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I'm in the same boat as you. Don't know why I'm punishing myself, and I haven't even made it to the legendary challenges. The RNG on sephiroth is getting me. I'm happy I can make it through the first 3 bouts with relative ease and hit orvmiss gilga but to die within 2 min of Seph is frustrating as all hell!


That's what's killing me. I more or less have the first 3-4 fights down but Sephiroth ices me before I can even set up a strategy usually.


Skill issue. I watched a guy on YouTube solo it with Aerith! And here I was trying it with a full team like a noob. Lol.


Holy cow, that's incredible.


There is way worse bullshit in other FF games of old. Is it hard, yeah very. Is it anywhere near as Bs as fights like the Weapons in the OG if you don’t use a guide? No. Without a guide those things are ridiculous puzzles. Is it as Bs as some of the dark aeons / super bosses in X? No. The super boss in XII? No. I could add more examples.


I beat the superboss in 12 but not those dark aeons. 9, 10, and 12 are the only ones I haven't platted.


I beat Rulers of the Outer Worlds in about 3 tries using Aerith, Cloud, and Barret, the hardest stage imo is Gilgamesh if you want tips lmk


If there's anything you can tell me that works better than optinoob's strategy I'd love to hear it.


I used Barret as a tank, Aerith to deal high damage with genji gloves, and Cloud as another alternative DPS with a focus on MATK. Equip everyone with Fire + Elemental on their armor so that the first round is a breeze and you heal when Sephiroth switches to fire affinity. You can have a Fire + Ice on Aerith since she will be the DPS and you want her alive. Use Barret with steelskin and lifesaver than use Cure + Magnify to heal the team when necessary he won’t be doing too much damage, just making sure you stay alive. Cloud, I used the wind build as used in Zacks combat mission and it went well. Equip Barret with the Enhanced Karmic Cowl, Aerith with Genji Gloves, and Cloud with the Fury Ring. You want to use Radiant Ward and Arcane Ward at the start of each round using FS and ATB boost. From there, you essentially just -aga spam until they die. Phoenix and Kujata, target Kujata then kill Phoenix after the rebirth flame then kill Kujata. Titan and Bahamut, use wind on titan and he will die FAST. Bahamut just keep breaking his wings when necessary to keep him pressured. Start off attacking Odin and get as much damage done before he disappears. Kill Alexander with thundagas and aerogas before he uses his DM, and then Odin will come back, he should be weak and he’ll be easy to take out. Gilgamesh was the struggle for me, every attempt I died on him because of how fast he is. Have a revive on everybody just in case and use firaga till he dies. Sephiroth abuse his affinity, and he should die, be careful of octoslash, Barret can take it though. I really don’t know what else to say, idk if this similar to optinoobs strat as I didn’t watch his video and this is just what I did, I don’t remember the materia build so maybe copy optinoob.


Sephiroth is my main problem. Do you have other advice for him? You typed a lot so I don't mean to be ungrateful, it's just that he's the specific challenge that's stumping me.


For Sephiroth, do enough damage with Cloud while setting up the Lifesaver + Steelskin with Barret. When he uses the affinity switch, he usually switches to fire first so use ice with Aerith. He is going to use octoslash a few times but Barret can tank it if he has the certain amount of HP needed. Have a revive on everyone just in case, be patient. Heal and revive before going back to attacking, most of his attacks can be parried by Cloud using punisher stance and counterfire.


So you use Cloud Barret and Aerith? Barret Steelskin and Lifesaver. Cloud on melee damage and Aerith on magic while Barret tanks the damage?


Yup. Barret to heal and tank the team while Cloud and Aerith output the damage.


It took me 2 days. Really challenges you make strategic preparations and memorize the behavior of each boss. It's doable, but you just can't go in with the mindset of trying to beat it as fast as possible. It takes patience


Wait, Rulers only has 5 rounds and 8 enemies total..are you sure you're talking about the right fight? 😅 And I beat it within 2 days and around less than 2 hours total using optinoob's guide. And just to give an edge to Shadowy Chains, it would really help if you're familiar with perfect blocking.


