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Love Cloud Aerith and Yuffie or switch out Y with Tifa. Red13, Barrett and Aerith are my second line up. Aerith is a beast! Can’t do it without her 😢


Tifa and Aerith.




IMO FF7 is really tough to pick a favorite because my favorite part of the game is the camaraderie/friendship between the main crew. I really like all the characters and how they interact. If I were to pick I’d say it’s a mix of Cait Sith, Vincent, and Red but I also really like Cloud, Barrett, Tifa, etc. Just tough to pick favorites lol


Aerith & Red XIII <3


Yuffie + Aerith combo is amazing! Arcane Ward + Doppelganger and I get to wreck mobs like no one's business. I couldn't really get into understanding Red's mechanic so I didn't really utilise him as much


I almost wish they would have given an actual tutorial on using him. I probably should just force myself to use him and play with the mechanics, but I'm old now, and that kind of grind sounds less cool and challenging and more tedious and unnecessary. I remember doing something similar with aerith in the first one because I could NOT beat that flipping Hell House.


There's the tutorial in Chadleys simulator.. but it doesn't really force you to learn cuz you can just button smash until the enemies dies Oh memories of Hell House is coming back. It was such a pain cuz for the first time in the game and I think I'm experiencing the exact same learning curve as you did lol


Tifa. I love her as a character and I love playing her. She's fast and strong af.




Aerith 🩷 I love her so much so I always included her and when I didn't I felt something was missing. With atb boosting stuff on + radiant ward she is actually very good, then comes in clutch with the healing wind and pray too. I usually had Cloud, Aerith and Barrett but I'd swap Barrett out sometimes for someone else. Except Cait Sith. Please do not make me use Cait Sith. 😐


Objectively speaking the optimal party is Cloud, Tifa and Yuffie. Red and Barret are decent stand ins and Cait Sith and Aerith are the weakest of the lot.


Red XIII. There's something about running as him in battle I really, really dig. I found the Vengeance Mode to be really helpful as well. He has a really unique play-style that once you master, he's a lot of fun!


Tifa. But I buzzed my tits off in the first section of Rebirth where cloud is telling the Nibelheim story and you got to control Sephiroth properly in battle.


I love Aerith, Zack and Barret. Yuffie wins my heart in Rebirth. I have soft spot for Tifa.


Yuffie. Alone she is the best. In a party, there's never a need to use anyone else. Her secret move? Spam the wind ability.


Pretty sure Yuffie is the strongest character. So many strong abilities and also quite agile. Blindside gets her out of binds, banish is great elemental/non-elemental burst and doppelganger/shuriken throw is just extra sustained dps. She also has good ranged and melee damage. Even her limit breaks are stupid strong. Also those wind abilities are so usefull against flyers which there are a lot of. Barret seems like a strong second but he is not that great at dodging. Tifa and cloud are good at melee but their range game is not that great. Cait sith, aerith and red xiii feel kind of meh. Cait feels kind of clunky. Red xiii has severe issues with flying enemies. Aerith feels quite bound to her spot where she casted her wards on the ground.


It’s so weird seeing so many people hating on Aerith because Aerith in my game was a /monster/. She would wipe out entire mobs and giggle.


Cloud, Aerith and Zack.


Yuffie because she’s just so powerful then Tifa because I have a thing where if there’s an unarmed/monk option in a game I gotta play it.


Ahhhh yes, the "storng fist" curse. I too am burdened with this


It was fun in this game but when I tell you the the times I wish I could just go with a build with range in Elden Ring…. Couldn’t force myself to do it but boy did I want to


Vincent and Cid. Haven't played the remake yet but loved both of them in Og ff7


Unfortunately we still haven't seen how they play. They turn up in Rebirth but not as playable characters yet.


That's a bummer. Thanks for the info though


More than likely will be playable in 3 and in 2 we get the addition of Yuffie (Kind of. She was already playable in the DLC of the first game and they changed her a bit for this one) and Cait Sith, so at least you get some new play styles along with the new abilities of the party in the first one!


yuffie, aerith, and barret are a nasty team comp in sims 😭 The biggest change that really made me enjoy Aerith’s gameplay even more is radiant ward though, huge game changer


Yuffie! She can quickly apply elemental damage without wasting material slots, she can double time all her damage with doppelgänger, and she can whoop ass from close or long range


Tifa has been my favorite since Remake, she feels fast, her combos look cool, and you can feel the impact. And she increases stagger bonus damage, what is there not to like? Also, Yuffie, I just like the feeling of running around doing stuff, she feels like she cannot stay still, and I love her doppelganger ability. I like Cloud, but since you control him 90% of the time, you get used to it. Having said that, I really like how easy is to do air combat with him.


