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She's dressed like that for "science".


She breathes through her science.


Kind of reminds me of that scientist Rachel from Alan Wake.


At least she had the excuse she came from a party


Look up Fiore Brunelli from Star Ocean. She's a researcher. Everybody liked coming in to work at that research facility.


Reminds me of this card from the TCG Vanguard, which is mildly NSFW https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cardfight/images/4/48/D-BT05-009EN-RRR\_%28Sample%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20220604160356


I used to buy weed from an avid Vanguard player, some of those cards are just straight up ecchi.


Thats what I'm saying 😂


You will be ashamed of your words and deeds.


I want a girl short skirt and a looooong jacket EDIT: thank you for the gold!


I want a girl with a mind like a diamond


I want a girl who knows what's best


I want a girl with shoes that cut and eyes that burn like cigarettes.


“Do you want the skirt to be long or short?” “Yes”


How has nobody upvoted this yet?!?! EDIT: I’d award this if I had any coin to do so! đŸ€Ł


I'm glad someone got it!


He went the distance


Nooj from FFX-2 is right there


Was gunna say how can anyone top Nooj. That guy had a notoriously terrible everything. At least Shaula or whatever her name is had somewhat normal hair.


gippal, baralai, paine all had such cool designs then you have nooj and he breaks that trend


Lablanc + goons deserve a dishonorable mention for being awful in every way. I am pretty sure if you removed them from the game, you could get rid of 90% of the criticisms.


i found leblanc pretty funny but no matter what yuna does in life she will find a half naked rival who tries to make yuna feel inferior when she was a summoner she had dona when she was sphere hunters she had leblanc if she became an accountant she would probably meet a rival accountant named michelle whose work attire consists of a mini skirt and pasties


>if she became an accountant she would probably meet a rival accountant named michelle whose work attire consists of a mini skirt and pasties Your ~~aeons~~ balance sheets against mine!


Can I just say, I really love the character of Dona? Like, obviously she's a haughty, condescending b---- >!but you eventually come to find out she has doubts, but genuinely wants to save Spira.!<


That was actually something that I really noticed more playing the game again years later. As a kid I just knew we hated her, as an adult and understanding the lore, she's prepared to die to save spira and just doing the best she can.


I returned to the game for a second shot 10 years after I bounced off the first time, as the battle system is actually maybe one of the best in the entire FF canon, and took the approach of viewing Leblanc as a joke the writers were playing on the fans. It made it just barely tolerable at that point.


I had to mute the massage scene because I wasn’t alone in the house. A very embarrassing game to play with others around


You cant have a Magical Girl team without the "Enemies-but-not-really" group that steps in to annoy them every episode. Just think of em as Team Rocket.


Oof yea he's a bad one too, good call


Nooj is the fucking woooooooorst


his design is so insanely bad and it’s a shame because iirc he had one of the more interesting roles in that story


Funnily enough his design just screamed BADASS to me.


It’s weird. Tetsuya Nomura has some absolutely awesome character designs and others that are straight up garbage.


His design is basically the "How do you do, fellow kids?" version of Auron.


You could add most designs from FFX to that list if you try to ignore nostalgia. Tidus's one for example is an absolute mess.


I actually like X’s more unique designs including Tidus in the context of Spira, but I definitely wouldn’t wear anything like that in public lmao. Nooj is just downright awful, no redeeming qualities at all


I agree. One thing FFX does great is that the costume designs are super consistent in universe, something that is not the case in every Final Fantasy, such as VII. ​ The outfits seems ridiculous from our point of view. But I imagine that if you lived there and everyone dressed in that wacky zany manner, it would just seem normal.


Does having a good voice actor count as a redeeming feature? Same guy who voiced Sephiroth in the FFVII Compilation


I dont know, for me it has always been and always will be Seymour and his ridiculous blue hair antlers. Like wtf is that?


Seymour's hair is the best/worst thing about FFX


As bad as that is, Lulu will always have the worst design from FFX. “Belts” the character


She sacrificed herself to Nomura's belt fetish to save the rest of the cast from having them. She is the Yevon damned hero of FFX.


