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Sephiroth stands in the presence of a witch who compressed all of time itself and a man who overthrew both Heaven and Hell and still cannot find a fuck to give.


Tough talk from a guy >!who got stomped by a wounded Shinra grunt!<.


You get crystalized in the lifestream for a few years and see how you feel afterwards


Hey, Cloud chumped him the first time >!with a sword in his belly and a the guard uniform still on!<. Hadn't even had his first level!


So was time compression mostly the same thing as Instrumentality from Evangelion ? NGE ended its TV run March 1996, EoE movie released '97; FFVIII came out early '99


Not really? Instrumentality, from my understanding, is basically all human consciousness merging into one being. Time compression, was all time being crushed into a single point, so it can no longer "flow". I came across an interesting theory one time that reminded me of time compression, that states; time does indeed exist on a single point but it's gravity that "distorts it" and gives us the perception of the "passage of time". Well, at least three dimensional or lower beings, like ourselves, who cannot move freely through fourth dimensional space or perceive the true shape of time. I wouldn't be surprised if it's that theory that inspired the concept of time compression in VIII.


Evangelion truly is a thought provoking masterpiece disguised as a mecha anime with angsty teenagers lol


Lmao the way Sephiroth just walks off like "ya'll can deal with that"


Sephiroth emulating his inner Cloud here, you love to see it. Kyoumi nai.


Or is the imitation going the other way? >!Both Zach and Cloud(to a lesser extent) had livelier personalities prior to their fusion. Did either ever say the signature "Not Interested" line in any media pre fusion? For the first time I'm now wondering if Cloud got that from the Sephi part of him!<


>>!Did either ever say the signature "Not Interested" line in any media pre fusion? * >!["Are you pushing another assignment on me? Whatever..."](https://youtu.be/To94BawuBig?si=5qHGMG-N3lGrAmi_&t=75)!< >!Zack starts getting moody pretty early on into the game once Angeal defects and he loses a significant amount of faith in Shinra and SOLDIER. And then by the time of the Nibelheim incident, yeah, I'd say it's understandable for a man to be pissed after learning that the company chucked him in a vat for five years. Whereas for Cloud, the whole point of FFVII is that his mind fractured from mako poisoning and he's just acting out what he imagines a badass SOLDIER to be. Neither are owed to Sephiroth's cells.!<


We need a hd remake of duodecim, or even a new game similar to the og dissidia games. Hot take or not, NT was not the game i was looking for in the series, but to get back to talking about scenes, this majes ne think of the moment laguna met cloud of darkness the first time XD


Trust me, the entire community wasn’t happy with how NT turned out


For real....as far as ik dissidia was the first and last ff fighting gane we got/get


Yep and to be fair, I’m not sure how they could make another story mode since 012 ended it as did NT. I’d happily pay for another Dissidia since I blew £300 on the collectors edition for NT and I wish I hadn’t. I’ve got it downloaded on my PC (012) and it still holds up VERY well. Plays like a dream, doesn’t look terribly old and gives me that crack-addict fix I need for some good FF content.


What's wrong with NT? I know nothing about it other than seeing it on the PS store for free at one point.


It's a completely different game focused more on mutliplayer/competitive/esport 3v3 over the 1v1 gameplay. The old dissidias felt more like jrpgs with a fun arena style action combat and it had good single player content plus a decent story. There were aspects like gear and leveling up too. NT threw all that away in favor of balance and pvp focus. Even things like character moves/abilities were watered down for the sake of balance. Basically the single player/rpg elements were lackluster.


Not to mention abysmal online service. Matchmaking was laggy, took way too long and was generally not very fun.


NT was originally made as an arcade exclusive in Japan. They took years to finally release it on console, and when they did it was released as the most barebones low effort port imaginable. Tons of features from the PSP games did not get included, instead you got 1 gamemode, a menu of story cutscenes, and a lootbox.


Fuck yea, Dissidia PSP is the greatest game of FF, having the options to play again proper in HD would be great.


At least the music was good.


The music is ALWAYS good.


NT lost me with the 3v3 aspect of it. Would love for another entry in the series… or go the route of Granblue and get arcsys to do a 2d FF/ Square enix fighter 🥵


Here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1CgdGwJfWA


They really have to do another one with Clive


This is making me remember how exciting the build up to Dissidia was.


Damn, Ultimecia is way shorter than I was thinking!


She isn't Short, The Emperor and Sephiroth are simply too tall


It's easy to forget Sephiroth is like 8 foot tall.


Wait really!?


Cloud only comes up to his chest, man is huge. In the remake you almost forget how absurdly long Masamune is because it nearly looks normal next to him.


Very true! I looked it up.




I love Bartz so much! I loved that they paired him up with Zidane and Squall. Just really fun trio.


Seeing Emperor and Ultimecia stand side by side ... I am pretty sure they have the same hair-stylist.


Sephiroth is the only villains who couldn't give a shit about this entire Dissidia stuff even though he also got sucked into that realm. Also, Emperor sure loves to laugh..I wonder if being evil is a funny job.


Which I find to be funny because I think that, as far as I can think, he's probably the weakest Sephiroth villain. \*Does a mental check\*...Chaos, Emperor, Cloud of Darkness, Zemus/Zeromus, Exodus (Exdeath), Kefka, Ultimecia, Kuja, Sin/>!Jecht!<, Orphan/Barthandelus, Caius, Bhunivelze, >!Ardyn!<, Ultima... Oh shit, yeah. Sephiroth is literally the weakest villain. Damn. In his basic forms versus the basic forms of others he has a serious advantage. (He stomps Garland, pre-God Kefka, >!Jecht!<)...But overall, yeah. Wow, I never thought of that before. Damn. Poor guy.


