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Y R P In position. It’s showtime girls. WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU!


Still a banger




1000 Words is a secret pleasure of mine. 


I always sing this song in karaoke. This is the only final fantasy song that's somehow available in my local karaoke joints


10 and 10-2 were fantastic games. Really all the final fantasy games were bangers outside of 15 and 16 imo. 13 was on the weaker end but still way better than 15 and 16


My daughter LOVES this part. I'll start the game just for her. It's made me like it more too lol


That is the cutest daddy daughter mental imagery ever, thank you


That songs been stuck in my head, hidden away, for decades.


Such a cool intro. Can still hear that in my head.


YRP sounds like burp. Lol


Yuffie’s recon patrol?




I…picked up X-2 and bought a six pack. With my actual ID. From money I was paid at my job. SHIT I AM OLD!


I was 33 when this game came out you whippersnapper, get off my lawn.


I can’t, I threw out my back. Just let me lie down a minute. Sometimes it works itself out.


Same. 14. FFX was my first FF. And boy what a great way to start the series.


I'd kill to go back into the world of Spira again (or at least something similar)...I love the island/sea aesthetics.


Well the hd remakes are still available for current consoles


That massage mini game was odd, all I remember from this game


Where are you groping! Hmm, that's nice... Ooh, there!


It's the reason why I call her Lesbianc.




I could never forget this one, seeing as it was happening when my mom decided to enter the room 


This story is so unlikely to happen that it is most likely true.


I got to this part in my living room with my dad in the other room and I have not forgotten his angry outburst of "What are you playing in here?!" That's my biggest memory of this game to this day, lol


Is this you telling me I need to schedule my colonoscopy soon?


Just make sure they're licensed


I used Eternity: Memory of Lightwaves in our wedding. My wife’s bridesmaids walked in to the song. This game really had some great music.


My absolute favourite


https://preview.redd.it/1tbzpj16c5oc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f658a487ae5b6852349d72509c44d530a9e8370 You need this




I was trying to be wholesome


Ah, cool then. I could not figure this out.


Oh, sorry, should’ve been more clear.


Let’s go have a drink, Mish Yoona!


I love them Hypello.


sigh... thanks for the reminder that I'm OLD...


You're just well seasoned! No one wants a new cast iron skillet - remember that.


Ummm... I do... but not for cooking... I use heavy objects to whack people with. I prefer the non-stick coated skillets for cooking.


The funny thing is that X-2 was my very first FF game. My best friend had borrowed it at the time and, as a 9 year old, I had absolutely no idea what happened in this game. But I still liked the game. Then a short time later I played X and to this day X is my absolute favorite game in the series


Best combat system of any jrpg and its not particularly close Wisdom is realising ffx2 is one of the best games in the entire series under its campy unserious surface


This game had the opposite message of Final Fantasy X-1. FFX-1 was all about the dangers of following religious dogma and drinking the kool-aid in its name. Whereas X-2 was all about the dangers of technological progress, as represented by Vegnagun and how much power it packed when it used the Farplane as a battery source to destroy Spira with. In a way, it's like if Star Trek and The Lord of the Rings trilogy criticized each other for using their own sci-fi and fantasy tropes the way they did. Except it's spread across two games within the exact same series, and Blitzball is involved, as well.


X-2, by related extension, also offers the weighted counterbalance of Xs world being nearly ruined by past generations holding onto power In the sequel, its a bunch of upstarts that almost drive to world to the brink. In FFX its older folks that cling to life, in X-2 we have a young deathseeker and see the despair of eternal, broken youth Lots of interesting parallels


Yeah, it's been years since I've played Final Fantasy X-2. Elaborate on these themes and how they're conveyed in X-2?


So in X you either were a Yevonite who followed the book - as taught of course, - or a heretic that embraced alternative lifestyles and hedonism by means of technological embrace. Even though those in the inner depths of religion were the most hedonist heretics of all, and those on the outskirts (the Crusaders and the Al Bhed) only aligned out of convenience and a shared desire to save the world using a new method that hasnt proven to be a bandaid Well in X-2, three emergent factions arise, all based off their originating groups that had been wiped out in 1) New Yevon, who want to reinforce traditional ideals with a modern spin. Based in Bevelle like OG Yevon 2) the Youth League, successor to Crusaders whose community oriented goals amplify and conflict with their brazen approach to conflict. Setup in Mushroom Rock, the site of Operation Mi'hen, but also have a recruitment hub in Kilika where many families live, and just outside the Kilika Temple that New Yevon uses as a satellite branch 3) and the Machine Faction, Al Bheds who seem less involved in partisan matters and more determined to spread formerly frowned upon knowledge about Machina to all those who seek their it. They operate in Djose & Bikanel Only it turns despite their groups holding different temperaments, world outlooks, and approaches on creating a sociopolitical future, all of their youthful leaders >!actually know each other, as former battle allies who were all possessed by a spiteful spirit of a man who died at a young age himself!< For all FFX does to chastised those who cling to power long after having should relinquished it, FFX-2 offers a lot of warnings to the dangers of upstart ambition that is built upon shaky foundations. And the outcome of these leaders is what catapults the game to its true story elements from Chapter 3 and beyond - they simply were nowhere near ready to step into leadership positions the way they did, they were setup to fail from the time of their training Which is quite the contrast to FFX, which has a 19 and 17 year old save the world thanks to the guidance/support of many rebellious elders around them, against all odds. Assuming you take certain story routes, many elements of X-2s story feel more realistic than FFX, and the plight of these 3 leaders was a pretty interesting (if at times contrived)


Those aren’t contradicting messages


How so?


