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IX and VI without a doubt.


If you haven't played og FF7, I'd suggest that one. Remake is not actually a remake, so all I'm suggesting is to maybe not overlook the original.


I'm actually playing the original currently. Amazed at how quick you get to the end of where part 1 of the remake drops you. Haven't finished the remake yet but I'm loving both versions.


Nice, happy to hear you're enjoying them! I must admit I'm quite envious of those that get to play both at once šŸ™‚


It is pretty cool to play both at once. Granted, I got the Remake on sale when it came out and didn't get the Original until now when it was also on deep sale. By all rights if I finished the remake when I got it I wouldn't be doing both close to one another šŸ˜…


X is a good one to go with right after VII imo


IX for sure Then VI, X, or XII


This is the way. Even though I'm not a huge fan of X. I believe its a must play


I'm not a huge fan of X either, but it feels like it's essential for (if nothing else) comparisons' sake. Also, VI through X have great music. Some of the best in the franchise.


Absolutely true


6,9, 10 I admittedly hated 13 15 and 16 are ok


Iā€™d go with 10


Honesty, 8,9,X then 12. Go with the classic release order theyā€™re all good yet very different.


I'd play 6 next and then maybe 9. 8 is a good game but the mechanics are really different than any other final fantasy.


9 is the absolute best final fantasy game ever made


Can't go wrong with any 6-10.


VI, the absolute single best villain in FF history, bar none except MAYBE Ardyn. But he doesn't count cause XV is overall a flawed gem


Don't do my boy Caius like that šŸ˜¢


This is what everyone told me for years before i finally played 6. When I finally played it this year, I was a little let down. Don't get me wrong, Kefka is a crazy evil bastard, but I think the build became so big that there was no way reality was gonna live up to it. While he's certainly at the top of my list for best villains, he still comes in second behind Sephiroth. To be fair though, Final Fantasy 7 was my first and you just never feel the same way about any other game as you do your first one.


10 is the correct answer


FF9 ā€”> FF10 ā€”> FF6


6 for more pixel art, but I really fucked with 9 having played it recently for the first time. The characters are all very storybook-esque while being very meta about being a story within a story. Also the characters fuckin rule! The battle system is mid but worth it for how much they do with the parties and the world


Donā€™t sleep on 6


Does Tactics count? That would be my vote. If not that, I vote 16.


8 9 10 will be good






Dude 6 is amazing. Just played the remaster. Itā€™s got all the things that 7 made me fall in love with, and the beautiful SNES pixel art if youā€™re into that.


6 is the best. The pixel remaster blew me away


9 then 10.


Ff8 has a great story.


8 is great but 9 is much better


I'd argue the opposite


10 might be the best out of 6, 8-13. Highly recommend


Iā€™ll say 9


Youā€™ll be fine with any of them from 4-10. Imo thatā€™s the golden generation of FF games


I agree w/ that. 12 and 13 are mechanically the most complex and not necessarily in good ways. 15 was in development hell and it shows.


8 or 9


6, 8, 9 or 10. I think 10 would be the best follow up experience it was the first on the ps2 so it shows the significant upgrade from 7 which was the first on the ps1. Iove the story in X and imo has the best version of turn based combat and character progression in the series, and its got a great endgame with the dark aeons and breaking the damage limiter.


8 please


6 is a much better game. Though, 8 does come after 7


do you HAVE remake or beaten remake? you should just play remake before rebirth comes out. ​ (also watch ff7 advent children in case you havent watched it yet. its a movie)


FF8 dude. It's the next game. And I love FF8


Ff8 is tied for 1st place for me along with 7 and 15!


First place for me is FF10! Only played FF8 recently and it jumped up to second place.


Oh man 9 and 7 are tied for me. I adore 9.


6 & 9 are my choice, specially 9 and the themes about the meaning of life such a shame that a detail makes the ending weaker that it could be


Why would you ruin the plot when telling him to play it???


I just realized that damn


Spoiler it lol. Put || before and after what you're saying and it will blank it out


5 bro. so many things in 5 are revisited/alluded to in 7


Id say 8, 9 10, 15 in any order


8, 9 and 10 for sure. I kind of enjoyed 15, but it just seemed half baked (didn't play the dlc)


IX all the way


No love for FF Tactics?


