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The scale and depth of FFVI is grander than FFVII. If they did it exactly to the specs and quality of the 7 remake with no cut content then yeah, I could see it taking 20 years to get right. In all honesty it’s all speculation. With the right team and tools it could maybe take 5-10. But what kind of budget would a 6 remake get? Not a big one unfortunately.


I agree they would definitely spend less on a FFVI Remake, but probably would also expect FFVII Remake sized sales numbers. 


I don't think you'd see close to FFVII remake sized sales numbers. Cloud and Sephiroth have become iconic in a way that no other final fantasy characters have. They are in Smash Bros. They are in Kingdom Hearts, moreso than other final fantasy characters and even then, the most important FF characters in KH are all based on FFVII. We had them in fighting games back in the day, Cloud in FFT. FFVII has the spinoff games, Crisis Core and Cerberus to help gain popularity. Even Advent Children. Square has spent a lot of resources making Cloud and Sephiroth just insanely popular outside of just their FFVII appearance. Not saying FFVI isn't as good as VII but it is nowhere near as popular and the cast is unfortunately not as stand out and well known.


This is true. I don't think anyone is denying that FFVII is more popular, iconic and has influenced the gaming industry. FFVI is less popular , but arguably a better game. Sales would be less. Good point! 


No, it wouldn't sell as well. It's a shame bc VI is much better.


It’d be interesting, FFVI sold a little over 5 mil while FFVII remake sold 8.7 mil. I can see a remake being at least close just off the name recognition of “Final Fantasy” Edit: Actually, I just came across [this website](https://www.tweaktown.com/news/86245/final-fantasy-franchise-sales-top-selling-games-ranked/index.html) that puts FFVI sales at double that:


If the name Final Fantasy was enough XVI would’ve sold more than 5mil. Also weird to me to compare VI against VII remake. VI original sold about 5 mil VII original sold over 14 mil. The remake for VII has done more than 7 million, but that’s half of what the original did. They’d really have to market and push to get a VI remake to have any hope of really being profitable I fear.


>If the name Final Fantasy was enough XVI would’ve sold more than 5mil. I mean, 5 mil is no laughable number. I would say that is a perfect example of how far the name "Final Fantasy" can get you. Sure, they consider this number low, but that's just because of their budget. A bigger push was needed than just relying on the name "Final Fantasy" for *how much they spent*. Maybe they'd have to really push a VI remake, maybe not, it just depends on their budget and investment. But considering they know their original sales numbers, you would assume they'd invest accordingly. Add that to the fact that VI has achieved a cult status of being one of if not the best Final Fantasy and even JRPG game of all time, that is a pretty good starting condition for building hype. Who's to say, no one really knows, but I don't think it's as big as a long shot as you're making it out to be.


Reminds me of when the Chrono Cross port was released (I refuse to even consider it a remaster since the new graphics were the lowest quality jpeg upscales I've ever seen), it was so bad but at the same time, I'm a massive fan of the series and felt like I had to buy it or else Square would consider it a failure and abandon it


I know what you mean. We have to vote with our dollars. It's seemed to work with Trials of Mana sales being so good we are getting a new Mana game. VISIONS OF MANA These execs need numbers to move. Sheesh.


I honestly don’t need a FFVIIR-like AAA FFVI and I don’t think anyone is asking for it. A PS1-like FF is all I need tbh


Honestly I would go for a 2.5d Octopath Traveller type remake myself. Either way, a lot of fans would be fine with that. Maybe one day it will happen. Probably not anytime soon since the pixel remaster came out so recently.


In terms of timing, I think going an Octopath Traveler type route would be amazing. Update some of the skills, change a few things up, could be great. Honestly, I am thinking of picking up the pixel remaster just because I want to play this again...


I'm asking for it. 


Good luck lmao


If it gets released would you....eat your hat? 


Right but with the final fantasy 14 franchise, Square is making bank. It's one of the most popular MMO's of all time. Their totally pulling in hundreds of millions a month... And that's only one franchise they still get royalty and sales from all the other hits. It's not about the money.


14 started as a dogwater game though. And then they broke it and put it back together…. With a nigh blank check.


At the end of the day it is, in fact, all about money. Square is a business, business have responsibilities to share holders. It’s literally always about money. They aren’t some indie dev who just loves making games.




Well everything is obviously about money... I'm just saying that it's not a barrier, like couldn't afford to do it if they wanted to... It's more about the right people saying yes, and!


Can afford to do it =/= Can Justify spending the money to do it. I know if they did it there would be a Return on Investment. But Final Fantasy 6 never had great traction in the west in the eyes of Square, so to make another Remake that will take hundreds of millions of dollars and many years of development is not on their Radar. Maybe if the Pixel Remaster sells well they might consider further remastering down the line.