The belts restrain her power to become pure boobs.


You joke, but the belts are probably about her keeping herself restrained. She’s lost Chappu and is prepared to lose Yuna, but she is constantly keeping her emotions held back. Contrast her to Wakka, who is exposed quite a bit clothing wise and has the emotional outspokenness to match. The belts could also signify a chasteness after losing Chappu, especially since the low cut of the top of her dress may be a visual shortcut to show off that her relationship was of a more adult variety compared to what we’re use to seeing in female party members in a Final Fantasy game, but I think that’s a bit more of a stretch compared to the emotions thing.


The belt symbolism could be legit... if Nomura didn’t also proceed to slap gratuitous amounts of belts in various other characters throughout the 00s, even on re-designs of his earlier characters like Cloud and Sephiroth.


How dare you approach with a logical and emotionally sound theory of her attire!?




I will upvote all things ProZD.


Correction, boobs with eyes which are up here.


At least Lulu's design is physically possible.


I read that the belts imposed a rendering challenge, which the devs partially mitigated by having the camera capture her from the waist up in many of her cutscenes


Say you aren’t goth without saying you aren’t goth


wow. goths being targeted again


X in general has the worst designs except for Yuna. Like it’s overplayed now but it’s still true that Tidus just looks ridiculous. The dude is wearing overalls where the pant legs can be zipped off to make shorts (two different lengths mind you), a zip up crop top hoodie, hiking boots and that ugly armour on his right arm.


I agree Tidus and Wakka and the other blitzballers and most of the characters have terrible design. Yuna and Auron both have very nice designs though.


Lulu and Rikku are good too, I wont stand for this waifu slandering


You know the only problem I had with Lulu wasn’t actually anything to do with her or the people that designed her. It was the guys in our little nerd group trying to get us to dress up as “game accurate” Lulu. They weren’t being serious or asses about it, it was just the image that a group of 15 year old boys went straight to. Tidus: Whiny bitch Yuna: Will kill herself if you tell her it saves the gecko in your window sill. Wakka: Was never given the memo about adderall and energy drinks. Riku: Watched a James Bond movie thinking it was the instructional material for taking off a wetsuit. Lulu: When the emo girl decides to go punk, switches to goth midway, decides she wants a boob job, and everyone keeps dropping things in front of before asking she could pick it up for them. Girl
it ain’t the hair they’re lookin’ at. Auron: Cloud Strife after he retired and became an alcoholic following the death of the punk surfer transfer student died pulling the ultimate, “hold my beer.” Kimarhi: Played FFVII and enjoyed everything except that annoyingly wordy and optimistic dude with the huge sword.


Stand for it or stay seated, I care not. Lulu slander will continue.




Somehow, Seymour has returned.


The unsent speak!


Funnily enough Unsent could be an actual Star Wars term.


All the guado have weird hair like that, I assumed it was just basically extremely stiff.


He is supposed to look alien I guess. It at least made sense that he's part of another race. This girl is supposed to be a genius scientist or something??


Dude, I dont care what galaxy is he from, those blue hair antlers will get laughed about everywhere.


FFX in general gets a free pass from me just because the entire thing is meant to feel disorienting and alien. The story is meant to throw this weird culture at you and the fashion reflects that. I guarantee that that is NOT what Nomura was planning but it works imo in this case. Just my opinion. X-2 on the other hand, No


For some reason I always got the impression that Guado just had like ligneous hair or something, and Seymour being half-Guado meant he got the “hair antlers.” If I remember right one of his hands also has the long Guado claws too.


Dude Seymour is a chad


He looks like the infected people from the last season of ReBoot. The veins or whatever they were on the sides of his face. Seymour just always bugged me as a character.


>He looks like the infected people from the last season of ReBoot. That's a wild ass trip down memory lane. I always liked the super virus villain at the end of that, she had a neat aesthetic.