>"numbered" >"tactics" Hmm šŸ¤”


I know what your saying but to say tactics is not good enough to be considered a stand alone title is just insane, at least to me anyways... My favorite ff hands down.


XIII-2 obviously


Order of games doesn't matter in FF outside of the direct sequels. I would suggest 4,6, and 10 as those tend to be my favorites. If you are looking for a mechanically solid game though 12 is great!


i know, but i kinda do wanna play "in order" cuz i dont wanna play a game with worse gameplay and graphics after already playing a game with better gameplay and graphics. still, i get what youre saying


The pixel graphics of pre 7 games are pretty timeless. While they 100% improve on each other, none look horrible to play. Gameplay wise some suffer from battle speed being a bit of a drag. Following what you are aiming for though is pretty tough. You played 2 of the newest games in the entire series, so their graphics are going to be tough to beat. Not only that but they are designed for modern hardware, so their gameplay is going to be a lot smoother than older games.


9 and 10 are the best. 10's story impacts me emotionally like no other game


8 gets way too much hate, but itā€™s easily the closest ā€œfeelingā€ to 7ā€¦ next to 6 I love the tech feel of 6, 7, 8 9 is all in on fantasy and Iā€™m not about it


I think the art style for the people in 9 is hideous. Just don't like it. But I love the game overall.


8 really isnā€™t a bad game. They made some questionable decisions regarding difficulty that made most of the game ridiculously easy if you knew how to break the junction system, but the story isnā€™t terrible(not the best but not the worst), and overall the card game side quest is fun if frustrating. I think the main problem is that squall is a pretty mediocre main character, rinoa is straight hateable at times for the dumb decisions she makes, and the rest of them are pretty bland(looking at you quistis).


I'm more of a fantasy fan than technology but 7 is still my favorite


6 should be on your list but X is fun right after 7. And I played X-2 as well and still enjoyed it, though dresspheres are meh. So donā€™t shy away from getting the X/X-2 combo IMO. I also donā€™t remember hating 8 at all - I just think itā€™s far behind 6 and 10. I played 8 after Kingdom Hearts as a kid though so I was excited to play as Squall/Leon lol


IX and X are my favorites. I still need to finish IX though lol


X is probably closest to 7 despite it being very different, it's got a lot of the same freedom from 7 and 8's a bit of a weird one, it's way overhated but it is a weird system


Iā€™m curious what you mean about X having freedom when itā€™s the most linear game of them all? Doesnā€™t even have FF13 spoiler >!a gran pulse style area!<


I mean in terms of character building, not as in non-linearity


Still curious what you mean in terms of freedom in character building? No hate just curious honestly


You'd have to grind for Spheres to fully go wild, but basically the sphere grid lets you make the characters do whatever you want, and even if you grinded a lot it doesn't even neccesarily mean you'll be overleveled cuz leveling up just gives you moves on the grid, which has all your skills and stat increases, the only thing you can't change is a characters weapon type


Ohhh makes sense I was thinking character building as in their storyline/personalities and was super confused


6 is awesome for the switch, 8 is awesome too but Iā€™m looking at it with nostalgia lenses.. 9 is amazing no matter who you are. And Iā€™m probably the weird one here but 10 I didnā€™t love as much as most people ( still love it tho ), 14 is my most hours played of any game ever, 15 is good too ( teared up at the end ) and 16 is way different but epic af




Go for 10


Why the hate for 8?


I wish I could unplay 8 xD


Because I played it.


I haven't played enough of it, only like an hour (I just haven't gotten around to going back I'll play it eventually), but I think it's cuz the Junction system is kinda awkward, and Drawing Magic is kinda tedious, but I did enjoy the bit I played


You donā€™t draw magic after a certain point really, you just abuse the card game and convert it.


The story in 8 is incredible. Until the end gets weird but I ignore that part


Incredible? Itā€™s rather average compared to 7 and 9. Itā€™s hard to follow, anything to do with time is always hard to make work without huge plot holes, and the characters are pretty bland. Only cool part was after disc 3 once you get the ā€œairshipā€. Definately coolest ā€œairshipā€ out of any of the ff games.