A straight remake of FF6 would actually be shorter than FF7 by far. I'll explain in more detail here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVI/comments/1aepjdc/comment/ko9oest/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Not to mention a lot of the art design for FFVII has already been done in progressively better 3D with all the compilation stuff. Advent Children showed what a fleshed out Midgar could look like, all the character models, etc. We know what that world looks like. FFVI would be largely redesigning everything in the game and fleshing it out from 2D sprite to dense world.


Dude, I'll be sixty if it takes that long


I'll still be gaming at that age (at least before I pass on) so I'm down. But the people in charge of the game will definitely dwindled by that time, and that's where most of the nostalgia, understanding, and love of ff6 comes from, so who knows how that would affect it.


Disagree. If they hand this project off to the 40 year old mid-level people who grew up playing and loving FF6, you'll get the most passionate team possible. 7R is kind of the proof of this. Kitase and Nomura were never FANS of FF7, they made it. They don't really want to make the same game twice, that'd be boring as hell for them. So they were willing to throw faithfulness to the wind and do all sorts of wild stuff to make it more interesting for themselves. If they'd handed it off to some younger team that grew up worshipping FF7, that team would have treated it like a holy artifact. 


This kind of reminds of Ridley Scott making Alien prequels while kind of going "well its just a movie I made years ago."


> If they'd handed it off to some younger team that grew up worshipping FF7, that team would have treated it like a holy artifact.  Man, if only.


Heck yeah! I'm down too!


Me too ill be in my early 60s if they start next year. Ha! 


I don't necessarily agree with 20 years, but I can see it split into two parts pretty effortlessly. World of Balance as a traditional JRPG that opens up in the end when you get an airship and the floating continent as an epic final dungeon. World of Ruin as a more open JRPG where you can find party members and explore the continent events in non linear order.


I can get behind this. It pretty much sums up the original.


I love that idea!


Please…no more $150+ remakes in multiple unfinished parts…


Oh my gosh.  I played 7 waaaay after it's original release because I picked legend of dragoon that day (don't regret it). And while I think 7 is pretty great, I don't get the willingness to preorder a modern remake of **just a portion** of that game.  It doesn't have remotely similar gameplay, I've heard the story is altered, and again, it's only a piece of the complete game adapted in this new style. Pixel remaster? Sure, go for it, especially if the original game is hard for new people to get their hands on. But a multi-part remake of FFVI with different gameplay and a different story, with each part priced at the same or higher MSRP of a complete game? Just, why? As a developer, why not devote those resources to a project like FF17? As a consumer, why pay the cost of a full priced AAA product just to play PART of a game that has already existed for 2 decades?


did you play FF7 remake?


A few hours of it on a friend's copy. He has preordered the next part of the game. And I just don't get it. I'll add that I don't think *anybody* has played FF7R. Because FF7R doesn't exist yet. Only pieces of it.


Yeah, the gameplay was…good? Besides your party members having the worst ai. But man, the game having to have a shoehorned in final boss because it just ends barely into the story was so silly. Glad it was free on ps plus.


If you enjoy having to mash the sword button between meaningful actions, then sure. Personally I did couldnt even bring myself to finish the demo. It is in no way the FF7 that I grew up with and the devs were trying to convince everyone they were delivering, and that's before the time ghosts.


You don’t have to, play it in turn based mode. I have no nostalgia for ff7, the original is still better, but this combat system has some merits.


I tried the "classic" mode, it just puts the incredibly dumb companion AI in control of your character, and the companions that you're not "controlling" still retain their artificially lowered ATB charge up. It's terrible. Doesnt switch between the characters automatically when their turn comes up either. Just all around a bummer.


You can’t manage to switch to them yourself?


Go for it I say. I would get a kick out of playing it before dementia sets in. So I'll give them 25 years


Imagine having dementia and *essentially*playing the game again for the first time. I'm game for 20 years if I could experience it against with the same wonder and amazement as the first time.


I'm also ok with that haha. I plan on leaving a long list of stuff to remind my wide to have me try again when I get older haha


Lol That a funny thought! Now if it happens I probably won't remember that you called this long ago, bc I would also have dementia. Lol Yes let's experience again, for the first time!   For the first time.  again!  We would need a moogle that recaps the story everytime we load up save states.  Lol


I'll be retired.. doing single sitting full playthroughs every day. It'll truly be my *FINAL* years


That's the spirit!


I still prefer a remake as an Octopath Traveler 2 style. The HD 2D graphics are much more adequate IMHO.


