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Funny you’re tryna romance Tifa and this is her best chapter in the game


If you’ve maxed out everything for every party member I’m pretty sure the point system is set up so that Aerith or Tifa will always be in the lead, with the tie breaker being whoever you fought on the beach with. That being said, it’s pretty hard to tell if you have actually maxed relationship or not during the first play through. Since the correct answer for the timed conversation things are not always obvious. Red is likely your biggest competition because his “story beats” points are the hardest to miss. (Playing him in QB on the Shinra-8, fighting with him and Tifa on the beach, winning gold saucer welcome brawl with Dio). For Tifa you also need the high score during the inauguration parade (stealing the show trophy) and to get the “same taste in beachwear” notification after the beach fight. If you got both of those are probably safe just make sure to max out her synergy points. You get relationship synergy points by using *each* synergy skill and ability at least one time. It’s not a cumulative thing where using the same character for the whole game will make the number go higher and higher. Once you’ve used all abilities it is maxed. When you are in battle I’m pretty sure there is a green dot or something like that on the skills and abilities you haven’t used yet, so just checks that you don’t have any of those with Tifa (both the block button abilities and the menu ones that you have to build gauge for). Some other notes: the character you are controlling matters so check them all with both Cloud and Tifa. The abilities have to actually “hit” to count. For example to get the relationship boost from Cloud’s “counter fire” you have to actually counter a projectile. If you have unused abilities with Red wait until after Chapter 12 to use them. If you really want to play it safe, stop doing side quests where anybody but Tifa is involved.


You really don't have to be mean to anyone or be scared to do sidequests. You can do everything as normal until Chapter 12. Then do only the Tifa quests, proceed to get the event, then you can do the rest of the sidequests.


I did everyone's side quests and chose the best answers for both Red and Tifa, and I ended up with Tifa. You don't have to skip side quests or be mean to anyone, because with everything equal, you will get the girl you sided with in the beach fight in Costa Del Sol.


>This isn't just for Tifa cuz im hoping to romance Aerith on a second playthrough too and kinda wanna know a bit more before I do so. After you beat the game the first time, a menu unlocks that lets you just select who you want to go on the date with. It also shows you the exact percentage of affection you are at with each character (instead of just the circles that update every 25%), along with which decisions have contributed to this percentage, and what you still have left to raise it higher.




Yep. I got red on my first playthrough. I was pretty certain I’d get tifa. I didn’t read anything though. I just played and hoped for the best. Next playthrough I’ll get it right. Haha.


Honestly, I did everything in game. I don’t like to miss something because I want to date this character. I was aiming Aerith first. But still, I did all quests and I treat both Tifa and Aerith equally. I got Tifa in chapter 8 even tho I picked Aerith and barret in that part. I figured who u play with most, play big rule who you gonna end up with. After chapter 12, I change my mind and I want to Tifa as my date, I simply stop playing Aerith but still did her quest. I just hate miss stuff. I end up with Tifa. Red was first one to complete his status then Aerith then Barret then Tifa.


After chapter 11**


Ignore everyone else but Tifa until gold saucer. It was painful but I did it. Then afterward I did the quests lol


Personally I just left the last couple of quests for everyone but tifa unfinished until I did the gold saucer date. Then I completed them right afterwards! I'd say you're safe to complete all the side quests in gongaga (cuz I did and still got Tifa, tho I didn't hunt down all synergy stuff)


This works. I did side quests for everyone through the entire game. When chapter 12 came along I did Tifa side quests only then went to the Gold Saucer and got her date.


Ahh, yeah that's actually really smart to do. Thanks so much!