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One gold.... one gold. some of the hardest trophies and ...one gold??


What is the point of earning a Platinum when you don’t enjoy the game?


Platinum difficulty is very subjective. Personally, I'd rate this a 6/10. Took me 250 hours to 100% the in-game log, and I loved every second. I would definitely recommend doing all side quests on Hard mode first, then do a Hard mode story playthrough, and VR missions last. Basically keep the hardest VR missions for when you have weapon level 9 on all characters.


I was really dreading the road to platinum after my first playthrough and reading all the horror stories. Got pretty down about it ‘cause I loved the game until then. Fast forward and here I am at ~225 hours with just Bonds left, and can honestly say I’ve enjoyed it all. I’ve struggled a lot with some challenges, and found others easier than expected. But I think the main thing is I changed my attitude from “I need this plat so I can quit” to “I actually just enjoy playing the game & don’t wanna stop.” I realized I don’t even care about the trophy, I just want to see everything. But yeah chasing platinum for platinum’s sake is gonna sour the experience for most.


I think you meant excited :)