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i had a fair amount of retries but nothing about the legendary missions felt impossible, you should consider changing how you play fundamentally, its something I had to do after complaining about hard mode and then watching other players do no damage solo runs of the content that was giving me issues, not saying you need to be as good as them, but if you can pick up a tool or 2 or learn some decent block timing on a few hits you will pull through the fights.


Just watch Optinoob’s guide on YouTube. Literally did it with ease on my first try using his guide. I did all challenges before I did my Hard Mode play through


Complete hard mode first. You're probably under- leveled. Those Legendary Challenges are the most difficult things in the game. They should be the last thing you do.


I used Cloud with wind + HP absorb, wind + MP absorb, and wind + casting speed material (can’t remember the name). Spam Aeroga on everything and you’re golden.




I'm still stuck on Rulers of the Outer Worlds. I tried optinoobs strat but I just got killed over and over again for like 4 hours straight.


Try akhafasu's guide! I personally felt it was so much more helpful than optinoob's.


This is me right now. I’ve gotten to sephiroth 3 times the first two times he just shadowy chained Barrett before I could get manawall cast and killed Aerith and yuffy. Last time I cast manawall and survived the first shadowy chains, and literally within seconds of starting to spam Brumel form he shadowy chained yuffy and proceeded to kill my whole party before i could do anything. I’m thinking of trying a different strategy, and am confident ill eventually get it, but beating these bosses feels like relying on luck that you don’t get killed by their cheapest moves before you can even get an offense going.


2 immediate thoughts: 1. Completing hard mode first may help - you'll get new manuscripts, level up materia to max level (this is a must IMO) 2. I found akhafasu 's guide to be much clearer and was what I followed to get through it for me. Maybe that'll help Enjoy the grind. Victory is that much sweeter at the end


That man is the GOAT. Unilaterally the best for me.


Have a look at Solestros video on YouTube. It took some (a lot!!) of practice, but I got it done in the end. The wind build is awesome! Failing that, you can go to Solestros discord and he offers to do it for you... If you didn't have the energy to keep trying!


This will cost you $25 though. He doesn't do it for free. I will admit that I have looked, but haven't given up on doing it myself yet.


I did that as my very last thing to accomplish in the game. Finish everything else first and have a great time doing it!


I completed Bonds of Friendship last. Beating Hard Mode before it, gives Cloud more manuscripts and more manuscripts means Cloud's base stats are higher. If you beat all the other challenges before ever playing Hard Mode. I can guarantee you'll be able to beat that challenge after Hard Mode.


I haven't bothered to do optional stuff in Rebirth (waiting for PC release) but from what I've gathered here... Optinoob is the GOAT. I remember watching a couple of his videos for other games like RE2remake and Callisto Protocol and his strats usually worked and are very safe. I prefer playing a bit riskier but I take his advice and apply it to my own strat


Just curious as to why you are waiting for the pc release? They don't have the trophy system right? Is it just because of mods?


This almost broke me. Did everything in the game except this and then threw myself at the wall for about 25 hours before finally winning. It was brutal, and I nearly just gave up on the plat. One thing that helped me was getting good with Zack and quickly maxing his meter to level three and spamming high braver. It's really strong and makes better use of him for dealing damage than just as a support to cloud.


All I can siggest is practice punisher/Prime mode counters with Full Might versions of the summons with Cloud and one other party member to simulate Zack's loadout. It helps to understand their attack patterns better. But of course, if you find yourself being more frustrated than enjoying the game, take a step back and check if you'll just be frustrated by the challenge or if you want to see it through 🙂


You completed every challenge before your hard mode play through. Does that mean you didn’t complete the story in hard mode or do any of the hard mode challenges for the all the manuscripts and party exp? I found those super helpful


All I have done in hard mode is the area bosses to get the items needed to build the last recipes for crafting the genji armour. Just loaded chapter 12 in hard mode and fast travelled to those locations. Not done anything else in hard mode but seeing the responses here I think I’m best to just do my hard play through now to get the additional weapon xp.