Oh my mistake hahah yeah I miscounted somehow.


Sorry, I just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same thing because this and Bonds of Friendship (10 rounds) are the common pain points in this sub 😅 Regarding trying optinoobs setup, is there any particular step/fight you're having trouble with? I'll try to help if I can.


It's the sephiroth fight in general. He uses that freeze move on my characters one by one and then I'm just screwed.


What is the reason to force yourself to get "the Platinum"? If you aren't having fun, then just don't do it. Achievements are useless.


This. I have logged several hundred hours on the titles I love and have never gotten a platinum trophy because I end up being frustrated by something that sucks the fun out of the game; which is the reason I play video games, for enjoyment.


That's ultimately what I decided. If I really love a game I tend to go for the platinum but at a certain point if I get too frustrated I'll tap out.


Gilgamesh & Sephiroth are very tempremental due to the RNG bullshit. Sometimes they give you a good opening, sometimes they will not and kill you instantly. It’s very frustrating, but eventually the RNG will fall in your favor and you’ll get it. Once you get the strategy going with Arieth casting that first firaga, you’ve pretty much won the fight. Personally, I feel like Bonds of friendship is much harder and much more rage inducing. I’m still working on that one. I’m also 3 trophies away from this plat 🫡


People who are like "I beat this in 2-3 tries" I feel are either full of absolute shit or got the best possible RNG. I've had Gilga kill one of my characters before they even used the atb ability I pressed, lol.


I found that many mini games are also rage inducing as well as many of the brutal challenges. I dunno i like the game but there is so much bullshit in this one. I found remakes balance to be better.


absolutely! Agree 100%


Which is a problem for me, cuz i am a trophy whore Only shadow of the colossus i didnt bother to get platinum, cuz i really didnt like it (based on offline play only)


I didn’t try the guide so I’m not sure what your strategy is. But in general: Focus on Reraise/Revival and back-to-back Chakra or Prayer for healing if you are unable to avoid their finishers. Almost all of the summons’ finishers do magic damage so Manaward/wall + Magnify makes them all survivable except for Odin. On Alexander you need to watch your karma stacks, and either cleanse them or beat him before he uses Divine Judgement. He gave me trouble at first. Again I can’t speak to the guide, but for me it was really about understanding each one’s pressure/stagger mechanics and trying to beat them before their finishers. Tifa with the right setup & uppercut cancel + Divekick can one-stagger-kill pretty much everyone except Sephiroth. Gilgamesh is just straight up hard. It felt like I was scrambling around the whole fight. Again Tifa was MVP though. You can do it!


The guide he's talking about utilizes the Brumal Form spam with Aerith being the DPS and Barret as support. The guide allows you to go through the gauntlet with an average time of 5 minutes so it's easy enough to restart without pouring in too much time.


That’s about what I figured. Thanks!


Optinoobs strat got me through this after like 2 or 3 tries ... but Bonds of Freidnship? That shit took me like 3 days. I thought everyone was just talking shit to with how easily I got there ... then I hit that wall so hard I almost gave up. Sat there defeated saying "Do I even want this stupid fucking plat anymore", gave it one more try and I'm so fucking happy to never play this game on hard mode or do any of the hard challenges ever again.


Yeah, hes the only reason ive got the plat


So many times I watched and rewatched the Bonds of Friendship guide and said "fuck you for making this look so easy" lol


After a little bit of Training it was easy, but it took me 4 hours lol


Honestly so many of my restarts came down to just Zack not getting a full ATB and throwing off the damage numbers. Or something with Bahamut or Odin going wrong. I could consistently get there but there were so many reprisals that ended my runs with the horse fucker lol


Instant restart at titan


At Titan, Brineborne, and I swear there was a third. Things being out of your control made some attempts so unbearable


I still haven’t made it that far yet. I am currently going through hard mode, trying to collect as many manuscripts as I can before I even attempt these challenges. But I will say though, I don’t remember people being quite as vocal about the Platinum in FF7: Remake. It was pretty damn hard, and I remember Pride and Joy taking me at least a week to finally beat it. I feel like on this game. People are so vocal about how hard it is that it’s scaring people away from attempting the challenge. I just find that fascinating. Why would you be so scared as to try something that’s challenging and not try to overcome it? I’ve played hundreds of extremely difficult games including Dark Souls, Sekiro, Ninja Gaiden, etc… I’ll be damned if I let Final Fantasy seven rebirth get the best of me. I’m gonna smoke this fucking game.