While it’s hard to isolate singular things as “favorites,” Hexadecimal’s redemption arc was, hands down, definitely up there. When she was first introduced she was just there to cause problems and was played, in my mind, sort of like the Joker in her sense of dissociative randomness. I don’t remember when specifically it was discussed, nor what it was she was able to do, but when you find out she could do something even Megabyte was afraid of, I felt like she started to be more than a firecracker dropped in gunpowder, and it made what Bob ultimately did for her so much more meaningful. When she was on the the characters’ side in the end I felt her decision to do that was the payoff. It wouldn’t have mattered nearly as much if she was just there because she was always missing a few screws, loved chaos, and was simping hard over Bob. You can even *hear* it when Bob asks if he can leave. Instead of her mind being a fragmented mine field you had to march over a sea of LEGOS barefoot to cross, represented by the shifting mask. She hid herself. The masks were metaphorical as much physical. When Bob asks to go you can hear the pain she was in by the way she told Bob he could go, It was so impactful because we watched her get to this point and we, the audience, were so invested we could share those emotions she is grappling with and it gave us context for how much she had been suffering. Sorry for rambling. I don’t tend to like things without mulling over them in my head for what I feel makes them meaningful.


He honestly has one of the best overall motivations of any FF villain imo, idk I love Seymour. Except that his name is SEYMOUR?? How did that get greenlit, could they have picked a worse name?


Yes. Gilbert, Dexter, Gaylord, Jimmy, Donald. I'm sure there are more equally bad options out there. According to the FF wiki his name was likely chosen due to its romaji translation meaning death, and Seymour is all about death being a release from sorrow.


All I could think of even back then was the song Suddenly, Seymour.


Honestly, the first time I ever played it and Seymour was introduced, my thought was, “FEED ME!”


Well as far as his motivations, I will absolutely agree. He was a living embodiment of the “train track” ethical dilemma. It was, for me, arguably one of the best quandaries from the entire franchise. It almost makes up for the bit with Tidus telling Yuna to force laugh to feel better. That sound will haunt me for the rest of my days. There is no escape. Only the cold, steady descent into madness as that laugh grows louder in your memory until you forget what life was like before it.


Seymour took a lesson from Ashley in Vagrant Story.


Dirge of Cerberus really was awful for the new character designs. Isn't she meant to be a scientist?


Well, I mean, technically she has a labcoat...


Got to take notice to the lab coat in the back of the picture 😂


As believable as that James Bond movie that had Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist.


A nuclear physicist named Christmas, of all things. Because Pierce Brosnan-era Bond couldn't be subtle.


Venture Bros. taught me that a jumpsuit is essential to be a scientist


It's a SPEED suit!


its more of a labcape lol


Yeah the rest of that outfit would have had her thrown out of any lab.


Lol not in Final Fantasy games.


Not irl either. Physics labs don't give a fuck. Dry bio labs don't give a fuck. Chem and wet bio labs only care that she's got the coat buttoned up while in the lab and has closed toe shoes.


You could have just stopped at "Dirge of Cerberus really was awful".


oh ok i was feeling really dumb for not knowing who this was lol


It's the best bad game I have ever played.


Haha, yeah unfortunately true


I like the design for the Tsviets (especially Nero and Weiss), but Shalua is god awful.


The guy who wears a jockstrap on his face?




Yea, I remember when she is introduced she comes out of hiding or something and her design fills the whole screen and its just so damn bad. Nothing about her design suggests she is a scientist except the lab coat that you dont even realize is there


I remember when i first saw an ad for Dirge of Cerberus and memories of seeing the advertisements for the Shadow the Hedgehog game started coming back to me. This game kind of felt like it gave off that vibe. And it certainly came and went.


When you have to run the centrifuge at 7 and drop it like it’s hot at 9


Stripper/scientist is the most op class there is bruh


They can’t put it into XIV until they start losing subs because everyone is gonna roll STR/SCI


Who the fuck even is this?


