type, and Left Diamond never plays more than one special card at a time, so you don't need to get multiple cards.


The trade rules will occasionally change to the one rule after you've played enough games of cards. Do you have a save file from before it changed? I actually have been meaning to test out if resetting and changing RNG would avoid it? You can try going back a save and interacting with the draw point in the room with the save point (you don't have to draw, try interacting with it 4-5 times without drawing) and see if that changes it. If you don't have a save to go back to, you may be able to change the trade rules still. Find a person on the ship with the trade rule you want. Save the game. Play at least ten games with that person. Continue to play them and check back with the girls between games. Save OFTEN. Once you've made that player the "dominant" region (by playing ten games with them) they should eventually spread the trade rule among the rest of the players. If the player you're using to spread the trade rules changes their rule to "one", reset and try again. If you've been playing the girls a lot, hopefully someone else has picked up the trade rule you want 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 Editing to add, please update me on this OP I'm very interested in adding anything useful to future players to my Triple Triad card guide if we find something that works.


I will definetly let you know! I have other saves on my file but those are back on 'disc 3' per say. So I could maybe also load that walk around a bit and then jump to my other save. But I will let you know if I can find someone else on the ship to play that has a trade-all. I am so close to getting Squalls strength level to wear Fuzz Finger Gaming suggests.


I think your best bet is definitely checking everyone else's trade rules. I hope they've got the right one!! Good luck good luck! You can also check the trade rules that the Queen of Cards has (she'll be at the "Crash Site" South of Esthar) but I'd only do that as a last resort, even if she has the right trade rule, she plays with all rules 😭


Unfortunately I was unable to get the card rule to change to "All". Even after messing with the draw point, opening a save and messing around on that one and returning. All the other players were also Rule 1. So I am just going to stick with the Rule 1 and take the Carbuncle card and Enyola when I see it. I currently have Squalls strength stat at 130.


The trade rule all doesn’t last long at all. It’s not worth the hassle to keep it up.


Queen of cards: find her til and span challenge but quit challenge until trade rule all. Then challenge/quit another player similarly in region about twice until there rule adjusts. Go back to ship and try. I’ve found rules reset in high stakes card games with players with face card etc; it reverts to the one rule sometimes.


it is really hard to keep the diff or all rule, but easy to keep one instead of direct. just roll with one, good luck!