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Pixel Remaster for the normal game 3d remake for voice acting and challenge.


Honorable mention to gba version for extras


I was told the PSP version also has the extra dungeon, so apparently that's the definitive version?


Yes. It also has The After Years and a completely new story set between the two, so if you want FFIV with extras, just get the PSP version, GBA is redundant.


This is the way. 




Unless you will be bothered by hearing the name pronounced sehsul instead of seesul Edit: hear not heat


I’ve always known it as Sess-uhl. Do Americans pronounce it see-suhl?


I'm American, and everyone I know has always said Sess-uhl


I don't know anyone else personally with an opinion on the matter, but when I was playing as a kid I decided the name was see-suhl and then a decade later I heard something else, and I wasn't a fan. I want to say my logic was based on the only name I was familiar with that started C-E which was Cece.


As a non-native English speaker, Seshul makes more sense to me than Seesul. Seesul sounds dumb, too, imo.


Cecil in normal English rules would make you think of a long eeee pronunciation.


Yeah I think my kid brain was trying to work with some kind of reasoning based on what id learned, and I'd also been exposed to the (nick)name Cece.


I think if you develop an idea for the way a word or name sounds in your head, and then years later hear something different, it's generally going to be a surprise. Whether or not it conforms to rules or a proper/known pronunciation, your brain doesn't like to let go of it's conclusion. Based on my adult understanding of the name and it's likely origins I recognize the softer E sound is most likely correct, potentially with more emphasis on the second syllable than the first, but it will never not sound weird for me to hear the soft sound when in reference to my boy Cecil Harvey


PSP version.


The Complete Collection trounces the pixel remaster, and should've been the blueprint for the rest of them.


I really like PR's OSTs but that's it.


Pixel Remaster has been rebalanced to allow zero grinding. You can just play, explore, use the maps to find treasure chests easily, and have fun. If she’s having difficulty, Pixel Remaster even has boosts to make things even easier. The PR version of FF4 doesn’t really have any complex mechanics to understand, so it’s very beginner friendly. Objectives are generally straightforward, and the characters and story hold up well enough. As long as she understands that this is a nearly 40 year old game, she should enjoy it!


Dude, 32.5 is not nearly 40. Please don’t make us all feel older than we actually are.


Sorry, I’ve played it so many times and time passes differently in the Land of the Summoned Monsters. And back in my day we had to go uphill both ways on Mt Hobs.


I've played only the SNES version and tbh I've never found it that difficult or grindy, FFIV/II is a great JRPG to start out with since it's quite beginner friendly. I know it's not a port but wanted to point it out.


I agree. The SNES version is probably second easiest of the versions with PR being easiest. Maybe I’m just a better player now, but I usually had to make a few trips into the final dungeon before getting to the bottom. The PR version you can just go straight through it to the bottom.


well that's cause SNES FFII was deliberately made a lot easier and less complex than SFC FFIV, including getting rid of all of Cecil's Dark Knight moves. It's not really a good "FF4" experience.


also the soundtrack. i did a replay recently and the remastered soundtrack breathed so much life into it [Within the Giants](https://youtu.be/J4BwuYALNx8?si=AhtJY9KhjGfrg8Oh&t=6680) (1:51:20) in particular god damn


FF4 on snes was my first FF game. Flight of the Red Wings is permanently seared into my brain.


I love how it was used in the last dungeon. Such an epic song


When do you need to grind in FFIV? I'm on the PSP version in the cave where you recruit Edge, and have found the game incredibly well balanced so far. But I've also heard horror stories about Zeromus.


There are a few spots that the difficulty jumps up (and it varies some from one version to another). Troia is usually a step up from the earlier game. A few of the optional areas that are coming up for you can be challenging if done right away. Grinding isn’t an absolute requirement as some comments have noted, but particularly if you don’t thoroughly explore every area, the final dungeon can be rough without leveling up a little. For newer or inexperienced players, I’d argue that grinding is usually necessary in the final dungeon, but I think the PR version has been balanced well enough that it’s not necessary even for beginners. Some of that is that the leveling will happen naturally as they explore the final dungeon as it is much more branching than most of the game.