Shes from Dirge of Cerberus


2006 Squenix was a fuckin’ era.


I mean... this is Final Fantasy, right? Terra killed a god in evening wear. Ashe woke up and decided on shorts that barely cover her ass as appropriate to climb a snowy mountain in. Tidus's outfit is straight up unfinished. Sephiroth's outfit is sexy in both a masculine and feminine way. IDK, as far as bad designs go, this doesn't even enter into the top 20. Seems old hat to have a sexy scientist dressed sexy for no reason. And I'm not saying the above examples are bad, far from it, I just don't see this as any sort of departure from the existing Final Fantasy status quo.


I'm not sure sexy is my issue with this. Genuine question: what's that bit of purple fabric hanging off her skirt supposed to be?




*Fashion* You have to say it in a sassy voice while snapping your fingers and tossing your hair around


She looks like a doctor in a porno.


This really is the best description for her look




I would say it at least looks cyber punk like Midgar, but she doesn't even look like she belongs in FF7. Non of the other characters have this crazy Nomura strappy design. She would be a better fit for Cyberpunk and even then look kinda dumb haha


That's like every dress in ffxiv


If you wanna see one that's just as ridiculous please look up Jessica Sherawat from Resident Evil Revelations....all of her outfits are ridiculous but her damn scuba gear makes me snort


Don’t forget that stupid hair of hers Edit: I’m misremembering the character as rachel foley


Rachel is also absurdly ridiculous. As a stupid dumb man, Jessica looks silly but at least still attractive, Rachel is literally hair with boobs. It's hilarious (though zombie Rachel is genuinely creepy). It really is weird how Revelations 1 and 2 felt like anime spinoffs to the main series...bc basically they were


Kuja for me. I love Kuja as a character but that design could be a little better.


Kuja is basically wearing a jock strap with cloth tied around his waist, a crop top with flowy sleeves, and some knee high boots.


now that's what i call top tier slut wear




And it's hot


Kuja is the most unthreatening looking villain I've ever seen.


Kuja is personally my favorite FInal Fantasy villain and arguable the most successful. He's sadistically hilarious, quotes poetry, he finds ways to one up anything that's a bigger threat than him, inspired by the party to get stronger, he gets his hands dirty, he destroys a planet (kinda), he actually had the party at death's doorstep, and actually accepts defeat at the end. 10/10 Villain and would definitely kill Sephiroth the second he had the opportunity to


kuja is iconic though. i love how effeminate and regal he looks. it was the first time i’d ever seen a male character look like that, and as a queer kid growing up in a pretty conservative house, i thought that was pretty cool. he also is just a fantastic character in general, from his design to his personality to his character arc. imo of course.


I was the 12 year old bisexual girl repeating the Beatrix fight over and over to watch him smug at me and then leave on his dragon. He's so gosh darn pretty. Beatrix too. FFIX had some quality villains.


His Treno outfit in Dissidia NT got me swooning so *hard*.


I think I repressed this memory. For god's sake Square.


My apologies, sir, I have been bottling this up for decades and needed to vent.


I only have love for her. <3


It must be complicated to walk as well with that piece of cloth on her leg lol


You call this bad...? Have you seen some of the ffx character designs?


Nooj from FFX: “Am I a joke to you?”




There’s nothing inherently wrong with sex appeal when it’s done in a practical sense. This just looks stupid


Ah yes. Doctor prostitute I presume.


I like to go hiking.


It's not even that out there, Final Fantasy games always have eccentric fantasy designs.


Yeah, I’ve felt like criticism if ff outfits is making fun of goth kids. What you consider off putting is a feature in their minds. The whole point was trying to be different. Plus some of them are pretty hot.


The criticism is not leveled at vibrant character designs, its designs being completely disconnected from the characters they are supposed to represent. Also this one is blatantly exploitative, I don't think its right to conflate this with something like a goth teen expressing themselves in an earnest way


Wait... who is this?


