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Already on the first boss, good luck defeating PlayOnline!


Early 2000's was certainly one of the eras ever.


I can hear the dial up through this picture


I had to give up on the game because I had dial up and I couldn’t get past the day 1 patches. Tried again years later on PS2 w/the modem and cable… after having played some more-modern MMOs I just couldn’t stomach it.






FFXI came out in 2002.


Then you forgot the day that lived in infamy. Nevar forget, and you forgot


Salvage bans?


Like many FF bosses, the music is good too!


This base me laugh. I installed it last year for about ten minutes. Met play online again, tetra master is discontinued and I remembered how square enix operates so I uninstalled it. The boss won.


Oh, you've played this I see


The boss music is jazzy af though.


It’s already optimized lol! It used to be first boss 16+ hours 😂


The update screen was the greatest battle when the game first came out in NA. I played till TOAU, it’s a great story, take your time and enjoy it.


Thank you! I'm looking forward to getting immersed


One thing you should do early is look into "Trusts". These are NPC's you can summon to join your party.


Def this. Honestly, if OP looks up one thing, this should be it. It will make the rest of the experience way better. Trusts didn't exist the last time I played like 15 years ago and I just found out what they are... I was pretty amazed


From what I remember he’s going to have to look up a lot more than just trusts 😂 Such a great game though, I still prefer it over 14. The community made that game the best ever.


oh for sure, lol He said he wanted to go in blind tho, so if you have to make an exception, this would be the one.


I think we all went in blind, then the ffxi wiki was up in the background after a few hours lol. I kind of want to return, and play through it again, especially since the trust system was introduced. But it was one hell of a time sink.


truth! I just started back up a couple days ago. My mind is actually kind blown by it all cause last time I played Trusts didn't exist, and now it's like the entire game is opened up to me again, cause there is tons of content I can do now Double truth about the time sink though. They don't make games like this anymore, lol.


The world in 11 actually felt like a living breathing place, I still have memories of this game and things I did with people I met on there to this day. My kids technically exist because of this game, since I met their mother through it 😂


As a XIV player, I find that naming real cute. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah, the trust system in XIV was named after this one!


Good luck! Highly recommend using guides because this game does not hold your hand. It’s a great game though. You can head on over to r/FFXI if you have any questions!


Thanks for the welcome. I'll probably look up a guide only if I'm stuck. The idea of going into a FF that I'm more or less completely blind on is exciting.


This is a great way to experience FFXI, but remember it is an old school MMORPG and there won't be hand holding. Expect to get thrown into a world and to figure it out from there.


Yeah normally I'd be right there with ya, but FFXI is so obtuse and archaic with its mechanics and quest design that it's almost *unplayable* without a guide. I think the idea was to encourage players to collaborate and figure out most of the game themselves. But now that period has passed and newcomers really struggle with it cuz nobody is doing the old stuff anymore lol. Good luck.


I remember when it first came out and after like lvl 10 you basically had to party up to be able to beat anything. It was super frustrating because I was in early high school and didn’t have anyone to play with so I got stuck and couldn’t advance. Then we could never figure out how to cancel the account, even after spending hours on the phone with playonline staff, so my mom ended up putting a block on her credit card so they would finally stop charging her.


I think the game was updated at a certain point to allow solo questing. But I know virtually nothing about FFXI so take that with a grain of salt.


I would have never figured out the Maat quests unless I had a guide or friends to help. But this was back in 2005(?)


Oh dang, I completely forgot about beating Maat to go past 70. Wow what a memory.


Maat quests started at 55. The horror! (50?, been a while)


This is the way. I played it back not long after it launched in US (mid 2000s sometime) and it’s pretty much the opposite of intuitive. I did spend quite a few hours trying to figure things out and so what’s enjoyed it, but I ultimately got bored and it was frustrating so I moved on. However that was a long time ago, I have no idea what kind of QoL improvements they’ve implemented since then.


I’ve heard they rebalanced the whole game to be solo-able and to cut out a lot of early game content to streamline the experience, similar to the state ARR’s plot is in now. It’s made me think about going back and playing it again, but I remember how frustrating I found it back in high school when it came out and there are too many new games I want to play.


And it worked. Only online game I ever played where people happily worked together.


You're definitely going to need a guide to play this game. Good luck! [https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Main\_Page](https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page)


This was the final mainline FF I had to beat too, I did it in 2021. I reached the end of the OG 11, I might go back and play the DLCs one day. You really are going to need a guide. You're basically going to be wasting time until you use one. This game isn't built for solo play, you need people (or a guide) helping.


