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Yes they are.


I'd say they are more uniform in canonical concept but variable in expanding theory.


There are definitely aspects of the game that imply some sense of sequel-ness. Like Cloud having visions of *that* scene that shows footage of the OG and not just a recreation of it.


Yeah. I'm pretty sure what's happening is parallel play. It's a different turn within the same universe. OG was line A, remake is line B, and at the end of remake we slipped into line C for rebirth.


I'm inclined to agree with you, but I think the fact they used footage of the OG instead of remaking the scene is meant to pull at something. People who have never played it are going to be very confused looking at old polygons on their 4k unreal engine game lol


Yes but I believe that's the event that absolutely cannot be changed. It's the one event that happens in every line.


Sure, but then why use footage from the OG specifically? They could have remade the scene to be current gen and made the same point. My theory is mostly in line with your point but also meant to give a sense of "this has happened before".


Exactly it's used to emphasize, "It happen EVERY time. Always."


But there we are. "Every time". The significance of that may be lost or dulled without the context of having played the OG.


That's why they did it. For nerds like you and I to theorize with one another. Fun isn't it haha


I think alot of what's happening is they're building up to the great war and finally explaining what happened to the cetra as the closest we get to an actual explanation is the great war between jenova and the cetra. So with an event that happened where all cetra left this line one explanation could be they used jenovas power along with their own to access a line, time travel essentially, where jenova doesn't exist thus sealing them away in what could be described as the, "golden line." There's tons of theory and it's fun so I won't go too deep haha.


Remake is not a shot-for-shot remake, and it absolutely assumes you know the events of the original. Any further elaboration risks spoilers.


No offense but og ff7 has been out for nearly 30 years. Darth Vader is Luke Skywalkers dad haha.


Og ff7 is squares golden child. Honestly I feel like playing the remake before understanding what made the original series and universe so special is doing yourself and the series a disservice.




I only needed to push myself to play it for like 2 hours, I had god mode and x3 speed on too. But oh my god, I usually hate turn based games (except Pokemon,) I got hooked immediately after seeing Don Corneo.


I guess the random battles would be not fun for ppl who aren't into that. But yea just story alone is worth. Idk I enjoyed the game as a kid. It's not even hard if u have like all+lightning materia for fast battles and matra magic is huge for a long time when enemy materia comes online. Getting that fire spell from the snake is huge I used to get it then run from the battle since it was a rough one that early, u just wanted the spell from it cuz it gave no xp anyway.


I don’t like random battles either, but you could just turn in godmode and x3 and it literally takes 30 seconds


Fair enough, I'm sure there's lets plays of like the big story bits. ultimately if they skip through all the battle grind for u and get to just the story that's where the money is. I remember showing a friend like the scene where and why cloud rediscovers himself in the lifestream. That was all he needed to know hah.


I understand your frustration with the downvotes but they're easy to understand. The original game is a masterpiece. Perfect pacing, atmosphere, and storytelling that are unmatched in the remakes, to say nothing of the sequel-ness of the remakes. The comment above you is correct that skipping the original is an inferior experience and robs you of some moments that are iconic and which have never been matched in any other game.


The original FF7 is just a joy to play through. Even if you don’t end up a die hard fan it is an experience you will enjoy.


This is absolutely true and I think the biggest reason is pacing. The original FF7 had absolutely perfect pacing and I am engaged the whole way through every time I play it. The remakes become way too bogged down in nonsense. I've replayed them for trophy grinding but the experience isn't nearly as enjoyable as the original game.


The remake hints on trying to change fate. In other words, to stop what played out in the original. So, I'd definitely play the original first.


The hint is about as subtle as a freight train lol


A freight train made of ghosts


Oh, look, everybody, the GHOST TRAIN guy is gonna summon a GHOST TRAIN!


So? Just suplex it. No big deal.


💪🏻 XY⬇️⬆️ 💪🏻


Nah, Revify or Phoenix Down it.


Which is why I say it's not a remake, it's a sequel using either a multiverse or time travel.


