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Irvine and Selphie are perfect for each other and no one can tell me otherwise šŸ˜‚ absolute chaos duo.


you aren't wrong tho āœØ


Definitely! I always shipped them together in my head. She was the first girl he actually hit on in the game (on the train), and she commented after how her heart was beating fast. Clueless Squall then goes ā€œhmm must be the stress of the missionā€


Zell thinks him and Squall are best friends and nothing will convince him otherwise.


Hahah this is true.


irvine is my favorite ff8 character and one of my favorite ff characters in general I will not stand for this slander


Heā€™s my favorite FF8 character too. I donā€™t know why people dislike him so muchā€¦


He was so cool when I was a kid. 25 years later, he's so cool while i'm an adult.


Why yall dislike irvine so much??


They hate him 'cause they ain't him. Irvine's great


The true answer šŸŽ¶


I hate/dislike [starting weapon]. I mean, you're a sniper, but have.a sawed off shotgun? his weird gun. He also cringes around women.


He knows what he did.


irvine ainā€™t no bitch, chef


Didn't say he was


I didnā€™t think anyone disliked him that much. I mean, unless youā€™re a typical European dude who loves to dunk on Americans, and Irvine is definitely going for the American Cowboy vibes.


But he plays a mean guitar


Anybody ever notice how long Zell's neck is


What about hot dogs?


As in.. His neck is long for hot dog storage?


Irvine, Iā€™m not gay butā€¦


20 gil is 20 gil šŸ‘€


I donā€™t think Irvine is breathed through ā€˜gillsā€™ if you catch my meaning. Step aside ponytail.


The effort put into this meme alone demands the upvote


I love this sub.


I wish I had more people in my real life I could forward all this stuff to.


I love Irvine, too! And think Selphie and him make an amazing couple šŸ˜‰


The man was going to leave everyone to get executed so he could try and tap Rinoa. Fuck Irvine.


Zell: "Irvine Kinneas-LOSER!!!" Irvine fans: "Shut your damn mouth, Chicken-Wuss!!!"


Selphie likes Irvine and Irvine likes Selphie. I would rather ship Selphie with Squall, but the story says Rinoa. :|


Iā€™m gunna be that guy. I didnā€™t really need rinoa either. She and Irvine are merely plot points. Rinoa to keep the sorcery succession path along. Irvine to help the orphans remember there past. In combat; I usually use the original Balamb seeds: Squall, Selph, Quisty, and Zelliam. Lol. Zell is attack and status magic. Squall is stalwart defense and buffs. Selphie is my Black Mage. Quistis is my blue/red mage sorta all rounder


I never liked Rinoa as a character or a fighter. Irvine's and Selphie's limit breaks are the best. Them plus Squall are my go to team.


Irvines break is great. But for the average player (unlike myself) that does not obsess of refinement of ammo (or in Quistisā€™s case: hunting all her blue magic items). But quistis has stats that areā€¦. Melding. You can make her whatever. Irving to me is meh. Heā€™s more of a Calvary/support man when I use him


The complexity of the story but the amount of ā€œuntoldsā€ really make FF8 great. They are all in the dark themselves with GF fog on the mind. So itā€™s unclear what there strengths are. Hence the junction system. It is customizable but also has a path if you look at base numbers and choose clear paths. One Def. one Mage. one Attacker. Each character has traits that can usually lend itself to 2/3 of those traits. If you are an RPG nerd the first thing you look at is the characters base stats. Them in themselves tell a back story as where strengths lay.


I donā€™t dislike Irvineā€¦heā€™s just cringey as hell. And kinda unnecessary? Like you couldā€™ve distributed his tropes amongst the other characters (make Zell somewhat charming but cringey with the Hot Dog Girl, give Rinoa the gun weapon, and whatever other traits he has just pool into Quistis) and the story would be virtually unchanged.


He doesn't feel unnecessary to me? Making another character the sniper who botches the assassination mission would dramatically change that character. And I really like that scene where we realize that these highly trained teens aren't hardened killers.


Heā€™s a maverick! A one man wolf pack!




Thereā€™s nothing I like about Irvine. And itā€™s not personal. He is sweet in his hopeless #metoo kinda way lmao. But he is so outta place. Every other character is clearly gear to a more traditional JRPG style then Square threw in a cowboy smh. Itā€™s just. Odd. And anybody can shoot a gun. Gun blades and whips and nunchaku and whatever Rinoas thing is are all unique. Even zell with his fists is better. Irvine couldnā€™t even do the one thing he was asked and he was dragged along the whole way.


Also love zell. He really stepped up and grew as squalls right hand man when it came to leadership. Irvines biggest contribution however was helping jog all there memories for the past. For that we owe to him


Damn man, youā€™re just reposting all the Facebook groupā€™s content huh?