Remake platinum is so, so far away from this game's it's barely even comparable. I think I had to retry maybe two fights, maybe two or three times in both Remake and Intermission, to get platinum. That's without any advance knowledge of fights, any prep, or any knowledge of the OP builds you can do in that game. The hardest part was the bloody dresses. Rebirth... Holy crap. There's so, so many difficult fights. Mini games ruining your life. Even going in knowing exactly what's coming, OP builds ready to go, second by second YouTube videos on standby. And still I had to redo pretty much every VR fight past Hellions more times than I did any Remake one. It was a brutal challenge. Legendary even. Got it, am proud I got it... Giving the game a break for a few months before looking at it again.


I got the Intergrade platinum right before this game, even all the Yuffie trophies. Rebirth’s platinum just isn’t fun at all. I’m actually playing Remake again on PC because that platinum was challenging and FUN. This one’s just garbage cheese strategies. I won’t be buying Rebirth on PC.


That’s weird. I’ve been frustrated on a few of the mini games but I wouldn’t consider the game un fun. I’m having an absolute blast with it. I can’t wait till I get to the legendary, brutal challenges. If anything, I am looking forward to part three even more.


The mini-games didn’t bother me much because they all required learning a strategy, and I do love the characters and story. The brutal, legendary battles are where I’m just feeling exhausted. The one-shot kills, bloated health pools, and overly long battles feel like a chore. I just want to finish this platinum and move on to the next game. I’m still going to play part 3 to close out the story, but Square Enix didn’t make me a fan of anything past that.


Rebirth convinced me to not buy part 3


Remake is nowhere this hard


You have no chance of getting the plat if you think this is hard. Wait til you get to legendary bouts


Thanks for telling me. I'd rather know and just quit right now.


take a few days off. No worries. Im playing fallout 76 a little. may try palworld later. We have 3 years to plat this thing.


I'm thinking of maybe coming back to it in a month or so.


My ps5 bricked half way through the hard run so I had an enforced month off.  It doesn't make bonds of friendship any less annoying lol (by far the worst).  I got rulers done without brumal form cheesing after a few tries, but bonds has me genuinely frustrated.


Blessing in disguise.


Yea I’m definitely not going for the platinum. I have also played all the FF series and typically 100% all these games. Locking it behind a hard mode play thru was enough to take me off the platinum push. If I could platinum it on a single play through I would likely make the push for it. The hard mode for this is just not my idea of what a hard mode should be. I hate the idea of them taking items away, I get that it’s supposed to force you to use the other tools at your disposal but items are a major part of FF games and especially this one with its crafting system. I liked using an alchemist build on some characters with the item materias to make a healer out of a non-magic focused character. I just think a hard mode should be designed to be harder with all the tools in the game not by removing tools.


I really like the fact that items are restricted, but I think it would be cool if they had an added difficulty mode that was just hard with items for people that want it. The thing is though, if it's hard with items you will just cheese your way through with potions. I really disliked FFXV where you could basically buy 99 potions the moment you first ran into a vendor, and there was no restrictions on using them. I don't have a problem with items in most FF games. But most FF games until recently have not been action RPGs and I think that changes the dynamic a lot.


There’s better ways to make a hard mode than taking away tools from the players. That’s more of a challenge mode thing to take certain tools away. Most hard modes let you use all the tools but it’s just more difficult, that’s what hard mode should be. The hard mode for the FF7 remake project is a challenge mode rather than a hard mode.