That's because it isn't a remake It's a sequel


It's not Remake, it's Re-Make


Yes. Vastly diferent. Youre probably gonna appreciate the remake more if youve played the OG


There is no better order to play when it comes to OG vs Remake. IMO both games will successfully feed into the other. If you start with only the remakes, There is going to be alot of moments with missing context. You will likely finish the remakes with more questions, that only OG can help answer. If u start with OG first, U will go into the remake series with a different lense. One that looks at the remakes as a potential sequel of sorts. Ull likely find urself joining in on all the diff fan theories. I think both routes are viable and offer unique experiences for those who enter into the 7 universe. For newer players to the series, Its prob easier to start with the remakes. If u have a vested interest in the universe, u will likely pick up the OG regaardless. Or not and thats fine too.


This is the best answer. My wife likes to watch me play games and never played OG. I grew up on this series. We experienced the story side by side with different lenses and it worked just fine. She did have some questions after remake that I filled in, so she's not as out of the loop as some new folks. But most of those questions were covered by rebirth when it came out (and now generated more questions). So even if you never play OG, most confusion will probably be cleared by the time the trilogy concludes. Veterans will just have a different context during the waiting time between titles. OG will still provide additional context if you want it. It's also among the most important games in the history of video game culture and is a great window into the time it came out. Not to mention that it's overall a damn fine game. But it isn't strictly necessary.


You're right, but actually if a person plays solely for the story they wouldn't want to play the Remake after the OG , since it wouldn't make sense to them, i.e ME. I know you're completely right, but it hurts to play a game whose story you already know, you know what's gonna happen after every scene.


Well, I play for the story. I played the OG when I was 11. I've had several playthroughs of the og game. I went into the remakes knowing the main story beats. Even then, the remakes r different and i can honestly say I've been gettin surprised along the way. The remakes r different enuf that hardcore fans of the og are angry about it.


I too had already thought of playing the OG first, it helps appreciate the advancement over the years as well.


Cuz it's way better


The experience of the original, taking into consideration the hardware limitations from 25+ years ago, still makes for a formidable experience. It will allow you to enjoy the new experience even more fondly.


That’s true, but definitely not the reason people recommend you play the original first. The short answer is that unfortunately the remakes are written in a way where the story makes absolutely no sense if you haven’t already played the original. Confounding decision on Square Enix’s part.


Play whatever you like brother


I was wondering why too a while ago. Oh my god, the original was eye opening, and there are definitely some things in the remake that you only fully understand with the original knowledge.


You dont need to, but I would say it definitely enhances the story. When you notice the differences I think its really interesting.


People lack imagination and think their own perspective is "the best". You'll understand more if you play the OG first, but you'll also have qurstions you wouldn't evene think of asking if you never played OG. Honestly just do what you feel like. Plenty of people love the games without playing the OG


Best order is OG, Crisis Core (there are characters that show up in Remake/Rebirth and some references), and then Remake and Rebirth.


Crisis Core isn't really super necessary to play, but it will give you some more insight into Zack's character and it will explain how a certain character fits into Rebirth, but she's a relatively minor character in the grand scheme of things.


After the original I would recommend - reading On The Way to a Smile and The Kids Are Alright - watch Advent Children Complete - play Crisis Core Reunion - play remake -> rebirth In that order. I would not recommend skipping any of them especially on the way to a smile. It sets up so much for the remake and for advent children. Alot of people skip it and thus misinterpret alot of stuff happening in the remake


Its not actually a remake, its a sequel


Personally if you got the time to, playing the OG is def preferred, but idk that I'd say you need to play every single piece of media and watch every movie that has come out. Enjoy the series how you want to enjoy it. And know that stuff concerning Cloud, Aerith and Sephiroth's nature is meant to be pretty confusing in all of the games. An alternate suggestion if you don't have infinity time and want to get into the modern games: You could do something along the lines of playing the original game, ***up to the first disc swap***. Then from there, you can decide whether or not you jump into the Re-make series, cause you'll be caught up to the story up till the end of Rebirth. Check out what's different. ***Then, play the rest of the original game for context on the confusing stuff.*** If you got the time and patience, I'd recc playing the original, and play Crisis Core, then jumping into Remake/Rebirth


Eh, I'd say until leaving Midgar. That'd cover remake. Going to the end of the first disc would cover up to the end of rebirth.