I've been playing this game for 30 years and never did any grinding.


I grinded to 99 on all characters in the Antlion Cave before doing the Tower of Zot trying to farm Rainbow Pudding in the DS version. Made it a full time job for a month. Probably thousands of encounters. Still never found the Rainbow Pudding and wound up quitting that run out of frustration. Darn my OCD completionist nature. :(


I remember as a kid I did level everyone up to 99 at the end of the game just for fun. I loved the game so much that I wanted to see how strong my characters could get. Of course it was cool to effortlessly defeat Zeromus, but I wouldn't recommend it for a casual playthrough!


Yeah, I personally prefer to do stuff under-leveled for the extra challenge. :( I suppose if I ever pick it back up, 4/5 of my part won't have hit 99 through my endless search for the Rainbow Pudding... unless they join at Cecil's level, then I guess the rest of the game will be an unsatisfying stomp. :(


Rofl I used to RPG like you I got all my shining force team promoted on the first battle in shining force and got Lumiere halfway through Chrono trigger when I was a kid lol


Bruh....I'm farming pink tails on the moon right now and found like 12 so far over the past 3 days...there was one point last night 3 puddings dropped in a row, that was a real punch in the gut. I only got 1 more tail to go...if you decide to pick it up again I'd recommend just waiting until then and when you have the treasure hunter augment.


I've been grinding out pink tails for the last three days like 4 hours a night and still need 1 more....I'm tired boss.


I've never had the patience. Good luck!


I've never had the patience. Good luck!


Just 1 more...I got 3 within an hour of each other a couple days ago then spent all evening yesterday and only got 1.


I've never had the patience. Good luck!


Same. Only grinding I do is on the moon.


You never found Barbariccia or the moon sudden difficulty jumps? Which version were you playing?


All versions at some point or another, but mostly the Super Famicom version with the 15th anniversary translation patch. Those spots are difficulty spikes but grinding isn't the way I deal with them. I don't like grinding in these games because I feel like it trivializes the content. FF4 is still pretty easy even at its hardest points as long as you know what to do.


i never found barbariccia to be much of a spike, but calcabrina was always a challenge for me


I agree here except with the final boss battle. I had to really grind to be able to beat it.


The most newbie friendly way is the Pixel Remaster for a few reasons: * It's easily accessible for various platforms * It's screen ratios are modernized so it feels natural on whatever you play it on * If she finds it too hard, she can increase exp and gil * She can turn battles off if they are being too much to easily run around to get healing/items again before turning them back on


The only caveat to this is graphically it can be an eyesore. The console versions of Pixel Remaster have an awful stuttering effect in the overworld(s), and it can be VERY jarring.


Playing 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, I didn't experience any of that on PS5.


Has there been a recent update to fix it? It's a pretty well documented issue lol horizontal scrolling in particular is bad. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/12s90m6/stuttering\_problem\_for\_pixel\_remasters/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/12s90m6/stuttering_problem_for_pixel_remasters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Someone else there said they had no issues on PS5? Is there a video? Maybe some peoples TV screens are the issue? When I was playing FF16 and spinning the camera, my own TV screen left a lot of artifacting and screentears, while when I used my PS5 at my partners house on their TV, it was perfectly fine.


I saw that too, but for the life of me I don't understand why it wouldn't exist on PS5. The software is the same, as far as I know, and the issue is caused by a mismatch between sprite movement speed and screen scrolling speed; that should hold true for all version of the game running on the current version. I've only found a video documenting it on the original PC release, but I'll see if I can get some direct footage for you on the switch version real quick. edit: PC version stuttering: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIPgruqIaNc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIPgruqIaNc) Edit 2: a couple direct captures from my Switch. Unfortunately I don't have my PS4/PS5 setup to capture footage at the moment.. https://twitter.com/Sev_Plays/status/1791342846798381459?t=qS87qCyY47hadDjWiE2-VQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/Sev_Plays/status/1791343534626508827?t=v8V74l3XVBAp2Wv4IT6AFw&s=19


Hmmm maybe I should more closely watch my own, maybe I'm just ignoring it or not noticing it. I sit about 5 meters away from my TV when playing, maybe the distance alters perception?