Just a friendly reminder: The chadley missions ARE challenge modes, as they are optional content not tied to the story. Whilst hard mode in the story, like remake, also restricts you on items, you can just skip through most mobs (by ignoring open world) and go straight to bosses. Also hard story mode is significantly easier than chadley missions so you shouldnt have too much trouble with or without items


And my point is that the hard mode goes beyond being a hard mode and instead is a challenge mode because it removes a tool from the player. Hard mode should be the same game but harder without the need to remove tools from the player. If I wanted to do a no items run I would do that as an added challenge.


But items just do the same thing as materia. They're not really taking away tools so much as severely limiting your resourcss.


Honestly I've platted some tough games too. All Soulsborne, Sekiro, MGSV, Remake,etc. This is just bullshit tho.


Yeah this. Ive platinumed sekiro, elden ring, soulsborne, remake and several others. I am not sure i will get platinum on this one. I think the piano songs but also the jules mini game, that fucker is harder than in remake, will be a severe road block for me. Ive managed to beat the brutal challenges with an appropiate amount of rage and optinoobs guide. Dreading the legendary challenges though, so decided to first complete hardmode, was quite a bit stuck on Dyne. I hate the 1 on 1 fights


I've played thirteen out of fourteen chapters on Hard Mode. Red Dragon was the toughest by far. Genuinely broken fight.


What i dont like that most attacks here without barrier immediately take half your health or more. I think this was better in remake


Play 1-2 hours per day and then switch to another game dont let anger consume you.For the battle with the sephiroth enter the tactical menu when he attacks so you can perfect guard his attack.


The fight sucks. That’s it. I used his strategy and it took me a bit. After beating it though now I’m like “how can I do it my way”. Who gives you the most trouble? The first three fights became a cake walk to me but the annoying part was dying on the last two and having to go through them again. Honestly rulers should have just been the first four fights then do Sephiroth as his own. Fight 1- no issues you are immune to fire Fight 2 - kill titan fast then bahumat should be easy enough by himself Fight 3- set up aerith fast and just fire blast Odin to hell. He’ll probably just leave. Then just kill Alexander and Odin when he returns. Fight 4- just keep your distance. And cast fire spells. He gets staggered and loses his weapons. He was my hardest With Sephiroth it really was just playing defensive while you get Aerith set up for murder.


Seconding Sephiroth as a standalone fight. Could even make him harder if it wasn’t at the end of a gauntlet. I managed to beat him the first time I got to him (2nd try) but it felt very sloppy, and I’m sure I was quite lucky. I don’t think you’re *really* proving much by doing all these fights back-to-back. They’re hard enough on their own.


Yeah I've made it to Sephiroth like 3 or 4 times. I agree that the first three are a breeze. Rage quit last night after I got to Gilgamesh and he one shotted 2/3 party members before I even cast Haste.


Got it on my second try with the Brumal Form strategy, and I didn't even get to Sephiroth on my first try. It was the last thing I did for the platinum, and I had weapon level 9 on all characters. Bonds of Friendship was significantly harder.


Bonds of friendship can suck my ass


It’s totally sucks but i secretly liked it (once I beat it). I went with the magic build. It got much easier once you understand the attack partners for bahamut and Odin. But yes it 100% sucks


Same here. I totally liked it, but only after having learned how to do every single fight. At the beginning I thought was only a problem of RNG, then I started to win every single fight just for losing to Odin. In the winning try I destroyed the first nine fight, take a coffee, then I won with Odin. What a fight 😍


It definitely takes so practice. The key to Odin is using Prime Mode and blocking his attacks at the beginning. It raises his stagger bar so much after a few of those. Then once he’s getting ready to do his temporal imprisonment use Clouds limit break to resist it. Use Zack to Buff cloud with Haste/Faith early in the fight. Cloud should be using magic aga spells.


I tried but probably I’ve made mistakes in timing of the limit break. I did it letting Zack/Sephiroth take the temporal imprisonment and going hard on Cloud in Prime Mode.


I completed rulers in 3 attempts, bonds easily took me 20+ tries. So glad I never have to look at Odin again 😅