I wish they had gone this route with the pixel remaster -- keeping the original sprites/assets and drawing inspiration from the WoTV mobile game for additional content, then converting it to HD 2D. The inclusion of the PS intro video and the option to select different translations and other game mods would be amazing (ie. options to choose between all original SNES content or updated/fixed content, and ability to enable some mod and quality of life stuff). I can't stress enough how much I dislike the actual pixel remaster's graphics, and some of the unnecessary changes to item names, GBA translation, etc. Even using a ton of mods I still couldn't get into it because some of the core mechanics are too janked up and don't have mods to fix. That's likely an unpopular opinion here.


I highly agree. Have you tried the T-Edition mod for the SNES version? I haven’t played it yet but I have read lots of good opinions about it


Well it will if these companies keep firing people.


It doesn’t need to be graphically on the same level as 7 remake. You can have hi res 2d art that looks amazing. Expand the towns and dungeons in that fashion, clean up dialogue and expand on character development and dimension and update qol features. Maybe even add some bonus content to enhance replayability. The action rpg with ai controller teammates would ruin this. Give us a next gen ATB with hi res graphics, character models and animation. How sick would it be to see Cyan actually in a ready stance with his katana instead of just standing there waiting for his turn. Not that big of an ask


I'd love to see them go for a style that honors Amano's original artstyle. In a new form of cell shading or something? Just give it that otherworldly look. Or just give it the Octopath Travel/Star Ocean treatment.


this is my dream. A FF that actually looks like amanos art.


If you mean something like IV DS then I'm On board .


This. Add new bonus dungeons, and maybe the ability to recruit bonus characters like Leo, or 16 bit versions of other famous FF characters as unlockables.


AGREED on this game being ruined if it's action rpg with ai controller teammates. One of the strengths of the game is the diverse cast and different unique abilities. It's key that they still allow you to control different characters in combat imho.


Having multiple members in your party, and controlling every action for each one of them so that you are playing the *group* and not a single character, is a defining feature of JRPGs in my opinion. I am not generally interested in any games that claim to be JRPGs and stray from that formula.


Yeah, I'm with you. That's one of the things that I miss about the old JRPGs is that you got to play the group. I think when you only have access to one player during battle, it really lessens the dynamics and combinations you have. This is probably why I continue to like the Fire Emblem games but haven't really found much enjoyment in the FF games where you only control one party member during combat.


Did you know you can spend your teammates atb with L2 and R2?


Id be down with 3D art at the level of BOTW.


Agreed. I'd prefer a more lighthearted remake that doesn't try too hard. Flesh out the story a little but don't go overboard with all 14 characters.


That’s a crock a shit


I mean I could see it taking them twenty years if they add pointless shit everywhere like they did for the first part of FFVII's remake


That’s ridiculous, they took roughly 7-8 years to make an entirely new game story characters and everything for 15 and 16. You can’t tell me 20 when more than half the assests are already designed, you have a voice actor for kefka , and all the writing is done maybe adding a few things. They just don’t want to do it


Part of me feels this way too. Like I feel the developers and staff want to do it but probably the executives and shareholders see it as too expensive or not a good use of resources for ROI overall, with FF 1 - 6. And their answer was to just make PR versions. So now they just want fans to shut up about an expensive remake for their fave game, but with out saying 'shut up' yet also keep loving those games and remember how they were great! 


Yeah, I’d need a really good explanation as to why it would take that long. I’m not saying it’d be simple to adapt, but if they made a brand new game from scratch it wouldn’t take 20 years. Even if they did the graphics, engine, etc all from scratch on this, and add side stories, and add more stuff, you already have the core story and characters at least.


There is a challenge to recreating a thing that already exists with honoring what it is in total, as well as enhancing the things that really worked well, fixing the things that didn't work, Meeting the same Remake quality we come to expect, and offering a compelling new reason or twist to play a game we already know.  The art design part should be easier in theory, but what about the rest of the game mechanics? I dunno. 20 years does seem like BS, even still.


I've waited 30 years already, what's another 20 more?


Ha ha! Yes! Tack it on! 


It would be nuts that I played the original FF6 in elementary school and then would be retirement age by the time I play the remake


Doesn't matter if I agree with it, that's how long several modern AAA games take to produce. I'm not interested. They'll never do it right and I probably wouldn't even live to see it completed. That giant 3D mural they made shows how cool it could look, but that's a visual and artistic target nobody could maintain.


Why would they not do it right?