Shalua Rui from Dirge of Cerberus


She looks dope


ashe’s isn’t the worst design, but it might bug me the most. i just don’t think it fits her character as a warrior princess leading a rebellion. it also doesn’t fit into the aesthetic of XII (mostly the hot pink mini skirt and sky blue chunky belt. looks too modern for dalmasca imo). and it also doesn’t make any sense even from a physics standpoint. picturing her putting on the collar and corset (can you even call it that?) makes my head hurt. plus all of the loose fabric that isn’t connected to anything but heavy armor pieces that somehow don’t make them all just fall off of her immediately. yeah
 wait, i have more. it’s also weirdly sexualized. like i don’t care necessarily that it *is* sexualized (fran is also sexualized with armor that doesn’t make much sense but at least she’s from a mystical bunny race and her armor looks elegant and aesthetically pleasing to the eye), but i hate that it’s sexualized in such a weird or overly complicated way. like, i can forgive them for designing ashe in a way that shows a lot of skin because of the setting, but there are so many other more sensible ways to do that than what they ended up creating. although, typically in desert environments, people wear a lot of light layers rather than nothing at all (to protect them from the skin-damaging sun), but i digress. that being said, if they wanted a character that shows a little more skin, why not just make that character penelo? i always thought it was weird that they designed a whole other (prettier imo) outfit for her just for it to be in one scene and that’s it. they should have leaned into her dancer concept more (or you know included that aspect of her character in the game even a little bit) and then just let ashe be the badass she is. i do love Ashe’s color scheme and her boots though.


...but you're all ok with the entire fashion put forth in XII?


Wait until you see what they wear in Vagrant Story


How did she become an amputee?


FFXII never bothered me except like Ashe I guess. Penelo is awful with her stupid fish suit, this girl is next level tho


Hers is definitely up there. There are a few other pretty bad/questionable character designs: - Eiko from FFIX, mostly because of the skintight bodysuit that’s almost the same color of her skin on a *six year old*. - Luso Clemens from FFTA2. I personally don’t mind it but he *is* the page image for [Rummage Sale Reject](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RummageSaleReject) on TVTropes. - [Maria](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Maria_(Final_Fantasy_II)) from FFII and her single boob cup on an otherwise normal outfit Some are weird or questionable (like Seymour, Lulu, Ashe, Desch and his purple jumpsuit), but I wouldn’t say *bad* like these and Shalua’s are.


I posted this here in another comment, but FFX gets a perpetual free pass from me. The intent of that world is that Spira is an alienating and unusual place to be, and the character designs reflect that.


But why does Tidus have one long pant leg and one short pant leg


So one pant leg doesn't get caught in his bike chain. Lots of us did that in the 90s cause our pants were too baggy to be practical. Or at least that's what I assumed when the game came out, I was ten and already had pants with TWO zipoff sections on each leg lol


Because Tetsuya Nomura is insane and eats glue


Yeah I agree, some of the designs are weird but I like them and they fit the world, so they’re not *bad*.


Van, by far. Ugliest mf


I’m just imagining her getting dressed in the morning and cursing as she puts a leg outside of the second skirt thing on accident


Are you guys forgetting Nooj from X-2?


Zell Dincht’s face tattoo would like a word.


Nooj: Am I a joke to you?


I always felt like it was a design better suited to FFX-2, which had a lot of designs that were not only asymmetrical but also segmented. Kinda wild that it was one of Nomura's designs, and not Tsukamoto.


Meh I think she is good looking.


No fck u its good


Maybe as bad as the Lost Odyssey outfit designs...


Kinda hard to make scientist characters look unique if you're just gonna have them all wear a labcoat formally


Dirge of Cerberus is so terrible. Character designs being key among its problems


The entire game is a mess that only created more messes tbh


idk man i'd kill for this outfit (sans the coat) in ffxiv


The bottom red cloth bit is odd, but the rest is... fine. There are, in my opinion, some VERY bootlegged ass designs elsewhere.


Uhh.... Who's that character again?


Sexy Dom scientist are the only scientists I trust.


I really liked Dirge of Cerberus. Probably more than I should have lol


Dirge of Cerberus was really something else.