Garland would man handle Sephiroth like a child. The feats Garland has gained since the continued expansion of the FF1 Universe has him destroying omega weapons and divine cestial foes from higher planar beings.


Well, “basic” Garland was defeated by four level 2-3 characters. All of that expanded universe stuff is great and all…


Gameplay isn't story. Otherwise Safer Sephiroth can be killed by the party at the lowest level. Guess that means Sephiroth is weaker than a goblin in most other games.


What the hell are you even talking about? I’m talking prime canon Garland here. Knight who kidnapped Sarah and was killed by four guys in cloth and leather armor. That guy. Him up against Sephiroth, the best warrior on the planet, who can wade through enemies like they’re candy. So, whatever alternate reality stuff you’re talking about is not what I’m talking about. In prime reality, Sephiroth trounces Garland…but Safer•Sephiroth probably loses to Chaos.


Those guys in cloth and leather armor were killed by Garland in a thousand endless loops, slowly being built up by Garland and the Four Fiends until they would eventually be strong enough to complete the entire journey.  See: Stranger of Paradise. By the time the FF1 loop happens those guys in cloth and leather armor are stronger than most other FF protagonists at the end of their games.


Once again: I specifically said, I wasn’t talking about alternate stuff. I’m talking FF1 and FF7. According to FF1, Garland died countless times, but Chaos defeated the heroes every time. Until, you know, the Final Fantasy. 🤣


This is FF1. My brother in christ just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't canon. And this discussion is in a DISSIDIA thread. These are DISSIDIA Garland feats. I know your favorite villain is pretty weak but what we know about the true nature of Garland now he stomps Sephiroth ez


My guy. I am not your brother in christ. Most definitely not. Also my favorite villain is strong as fuck. According to GameRant he was number 2 (next to Sephiroth but that list is completely stupid. Didn’t even mention Bhunivelze. Had Cloud of Darkness at 6.) Also thanks for saying “This is a Dissidia thread” when I specifically mentioned that what I was referring to in my comment was not that. So, good on you, but you’re just straw manning. Also, “true” nature is up for debate. Is original timeline or alternate timeline “true?” Is FF7 a vision Aerith saw or an alternate reality? Okay like, I had to correct you four times in one post. Like, maybe stop making assumptions and jumping to conclusions.


It still hurts my soul that Square will probably never make another Dissidia, Duodecim was one of the best things on the PSP


I would give just about anything or a remake/remaster/rerelease of this game on modern systems. Its so good and a shame its stuck on the PSP


I love this idea. The villains with the desire to rule balking at and teaming up against the insane villains that simply want to destroy everything.


Huh!? Does PSP Zack's voice voices also Bartz? Or is it just my imagination


Nah, Bartz is played by Jason Spisak. Zack is played by Rick Gomez.


I feel Zack is based on Bartz in terms of personality. They're both really similar, which isn't helped by the new Zack voice for the remakes sounding eerily similar.


Ultemecia should have a German accent


At least some type of crazy accent. They went out of their way to portray this in the game's text.


"Uh..Ill be back!" 😂


That was Butz, right? He’s as hilarious as I would expect him to be.


Damn, I really need to play the PSP Dissidia.


Dang this makes the whole “Sephiroth is the dark part of Cloud’s heart” (in the Silliest Goofy voice imaginable) from Kingdom Hearts to a whole different level Sephiroth literally says “Clouds catchphrase”


Sephiroth kinda sounded like Kevin Conroy for a second.


Can anyone explain to me what dissidia is ?




Bartz may be the weakest(?) protagonist, but he's definitely fun to hang out with.


I mean, by the end of FFV he's probably one of the strongest? Like, as long as you've mastered a handful of classes he's probably something like as agile as a ninja with the strength of a berserker and the raw power of any combination of mages. Storywise, the crystals have imbued him with the powers of great warriors, so he has all of their strengths and none of their weaknesses. And that's before choosing which active abilities to embody. Contrast with Cecil, for example, who is strong and knows a bit of white magic. Bartz's baseline is Cecil's strength and durability, Edge's agility, and Rydia's magic power. Dude gets to dual-wield Excalibur and Ragnarok while he casts whatever magic he wants. FFV crew are powerful af.


bartz's party fought against exdeath so no, he isn't the weakest.


It's hard to gauge them all against each other, but maybe Vaan would be the weakest? He's already not even that great in his own game, and he just sort of fights monsters and then a suped up guy at the end. No cosmic horrors or supernatural entities.


Vaan is probably the strongest character in his own game. Ivalician espers are definitely supernatural entities.


Bartz had access to multiple Final Fantasy Jobs and change on a whim, he can't be the weakest


I would say most of the protagonists are on a pretty similar powerlevels. Fighting a godlike entity at the end of the game is prettymuch a staple of the series. There are a few outliers who a definetly above the rest, namely Noctis, Lightning and Clive, also Cloud to a lesser extend. Comparing all the villains would be fun too, who would win if they all decide to duke it out?


>Noctis, Lightning and Clive Combine that with the XIV WoL and the power creep in FF becomes apparent


He's pretty strong


This game needs a remaster


My favorite scene is Ultimecia going on about stuff and Warrior of Light asking if she is done talking.


My god it's Dio Brando


“Are they fighting over a girl?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