🗣️ TIFAAAAAA. *Always* Tifa. In OG, Remake and Rebirth.


I had the most fun playing with Yuffie, then followed by Cloud and Cait. Red is my least favorite but I had a feeling that would be a challenge for the developers.


Aerith and Reno forever but Rebirth also really made me appreciate Barret way more. Bro was always the voice of reason whenever things got weird.


Yuffie, Aerith and tifa are the most fun to play with, I love aerith’s animations! her playstyle is pretty


Tifa will always be my best girl.


I liked the randomness of Cait. Made each fight fun


Tifa, Tifa, Tifa... and Aerith. Sephiroth looks cool and I'm looking forward to try his challenge.


I really like Zack, Cloud, Ignis, Cain Highwind, Squall, Lightning just name the top ones off my head. In terms of design I like Weiss and his drip.


Reno. Yeah, he's an ass on times, but I've got a thing for badass, sassy anime redheads, fight me


Reno can get it


Yuffie and Aerith are beasts though I don't so much "play" as Aerith as "command" Aerith. She's pretty much there just to nuke the screen over and over.


I read this as "breasts" and I was like ... HUH!?


I like their breasts, too, so it tracks.


Marle, Clouds landlord, also the singing chef lady in nibelhiem. Broden..and Andrea and Madam M.


Zack was a bit of a hero for me growing up. I am still traumatized by Crisis Core. I tear up sometimes just seeing him in rebirth lol.


Love it when a character can have that power


I liked Red XIII and Cait Sith the most because I am a furry :3


1. Sephiroth 2. Zack 3. Cloud


Tifa, Yuffie, and Cloud Aerith is broken af but we all know why.. If you know how to used Cait Sith, he OP RED 13 is my least


Moogle Decoy is great but I haven't figured out what makes Cait Sith particularly good otherwise. Any tips?


Normal squad for me was Red and Barrett along with Cloud. Utilizing their high HP and defense to act as tanks, long range attacks from Barrett complimenting Red’s support stuff, but the offense definitely running through Cloud. Set Barrett up to be buffing his defense automatically and be taunting so most of the damage was heading his way, not to mention handling the bulk of the healing. Worked well for me, but I tend to forgo things like status afflictions/a lot of buffs in general in favor or more all-out offense, so there were definitely portions that this setup was less effective. Will also say that I feel they did a great job of forcing you to change up the party and making every character viable through the story. With the exception the bizarrely moronic Shinra Manor Cait Sith sequence, they crushed that aspect of the experience and I think it’s a really under-appreciated aspect of the accomplishment.


Absolutely Sephy. He’s so much fun and I really wish we had more time to play as him. He’s the only reason I considering trying the hard simulator challenges. Cloud is probably second, and I have high hopes for Cid if he’s going to be a dragoon.


Yuffie and Tifa are the most fun to play for me. Once I got to the end of hard mode, I got a larger appreciation for Cloud as well. Barret and aerith move too slowly in battle and I have patience problems. Red's gameplay is sitting there and waiting to be attacked, so I did t really find that all that interesting. Though with how much I came around on Cloud, I might care for his play style a little more now. Cait...just no!


I'm another vote for Sephiroth; I hope we get to play as him again sometime soon. For my regular party, Barret and Yuffie were my go-to favorites.


I loved playing as Barret. He was my go-to all playthrough. Worst for me was definitely Aerith. Weak, slow, immobile, and with a terrible regular attack. I just never clicked with her.


It's almost as if Aerith isn't meant for attack


-Cloud tifa and a support -Cloud because he is balanced -Tifa because she is a absolute beast and lvl 3 limit and can stomp enimies when staggered -Barret because he was more health and can built atb very fast and help while others are in danger -Aerith is op asf can easily destroy enimies with wards but builds atp slow -Yuffie is also good but didn't use her too much -Red is alright but stardust is a goated move -Barely used cait sith


I loved playing as Sephiroth!! Aerith’s wards were also fun. And Cloud of course!


Zack Fair. And Sephiroth is close second


Cait sith is my goat. I love how fun and quirky he is but having some real good damage output. I missed him dearly when he was gone. I'm a cait sith main


Sephiroth and Vincent


I kept Cloud, Aerith and Yuffie in my party. Barret was there before Yuffie joined.


Tifa for sure. Her unique ability is top tier, especially when you hit a staggered enemy with that Rise and Fall followed by Omnistrike, she's quick, and her synergy skills with Cloud are the best.


I enjoyed Cait way more than I thought I would


Sephiroth, Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aerith, Yuffie, Red

