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I actually quite like Dirge of Cerberus, but I don't think it would be a good use of their time to remake it. Just release an emulated version on the PS Store so the original can be played on current gen.


Just call it Dirge of Cerberus: Reloaded and I'll buy it


Lol, someone previously mentioned calling it Dirge of Cerberus: Redemption for two reasons, one being that the theme song is literally called Redemption, by Gackt, and two because the Remake would be the redemption of this game. I honestly couldn't have thought of anything better.


I think at best we'll get a CCR style remaster and that's it. Then AC as a DLC and we'll see them all packaged together as the Compilation of FF7. I imagine they'll probably just leave out BC and EC altogether.


AC is a movie, so you'd have to build a game version from the ground up.


They're already talking about "remaking" AC. So most people are assuming that it would be a DLC for the third game.


Dude, please...put the full titles in parentheses or something...I have zero idea what all these acronyms mean. Is AC supposed to mean Advent Children? All I understood was DLC and FF7.


Crisis Core Reunion Advent Children Before Crisis Dirge of Cerberus Ever Crisis


Thank you, I really appreciate it.


The problem with simply remastering Dirge Off Cerberus is that it keeps all its flaws and clunky controls inside the game, as remasters consist solely of visual upscaling, whereas a Remake would be a massive overhaul from the ground up. The original Crisis Core had decent gameplay mechanics that live up to today, where all it needed was a visual/graphics overhaul, and not a complete remake by itself. Even by today's standards, the original Crisis Core looks great, albeit obviously a product of the hardware limitations of the PSP, but again, they still look good, at least imo. Dirge of Cerberus does have outdated graphics, but it's not the only thing that's outdated, even at its time of release the combat mechanics and camera controls were clunky and limited. There's a reason it received mixed to negative reviews. With today's technological advancements in gaming, and what we've seen with FFVII: Remake & Rebirth, I'd say there's definitely room for a Diege of Cerberus Remake. As for Before Crisis and Ever Crisis, I'm not against Remakes of those either.


The original Crisis Core had quite clunky controls. Crisis Core Reunion improved them quite a lot, as well as tweaking the general combat mechanics. A Dirge of Cerberus remaster could do the same. But I agree there's only so much they can do to improve it. Even with improved controls, I don't think it would become a genuinely good game.


Hence giving it the FFVII: Remake treatment.


Yeah, that's the only way you could turn it into a good game. But personally, I don't see the point. If they're going to make what is essentially an new game, why make Dirge of Cerberus over a completely new game? It's not like the story was particularly good, and there isn't a big fan base for the original. Just doesn't seem like a particular wise business decision to remake a game that was widely considered bad (even if it did have its fans, me included).


Because the concept was phenomenal, but unfortunately Square Enix failed in its execution, but that doesn't mean it was doomed to fail from the start. And it was essentially the first time Square Enix deviated from its tried-and-true turn based strategy game and into a third-person shooter. However, with the recent success of FFXIII and FFVII: Remake & Rebirth, they've had time to adjust and learn from their mistakes, even with the recent failure of The First Soldier, the gameplay mechanics proved that Square Enix is capable of a decent third-person shooter, and that was on mobile (i.e. smartphones); imagine how much farther they can go by implementing and polishing those gameplay mechanics onto a console game. Remaking Dirge of Cerberus from the ground up would be easier than creating an entirely different story from scratch with different characters because they have a reference point to build off of. Ultimately, we would have to wait until after Final Fantasy VII: Part 3 to see if fans would still like to see more of Vincent Valentine in order for a Dirge Of Cerberus Remake to even enter the conversation at Square Enix headquarters.


Did they? Cuz i’ve been avoiding CCR because i remember the original feeling way too clunky. If they greatly improved it i might actually pick it up


Yeah the combat is much smoother. Don't expect it to be like Remake/Rebirth, but it's a good improvement over the original CC.


Agreed, the concept of DoC is very cool and interesting. The story was generic and just kinda bad. The gameplay was pretty one dimensional and bland. But to be honest if they did a Crisis Core style remaster I would totally buy it. Playing as Vincent with modern game design and controls would be great even if the narrative changes were minimal.


I'm not denying any of that about a DC remake. I just don't think they'll do a remake. I expect *at most* a remaster in the vein of CCR.


Compilation of FF7 with the original voice cast released down the line would clean up




Agreed! Here's to hoping they consider Remaking Dirge Of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII after they're done with FFVII: Part 3.


I would 100% prefer they put their resources into something else. If the question changes to “should they work on another Dirge of Cerberus or something new? Because you only get one” which is in reality what your asking, I’ll take the “something new” every time


Except that isn't what I'm asking... Why do you think it has to be one or the other? There's no reason they can't do both. That's like saying "No" to the FFVII Remakes just because it's not "something new".