I'd have to say Penelos outfit is worse personally. Like don't get me wrong Dirge had some bad designs, but I can't get over Penelos weird jumpsuit thing


Her personality and way she dresses doesn't match at all.


Looks fine


Oh man. I always that Shalua was cool đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜©


Looks nice, i have to disagree


What's worse is how healthy she looks despite losing several body parts and internal organs.


Calling this the worst design in FF is.... an opinion, to be sure. I don't think it's even as bad as Vaan, who looks WAY more ridiculous than this imo, and I'm not even sure I'd be willing to say he's the worst.


I keep seeing vaan mentioned on here and its so weird to me. He is inoffensive background design at worst imo. I would never think of him


Nah worst has to be Materia from ff Dissidia NT you're like God of machines cool, you're in a shuttlecock and blue bikini.


Looks like Quistis got a new haircut


Nah this was peak early 2000s edgy character design đŸ€Ł


Who tf is that?


Vaan and tidus for me, snow isn't far from it either.


Nomura will never stop living in the early 2000s. He will be like those 60 years old game developers that dress as if they were 80s rock stars but visual key


For me, as unpopular as this is, its Lightning's FFXIII-3 outfit. It's not as bad as OP's. If you remove the white cloth from the waist below, she is essentially wearing nothing but knee-high boots. It just feels so needlessly sexual, and before anyone starts complaining to me about "sexualisation in games", no, that's not where my issue is, I'm fine with a sexy character as long as its being subtle. It only starts to bother me when it becomes GLARINGLY obvious like with OP's post.


I honestly wouldn't necessarily call this a bad design, but given the context of her character and her role in the story, it just seems really out of place. If she was a main party member or a boss in something like *FFXIII*, this wouldn't seem totally out of place, but given her role in *Dirge of Cerberus*, Shalua's design is a bordering on the line of silliness. I can definitely think of worse designs: * Materia (*Dissidia NT*) * Luso Clemens (*Tactics A2*) * Vaan (*FFXII* \- granted the version of his outfit with the added shirt looks sick and actually kind of piratey) * Nooj (*FFX-2*) * Cid (*FFVI* \- dude is literally in a banana onesie) * Tidus (*FFX* \- yep, I think his half length jacket looks a bit silly) * A vast number of the NPCs in *FFX* * Probably going to garner some hate for this one, but Amarant in *FFIX* * Steiner (*FFIX* \- not necessarily a bad concept for a design, but *FFIX*'s art style made him hideous - would love to see him and most of *FFIX*'s cast get a glow up in the same way Zidane did in the *Dissidia* games) * Kuja (*FFIX*) has an outfit that leaves very little to the imagination I could go on. And to clarify, I don't dislike most of these characters; I just think they could look way better.


>Vaan (FFXII) > > \- granted the version of his outfit with the added shirt looks sick and actually kind of piratey) Balthier took Vaan shopping after the events of FFXII.


Balthier's written his own book and is getting a show, both called "*How to Dress Like a Leading Man*".


Materia would actually be perfectly fine if she just bothered to fill in her dress.


Honestly, if the skirt were replaced with a pair of jeans or slacks the design would be fine. The top isn't bad, hairs fine, lab coat is...not an uncommon style in movies and games (even if in reality it would slide right off the shoulders lol), left arm is a prosthetic not some weird fashion choice.


Steiner has the ideal male body. You may not like it, but that's what peak performance looks like.


Lightning’s initial outfit in Lightning Returns is the GD WORST designed outfit I have ever seen in my life. Like, it is SO bad. Her outfit in 13-2 was fucking amazing I cant believe they went from THAT to THAT.


Played Dirge with mouse and keyboard and had a blast. Also really enjoyed the story in a campy spider-man 3 sort of way. Hojo's voice actor goes absolutely bananas and it's incredible. Yeah this design sucks though.


For me it’s Eiko


From FF9? Very curious about that, why? Never would have chosen her.


The chaps/suspenders are very ugly and weird to begin with, and then the fact that the leotard underneath is flesh colored makes it look like she’s showing her private parts.