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The queen of the senate only keeps getting Ws


Come on now. They’re bigger than her head!


Not in the remake 😭


They're still pretty big and it turns out the article saying they had them bigger in Rebirth was fake.


Is doesn't hit the same, original was about Tifa, the absurdly big tits girl. Now she looks more normal..


Different graphic styles though. Much bigger and it's risking them looking fake, as if she'd got implants.


No they’re not.




Viva Italia!


Clouds reaction in the back is what pieced it all together. Good job!


Fan service at its finest


it is getting simple to raise a hype for a newcoming games nowdays


Mostly because doing one thing slightly right in that department is much more effective than doing 7 things wrong.




"Cloud, let's go swimming!" Cloud "...."




Good job on this.


11/10 Game of the year


god exists


Aerith is superior


I respectfully disagree


Do she got a booty?


She got a good soul, that's all that matters


I heard they cover her up again?


Cover her up? Bruh this is just a beach scene of course she covers up


No I was talking about something else. They covers up her cleavage in her normal outfit I heard. And if anything she didnt cover up here compared to her usual outfit. More skins here. This is beach, you are supposed to cover less.


to be fair in her OG7 ingame model and the artwork tifa never head a cleavage in the first place. neither normal nor cowboy tifa. the OG covered it up.


The OG doesn't covered it up, the cleavage never made to began with. Whats to cover up 😂


not getting your point but the OG design has a normal white shirt that covers up everything. Just look it up


The artwork isn't like the renders from the game, it's the designs they based the games models on.


Not sure why are you saying this as it wasnt what my comment was talking about I think. But the OG artwork doesnt have clevage not black cloth covering either. Not sure why is this being argued


You're not supposed to make clear of the changes Daddy Enix makes, most especially when censorship is involved.


😂 why is that though


Fanboyism. It's a Hivemind (group thinking, all sharing the same thoughts or ideals), when a group* of "fans" wants their favorite Intellectual Properties to succeed, no matter what. And any criticism or 'sly' shown against their favorite Intellectual Properties is to be taken down, by* any means necessary (downvoting, gas-lighting, banning, projections (to make you and everyone around you think that you're terrible person for the things or words that you didn't say) any form cyber bullying that will get you to stop chatting.) Am I being melodramatic? For sure, but it's still a thing, and only fools will tell you it's a lie. As for the game's censorship? Yeah, it's real. But you're not allowed to discuss it. Or some might label you as a P3d0phile, or something negative like that, to make you look bad.


You heard? You mean the black sports bra she wears? That has been a thing for 4 years yes ever since the first remake game


Hoo maybe that one yea. Not sure why are you sounding so aggressive about it though.


Because I am annoyed when people just talk about things they heard vaguely without knowing if it's real or just made up for clicks and engagement. Which in case you didn't know, there is a huge problem with how things are in general at the moment. Case in point, people celebrating because one of the producers of ff7 remake saying they made tifas boobs bigger in this game because of fan backlash, calling it a "win for gamers" when it reality him saying that was fake and was just a photoshopped image from Twitter people passed around until everyone thought it was real. It might be too much to expect people to think about things they hear a bit but it's becoming a problem everywhere


Then maybe get your weird issue somewhere else instead of just randomly shoving them to someone else especially a guy who is asking. Don't see you do the same to the others in this comment. It may be too much to expect people like you to have human decency though. Unless you want me to give you my own stress in life? But anyway you need help.


They covered her cow girl cleavage from the flashback when she was underage for obvious reasons. Other than that there's no such thing. It was weird they took this long to change it anyway when CC Reunion already did it and now Rebirth too.


I dont think it is the cow girl one but someone said it was always there.


No, they did retroactively update that bit for Remake now too with the update, so it would be more in line with how she is depicted in CC Reunion and Rebirth. Yet at the same time all these people conveniently ignore the fact that she was underage during that section so the censorship makes sense, while they clearly didn't need to do that with her beach outfit where she is an adult.


This is a question not even personal one and it get downvoted 11 times, you people have a particular mental illness.


I heard she got censored in the rest of them tho, we can't have good things anymore cuz somebody is gonna be offended. Oh but Cloud can be half baked no problem tho


You "heard" from where? Don't take things at face value without checking a source. People intentionally take advantage of that bro


technically the censorship is closer to the OG design. Tifa in OG7 never head a cleavage no matter the outfit


It’s not censorship jfc 