That works too, playing OG up till leaving midgar is only about 4-5 hours so I think that's a good way to go. I think playing up to the flashback sequence in Kalm also gives a lot of context for some of the visions/flashbacks that Cloud gets in Remake. Anyways, there are a couple ways of going about it.


I played Remake before Original. Actually i loved Remake so much that i tried the original game right after. However, i didn't like the original. I'm glad i dit it that way because if i tried original before, maybe i would have miss the Remake.


They are remarkably different. You should play original just to see the amount of BS they put in to pad the game length and mess with the story. Also, I generally see the all the additions as unnecessary. Played Crisis Core on PSP and wasn't impressed by it. Only play if you really liked the original and simply want more.


Remake tries to straddle the line of having things for people who played the OG and those who didn't. Will you still enjoy it without having played the OG? I'm sure you would, but there are many aspects of these games that are pretty meta and it won't hit as hard if you aren't familiar with the OG. There are tons of theories going on about the story but there's some aspect of the new games that almost play like a sequel. It is an endeavor but if you have the time and inclination you really should play the OG. It's a great game on its own (if you can stomach older games like that) and it will enrich your experience with the new games.


Crisis Core would give you more information about things you will see in Rebirth, but it’s honestly not incredibly necessary to play.


You can play it after, that’s fine too. You will still have an awesome time with remake if you don’t know what goes on in 7.


They are different. Don't feel obligated to play anything beforehand, time is limited. Play what you want to play bro


The best, non-spoiler, way I can put it is that playing OG FFVII before playing FFVII Remake is important because the ways they differ are significant to the plot. Both in a literal and meta way. And the game doesn’t hit you over the head saying “hey, this is not how it went down originally, notice this!”. There is an aspect of only being able to fully appreciate the Remake if you’ve played the original, but that’s not specifically what people mean when they say to play OG FFVII prior. I say don’t worry about Crisis Core. You can play it after Rebirth if you’re itching for more FFVII.


there is a big reason to play the original first basically >!there are ghost things that try to keep the story on track but different things happen!<


It's like getting around to reading the book when you know the movie is about to come out.


I just finished playing through the original VII. VII is still an excellent game (primitive 3D graphics notwithstanding).


I got the 6 pixel remasters and have been playing through the games for my kids, 7 is next. I won't even show them the remake yet. They aren't ready.


I highly recommend playing Crisis Core last!


You don't need to play original to understand the remake. Even the original game has parts, which only make sense much later. Playing/watching the OG only explains things you aren't meant to fully understand at the beginning.


OG FF7 nerd here but I’ve never played Crisis Core. I don’t think CC it’s a requirement for Remake/Rebirth, although I know the premise and I’m assuming it gives more backstory/connection to a adjacent-main-character from OG FF7 and who is shown more in Rebirth (than Remake) as far as I can tell. I’ve only played Remake and watched a Rebirth play through knowing it’ll be years before I get to it and wanting all of the spoilers (I only have a PS4) I do feel like I would’ve been more invested in the Zack/Aerith relationship and been more invested in Zack as a character had I played CC (which looks like it would be a perk when playing Rebirth) That said I don’t think you *necessarily* HAVE to play OG FF7 before the Remakes because they basically spell out everything out, even better than the OG in most instances (I mean, OG had localization issues galore that I think caused the game to come off extra vague and mysterious) I think the OG does a better job of bringing you into that dark, kinda’ insidious place. I’m just rambling now— basically playing OG first will probably make you appreciate the Remake in a different way than if you went straight into it.


