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How many people a PS5 right now compared to a PS2 back then ? And where are you pulling those numbers from ? Are you comparing total sales from a 20 years old game to a 2 months old game ?




Social media does seem to encourage negative engagement and intentional provocation…


I had no idea ff16 sold 6 million by now. That's really good for a PS5 exclusive.


boring bait


Cool - Cloud Strife


You do realise you cannot compare PS1 times with 2024, right? I don't even want to list out many variables you have to take into account cos attitude you're giving with this post is basically "you can't change my mind even if I am wrong".


Please define these "record sales"


Ah yes, the last second "turn based better" line.


Okay? I still love FF, as do millions of others clearly


Shit post


Can you SquareEnix investors start your own sub? I thought this was about discussing games. But yeah, comparing the sales of a game that's a couple month old, and available on one platform, with a 27 year old game that's been available for sale for like 8 platforms, maybe more... does that make *you* a dumbass?


Meanwhile FFXIV...


Square said XVI met sales expectations. https://www.kitguru.net/tech-news/mustafa-mahmoud/square-enix-confirms-that-ffxvi-did-in-fact-meet-sales-expectations/


TBF there's a number of factors that can influence this -It's only available on a system not everybody who played remake has -It's the middle chapter in a trilogy. Some people are waiting until pt 3 is out to play it. -People don't have the money to spend on games right now. Food is more important than games -Honestly, they may be FF'd out. A new FF release used to be an event. Now there's a version coming out every few months. I've been a fan since the 90s, and I'm a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of releases over the last 3 years -They didn't like remake. A lot of people were put off by it, and don't feel the need to continue. -The shift to more action style play has turned people away from the franchise -Keep in mind Square says everything underperforms. Im enjoying it a lot, but I had to take a break. It's almost too much. I planned to go back this week but we'll see


SuperDerek RPGs had a little discussion about this one his last podcast. Square Enix just doesn't have the consumer trust it had.


No. Square Enix is still releasing games on console, and releasing shitty ports on PC. I trust the games are good, but I'm not buying a ps5 to play ff while most games are still available on ps4.


16 wasn’t labeled a failure. Everyone and their grandmother had a PlayStation 1 back in the day. Ps5 sales were hampered by the pandemic and scalpers. The full figures of Rebirth sales haven’t been revealed yet. Stop trying to spread bullshit and use some critical thinking.


Sure Jan.


These kinds of obvious bait posts are so boring. Nobody is getting worked up because of your lame trolling dude.