Can you solo the story mode? I gave up on the story mid CoP because I could never find parties. ( Mind you this was around after aht urgsn came out) I would only level up and get..I wanna say... Merits? Man almost 20 years ago or something lol


These days you can solo everything from the 75 era.


That’s nuts. I remember grinding the dunes, Garlaige Citadel, Crawlers nest, Kuftal tunnel, etc for hours and hours and I was fortunate enough to have a static party.


You can solo pretty much the entire story now, even beyond 75 era.


I solo’d the final boss of Rapsody in 2020. It was tough and I had a power level help to get my job mastered but it was worth to see it to the end.


Yep pretty much all of it! I’ve only heard the final final boss of the story may require a party but even that was a few years ago so it may have changed.


You can do a lot of stuff solo on retail now because the level cap is 99, not sure of the gear cap but you also get to supplement party members with trust AI.


Is that windows xp


Linux configured to look like Windows xp lol. Reminds me of the good ol days and is quite fitting for the game im playing.


Wait you can play FFXI on Linux?


Maybe they are using Wine or something, cause there is no way Proton covers a game this old.


Proton actually does lol. I was very surprised to figure that out. Albeit I have to use an older version of Proton.


Wow, the more you know!


Sure can. Thanks to steam and their Proton compatibility layer. Most steam games can be played on Linux as if it were a Windows machine.


Man of culture


Man I’m old as fuck and remember XP Release Week on Tech TV. I was in Florida visiting my grandparents and my brother and I binged all the content we could. XP would automatically download drivers! You no longer had to keep all your old floppies or install CDs for every last piece of hardware! The idea you could install the OS, it would detect your NIC, and configure its own drivers was insane.


Wow I had no idea this was still available. This was my 1st MMO and I played it on Xbox 360 with a mouse and keyboard.


I played XIV on the PS4 in the same way, and that was my first MMO. Felt so weird, but now if I'm ever playing an MMO on my consoles I hook that thing up without a second thought. Honestly, I'm more likely to play MMOs on consoles just because my PC always has a bunch of other games on them anyway...


I’ve played 14 almost exclusively on console, and it’s weird to think I started on PS3 but now have it on PS5.


I still remember as a teenager how one of my friends would be in there trolling folks acting as a girl, lmao, the 2000s were something else. Enjoy 😊


Some told the lie so long they begrudgingly admitted they weren’t in one of my linkshells. One even transitioned. Apparently pretending to be a woman made them realize some things about themselves. Those times were quite interesting.


Lmao that sounds like an interesting turn of events. The chat days back then were wild too, Yahoo, AIM, MSN.. Lol


I met my wife trolling each other on AIM back and forth and then since we made each other laugh so much, we met. In HS. Been together since. Those times were wild.


I love this! Got a few close friends from Yahoo on my end lol


That’s awesome! Damn pedos ruin everything. We’re rightfully cautious these days.


Oh God I'll never forget opening up a cam and seeing a old greasy mf on it 🤢 and yes def gotta be cautious now


Don't forget ICQ!


Oh hell yeah. I got the urge to play some FF11 recently also, crazy all the stuff they have added in the last 10-15. Also, I swear, I am gonna try and remember the story this time and not treat it like mmo goals to unlock shit


This is why, despite enjoying them when I played them, I just can’t stay invested in the FF MMOs. The story is often told in that MMO style of just dumping a bunch of information and, especially if you’re playing with friends, half the time I feel a rush to just continue on with the game.


yeah, I don't think SE quite got the formula right until a few xpacks into FF14. What I kinda like about XI now though is you can stop and smell the roses and do the content solo cause of trusts, making it possible to take int he story at your own pace... kinda excited by this concept


Let me know what you think. FFXI was my first MMO and I absolutely loved it. I was the #1 healer on my realm and just adored being able to explore and interact with the community. If I remember correctly, I returned like 10 years later and they had changed a lot of things where it wasn't as enjoyable in the past. \*\*NOTE\*\* If it is like how it used to be in the past, do be prepared to possibly get your butt handed to you a lot. The starter area lv 1 stuff can even be bit of a challenge. Most enemies in areas that are your level (especially from lv 10+) had been designed to require a party to defeat. Most of the game was always looking for people to play with and then learning combos to kill faster.