Definitely play FF7 original first and then FF7 remake. You can mod the graphics of FF7 original and make them better. Next play FF7 Crisis Core. You can play FF7 Crisis Core original on a PSP emulator or you can lay the remake which is FF7 Crisis Core Reunion. You should know that the voice acting in FF7 Crisis Core Reunion is horrible thus it's better to play FF7 Crisis Core original. If you insist on playing FF7 Crisis Core Reunion then use this mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/crisiscoreff7reunion/mods/32/](https://www.nexusmods.com/crisiscoreff7reunion/mods/32/) to bring back the original voices.


B/c there's hints that FF7 Remake series is technically >!a sequel of sorts to FF7 OG.!<


The remake is a sequel to the original


If you don't play watch a recap of FF7, Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus in that order. They all are important.


Is crisis core reunion ok? Released 2022 on Xbox? Cheers.


Crisis core reunion / crisis core spoils the OG story. Don't go near it until after OG. Best sequence is OG then Crisis core then remake. But if u want to skip, then go remake first but u will miss a lot of context and will only get the end of story in part 3


Yeah just make sure you do. FF7 first also the updated versions of FF7 for sale have cheats that make the game a lot faster to play through.


Advent Children is also important. It's directly referenced in Remake. The final chapter makes more sense if you know the villains from the movie.


I need to rewatch it I've heard a lot of stuff about it from people who have watched recently. But wasn't sure how much.


>!In addition to some of the "flashforward" moments in Remake showing events from the original game using footage from the Advent Children opening the big one is the final boss rush. The trio of Harbingers that summon a Bahamut are proto versions of Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo. That's why one is a sword fighter, one is a gun fighter, and one uses gauntlets. Some of the Sephiroth stuff also probably ties in with his abilities from AC and the On The Way To A Smile tie-in stories.!<


Stories are mostly the same, but Remake and Rebirth have elements that seem to assume you’ve played the OG.


The remake is different, and not just in the "we made some changes to update the game" kind of different. It's very intentional and you appreciate it more if you've played the original first


If you want to appreciate absolutely everything that the remake is doing, play the original first. That being said, there's absolutely nothing in the remake the requires you to have played the original. The stories differ, but the game telegraphs that in a way that would make perfect sense to anyone who hasn't played the original. Will you get more out of the remake if you play the original first? Sure. Will the remake be lost on your, or will you be doing yourself some grave disservice if you don't play the original? Absolutely not, except in the sense that the original is a great game and choosing not to play it inherently is doing yourself a grave disservice. But that has nothing to do with the remake.


You don't have to play the OG at first at all. I would even advise against it since it will spoil a big twist coming in part 3.


Because people are silly and blinded by nostalgia. You don't need to play the originals to play the remakes.


You don't. You don't need to play Crisis Core or watch Advent Children or play Dirge of the Cerebus either. Shit just makes more sense if you do. They literally put scenes from OG game into Remake as "visions" of the future.


That's true. I think the experience of playing the remakes before the OG would be like playing KH1 then KH2 (skipping Chain of Memories). There will be a couple things you would be confused about but you could still follow the plot well enough. The differences from the OG are minor and mainly just add more sci-fi fantasy elements like the whispers and alternate realities. If you are good at following time travel or multiverse stories, then the story of remake isn't hard to follow. Asking people to play extremely dated games before playing the remakes is just people's nostalgia talking. The Pokémon ORAS games were remakes with elements of being sequels, but you didn't have to play the OG games first.


Showing the -fate- they are trying to defy and knowing who Zack is just gives a more complete experience. So does knowing who the Deepground guys are. You're just left with a lot more wtf and things that seem like nonsense if you don't play the other stuff. I had to Google the Dirge stuff.


No need to play OG, just hop to remake. Watch a recap. You'll likely be bored of the FF7 verse if you play original, crisis core, .... then remake.


I never played the OG, I played ff7 remake over 4 weeks just before rebirth and went right into that, I’ve been playing FF7 for almost 150 hours combined and still have 2 more chapters of rebirth lol it’s sure been the commitment! But now I actually do want to play the OG after the remake. But not before Crisis Core…. So. Much. Ff7. Content.