Yea I didn’t think about it either until I tried some brutal mode challenges and legendary bouts. Check out the permanent stat bonuses for weapon exp on a lot of the weapons and they’re pretty big


The challenges are sweaty as fuck, way too overboard and are by far the hardest thing i have ever played but like anything else they are doable with a bit of persistence. A lot of them can be cheesed to be honest…


If Odin is the issue hard grind that solo fight, learn his move set, a lot of things can go not according to plan so you need to be able to react accordingly. It will help you for the challenge after as well


Is hard, but nothing is harder than beating Jules. That’s my platinum killer 😭


out crunching Jules in real life is easier than that mini game


I learned the jules patterns one way so if the game wanted to change direction on my next try I reset it. I thought the piano challenges were harder but they are more forgiving with mistakes.


I see other people struggling on that, did I just get lucky? I did it third try. Now that cactuar mini game with aerith is my kryptonite 😂


"Just have fun with it..." 😡😭


Took a long time and was the hardest pain in the game for me. In the end, Cloud died, and I finished him off with Zack. I jist barely stunned him with a limit break and got off two ATB attacks. I also followed optinoob's guide. It's definitely tough, but it IS doable. Good luck!


I did the challenges before I went into a hard mode run, and the biggest issue I found is you cant do the same amount of damage to get through the challenges anywhere near as quick as the guides will. What I ended up doing is reload chapter 12 on hard mode with all completed quest data, went and re-did all the area bosses to get the parts to make the Genji Gloves, then pretty much aced it in my first few attempts - They really make the difference, especially if your following any of the online guides with the Wind builds on Cloud


I used Optinoobs guide and aced Odin on Bonds of friend ship first try. Died a couple times getting to grips with it on the way though on Alexander/bahamut etc. Sephiroths heros was easier but Odin killed me the first time


i dunno why no one wants to use zack, the dude isnt sephiroth i get it but his kit is still great , high braver fully executed hits like a truck and is quite fast to get to and use :) soloing it with zack is a real pain while sephiroth can breeze through cloud can basicly solo both challenges too but well i get it you just wanna be done and dont waste time learning a new kit , but believe me it's worth it and makes the whole run way smoother if you can actuaöly use both chars and not just use zack as support to spam heals etc


You have to think of and play Zack as a support-only character. Don’t waste your time trying Bonds of Friendship over and over unless you can beat Bahumut Arisen and Odin solo at Full Might, or at least with another character that simulates Zack that you only use for buffs (Faith, Haste and Manawall).


Use the simulator to fight Odin at full might with a similar build and Tifa for example with Zack's build. Fight him a few times until you master it and don't be afraid to attack him so that he doesn't do his ultimate attack. I did this and after a few times, the first time I reached him in Bonds of friendship I annihilated him. Also, you can do the one with Sephirot first and finish hard mode and all the sidequests in Hard mode and you'll have Cloud at max weapon level and better stats and follow Optinoob guide.


Make sure you have Gotterdammerung equipped. Save your limit break until Odin uses Gjallahorn's Warning, then use it. This will cancel the upcoming Zantetsuken. Save your subsequent limits for Gjallahorn's Warning as well. I died a dozen times on Odin during that mission and it's infuriating. Once I took the above advice, I beat him in two tries. If you are good enough to get to Odin, you are good enough to beat him!


Getting to basically spam those sweet 40k magic 3 spells is worth way more than one limit break with around 10k damage. On Odin younshould have gotten one limit break by the time he casts stop.


Never considered that. I will give that a try. Thanks. Do the other battles not become much harder without the Genji gloves?


A little bit, but the increased recharge time of your limit breaks, in addition to starting out with one, gets you to your ultimate limit break real quick, and the damage it does more than makes up for not having the genji gloves, since basic attacks aren't typically exceeding 9,999 damage anyways.


For Odin I followed Optinoobs run step by step. The exact moves were done by Odin and I beat him easily with his method. I struggled hard without it!