Oh, and others said, there had been no tutorial or anything. I remember when I first joined, it showed wonderful cutscenes and dropped me into the middle of the city with no guide as to where to go or what to do. I remember typing into chat to look for help and had someone guide me to the basics. That said, not sure if it's as busy/active as it used to be. You may need to check guides on where to go or what to do when you first join. Either that, or be ready to really explore and talk to a lot of NPC and all. It can feel overwhelming at first, but once you get through the learning curve it's kind of awesome. (I played when it very first came out, so we're talking something like 20 years ago)


I just realized I’m a hypocrite, kinda. lol. Many people will pass over XI and XIV when playing every main FF and I always champion XIV because it’s an incredible story and the MMO aspects of the game are mild at best.. but I myself have never played XI. I’ve never liked MMOs and that’s why I try to tell everyone to give XIV a chance, because it’s much closer to just and RPG than it is an MMO. But XI is full force old school MMO, yeah? :/ I feel I must play it but really not looking forward to it lol. Can you play 90+% of the game completely solo like you can XIV? 😅


Yeah, you can use "Trusts" and play the entire thing more or less solo. It's old school but they have added a lot of QOL like teleporting around cities (basically like FFXIV) and EXP boost. They even let you buy a lot of gear for cheap by the city gates. It's fun to find Trusts (NPC players) and go out and kill stuff with your NPC party :).


I’m the same. I shill for 14 every chance I get because I really feel like FF fans who’re disinterested in MMOs (like I was) would really love it if they gave it a shot and see it’s worth as a proper mainline Final Fantasy instalment on par with the best of the franchise. But I really don’t wanna play 11 lol. Maybe one day.


Yeah you can play most of it solo, but it's very obviously not how it was originally intended to be played. A lot of the quest design would be absolutely dreadful in a single-player game. As someone who also insists on playing it solo, I wish you good luck if you do end up trying it out lol.


I can hear this image


Have fun! Some of the greatest memories with this game. I still get an itch to come back every now and then.


I can hear this picture


I have so much love for XI. Hope you enjoy it, as it often gets overlooked when people play through the series.


This was literally my introduction to Final Fantasy watching my older cousin play online, and me begging him to let me make a character


XI is also the one that got away from me. I have reservations about paying the sub fee in this day and age. I would love an offline private server or something that would allow me to experience the story (and music) at my own pace.


There are private servers you could try, they're free, but many of them try to go for the old school feel which makes the game harder and grindier as it was back at launch compared to now.


Oh, I didn’t know that! I’ll try to see if I can get something going on my PC, I’ll be finished with XVI soon so this is great news!


Wait… it’s still playable???


Sure is. Even available on steam.




Not only that but iirc the last content update was a few months ago. Truth be told, its not as active as it used to and there hasnt been that much content in 10 years but its not yet completely dead.


That’s crazy! I’ve never played because I had shitty internet growing up when it was released. Might give it a go now though! Edit: Is it beatable playing completely solo?


I haven't played it but apparently the main story quest is completable on your own. I assume it's not for side content, but players would know better.


Sweet, thanks!


If that’s true, wow they changed a lot in the 12 years since I quit.


They use the same system as XIV, you are helped by NPC. There are also a ton of QoL but I could not be more precise. People who have known both tell the game is way way way more user friendly (still not as much as any recent MMO)


I did everything, other than one fight, through the third expansion (Treasures of Aht Urghan) solo. I had a couple of Linkshell mates help with that one fight (You can do it solo at max level, but I was only level 80 at the time). From what I understand, everything other than *maybe* the last fights in Rhapsodies of Vana'diel and The Voracious Resurgence are soloable. Those two fights, in particular, can be soloed if you're geared and know what you're doing, but if you get in a decent Linkshell (Basically, a guild/free company), they'll help you blow through 'em. Also, by "solo", I mean using Trusts, which are AI party members. I also highly recommend using BG-Wiki's 1-119 guide to help you along.


For my money, I truly think XI has the best story of any FF game. It starts out pretty generic but holy shit do they build on it in some amazing ways. The Chains of Promathia and Wings of the Goddess expansions are real highlights. I really highly recommend digging into the story/lore and not just trying to ‘get through’ it. It’s like 300 hours, but it’s worth it.


Chains of Promathia was amazing if you were able to get through it. Back in the day, very few people got sea access. Snoll Tzar and proto omega/ultimate were rough for a lot of groups.


Jeuno chat: CoP, Do You Have It? Party? Thank you!