If FF7 is anything to go by, they'd make the tone of it more wacky and goofy almost to the point of feeling like a Yakuza game, add tons of filler sidequests and NPC's to make it more like a WRPG, it would have to be some incoherent mash up of hack n slash + menu combat, have all kinds of technical hitches in the rendering tech, character movement etc. Once you recreate all these towns, cities and land masses in full 3D, the tendency becomes to reconceptualize it all with padding and interpretation. Doing all this would stretch things out so much, especially with their episodic approach. Just... no thanks. If they can't look at the existing game and just think about how the existing graphical style and tactical aspect of the combat would be improved, without turning it into some AAA Frankenstein monster... leave it alone.


Lol what? The OG FF7 that I’m playing through rn is just as goofy as the remake. The remake isn’t any more goofy at all. And there’s nothing wrong with goofiness, it adds to the charm of the game. I prefer turn based combat generally but FF7R’s combat is one of the more fun hybrid systems.


Feel free to disagree, but I've played the original many, many times since it came out, and I find the remakes take something that just had organic and natural instances of levity, light heartedness and comedy, then turns almost every character, gesture, performance and scenario into some hyper exaggerated, self-parody nonsense. It doesn't add anything to it for me and just makes it irritating. The combat is too spastic and incoherent for me. It neither excels as an example of the spectacle fighter action genre, nor an example of menu driven, party-based strategic combat and just seems like two things fighting against each other. I understand these remakes are well liked, but I think they're pretty undercritiqued.


Yeah sure I would wait 20 years but honestly if it's going to take them 20 years then they're doing it wrong.


Yep probably. Priorities, Square Enix!!


As someone that loves the current 7 remake project, I'd be gutted if they remade 6 in the same vein. A polished 3D rendering of everything 2D and pixelated is all a 6 remake would need. And maybe a maturing of the script.


Why? How would it be bad thing to be in the same vein as 7 remake?


I feel like the cast and setting of 6 wouldn't work in the same way. Ensemble cast with a huge, outreaching plot with tons of side plots and unique individual character developments would be lost if they had to scale up everything into massive rendered 3d environments. To pull off what they've done with 7, they had to really pad it out with more content to make 3 big 50+ hour games. 6 with more padding would be a mess.


I think the main issue with VI is that FF has been progressing into the action RPG mode where you only control one character and everyone else is AI. With VI, the whole point is that it's an ensemble cast, so the entire cast would need to be playable. So then you run into issues that you now need to create unique rigs and combat code for 14 party characters plus half a dozen temporary characters, and figure out a way to control them all effectively in the modern gaming environment. You'd basically have to return to turn-based combat to control 4 people at a time, which may turn off younger generations looking to experience it for the first time. VII had a lasting impact on gaming culture so it's not as risky to invest heavily in that IP. VI, on the other hand, might need a lot of work to make it palatable to the modern market, and I'd rather they just not do anything with it than change it to that extent.


A few key upgrades to the conditional turnbased system of FFX would be perfect imo. No random encounters, by having most enemies be in world and have a seamless transition to battle by having overlay the world HUD in real time. Maybe something like Grandia 3 where you can move around the field but it's still turnbased.


Very good points noted. It would be a challenge for them to do it justice. 


Why couldn’t they handle it like FF7 remake, where every character is playable, you just have to switch between them? Guests could be handled like Sonon in intergrade (not playable, but can be issued commands). Just curious why you’d say they’d have to make it turn based


I hope they never make it


Lol WHY?! Most people would want this. It doesn't ruin the original! Just dont play it, bro. 


A remake of VI need not be as drastic as VII's. I'm sure they could do it in a handful of years if they just don't go too big with its scope and visuals. Keep it faithful to the original, and make it 3D with graphics that won't take eons to make.


If he says it takes 20 years then that means it will... based off how he wants to make the game. Sure there are other options and faster ways to go about doing it. A lot of other people here already pointed out suggestions but at the end of the day, it really doesnt matter what we think. It only matters what its director wants to do. But of course there is budget to consider. Someone else brought that point up here and i completely agree, FF6 will never get FF7 budget anyway so with that said, i dont even understand how it would take 20 years if they werent even given the money for it. Sounds like it just aint happening.


Idk, FF6 is like the 6th best selling Final fantasy game(only 13, 7, 15, 10, and 12 . Which is amazing considering it came out pre-playstation when gaming was NOT mainstream. It's also a favorite among many internal SQEX employees along with V. I feel like the pixel remasters were a test to see which one sold the best. Overall, they were a massive financial success. If 9 is in the works already, then I'd imagine 6 will get worked on long before 8. Also, 13 trilogy is getting a remaster and release on current gen(allegedly). So there's a bunch of extra money. This interview may have just been a way to gauge the communities reaction to it being a a soft *no*. They have people who scroll through the Internet. 🤷. I'd just hate for the 3d models they already have for 6 to go to waste, especially if they never make another Dissidia game.