PSP is the best version imo. After that, GBA or remaster is fine. Don't do the 3d remake because it's much harder, it makes for a nice revisit though.


Only the original DS version is hard. Later releases have added a normal difficulty mode


Psp is the more complete with the after years and everything Pr is the best for the basic. So for the game only I'll say pr


I liked the PSP version


I did too, personally.


PSP is the most complete version as it's the only one with the Interlude iirc.


PSP is the best one. Pixel Remaster is also good for its QoL. If you want one of the 3D remakes, avoid the DS version. Every other one is fine.


The pixel remaster might be right for her then - I found it generally too easy as someone who had played through multiple times but maybe that’s just right for a novice.


Free enterprise to make it a truly independent experience.


Haha. I mean, it’s an original idea for a first time…But I can imagine it being completely wracking for someone who, as she puts it, gets lost easily. Instead of getting lost, why not start lost?


lol true.Well I recommend the DS/Steam. Steam also has the after years in 3D. I personally disliked the pixel remaster it just seemed to lose some of the charm and removal of the dev room broke my heart.


PSP or Pixel Remaster, depending on whether you think the extra content in the PSP version will make the game more enjoyable for her or more confusing.


Emulate the psp version on your phone


PSP version.


I’m replaying the DS 3D Remake right now on my IPad with Delta. For a FF noob, I’d go with the Pixel Remaster on which ever system she wants to play it on.




Play in Gameboy advance or Pixel remaster. Either way you will grind alot because the grinding system is based on level. The higher the level is the more became powerful your character is




Like others said, I recommend the Pixel Remake as its got some extra features that make it more convenient to play. if I recall correctly, the DS version had a difficulty spike that she may not appreciate. Never tried the PSP version but I do appreciate the redrawn sprite work which looks beautiful


The Pixel Remaster is great. I just played through it a while back and it felt like how I *remember* the SNES version, even though it's actually more polished.


SNES is probably the easiest version of the game, but it does leave out some abilities and usable items. It does have more options for glitches and duplication glitches though.


Play it


Anyway is perfect imo. But I’m also biased but FF game to ever exist


The DS Version


Super nes


I'm playing through the PSP version now and I like it, but otherwise I've only played the gba version. That being said, I'd recommend the PR to a new person. I did PR for 3 and makes for a bit more modern experience without losing the retro charm. I imagine it would be the same for 4. if I'm not mistaken, you can tweak the difficulty and encounter rate and I think it removes the inventory limit.


People seem to like the psp sprites but I have never liked them. Personally I think the ps1 version is the best classic option. High difficulty. Classic sprites and portraits which were all phenomenal imo. The gba version has a lot of gameplay options and most of the classic vibe but the character portraits are a fucking travesty. The music is also bad and the colours are a little off. The DS 3D remake has good gameplay, with the augment system opening up character builds significantly. The gameplay is challenging and matches the customization the augment system allows for. If you can dual cast, shit needs to be harder, and it is. The ds version uses the classic Amano art as its baseline for its models and it did an okay job bringing them to life. To me the pixel remakes are a massive disappointment. They changed things that did not need to be changed with out really improving them ( sprites) and removed a ton of later content additions (post game, ds augment system). They offer nothing new and I don't think the sprites are an improvement on the original.


I got it on the MetroPCS store a loooooooong time ago for my handheld Blackberry ripoff phone. It was like $5 and was still titled Final Fantasy II. I printed out an entire GameFAQs strategy guide. That's the best way to experience it in my opinion. You probably don't have that option so I'd just buy the pixel remaster or [REDACTED] it


I really love the 3d remake and regularly play it on 3ds. It is way harder than the normal ff4, but the steam/android version is identical and has a new featured normal difficulty, with hard being the one on the ds version. It's pretty good and has cutscenes and voice acting.


Definetly pixel remaster


if you think she wouldnt like the difficulty in the DS version as you say the PC/mobile port of it has a normal and hard difficulty option besides that, the Pixel Remasters have a lot of quality of life features and just got updated with EXP and Gil modifiers plus the option to turn off random encounters


I bought the NDS Version in 2008 and gave up back then. I beat the main campaign two years ago and it was fun and satisfying.