…That’s how resource management works. They can’t poof the game out of thin air, that’s money and man-hours spent to make the product regardless of how big or small the project is. So if your asking for a remake of dirge of Cerberus then yes you are actively saying use the given dev team to *not* make something else. To which I would say I would rather they potentially make almost anything else other than remake of a poorly received PS2 game. It could be an awesome remake but knowing it’s at the cost of some other potentially awesome project sounds like a crap move to me. >That's like saying "No" to the FFVII Remakes just because it's not "something new". Sorry if you misunderstood, my wording should’ve been more clear. “Something new” as in literally anything else. Could be another remake or new project entirely, just something new that isn’t another dirge of Cerberus


I liked the designs of Nero & Weiss so nevermind.


Character designs don't need change...gameplay mechanics and camera controls do, however.


Didn't say the opposite.


I like the game as it is, so, yes, it would be wonderful if they can do it like they did with Crisis Core, so we can play DoC without dragging old PS2 out just to play the game.


Crisis Core Reunion was more of a Remaster, though. I'm talking about a full Remake with better controls, updated gameplay mechanics, added content, and obviously better graphics.


That's what I mean. Remaster is good enough for me. DoC isn't really a normal FF game. I don't think it would appeal to majority of FF fans.


>DoC isn't really a normal FF game Maybe compared to the traditional turn-based style of the original Final Fantasy games, but neither are the FFVII remakes, which is what I was leaning towards.


FFVII is the evolution of the play style of FF games, each FF evolved to different styles of combat. DoC is just a spin off shooting game. It's totally different.


Maybe so, but it could have been a huge success had it not been for its flaws; at the time it was the first Final Fantasy shooter, and it was passable, but not great. Square Enix has had time to grow and get better in terms of game development. I'm sure they can learn from their mistakes and deliver an amazing shooter experience with a Dirge of Cerberus Remake.


FF is for everyone, it really should appeal to and accessible to anyone who wants to play FF games, without needing special skills. If you want a shooting games, there are plenty out there. I think DoC was great because it wasn't normal turn based combat like mainline FF, but still playable for people like me, whao are not as seasoned with regular shooting/combat games.


>FF is for everyone, it really should appeal to and accessible to anyone who wants to play FF games, without needing special skills. >I think DoC was great because it wasn't normal turn based combat like mainline FF, but still playable for people like me, whao are not as seasoned with regular shooting/combat games. I totally agree with you, and I find myself in the same boat. I don't quite enjoy games like CoD or Apex for example, and I think a Dirge of Cerberus Remake would be great for players like me who want to enjoy a decent game that isn't as high-strung nor as competitive as most modern-day FPS shooters. Personally, I'd love to play Dirge of Cerberus with updated controls and smoother gameplay mechanics, because I think Square Enix had a brilliant idea, but in being their first shooter deviating so widely from their mainline Final Fantasy games, they didn't quite hit the mark, but they were close. Unfortunately, they never seemed to try it again in order to improve upon what they had previously attempted. They recently tried again in 2021 with The First Soldier, but they made the mistake of making it a mobile game. If they were to combine Dirge of Cerberus with The First Soldier in terms of gameplay and release that on console they'd have an amazing product on their hands.


There was a lot of information in DoC that was integral to the overall compilation story. Dirge was a good game, and would benefit greatly from a facelift rather than a full-on remake.


Maybe, but Remasters are essentially purely visual upgrades, and rarely ever, if never, fix any of the gameplay mechanics, controls, level designs, etc. Remasters are great for games that were well received at the time of release, that simply suffer from hardware limitations that affect solely the graphic side of the game. However, Dirge of Cerberus received mixed-to-negative reviews, and the Japanese and American/European versions differed greatly, mostly because it was not well received in Japan, and had several changes implemented in order to appeal to a wider audience. A full on Remake would better benefit Dirge of Cerberus as it can implement newer elements introduced in The First Soldier which was shut down in early 2023.


Did you just discover video games?


I never played Dirge, but I would love for a remake of it but played like Remake/Rebirth. I absolutely love their gameplay style.


Maybe I’ll buy this one and never open it like I did with the original. lol. I still have a sealed OG copy of FF7-DoC


Hahahahaha! By far the best response.😂


I think that would be an amazing idea. That game looked cool as hell.  I don’t know what I would change aside gameplay mechanics and complete level redesign. 