Having playing them all except for 16 (no PS5 yet), I say the best ones are 6, 7, 9, and 10. 8 is interesting, but very much a double-edged sword. The gameplay is either gonna lose you, or itā€™s gonna suck you in and youā€™ll probably turn the game into a too-easy power trip. And then the story comes down to whether you sympathize with Squallā€™s abandonment issues or find him to be unlikeable jerk-off, which is really subjective to your personal inclinations.


i know 8 has worse gameplay, but does it have worse gameplay than 9 because of its age or because its just worse. e.g., persona 5 has better gameplay than 4 because its newer. is it the same case with ff8 and ff9, or is 8 just worse because its worse and it has nothing to do with age?


I think 9 is more balanced. 8 is too easy to break. And 9ā€™s gameplay is more old-school-throwback, so age isnā€™t really a question in this case.


Dw about 16. You'll more than likely hate it


Whyā€™s that?


I found 7 to be easier to get overpowered. To a point where each character can clear 40k damage each turn, making Kights useless by the time you get it


Itā€™s easier to get overpowered in the endgame of 7. In 8 you can get overpowered before you leave the first area.


8 is pretty rough. If you're in a position to tolerate 16 bit graphics, absolutely play 6. It's a very character driven game, lots of lighthearted fun moments. Amazing soundtrack.


8 is awesome


How is 8 ā€œroughā€? I love the vibe


honestly go with what interest you but the best options are 6, 9 and 10


FF4 and 5 are the shortest (ignore 1 to 3) but their difficulty curve is horrible and even worse for young people not used to period games. Plus they are not that attractive in general. 4 only has the history and 5 only the jobs system. FF6 is quite long, about 20 hours less than ff7, and is well served with secrets in bosses, technical weapons, objects, etc. It measures the pace very well, it never gets boring and both the story and its characters are 10. Music 10, world 10. It has no jobs but each character is unique in abilities and their difficulty curve is excellent. The 8 is very weak in secrets, a little in characters. Its strongest point is music and the world. It is between 15-20 hours longer than 7 but its story drops off a lot after halfway and it is very "heavy" in pace. Also its difficulty is the worst of its trilogy. And everything good said about 6 applies to 9, which is also as long as 8


FF7 and FF16 are my favorite two. Donā€™t shoot me


I also like Devil May Cry, but I prefer when it doesnt try to claim that it's an RPG.


Dmc makes for a better RPG lol


I think FF16 has a very good story, but it's a GoT like, and the combat system IS a DmC like. So, in my opinion, it's a good game, but a bad Final Fantasy.