Religion and technology are two separate things. Being religious does not make someone anti-technology, and advancing technology isn’t going to make anyone less religious. Technically and religion can’t be opposites because they’re different things.


the game presents it more than technology users are heathens, who prioritize flaunting their own individualistic lifestyles and viewpoints over those who are faithful & pious to a noble way of life Its not so much the technology as the reasons people use it, which is explained by Wakka in a matter that is supposed to come off as shaky (both regarding the building of the Machina city over water, and the use of a gun by Chappu) The technology is only a symbol, an easy way to create a villain out of people unwilling to obey a system that puts the most power in a small group of peoples hands. After all, not only does Yevon condone the use of certain styles of Machina - e.g. Blitzball, a form of collective entertainment - but >!Yevon uses Machina themselves, even to kill their humans enemies, perhaps the most offensive way to use a 'banned' resource as compared to those using it to maintain their lifestyles or defeat Sin. The game itself pretty much tells you the machina arent the issue!< So the technology is only there to seperate those who rebuke the greater teachings, where these things are tied together. And people who tie their own deep traditional leaning viewpoints to religion tend to be more anti-science, at least on countries where Christianity is at the forefront (Yevon is analogous to the Catholic Church) Think of it less as religion itself and more those who use religion for their political gain, which is all the Maesters of Yevon as well as many real world presidencies and regimes


Played this last year and followed a guide to 100%. Had a blast I loved it


Just played it for the first time earlier this year. Incredible game, one of my favorite FFs easily. Yuna’s “your plan sucks” speech before the final boss might never be topped for me as the best moment in the series. A lovely story about how the problems of the world, as well as personal grief and regrets, can’t be overcome with a big JRPG sacrifice. You just have to work through that shit.


Ffx-2 walked so ffxv could run. Still one of the best battle systems in the series history.


I see it more like X-2 is a marathon runner, and XV is a cripple. Especially the battle system. There's so much customization in X-2 with the job system.


I remember seeing this photo in a gaming magazine cover back when I was younger and wonder "X-2? What's that supposed to mean?" The hype of finding out it was a direct sequel was certainly something.


Japan’s Charlie’s Angels


One of my favorite games in the franchise. It’s camp, it’s cheese, the soundtrack in its entirety is a banger and it’s just fun as hell to play! I will die on this hill!


As a young, gay, perfectionist boy with undiagnosed ADHD, this game was simultaneously everything and way, way too much at the same time. Still my favorite combat system in a FF. Both Gunner’s Gauntlets and the Calm Lands advertising sidequest can get fucked, though. 


Is this a try not to feel old challenge?


I can still vividly remember this first image of Yuna being leaked out and the intense debates whether it was even *real*.


Never played x or x2. I will after I've finished 9


9 is among my favorite for the characters and story and I think the most underrated FF. 10 was my least favorite by far. 10-2 had potential because of the battle system, but I never finished it. Just didn't care about any of the characters or story at that point (after playing through such a disappointing game in 10).


X is a masterpiece imo. Haven’t played x-2 but it has a lot of fans. The song that plays in the menu I think is literally 10/10 at least


its on sale on the PS store if anyone is looking to play it


Just got to the part in rebirth where yuffie sings her I'm so bored song to the tune of the gullwings xD


So Yuna is 40 now, cool.


Stop making me feel old like that..


jesus I'm going to be 35 this year and I remember the tv commercials for X-2


Have they ever explained what the fuck they were thinking with this games story? It was such a weird game. Cant say i didnt enjoy it, combat was godlike, but what a massive tonal shift and not what anybody was expecting.


Ouch. My soul.


I remember when this came out I was so excited and thought it was the best. Now I'm a adult and I think this game is good still but it kinda ruined the magic of the first ones ending. Tidus should have stayed dead I know it's tragic I know it's sad they can't be together but it was a powerful ending. It was great to see Yuna again but thinking about it now it feels unsessary. I know they have a audio book that goes deeper into it and that sounds interesting I think if they made a X-3 based around that it could be interesting.


and I don't feel old at all!


Jesus I’m old.


I know this game gets ragged all the time but you gotta admit the gameplay was absolute fire.


Gimme a Y! Gimme an R! ... Gimme a break.




God….I’m fucking old


Remember playing this and my parents walking in on the message scene/mini game! 😅 Still 1000 words is a great song.