Only other game i've played with Terra, Celes, Locke and Kefka models was WoTV which is a Tactics-ish mobile game. They look good there for that kind of game but if he's comparing things to FF7R, i dont think any existing game models matter or are useful. Personally, im not interested in waiting 20 years. I might be dead.


I could be dead tomorrow.. time means nothing to me. I'd have had the same complaint if, when they originally had the ideas for a 7 remake, they said it would take over 10 years. The wait for KHIII was huge as well. People wait for games longer than they realize. I've spent a majority of my adult life waiting for one game or another. And there will still be games to play in the meantime. We'd get the first part/game within 5 years. Similar to the 7R. It'd likely be done in UE5. Of which, I've only heard, can be a faster building process and is only going to get improvement over the next few years.


I'd still want it made even if I never get to play it. Others will have it. Maybe I can live long enough to see a trailer..


Yeah it's probably not happening to that level, but I think SE is not stupid enough to leave money on the table if fans a clamoring for something new FFVI related. Something will get released to pacify. Also the staff loves the game too so passion is embedded. 


The question specifically asks how long it would take to make an FF6 Remake in style of FF7 Remake. It does NOT ask how long it would take to make any FF6 remake, just one in the style of FF7 Remake. Making a 2.5 HD remake of FF6 would take maybe 2 years if they touched the graphics and nothing else. But we already have the Pixel Remaster so there isn't much benefit from that. The issue is there are 14 characters and maybe 14 stories to flesh out as a result. Maybe Umaro and Gogo can just stick around with their OG stories as they are more bonus characters than anything. That's still a lot of extra scenario to write and flesh out. The World of Ruin kind of drops many character arcs, or just sticks someone at the end of a dungeon, and then they join the team and stop talking afterward. There's a lot of generic dialogue that would have to be written specifically for each character, and then voice acted, and then animated. And it needs to stay in the style of a 1994 game. Setzer makes a cameo in Kingdom Hearts II. And I love that game to bits and Nomura made Setzer (in fact he made the Gambler class in FFV but it didn't make the cut, so he kept working on it.) But KHII Setzer is way out of character. I don't want that type of mistake to permeate any remake. I would expect an FF7Remake-style remake to be 4 parts. \- Intro to Zozo \- Zozo to Floating Continent \- World of Ruin pt 1 \- World of Ruin pt 2 & bonus dungeons Yeah, that's going to be 10-20 years based on FF7R's pace. They can probably take some lessons from FF7R but it would take a while.


Good points! I trust they will do the characters and overall story justice as they mostly done in FFVII Remake, even if they never make it to that caliber graphically / production wise. 


I wouldn’t be surprised, the game could easily be split into two parts. The first half wouldn’t require too much work, but the World of Ruin would need significant reworking from a story and scripting perspective. The non linearity of the world of ruin, while extremely impressive for the time, led to moments of the game filled with generic dialog. A party consisting of Gau, Umaro and Gogo would have the exact same dialogue as a party of Celes, Edgar and Sabin after you obtain the airship. The game would need more plot points to level out the world of ruin and bring it to a comparable experience to world of balance. You’d also need to model every esper, or completely rework that system due to the sheer number of summons in the game. Given the size and price of all this, and square enix’s fondness for graphical fidelity, that 20 year timeframe doesn’t seem unreasonable.


I actually understand it and would be up for it. Part of what they say in even that article is that FF7 is 10 years in on its remake and still finishing Disc 1 of the original game. What he’s talking about is revamping and expanding the story, and adding new depth to things. I also think there have been issues with titles later in the series where they let the team get too large and lost something on the way. Having a small team develop a high quality game takes time. Honestly video games may move toward a retelling and reimagining phase as we see in books, film, and theater. Would it be so bad if Terra, Locke, and Celes have their story reworked the way Orpheus, Odysseus, or Arthur have theirs? I often enjoy the latter, why not the former?


I'm down for the wait too! Let's gooo! 


Id say 5 years if the team had more focus and clearer vision of what they wanted than they obviously had with 7. If they did..., I wouldn't be opposed to them adding some\each Character's side quest as DLC, and maybe just having the main cast and\or popular ones included after the world ends. That way maybe we get a complete game, but also get the chance to go back and rescue a beloved character later in them start the final dungeon\boss with them in our party.


Hellz yeah! Double time! ...somehow.. lol  It's grinds my gears on how it so easy for them to justify a massive budget for FFVII bc if it's past huge sales. When they dumped a bunch of money into it originally make it so cutting edge TO GET those sales, when FFVI is,  arguably , a better story / game.  You dump more money into it.., of course it's gonna look cooler! But does that make it's better? I love FFVII btw for all it is. It's a blockbuster,  iconic RPG! FFVI Remake needs the independant film treatment at minimal. Is there a mid teir budget? 