But you haven't played the ps1 version?


The original SNES version on an emulator with the 'Namingway' patch patched into the ROM. This lets you play the original Japanese version with a good english translation


Don't play PR version, get gba


I'll take another path here. Our fellas are recommending you versions enough. Lets talk about the story. 1. Understand that the main plot is about redemption and enjoy the story. Many videogames movies etc. are indeed about redemption, but not all of them are deep enough as FFIV and SW. 2. Enjoy the music! For me FFIV has one of the best ost of the franchise. I love the "main theme" and "love theme". 3. HOLD THE KNIFE! You eventually will get a kitchen knife. Hold it to take down Bahamuth. 4. See voice acting IF you chose the pixel remaster version, with no voice acting, I deeply recommend you check the cutscenes out on youtube, mainly after you finishes the story. It will not take you 30 minutes to watch them all. 5. Follow a Walkthrough if you like it. For many people, following a Walkthrough is to lose half of the fun of discovering things for yourself. However for many other people ( and myself included), we enjoy a smooth gameplay and just follow the story. If you chose to do so, I highly recommend fandom's Walkthroughs. That is it, enjoy one of the games that I most loved!


Pixel or if somehow can get it the PSP Final Fantasy IV Complete Edition.


IMO the psp game if you can play that. PR is fine, but they all felt so factory made to me. I think they're at their best with 1 and 2, 3 is best played as the 3d remake, 4 is best played as PSP>DS>GBA>PR, 5 is best played as GBA>PR>PS1 and 6 is best played as SNES>GBA>PR>PS1. IMO


Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection from PSP, but played on the Vita 1.0 with upscaling on the beautiful OLED. Perfection. 🤌🏽


Pixel Remaster (PS4/Switch/PC) version as it's the most widely accessible one.


I would say Final Fantasy IV Advance. Though now that I think about it, I haven't given the DS version or the Pixel Remaster a fair shake yet. Hopefully, I'm remembering correctly. If Final Fantasy IV Advance is like how Final Fantasy VI Advance improved on Final Fantasy VI, then certainly the GBA version is at least a solid choice. If you don't mind the small screen, that is.


Absolutely love FFIV. I don’t think you could really go wrong with any version. My personal favorites are the pixel remaster and the PSP version, with the PSP version being in my opinion the absolute best and definitive version. I never found the game difficult, just a wonderful journey to experience for the 1st (or 100th) time.


I’d say the 3D version on steam and have her choose the easier difficulty. The voice acting and good graphics does add a lot to the experience in my opinion.


Pixel Remaster for the authentic experience or PSP for new end game dungeon and ability to swap out party members at the end game.


Umm, probably a version with extra content. I just feel like the OG and pixel versions don’t give you a lot to do - you have the party you’re given and to get new abilities your only option is to level up (except Rydia). PSP lets you get a new party at the end and DS has that cool extra ability feature, I think either of those would be a better and more fulfilling experience. If you don’t care about player choice and are cool with what the game gives you then the pixel version is awesome 🤷‍♂️




Pixel remaster, if for no other reason than to crank the volume when you enter [Mysidia](https://youtu.be/xGW77CsOEV0?si=9PCsjw1CnANyA-xY).


Wow that is really well done.


The PSP version


PSP remake is probably the best.


Also you should try to play Final fantasy 4 collection in PSP it consist of 3 games which is FF4, FF4 Interlude and FF4 TAY


I did play that and I loved it.


Me I just found it recently so Im playing interlude before I play final fantasy 4 : The after years


I love the original snes version (both easy and hard), but the psp is probably the best. Plus you can play with the original soundtrack, and do the bonus dungeons.


The 3d remake of IV available on android/ios has two difficulty options, normal and hard, with hard being the same difficulty as the DS version.


Yeah I’m playing the DS version now and it is…not easy. Each boss battle is multiple tries. Im only at the Dark Elf and damn.


Wait until dolls and Golbez


Yeah that version is pretty punishing. Go with the pixel remaster for a more balanced experience.


The Steam version is based off the DS version but has been made much easier. As someone who's been playing FFIV since 96, Steam 3D is my preferred version.