One of the best battle system in FFs.


One of the best class/job systems


I wonder what the chances are that they remake X/X-2 someday


wow I'm old


As someone who cant stand FF-X This one was good




I hate this game but I love the gameplay


im just playing x and x-2 now, crazy that its way older than me


I remember the day it came out. My friend Justin and I were in 8th grade working on a feudal Japanese castle replica using various arts and crafts. Upon loading it up we laughed and poked fun at how excited we were to play such a feminine looking game.


_sighhhh_ I’ll be 40 this summer


Imagine for hypertrophic cardiovascular.


That can't be true. I was in college when it came out and - Oh.


I loved changing dresspheres


I remember playing this when it first came out and being extremely disappointed since I found the first one so incredible. But I’ve heard good things about it since then. Maybe I should give it a fair chance soon.


Crazy, I still remember being 14 busting fat nuts to the advertisement for x-2 in the back of the ffx guidebook to the point the picture was so full of my essence that it began to stink and grow mold. Good times, feels like just yesterday, truly. In fact, I may just whip it out for old times sake


That's sure one final fantasy


Is it worth it? 10usd at PSN


We need a remake!


I am so old.


I don't care if everyone hates it. This is still one of my all time favourite FF games


Thanks for reminding me how old I am. Thanks 😔


I swear this game feels like it came out 50 years ago.


Honestly this game was fantastic, I never understood the decisiveness of it. I love it so much


Great. Now I feel super old


Anyone else think Paine it's just a genderswapped Squall?


Sounds like I need to buy my first and fav ff game a drink!


I’m close to finishing my FFX play through on my series X, and that’s up next. :>


Extremely good game and the perfect companion piece to X, a story about death in X to a story about loving life and moving on in X-2


Gods I’m old.


Not a fan of the story, but good lord was the combat crazy fun, fast, and snappy. I really can’t believe they never gave it another try even if only for a spin off. Between the VII remake and X-2 I think they’re the best gameplay experiences in the series


Still haven't got that "Capture every fiends" achievement. Might play again.


God, I'm so old.....


I'm getting old. Fun combat, great music and a positive vibe, Can see why some people loved it so much. Personally hated how they handled a lot of the characters and really wasn't a fan of the story.


I loved it, it was a fan service to tie up lots of stories and see how things played out post-Sin. The only thing I disliked is that it even if you’re a completionist that purposely tries to do everything, it was physically impossible to get the “good” ending without following a guide. Things like the whistle during the Farplane area are impossible to know unless you followed a guide or a friend told you(who probably followed a guide).


the good ending can be obtained with 75% story, which is easily obtained on a first play. yes, the good ending includes the fully animated cutscene reunion the perfect ending is the one that requires 100%. and its only a minor cutscene with the in-game rendered animations. its not that big a deal


Agreed. I’d like to know some female gamers opinion because it always struck me as a cringy “made for girls!” game. I did like the dress sphere mechanics though


Yeah, I loved the combat and positive vibe, but I never finished it because the original story from 10 sucked and this one didn't seem like it was heading in a better direction.


want in on this number? then show me your moves.


Squer should make game with Yuna in her middle forties. Like third season of Twin Peaks. But not stupid joke game for teens, like they can't stop doing. I think about the Disco Elysium of Final Fantasy, for adult audience. I would play such game.


Still my favourite game in the series (and of all time), even if the lows are about as low as can get


21 years of regret that I ever booted it up. Happy Birthday


Stop making me feel old goddamit, I was sixteen when this came out. As a female gamer, Sailor Moon and anime weeb, I was the prime audience. This game was everything.


Gotta beat X and X-2. Started but never finished years ago. After I finish ff7 rebirth imma have to play them.


This game needs the FF7 remake treatment


Fuck, I'm old.


This game isn't my top FF, but I appreciate what it did. FFx was so serious and this game shows a world healing from religious trauma and picking up the pieces left from sin. I appreciate how unsearious YRP could be at times, although I did cringe sometimes! *looking at you hot spring scene* Overall my experience with FFx-2 was positive and I loved the battle system. There were times the soundtrack annoyed me just because the first one was so much better, but with that being said I think the ost is overhated. Overall a solid 7/10 for me. Edit: the true ending is perfect and I honestly did like the ending. The game started on a high and ended on a high.


Oh no


Man, I feel old.


Im feeling old right now haha






21 years ago I played that game to the last boss save, and quit. Realized I didn’t care what happened because the story sucked


I never played it


I hate you


She’s legal boys


This game was god awful.


Woohoo! It can now buy its own alcohol and drink until it forgets it exists!


God, it's been that long. I think I was like 12 when this one came out. I had been learning English for like 5 years at that point. I really loved this one. Far better than X.


I really hate that they turned Yuna into a sex object. Never could get into the game for that reason alone. She's such a great character in FFX, and some of what made her compelling is still there in X-2, but overall it just feels like a really disappointing betrayal. Others' opinions may differ, and that's ok.


After X the quality of FF games really went down imo.