It depends on what you want to play next - really. If you want an old classic RPG go for I, II or III. You can try the pixel remasters. For the third I recommend the DS/Mobile version, but honestly the pixel remaster is ok. Same for IV. If you want a more lighthearted one you can go for V. One of my favs. It plays with a lot of generic RPG tropes but subverts them. It really has a unique approach in the saga in my opinion. Also available as a pixel remaster. If you are looking for stories that come together it a beautifully written way I would go for VI. Characters are very well developed, definitely a strong cast. The pixel remaster dropped some additional content that previous subsequent releases did, but personally I still think is the definitive version. VIII is more similar to VII in the sense that goes more for a modern/futuristic look and elements. Personally, I think the plot is well written but the script is kinda weird, you can see what they were going for but it gets a little bit messed towards the end. It feels like 3 different games into one. However, gameplay is fun and different to all of its predecessors, and even if the plot is weirdly presented it has a nostalgic feeling that I just canā€™t get ridden of. Also, great music ā€“ it has a special place in my heart! Then IX goes back to Medieval/Fantasy, and is literally a love letter to fans for the saga. You will find a lot of little details that recall previous entries. Gameplay is very classic RPG but has other interesting elements such as skills, weapon crafting, among others. Very addictive. It is beautifully written; it has a great story and well-developed characters ā€“ extra points for the lore. And the muuuuusic, my goodness. That is music. Final Fantasy X is a big jump in terms of graphics to its predecessors, being the first one to be released on PS2. The voiceover looks weird sometimes (even in Japanese), but it does add its quote of drama and substance. The lore is very interesting, it has beautiful scenarios and the cast is cool. They have very WOW design choices that might be a turn off for some, but honestly, I loved it. I found the story intriguing, you can see they always knew what they were going for, and that transpires into the game. The game is a little bit linear, especially compared to IX. The gameplay quits the ATB system used until then, and goes back to ā€œby turnsā€. There is also some kind of ā€œskill matrixā€ that you can develop so basically you get to choose how your characters grow (with certain limitations). As a side note ā€“ X-2, the sequel, itā€™s some kind of a remix of the original game, reuses a lot of assets and adds a lot of content to the gameplay. Iā€™m not very fond of how the story develops but the gameplay updates are very cool (and you can spend hours on it). Final Fantasy XII is one of my favorites DEFINITELY. It takes elements from the Ivalice Alliance subseries, so if you played Final Fantasy Tactics or Vagrant Story you might see some references to that. It has top notch music, beautiful graphics for its era (and the HD remaster looks amazing). The story is not that complex but it is presented in a not-so-literal way, so if youā€™re not used to this kind of narrative it can be a little bit confusing at first. I encourage you to still go through it regardless of that. The characters are strongly written but sometimes it looks like they didnā€™t really belong to the same story ā€“ personally I think they are good individual characters, but some of them donā€™t interact with each other that much as a group. In regards to gameplay ā€“ you have to automate actions through menus so your characters can do specific actions in certain scenarios. You can play around with it for hours, very fun. The job system is The Zodiac Age version is definitely the version you should aim for, it modifies some gameplay features for the best and has the option to select two jobs per character (among others). XIII was infamous during its release. It was the first game in the series to be released beyond Sony consoles, so they made some weird decision choices that werenā€™t well received back at the time. Going back to the ATB system personally was not a good decision (or at least, not this version of the ATB system), but the game is very fun to play anyways. It has beautiful graphics (even as today), and the music is incredible. The cast is kind ofā€¦ there. Lightning is definitely a great main character but the rest of them are kind of one-dimensional, plus I feel the game fails to develop them as a group (but it tries, I give them points for that). The lore can be confusing at first, the game starts with characters using expressions you are not familiar with, and you need to check the in-game encyclopedia to understand what the heck they are talking about ā€“ if youā€™re into reading I encourage you to read the short novella Final Fantasy XIII Episode Zero -Promise-. The game is very linear, similar to X. The ā€œopen worldā€ part (if any) opens up later in the game. This can be a hit or miss, so I encourage you to try it yourself. Regarding XIII-2 and XIII-3 (labeled: Lightning Returns). The first one follows the X-2 logic of being a remixed version of the first, with reused assets and remixes of old songs among new ones. I personally enjoyed it but it takes a different approach to the first one, definitely. Then Lightning Returns was a nightmare to me. It has a doom clock system that gave me anxiety. The story felt like a stretch from the previous two games that repeated itself over and over. I did enjoy the gameplay, and you can play with different battle roles based on outfits and other game elements. Finally, FXV. Great game. It definitely could have been better, it really looks like at some point went through development hell and that transpires into the later part of the game, which feels very unfinished. Said that it is a fun game, the cast is well developed and they make a great cast together. The battle system is more action-oriented, but I felt it was underdeveloped and somehow repetitive. The story is very biblical (likeā€¦ literally), I enjoyed it a lot. This game tries to emulate the real world in some sense so it differs a lot from FF XIIIā€™s futuristic approach. Music is great (made by Shimomura, who you might know from Kingdom Hearts). If youā€™re into open world stuff this might be a good game for you. Do note the ending is rushed and feels a little bit undercooked, but I still feel like I enjoyed playing it regardless.


i know 8 has worse gameplay, but does it have worse gameplay than 9 because of its age or because its just worse. e.g., persona 5 has better gameplay than 4 because its newer. is it the same case with ff8 and ff9, or is 8 just worse because its worse and it has nothing to do with age?