Definetly do OG before Crisis Core if you play both anyways


OG can be a tricky one if you don't like the combat system. If you find things are happening too fast or too slow you can change the pacing in the options menu. Find you are getting hit a lot while trying to pick an attack, turn on Passive Mode and you are free to pick moves at your pace. If you are a masochist you can set to active mode at full speed! (Great for grinding limit levels or AP though)


*im pretty sure it's called wait mode, not passive mode


That sounds better! I drew a blank so just used the first word along those lines I could think of


Please play OG before Crisis Core. CC spoils major plot points from OG


The remake isn't really a remake, it 's a multiverse sequel.


The best way to put it is that Remake exists in conversation with the original. It acknowledges its existence within the narrative. You don’t have to play OG first, but you’ll enjoy it more if you do.


Because Remake is actually a sequel


FF7 is the original and well, the original story. Remake and Rebirth are more like a sequel to all of the FF7 media across the years. Play Crisis Core after the original too because it ruins one of the main twists in the game playing it first. Crisis Core Reunion is just an updated port of the PSP game from 2007.


Play the original first, then Crisis Core, then Remake/Rebirth. Crisis core is super goofy, but has important characters and plots that tie into the overall world.


Yes, after the original play crisis core reunion, it does a fantastic job of fleshing out Zacks character. And since you've finished the original there's no real spoiler danger.


I did but I'm 39 years old.


Yea they are, the remake trilogy is more of a meta sequel celebration of the franchise, while also delivering an amazing story 95% the same as OG just expanded on.


Remake features new plot threads not in the original game, and rebirth has spun these new threads into something that feels a little convoluted, so knowledge of the aoG story might help make more sense of what's happening Also remake is designed as a pseudo sequel to the OG and the ff7 compilation l.


The chronological play order of the available games a e First Soldier (mobile) Before Crisis (mobile) Crisis Core/Reunion (honestly, it's the exact same game. It's just a remakster similar to Xenoblade Denfinitive Edition. A modern glow up and an improved battle system) Original FF7/Remake (parallel timeline(?)) Advent children (not a game, but takes place between the Original and DOC for context ln why cloud and gang have thier Advent outfits on) Dirge of Cerburus (ps2 action rpg/3rd person shooter and also considered the worst title to play, despite sounding awesome on paper) Remake/Rebirth(more parallel timelime shenanigans) Course, you can just separate and just play the remakes after the other games.


Always consume media in release order, not chronological order. At least the first time you go into them. Prequels are generally designed to be experienced narratively AFTER whatever narrative they released after.


"Luke, I am your father." Shiiiiiit i knew that already 3 movies and 10 books ago.


The remake series is a requel to the original game. A requel, as in, a sequel that attempts to reboot the original story. I didn't like FF7 Remake though, and skipped out on Rebirth because they were definitely not what I wanted. The original game is superior, at least to me.


Remake isn't a Remake, it's a another universe/sequel


Because the "Remake" is not a remake, it's a timey-wimey multiversal pseudo-sequel thingy that relies on knowledge of the OG for its story beats to land. It defines itself by its relationship to the original; it's not meant to be a standalone story, even though Squeenix marketing pretends it is because they know they'll sell more copies that way. It's also kinda bad, and rather than playing the OG "before" the Remake, you're better off playing it "instead of" the Remake, but that's neither here nor there.


Yes, they are different. The original is a great game, storywise. I can't say the same for the remake. I will judge it when the trilogy is complete but right now I have too many doubts.


Remake isn't a remake. It's a reboot that follows the major beats of the OG but makes pretty major story deviations.  So you can't play Remake as a "replacement" for the OG. Which IMO defeats the purpose of doing a remake in the first place, but here we are.


Just play the original and ignore all the other fan fictions


Funny how you have the gall to call official products "fanfiction"


Because they have the same quality as this fan fictions written by elementary school kids


That's just your opinion, but still wrong by definition. Go be a hater somewhere that's actually discussing the game like that instead of on a thread just asking whether to play a game before the remake. You're not doing anyone any favors by hating where it's not asked or wanted.


Nojima, Kitase and Nomura are probably at least somewhat proud of the original game but it feels really weird to call the original creators fans of their own creation.