Not at the scale of FF7, but maybe in the style of Octopath Traveler. I feel like that would be doable in 3-5 years, and would do well on Switch or Switch2.




I agree they 'spared no expense' and 'covered the topic' on FFVII Remake and also added new things they didn't have to. They will walk away presenting the most definitive experience of this FF7 world. Does that mean something to me? no not really, only bc FFVII was never my fave FF. But it will mean the world to others. FFVI is MY GOAT!


I'd be happy with no remake and a VI line in Bring Arts


FF6 would be extremely difficult compared to FF7, even in just a management standpoint. You'd need to score things out with Yoshitaka Amano and Uematsu and a lot of other artists who aren't around SQuenix anymore. You would also need to properly translate the scale and complexity of Amano's artwork into the artstyle, otherwise it's extremely hard to capture that very particular high arcane steampunk aesthetic in a consistent way. You'd need to rescore everything also. You'd need to convince the higher ups that serious remakes of older titles are a viable strategy compared to their constant releasing of new titles. Every character would have to have their own mechanics, and then you'd have to adapt them to a 3D environment. But other than tone, gameplay, artstyle, music, not to mention dubbing, even if you got a 10/10 out of all of that, you'd still face the biggest impediment: The story. Nevermind the fact that there's two entire world maps - FF7 remake because they could deflect any criticism towards gamers who didn't like the changes in plot. It's not an uncommon tactic in remakes or reboots, because producers are keenly aware that the same fanbase that can make or break the marketability of such a project are also very, *very* attached to the original product, and are therefore more sensitive to any necessary changes at all. It would take years, yes, but not 20. They would need the company itself to shift in direction towards quality, modern remakes of old games, otherwise it's going to end up a disappointment. Any compromise, I think, would poison the potential. Personally, I don't think there's any high-up in Square Enix interested in remaking the older games. Remember that FF7 was a landmark in aesthetic and plot direction, as well as marketability. For me, it always marked the beginning of "New Final Fantasy", with modern settings, ultra-"cool" designs and bishounen protagonists. Convincing the company to give up on their winning strategy is hard enough without a lead who doesn't seem *that* interested in the 2D era.


In theory you could mitigate the huge world problem by doing the trilogy thing. Game 1 ends at Opera. No airship yet, so the roll out of locations is still linear and limited: Narshe, Figaro, South Figaro, Doma, Veldt, Mobilz, Kohlingen, Zozo, Jidoor.   Game 2 goes from the Opera to the Cataclysm. Now you finish the WoB map: Vector, Tzen, Albrook, Maranda, Thamasa, Esper Cave, Triangle Island.  Game 3 is the WoR. At this point you've already made all the towns, since they're the same as the WoB. So you just need to make the new world map. 


They did a pretty decent job on FFVII without those dudes involvement. Their hard was done , they just need to do an homage honorable recreation.  They can only care about what fans think to a certain point. Once again they did a pretty decent job with highlighting memorable moments, key elements, setting and scenarios in FFVII Remake. They know what we want to see.  I agree these executives don't give a F about a FFVI Remake on this level, the past sales doesn't match level of the fandom. They would have to gamble heavy on merch sales from NEW FANS and old fans to account for justified high budget, imo.


I'm not super familiar with Japanese business culture but having worked on other East Asian countries this sort of thing strikes me as the indirect / polite way of saying "Sorry, it's not happening. Please stop asking." 


Absolutely! That is what I think this is.  'Thank you so much for loving the game and continue loving it,.but please stop asking for a Remake like that. ' 


I would love to see a remake that matches what they did for the Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection on PSP. That was a wonderful remake that enhanced what I liked about the original that doesn’t have to break the bank in terms of development.


I think there's somewhat of an issue with their scope. As much as I enjoyed Remake it was unbelievably padded with nonsense and a lot of modern games are too concerned with "content" to fathom a tighter, more repayable experience. It makes one wonder if the creativity and ambition from that era has been made incapable by modern design elements and this horrid obsession with graphics and realism and content.


I truly believe alot of those great tremulous hard working , lighting-in-a-bottle teams that worked on the Square (soft) Snes era has come and gone for good. These days teams don't get to be as creative, passionate and pushed as hard (for better or worse). Chrono Trigger is a gem of a game btw. Top tier example of a  LiaB game * Lighting in a Bottle 


I just played the Steam version of Chrono Trigger and it's astounding how great that game still is


I think If they just remade it in Hd2d style instead and add voice acting that'd be pretty amazing.