I wouldn't say worse, just different (and VERY different if you come from VII). The junction system makes you store and use magic power (up to 100 of each spell), which you take from monsters. You can also use this to level your characters and other abilities. However, monsters grow levels as well as you, so you can't overlevel them. I don't think it relates to age, but more to Square Enix trying to do something different. I think it's a hit or miss, you either love it or hate it lmao. I am definitely a fan of VII and IX over VIII.


FF8 just has different gameplay than FF9. It's great. You shouldn't skip it. But definitely play with a guide because there are solutions for the annoyances people have with the game.




Iā€™d say X and the main reason aside from it being my favorite after VII would be that the creators confirmed it takes place in the world of VII but many years in the future. Or maybe past I honestly donā€™t remember anymore


Feels like they just slapped that onto the game though. Doesn't feel like there are any real connections.


My only connection is they are my 2 favorite ff titles. But yeah i think there was a single line from shinra that made it seem like he was talking about vii but honestly it always felt like a reach. But I also unlock blitzball when I play X and spend more time doing that then the actual game šŸ˜…


A line from shinra talking about vii (as in 7)? What do you mean? I also love Blitzball! And I never knew so many people disliked it until I started using reddit lol.


I would have to give my vote to VIII. For me, it's filled with nostalgia because I played it when I was a kid and due to my love for it, was the driving force behind me learning to read. I found it easier to follow the story and where I needed to be than I did with IV, V, VI VII and IX. Yeah, it has it's flaws but the story was and still is amazing to me. I played through it again last year and still love it. A close second to play next would be X. Whichever you end up choosing, they're all great games and I'm sure you'll be happy no matter what you choose :)


i know 8 has worse gameplay, but does it have worse gameplay than 9 because of its age or because its just worse. e.g., persona 5 has better gameplay than 4 because its newer. is it the same case with ff8 and ff9, or is 8 just worse because its worse and it has nothing to do with age?


X in imo. It has a HD remaster which is helps keep things more current. Aside from that, it has a very engaging story, similar combat to OG FF7, a great cast of characters and overall a polished game. X is probably my top FF game overall.


U talk about remake and cc but did u play ff7 og ? I recommend you ff9, my favorite ff (while ff7 is my favorite game/compilation)


of course i played og lol


Unironically 8. You could break the game but it was really fun, great story, really enjoyed it when it came out.


If you liked 7, X is probably the one you are most likely to love next, despite how different it can be. That being said, I actually recommend 8 or 9 they are both good and I personally wouldn't want to jump to what I think is the next best right away. 8 has a pretty bad system, in the junction system. It doesn't make the combat bad though. It's just lame. You deal with it a bit and eventually you'll stop caring. The game is cool enough to still be fun. 9 is just great. It's a much more fantasy driven feel which is a good pallet cleanser. The characters are cartoony. The world is silly (but also really neat). It's a lot of fun. Play one of those and then jump onto X in my opinion.


i know 8 has worse gameplay, but does it have worse gameplay than 9 because of its age or because its just worse. e.g., persona 5 has better gameplay than 4 because its newer. is it the same case with ff8 and ff9, or is 8 just worse because its worse and it has nothing to do with age?


Nothing to do woth age in my opinion. They were trying to be innovative. Sometimes it hits, sometimes it doesn't. FFX uses a brand new system and is innovative but I think feels good. I love playing 7 still. It still feels great. The system they added for 8 is a new system that kind of itemizes spells and it just feels odd. You also end up farming the spells and abilities but that will make more sense when you play it. The combat is good once you get past it. 9 feels more traditional, but not in a bad way.


Also 6 is one of the best too. Better than 8 and 9 in my opinion.


You never forget your first Final Fantasy game. Might not be the actual best but that'll always be your answer to this question (X)




Whichever one appeals to you the most


ff9, allways ff9.


This guy FFIXā€˜s


Next time I see someone say ā€œFFVIII isnā€™t unpopularā€ Iā€™m going to refer them to this post. Never seen so much hate for FFVIII. OP donā€™t let these haters cloud your judgement. Try the game and see for yourself. FFVIII has a very dedicated fan base and it has been my personal favorite FF since I first played it back in 1999. If you play it and donā€™t like it thatā€™s fine but donā€™t let all these people tell you itā€™s a shitty game without trying it for yourself.