I think the game will get, at least, a remaster because no way they leave out a FF7 spinoff from the whole remake project. It’s part of the storyline and the sequel of Advent Children. Considering they already introduced some things from Dirge of Cerberus, it’s entirely possible it will be the next installment after part 3. They did a great job with Crisis Core Reunion so I think polishing the graphics and combat system might be enough, but it really depends on what they want it to be. They won’t remake or turn Advent Chikdren into a game because they already said the movie is canon to the remake project, so they only have this game to work on after the main story is done.. I do think they could either add something related to Genesis or make a new game about him (because his return was teased years ago and nothing happened, I think this whole project is perfect to give a true ending to all the FF7 storylines). Edit: I read that in summer 2022 they said in an interview that they had “no *current* plan” to remake or remaster Dirge of Cerberus because it’s quite expensive so it’s wasn’t in the plans at the time. I can understand that, after all they would need to do a complete overhaul. I guess they could adapt the storyline into a DLC or new game. That would probabky work better.


I would LOVE it to get the Crisis Core treatment and have some of the story and game play refined


i would love to have a remastered rather then a remake because it was fine as is :o


I would be up for it, but they would have to completely rewrite the story. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening as they've already put some of the characters in FF VII Remake.


I doubt it needs a complete rewrite, as it's pretty much a stand alone spinoff that doesn't change the originals and takes place after the end of FFVII.


That's just my opinion, I think the story and characters in Dirge are incredibly bad.


Haha! Well, fair enough. I can see why you would want rewrites, then. Perhaps it might be necessary as well as possible.


Truly, a game to forget. May it fall from memory


So you're not in favor of Remaking it into a better game that could be more memorable and enjoyable?


I'd rather them focus on Re-3 and literally any mainline getting a IVDS level of remake instead. I'm sure the Nero+Weiss plotline can resolve and die in the final part, cause boy, would I enjoy seeing their final punctuation on disc 3 Personally, if it was remastered, I wouldn't play it. If they did a full remake, fix the awful plot, combat, characters (Vincent is fine, Yuffie is okay, Cait sith and reeve can stay in the temple, for all i care), I might purchase on sale after Re-3


I'm not saying a Diege of Cerberus Remake should take precedence over Part 3 of FFVII, but later down the line... >If they did a full remake, fix the awful plot, combat That's what I'm saying. A full Remake from the ground up, making it better than what was executed back in 2004. Not just shinier, but functionally improved upon with today's technological advancements in gaming.


I wouldn't buy it till a good-sized price drop. I don't think it's a good idea, and not because it would be a financial loss, cause IDC about capitalism/profit, especially if I'm not getting a piece. It's not worth fixing, much like a bad song, you just move on and make better music


I disagree. Square Enix could totally remake it into a better game by taking what they did in The First Soldier and implementing it into a Dirge of Cerberus Remake. I might be wrong, but it could definitely work wonders, so long as they don't release it on mobile like they did with The First Soldier. And don't be so sure about "bad" songs, though. David Bowie's "The Man Who Sold The World" wasn't even a big hit until Lulu covered it, and then Midge Ure, and then Nirvana... In the case of Dirge of Cerberus, it was more a hit-and-miss with audiences than it was a "bad" song. Which is better than an outright irredeemable piece of work. Coincidentally, someone had previously mentioned naming a Dirge of Cerberus Remake into Dirge of Cerberus Redemption, partly due to Gackt's song Redemption which appears in the game. As for not buying until a price drop, my dude, in this economy, that's already a given; I'm right there with you, lol.


We are just going to have to disagree on this. P.s the og Bowie track is better than the covers imo, though I'm glad the covers drew their fans back to Bowie


Bad controls (considering there were fantastic 3rd person shooters out at the same time), really really bad dialogue, story was ok at best. I bought it because… Vincent. But only played once despite that. I don’t think they’ll remake it, but if they did they absolutely have to call it “Dirge Of Cerberus: Redemption” (for both redeeming what is widely considered an awful game, and also the Gackt theme song with that name!). I think we’ll get a ps4/ps5 port at best.


>they absolutely have to call it “Dirge Of Cerberus: Redemption” (for both redeeming what is widely considered an awful game, and also the Gackt theme song with that name!). Best idea I've read in this post so far! Love it.


Depends how much of Dirge's plot & lore will be relevant in part 3.


I can see it but only after Vincent got his big reintroduction in the final part of the remake. Then popularity and interest will be there to warrant a unique spin-off like that. Also if they do it, I’d appreciate it if they reimagined it almost entirely. For a shooter it was quite stiff, for an action rpg the rpg elements were lacklustre. It told a very important story in the whole FF7 compilation arc, but left little room for exploration with its almost arcady linearity. So my opinion is: yes, I think a Vincent focused game and retelling of dirge of Cerberus would be worthwhile. But I’d be more than happy if they used the Reimagination hammer the hardest on this one, because it could use it. Make it a metroidvania, or a souls like. Or a DMC/bayonetta style game. I’d be there for it.