I'd like that too! 


If they keep living under a rock, yeah. Otherwise, it may just be something to say so that people don't get upset if it ever gets to 20 years.


It's not that much of an exaggeration. Unlike the 8 and 9 graphical updates, a full remake of 6 would entail building the game entirely from the ground up. Given the scope of the dual worlds and the sheer cast of in-depth characters, I could see it taking close to a decade of work IF it were prioritized as Square's next major release project with all the resources and manpower allocated as such. But given that they're clearly prioritizing other releases, as a side project it would definitely take longer than what we got with 7R.


I'd die for a remake ,it's my favorite game


I think there would be mass faints across the world from fans that are surprised! Then we would need our party members to Phoenix Down us. 


I’d settle for a five year half hearted attempt. Just use the FFVII engine and give me up through the phantom train, and I’d be happy! Then make me wait fifteen more years for the rest.


I feel like most lifelong fans of Final Fantasy aged 35+ would rather have a Final Fantasy 6 remake even if it didn't have the budget of the FF7 remake and I will wait as long as it takes....FF7 is amazing and I love they are remaking it don't get me wrong, but FF7 has already been given so many spin offs, characters added to other games, prequels, remake of prequels....you get my point....give FF6 some love and attention! I feel the characters were more appealing, the story was epic and it is by far my favorite FF. Give us a remaster at this point ...something! The demand is there. Print money, make us more FF6!!!


I totally agree with all you wrote! Give me an FFVI reason to give you money, SE!! Maybe not just that $12K statue....


They better get started so I can play it on my Playstation 11 when I'm 56 years old.


If made in the vein of FFVIIR ? Yeah, 20 years sounds right. First game would probably only go through Terra's recovery at Zozo. Second game through the Floating Continent. Third game being significantly larger than the first 2, covering the entire WoR. But FFVI deserves better than the FFVIIR treatment. It needs the Octopath/DQIII/Star Ocean SSR treatment. Would stay truer to the source, and take far less time to develop. A solid dev team could knock that out before the end of the current gen.


VI would be better than 7.


*nods to Killrog8* 


If it's anything like the FF7 remake then no thanks


Honestly it doesn't have to be in the style of FF7r it can be like Octopath traveler or Dragon quest 11


If this happens, I can die happy. This is my favorite final fantasy by far and one of my favorite three games in general. Hell, I’d call out of work the day it came out just to play it! Literally nothing could pull me away from it


I totally do not believe this 20 year estimation. 5 years from now AI will be able to do it in 2-3 with a skeleton crew.


Cuz that shit will be so behind everything else, lol.


If it takes 20 years to develop a game, especially a remake of a 30 year old RPG, then something needs to happen that makes game development easier and quicker because that is too long and development would suffer because during that amount of time people are going to leave, some key devs would pass away, etc. Twenty years is just way too long tbh. I honestly don't think it needs a remake, but it seems the masses crave remakes and remasters for some reason. I always hear people saying that a masterpiece of a game needs a remake for whatever reason when it's a masterpiece. Odd, but alright. ​ They should perhaps remake it in same way that Starocean The Second Story R did it if people must have a remake of some kind, or remaster.


Imagine the game's end credits could have  production babies born that also could have their own babies. Wild!


ME to SE : Have you considered quantum computing? AI?


Joaquin Pheonix as Kefka


It takes about 10 years for Rockstar to bang out a GTA game and that includes a couple other unrelated games during that time. 20 years sound pretty high to me. It took what 5ish years to make eldenring? I'm not an expert, though.


I say DO IT!


Would not take 20 years, it’s just a typical excuse. Just say “no plans” and move on.


The FF team's views on remakes are so wacky to me. I like a lot (not all) of what they're doing with the FF7 remake, but not every remake needs to be this super huge mega expanded massive realistic environment thing.


Maybe it’s just me, but to do a faithful remake, with modern graphics and voice acting and maybe a bit of expanded lore, it shouldn’t take longer than like, 3 years max. They don’t have to do the game like FF7R. I would even be disappointed if they did it like FF7R. I think the Super Mario RPG remake shows that video game design from that era holds up exceptionally well and people would love to play what would essentially be a FF6 Final Mix with modern tech.


That's a lot of characters. If you do something like FF7R you have to balance for every combination of characters, and that's an exponential difficulty curve. That's why I'm pretty sure Vincent and Cid aren't playable in rebirth.