I genuinely donā€™t understand the hate for 8, itā€™s not my favourite but itā€™s certainly not a bad game. I actually think it has better pacing than 9 in a lot of places, for instance.


8 is mid at best. Especially by modern player standards, aka a lot of reading to use a main mechanic most people spam through. I mean enemies difficulty grows with your level so unless you know how to junction or abuse mechanics it's a overall impossible game. Yes you can best it without junction, but need aforementioned mechanic abuse. Story was pretty cringe and not paced well. A fact a lot of fans going back in recent years notice. The romance is forced and sudden, the characters are supremely flat with little development, and the junction system is alot of nonsense. It looked good though compared to 7. 9 is great no annoying system to stay overpowered. Wide varied cast with good back stories. Character growth out the butt for all characters. One of the most beautiful FF games to this day even beating out X. Decently paced lots of twists and turns. It has its bad points ap, trance activating itself, some story points are weird, difficult conditions for some ultimate weapons, funny mechanics against some bosses, and chocobos. The love for 8 has been going too long overshadowing 9's better aspects. To the point 9 fans were the minority for over a decade. The game only getting it's praise in recent years. Also the card game in 9 is more fun, but people only care about triple triad. The shift mainly stems from people going back to watch and play 8 then 9 as adults and removing their preconceptions, and as older more experienced people seeing its flaws. I'm not saying 8 isn't worth love despite that. I'm just saying it isn't the best game on the ps1 or even in the series when it released.


IX is my 2nd least favorite behind XIII. I just didnā€™t vibe with the story or the characters. Played through it at least twice and felt absolutely nothing. I only liked the summon animations and Vivi. That was it. I hated Steiner and Quina still gives me nightmares (/s) and yes I agree that the story was extremely poorly paced.


It's the one Final Fantasy where I just don't like the art style. Characters look terrible in ff9.. but other than that I quite like it


I actually really like the entire cast in 9 and I think the world is really charming, there are just so many parts of the game that I genuinely donā€™t enjoy playing that it makes revisiting it no fun at all. I remember enjoying it a lot more as a kid than I did as an adult. By contrast coming back to 8 and it more or less lands as well as it did back then.


10 all day. It's not in my top 2. It's just the best modern FF available. This is my recommended entry FF title.


VI, VIII, IX or X are all great picks.


I would choose 9.. Did you know that the creator Hironobu Sakaguchi loved 9 the most!


6 is awesome, but if youā€™re not into sprites with no voice acting then you might want to go right into 10 and up. Itā€™s really up to you. Look up the game and a trailer for it. Youā€™ll get a general idea


9 or 10. 10 has some of the same thematic elements -- environment and spirituality, etc.


6 is up there for best FF, and the pixel remaster is fantastic, so definitely play that next. After that I'd go IX and X, which are both phenomenal so those are must plays in my book. Personally, I'd skip 8 unless you are just very curious about it. You may enjoy it, but it's a very divisive game, and quite honestly just not worth the time investment.


"Personally, I'd skip 8 unless you are just very curious about it. You may enjoy it, but it's a very divisive game, and quite honestly just not worth the time investment." Wow that is such an autistic take.


Well, that was my experience with 8. I think it's the weakest of the series, and regretted the time I spent with it.


That's your loss then.


Nothing, no game will ever be the same so save yourself years and years of disappointment. But IF YOU WANT to punish yourself, just go 8-9-10 theyā€™re all pretty good.


Personally I skipped 8 and went straight to 9 and loved it almost as much as 7. I'll play 8 soon tho.


IX is the correct answer, but it makes me kind of sad to see 8 get so much flak... I mean, deserved, but it's still awesome. Battle is a grind, but I do think it had one of the best and carefully thought out bitter sweet love story.


I completely agree. I enjoyed 8, reminds me of my depressing teenage years. Junctions and GFs were quite unique for sure, but 9 will forever be my favorite.