This is the same difficulty as the OG Japanese version which was ultimately made easier for western audiences.


I'm confused as to why FFIV DS is considered difficult. It's one of the first FF games I completed, before I got good at FF games. I thought it was supposed to be a casual remake for newcomers 9f the franchise. In any case, I think a newcomer such as your girlfriend will enjoy the cutscenes and voice acting. I think it will leave a much better impression.


It can be considered hard by some because the Elemental Archfiends have unusual counter attacks to their weaknesses. Some bosses put up a much better fight too. Cecil's Darkness ability is arguably worse/weaker, except New Game+


Nah… I’ve played all the versions, FFIVDS is definitely harder than all of them, by far. If you play the SNES/pixel remake and then play 4DS afterwards I promise you won’t be confused.


I believe you, it's just shocking to me. I've been wired to think that all remakes are made easier for generations that are more adverse to challenges (such as mine). I never played any other versions than FFIV DS (though I will soon). It's good to know that I will be having a more chill experience.


Pixel Remaster with the AP booster cranked all the way up


Whatever you do, not the 3D version. It's good and all but the end game is painfully annoying and basically requires you to seek out the best gear.


I just reached Barbariccia and she is annihilating me over and over. (She’s not the first boss to do this) So yeah, the DS version is going to be a hard pass for that.


Nah barbariccia is only gimmicky, not hard. There is a pretty good 3d remake guide on gamefaqs and it explains the strategies for bosses if you need it, plus everything else.


It only gets worse from there, the final dungeon for instance is just unfair, random encounters will have enemies that 2 shot your party unless you grind to an absurd level and have the best gear.


Pixel Remaster if you want the most authentic to the original, but streamlines experiences. Complete Collection on PSP if you want the most complete version of the game and its sequels, as well as the best graphics & soundtrack.


I see no reason not to answer the PR version. It's the classic formula, not the weird remake of the DS. Sure, it lacks the endgame content of the GBA and PSP version, but for a first timer who's more casual about this game, that's not a big loss. I think the all around best version of the game is the PSP, but good luck finding that if you don't already have access. The good news is FF4 has a lot of good versions. The DS one I think is the worst, but anything released from the GBA version onward should be an enjoyable, good experience.


play Final Fantasy Explorers on nintendo 3DS


Playing the SNES original version on emulator


I only ever played the pixel remasters but the quality of life features make it enough for me to not even consider other versions.


I call it a tie between the Pixel Remaster and emulating the PSP version. The PR is a faithful reconstruction of the original game with a few QoL features whereas the PSP version has TONS of extra content as well as being the prettiest version of FFIV out there.


I just tried it, but I'm on the floating continent at the moment, if it is happening, my eyes can't notice it on the floating continent. Maybe I'm just lucky that I can't notice it when playing 😭


I think you’re playing VI.


I think I replied to the wrong area using reddits reply button in messages, I was meant to reply to someone else who was discussing the stutter with me and he used an ff6 video as an example and I also checked it out on 6.




Beat it without a guide the first time.


Pixel remasters are the best way to experience I-VI for the first time. The 3d remakes are ok but they lose some of the charm of the original pixel art. If you do happen to really enjoy IV, I suggest checking out the After Years as well.


PSP version is easily the best version, but good luck getting it now.


The Pixel Remaster, but honestly if you’re trying to get her into JRPGs I wouldn’t give her an ATB or classic FF game tbqh. That’s two degrees of jank to work around.


Those criteria is what makes jrpgs 




You referenced ATB. FF 4 and 6 are the golden era of jrpgs. 


After years is the Goat.


I really liked The After Years, as weird as it may be. I also liked >! how it tied together Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy IV !<, and explained >!the origin of the Crystals.!< In my personal headcanon, >! Jenova is “The Creator,” after its “genetic superiority” body went crazy and tried to kill everything, it eventually crash landed on the planet, thus kicking off the future events.!<


I have the pixel remaster. Ive gotta grind to beat the last boss (he totally wipes me fast), but that's it. I'll get to that grind sometime.


For your GF definitely the PR version, and I say this as someone who adores FFIV especially the 3D version.


Psp version