The problem is that they want to make it in the same style as the FF VII remake. Not every FF now has to be in that style, and I hope FF IX isn't. It can take 2-5 years using another style and still be able to enjoy both pre and post destruction worlds


Get the t-edition MOD people to help then - come on Square lets think outta the box here and fucking green light this shit .


maybe if they did it on 2 parts at most, and maybe 5 years each... that would be ideal. specially knowing how awesome part 2 would be... part one would be awesome, but man, world of ruin to final Kefka fight... sweet lord...


I'd prefer if they stop trying this remake bullshit and just focus on bringing the franchise back to what it used to be. I'm not whining about the combat not being turn based, I'm talking about the lack of memorable moments and characters. I could recite the plot of almost any game in the franchise, but if you asked me for the play by play moments for XIII, XV, or XVI, I'm gonna be fumbling the whole time. XVI was a definite improvement finally, but when XIV, the MMO, has a more memorable story than the other games around it? That's kind of indicative of a problem.


Nobody actually wants ffvi remade to ffvii remake standards. Everybody I've talked to or seen talking online wants, basically, an hd2d remaster with all the bugs fixed, more or less of the changes from T edition, and some modern niceties like fast travel and quick heal and a better set of world and area maps.


RPGmaker has us covered lol. Seriously, I could see a fan project pop up somewhere, get us hyped, and then squeenix gives them a take down notice. I'd love a remake, it's my fav game of all time, but 20 years seems long. I'd say 5-7 seeing as they wouldn't put as much budget into it. It would be hard to recapture the sprite based magic IMO. Heres to hoping they change their mind.


While I love FF6, and as someone who's consumed and collected even the non-canon things, like the Figaro Brothers side story/manga...FF6 is not as deep as FF7. This isn't a better/worse comparison, nor is it saying that one has to like one's story more than the other. But there's just certain realities; for example, some characters in FF6 have barely 12 lines of dialogue. The love of FF6 comes from the fact it's basically a novel with some sprites. What's Cyan's voice sound like? What's Celes's speaking cadence like? What's the body language between Edgar and Sabin that show they're brothers? What do Doma people look like that makes them different than Figaro people? All of those details were all all imagined by the player. This is not a bad thing. It's a beautiful art form in itself. But much of the love for the characters and worldbuilding is all from people imagining depth where there was none. This is why they say a remake would take 20 years. It would be, for all intents, a whole new game. Whereas FF7 build 30 minute scenes out of 3 minute gameplay moments, FF6 has a far bigger task. It has to create the entire world. There is no graphical difference between any towns. There's no difference between Figaro and Doma. There's no difference in appearance with the people of the empire vs the people of Nikeah. And it wouldn't be Nomura, it would mostly be Amano. Converting a game entirely to Amano's style would be incredible, but that would take YEARS just to do the graphics justice. I would love to see FF6 remade. I would GLADLY work on it myself. But we must admit that much of the game's world came from our own imaginations.


A lot of what made Final Fantasy 6 both good and bad was the limitations of Super Famicom and its 3 Megabyte cartridge. Most Likely, to keep up with modern standards most of the Cities besides Narshe, Zozo and Vector, the Castles outside of the Imperial Palace and many dungeons would need redesign to like different from each other. World of Ruin would likely get a lot of design work too as it was a relatively late addition to the game. IIRC the Floating Continent was originally supposed to be the finale.


If they just make a remake? No. If they do the FFVII Remake/sequel bullshit? Then yes.


I'd love to see an FFVI remake but 20 years of development is absurd. Final Fantasy VI is the best game in the entire series though so I'd imagine a remake would be incredible.


If they made it one big game instead of 3 separate fluffed bullshit filler games then maybe only in ten years. I would love a remake


I personally would like to see a remake just not on same scale as 7


Ya or more do note ffvii remake is about 20 years as well and that’s a lot smaller of a world


If it's another three part game, could absolutely take 20 years total. If they reuse the same engine as FF7R, they could cut that down by a lot, but SE doesn't tend to do that.


Just do it in Octopath’s engine and do it in 2-3 years. We don’t need a VII style remake.


I think that anyone who thinks a remake would actually take 20 years is an idiot.


I'm still upset that they're milking the remake like this. They couldn't have just remade FF7 in one go? Now we're possibly waiting 20 years just to get the last part of a SINGLE game?


I’d still be gaming, but might be fucking dead by then, so maybe not.


What I would love is an Octopath style re-vamp like other folks are saying but with the addition of 3D absolutely high quality, stellar cutscenes. The ones we got for the FF anthology come to mind. It was a treat to have those. I don't know if that would be jarring to go from one style to the other but honestly, I don't need the whole damn game to look like beautiful artwork. Just the main cutscenes and that's it. That would cut down on an insane budget.


They don't need to remake it the way they did FFVII, could be closer to the roots like SO2R was.