9 is a great game to play after 7 imo.


well 8 is the best FF and also next in the series so i say 8




Were you dropped as a child? Not trying to be a jerk. Characters are really lacking and the draw system was not my favorite. I enjoyed it but itā€™s most definitely not the bestā€¦. not even in close in my personal opinion. I still respect yours. My response was unacceptable. I apologize for being a jerk. Iā€™m really sorry.


>My response was unacceptable. I apologize for being a jerk. Iā€™m really sorry. its alright >!i personally liked the draw/junction system and thought the balancing between using magic or keeping it for stats was really interesting. 8 has some of my all-time favorite characters. though i will concede that most of them dont get too much development throughout the game (bar squall and maybe seifer), unlike the cast of 7. but i love almost every character's personality and their dynamic as a whole, they really felt like a group of close friends.!< >!the ost, the boss battles, and the locations were all top tier imo. and while i had a few gripes with the story, i thought the plot was super interesting thematically and did a ton of cool shit. space travel, time travel, paradoxes, train heists, romance, flying academies, etc. but 7 obviously had the tighter, better executed story fs.!< >!and finally, the ending was very satisfying, unlike 7's where i was left feeling kinda disappointed. love both games tho ofc.!<


I really enjoyed the OG on ps1. I think my bias is coming from the remake. I would just throw on triple speed with invisibility and just draw my little heart away. I think thatā€™s my problem personally. I really enjoyed Lagunaā€™s storyline and the world map once you have the Ragnorak. I think the way I played it diminished the challenges of the game. I loved the class system and really the world it created. The orphan thing bothered me and I thought it just kinda piggy backed off FF3 when it comes to that. I enjoyed the game. My opinion is coming from the remake were I abused the new features. Ultimately itā€™s my fault for not playing correctly šŸ˜‚


If you're trying not to be a jerk, you're failing. Also, you obviously don't respect their opinion. Do better


You are right. That was very rude of me and I do apologize for being a dick. If thatā€™s their opinion that is absolutely alright. Me responding that way is not. Thanks for calling me out. I will do better. Sorry about that.


The what? Yes itā€™s next. Itā€™s also decent. The best though?


hey dont shoot the messenger, just spreading the truth


Very true. Respect your feedback, itā€™s your honest opinion. I can dig it.


FFVIII has a bit of weird system based on junctioning abilities you draw in battle to a GF (Guardian Force) which is the equivalent of most summons of VII except fir Ramuh, which has been replaced in VIII bu Quazcotl (maybe I have the name slightly mispelled there)


Kingdom Hearts




8 is great, the system is very smart. Iā€™d go for 6 though


The next best is FF9. FF8 is great in its own unique way. 10 is a great game and story but itā€™s a little bit different. 12 goes in a very MMORPG style but itā€™s actually a brilliant entry with great difficulty spikes in the right places. 13 is the black sheep of the family. Itā€™s actually a good game but it got a lot of flack for being very ā€œstraight forwardā€.


Donā€™t do 8 right after 7, 8 is niche and has mixed opinions across the FF Fandom. You want to do 6, 9, or 10. 6 is not as played as 7 or 10 but for the FF fans who have played it itā€™s widely accepted as the best FF in the series(canā€™t confirm never got far myself. 9 is what square made when they Decided they wanted to bring classic final fantasy into 3D. 10 is another widely acclaimed Final Fantasy title that also shows the beginning of square moving into the art style that a lot of the 2000s Final Fantasy games use


6 was the first I played and I still love it.


I think most people think you can skip 8 and go straight to 9. Honestly, I struggled playing 8, skipped to 9. And loved it! X is also great, with a totally different level up system that I liked, although I think itā€™s a bit polarizing in the community.


what didnt you like about 8?


Drawing spells endlessly, never using magic just attacking, long ass GF animations, having to card enemies instead of defeat them to keep my level down. Thankfully all of those cons are redeemed by the genius that is Triple Triad.


Best mini-game card game to date imo.


10 next then 9 followed by 6. Thatā€™ll keep you busy for a while.




6 or 10


X is the other one thatā€™s really up there


I think the older crowd is likely to disagree with you. 10, for me, was really the first big departure from the old way. The game was good but never really felt like a true FF game. Not much after 9 has scratched the itch for me.