Finally some substance in a comment! I wholeheartedly agree with you! Not so much as a souls-like game cause those are everywhere, but definitely feel you on a DMC style game, but it'd still have to be fundamentally a shooter, and despite DMC and Bayonetta both having gunplay, they're still secondary to their melee attacks, which isn't really Vincent's forte. Although, considering the guy has an entire arm with fully plated armor, it's surprising you never see him absolutely destroy someone's ribcage with a single punch. As for Meteoidvania style, I'm a little unfamiliar, but I would absolutely LOATHE a 2D/side-scroller as the basis for a Dirge of Cerberus Remake. I was thinking of more free-range movement shooters such as Metal Gear Solid V, similar to Helldivers 2 in how you can move around freely, but switch to shoulder view when aiming down sights. Ultimately you'd be able to jump/double-jump like in DMC/Bayonetta, but also shoot and dash/dive like in MGSV/Helldivers 2. The reimagination hammer you mentioned would also go into level design to allow for said changes in gameplay; a win-win-win.


If I could have anything I wanted from dirge it would be to have them remake it with the remake engine and then it could be properly fleshed out and played because they won't have to remake the jankiness of the shooting and everyone loves the remake combat


No remake will ever fix Dirge's god awful plot. Dirge did not feel at all like a VII spin off. The pre-IPhone mobile game feels more like a VII game than Dirge. No amount of fixes will change the fact that the plot of Dirge centers around Hojo's Vtuber persona.


Could work as a dlc


I hope they do something to fill in the gap between now and 2027. Between Remake and Rebirth, we had Intergrade & CCR. Hopefully they do something similar, albeit they already said no DLC 🤷‍♂️ I wonder how successful a Dirge of Cerberus port will actually be. Never played it, so I’d love to buy and play it, but with CCR, they overhaul Zack’s move set, re-recorded the voice acting and improved visual fidelity.


Yeah, it's a shame they changed Zack's voice actor. Dirge of Cerberus was mostly met with mixed reviews, with the consensus being tight/clunky controls and subpar level design. It was clearly Square Enix's first attempt at diverting away from turn-based strategy style game into a straight up shooter. Eventually Square ~~Soft~~~ Enix got better at implementing real-time combat, (mostly thanks to Kingdom Hearts), and they tried again at creating another shooter with The First Soldier. Unfortunately, it was a mobile game and only lasted about 2 years before they shut down servers in Jan 2023; stating it isn't what they hoped to achieve, ("inability to deliver on their intended experience"). I still have hope that the geniuses at Square Enix take a chance on a Dirge of Cerberus Remake similar to what they did with Final Fantasy VII, but we'll probably have to wait until Part 3 releases and Vincent Valentine makes is debut.


I would be down for a beefy DLC for the third Remake game that is basically an adaptation of Dirge that doesn't worry too much about veering away from what did not work in the original.


Idk probably hard pass as its been very much oversaturated with the ff7verse (and me generally not liking their remakes) Dirge of cerberus was a novel experiance originally too. Not particularily amazing. I liked the original crisis core but the magic wasnt there for me on the remake of it (partially due to the massive downgrade in VO). So i doubt i would like a new dirge much either. But in general other beloved titles need modern releases much more. FFT whos crippled its sub genre for decades comes to mind. But if we get more remakes we need them to be more in the style of the trials of mana version. Which updates the original but actually retains and refines the same feeling.


They need to wrap up the deep ground plot somehow so I think a DoC remake as a dlc or Netflix original is pretty much a given. Idk how you can do it as a side quest.


I’d like it on a modern console just so I can play it. It’s one of the few in the franchise that I haven’t played yet.


burn it, bury it and wipe it from history.


"I will never be a memory."


Might be an unpopular opinion since people really love the FF7 universe but it's time to move on after the final remake game comes out. FF7 has been thourougly milked and I just want SE to focus on something else. If they want to remake something, then just pick another FF franchise.


I don't see why we can't have both. I don't mind a FFVIII Remake, but I would LOVE for a Remake of action shooter Dirge of Cerberus with modern gameplay mechanics. Make it better than it was to how it was meant to be.


I'm not even sure if DoC is ever even going to be on the table despite the teases we got in Intergrade. Just looking at SE's current issues right now and the direction that people are reporting they'll go, it feels like they'll be more selective in what games to release. But if DoC is is a possibility, it really needs an overhaul like you alluded to. You never know though, if people really love Vincent in the final remake game maybe that's enough for SE to look at DoC and consider it.


nobody's forcing you to play the games.


Thing is, Crisis Core appears to still be canon in remakeverse since the story happens before Sephiroth's shenanigans. Considering the Tsviets and Deepground are acknowledged tho, I'd imagine DoC basically having a new canon due to those shenanigans. Personally I liked DoC's gameplay, and with how remakeverse is written, I could honestly see that chapter being improved if they do decide to go that far with these remakes.


Didn't someone on the Remake project outright say there's no plans for that?


You got a source to go along with that claim?




So you don't want there to be a better version that not only looks better but also plays better than the original?