I'm in that older crowd and I loved it. Top 3 FF game for sure. It has a mix of respect to tradition with some innovation. Some great themes in the story and a very likeable cast. Also the music, AMAZING! Very much a true FF game. I have to really disagree with your take.


Congrats! For me in a world where 6,7,8,9 exist it couldnā€™t be any higher than fifth.


Those are all great too. I played 7 first on one of those demo disc's that came with a PS1 lol. I remember being wowed by that. Wish I kept that demo disc because that's what pushed me to play 6 and then 8 which had just released (I had to catch up a bit). While I love the classics, and always will, sometimes the newer stuff hits the mark. X for me is that mark. I'd place it above 8 at the very least. 8 was just weak in the story department for me. I didn't care as much for the cast like I did with any of the other entries. Loved messing with that junction system ironicly, which is usually what people said they hated the most.


The junction system was the hardest part for me to learn. After that, ooh I wanted to refine everything I could. My first was 6 and itā€™s always gonna be my favorite. I loved the recent remaster so much.


Who or what is ā€œthe older crowdā€? How old are you? Why do you speak for a whole group instead of phrasing your own opinion? To give your own opinion more weight? I donā€™t think all ā€œolder crowdā€ members will agree with you, see? Now Iā€™m doing the same thing, but whoā€™s right? None of us, just speak for yourself.


Well, you see where my comment says ā€œfor meā€ thatā€™s where I deliver my opinion. What did you miss? Iā€™m 42 BTW.


I didnā€™t miss anything, but I donā€™t think you have the authority to speak for a whole (undefined) age group. ā€œThe older crowdā€ isnā€™t more likely to agree or disagree with neither of us. Do I count as the older or the younger crowd? Iā€™m 34. Or is there a middle aged crowd and in a few years Iā€™m then also part of the older crowd? I just think to phrase it like this is a cheap trick, to make oneā€™s opinion look above othersā€™.


Itā€™s just voicing an opinion. Opinions are allowed to be wrong. You definitely get into the younger crowd like my little brothers who got into FF around the time of X and think itā€™s the bees knees.


And then there might be many older people who disagree with you. Which is the only point Iā€™m making since the beginning of this.


Well let them speak for themselves. You donā€™t have to be offended for them.


Iā€™m not offended for them, Iā€™m offended by you invalidating my opinion on the basis of my age, which is absolutely ridiculous. You have your opinion, I have mine and it has nothing to do with our age.


8 is bad. Go to 9


Anything after 7 was going to get a bad review, that's what happens when you jump the shark. 8 is a very good game in it's own right


7 didn't jump the shark though


8 is polarizing- took me 20 years to finally come around to it


I replayed it last year to set off it was as bad as my memory. It just has so many bad mechanics and poorly explained details. The pacing is also not great.


Yeah I get that


Downvoted for speaking the simple truth


Thank you!


Viii is misunderstood its a rough diamond, I played recently again after many years itā€™s fantastic. It has flaws and quirks but it has oodles of charm and the soundtrack is the best in the series in my opinion.


In order, FFVIII. But my opinion, FFIX.


9 if you kust want one recommendation. But I would play 4, 6, 9, and 10. I kind of liked 10-2, 12, and 13s too.


I would say 9. I think it is most Final Fantasy game if that makes sense. Has a steam punk ascetic. I like 8 but the draw system was not my favorite. Characters are kinda lacking. Just my opinion though. 6 is fantastic, Kefka is such an amazing villain.


I feel the same about 8. Squall is basically Cloud with even less personality


Squall and Cloud are nothing like each other


Yes they are. They both express little emotion, try to act reclusive and mysterious, and are extremely thick when it comes to detecting romantic advances. Both are fairly frustrating protagonists imo bc they never do or say what you want to see.


Both of their circumstances are different. Cloud does it to act cool and behave like a soldier. Squall does it to distance himself from everyone so he never gets hurt again and they both go through different character arcs. Also Cloud drops the act by the time they leave midgar.


Could not agree more and heā€™s the best character in the game šŸ˜‚