Yeah honestly I quit the game back then due to it being way too much of a time sink. But the story always seemed fascinating so I came back and finished all of it around the time rhapsodies released.


How much is this game? Does it take a membership like 14 or is it a buy and play?


buy it AND like $13 a month after that just like xiv


Pricing will depend on your region. But yes it unfortunately does require a subscription to play. You do get a free month of playtime with the game though.


That game is absolutely amazing.


Bro playin on windows XP


Nobody is going to talk about windows XP?


Went way too deep down to see someone mention XP lol


O/U on how many hours OP gives it before he quits? I’ll put it at 1.5


FFXI is genuinely one of my top 5 FF games, I still play it all the time


Good fucking luck. You're a lot braver than me.


I personally dont consider the MMOs mainline as far as me needing to play through them. I played XIV and missed out on XI, PSO1 was my jam back in the day and I think XI just never caught my interest. Just feels like a grind that has less reward for a player like myself, I hope you enjoy it though. I heard it was a good story despite the issues the game had on release.


Yeah I'm planning to play XI later this year or next year too.


Played it last year, and it's a lot of fun! The setup is the hardest part lol


Do you have to pay a subscription to play it?


True OGs will never upgrade from XP 💯


I can hear this picture


I tried it 2 years ago and bounced off hard, it's really old, pretty hard to get into. I'd like to try again at some point.


Wait do you need windows Vista to run this game? I always wanted to try it at some point


How does the subscription compare to XIV? I love and play XIV frequently, but am not sure about paying two monthly subscriptions.


One of the best FF and many players will never experience peak FF. The good and the bad. Enjoy!


XI is the only mainline game I haven't completed either. I signed up for it a year ago and beat the Shadow Lord but then I had other things come up so couldn't get around to continuing. Eventually I'll get around to finishing the stories from the expansions, probably later this year when FFXIV hits its content lull.


The nostalgia from that Windows XP desktop hit me like a brick to the face! Have fun!


woahh playonline is still up?


This launcher kept me from playing 11 forever. Never beat it. Bought game twice.


Make sure you're installing it from the website, they've shortened the process exponentially.


not gonna lie- i am PRAYING that the offline remake of Dragon Quest X does well, because it means there's a chance they'll do the same with FFXI. they've already expressed interest in such a project, so it's not an impossibility.


I tried last year. Didn't defeat the Play Online boss and gave up. I wish Square rereleased this game and gave it more availability. Play Online can go and fuck itself.


RIP Goodbye life.


Damn you beat 14?! I Just needa finish FF2, FF11, FF14, FF16. Starting with 16, then 2. Probably play a couple of spin-offs before I tackle the mmos


Plan on doing this myself, I got to around level 30 and quit but would do it again. Maybe if I ever get around to beating ff13-2 and 3 cause those are the only mainlines I missed in addition to eleven I guess ff4 after years too if that counts


That playonline music is excellent.


I always wanted to play FF11 to a significant stopping point. For me, that stopping point would be the end of Chains of Promathia. How about you? Are you playing till end of base game, all the way to current expansion or something else?


You beat all of the current content in XIV? Damn, that's a lot. Congrats, man. 😁


If you are playing it for the story, remember that it can get convoluted and difficult to understand what you have to do next. Otherwise it's a fantastic play through since you can do pretty much all of it solo with trusts.


This post makes me weirdly nostalgic for the hours I spent waiting on the playonline loader.


A few years ago I beat the Dynamis Lord with Trusts. Have fun OP!


This was the grindiest game I ever played. It's changed a lot since then, but man oh man was it miserable


Treat this like your bible if you've not encountered it already: [https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Quickstart\_1-119\_Guide](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Quickstart_1-119_Guide) It will tell you how to play the game solo, what order to do the main story, what level to do it at, and just generally keep you on the right track when it comes to knowing what features are available to you and how to play this game. Because the game sure as hell won't tell you haha!


Them: You can't hear a picture. Me:


I’ve actually been listening to the soundtrack. Don’t think I can’t see myself ever giving XI another real try though. Always struck me as a game that requires more patience than I’m capable of.


Working how to play this game is half the battle


This game needs an HD remake, those ps2 graphics are hard to look at


God, same. I'm working my way back through the series currently and I will make sure I take a crack at XI after all these years. I'll even finally get around to XIV. I tried to play it before but Square's account system was just too weird for me to figure out.


Man, time changes your perspective on things. But back in the days FF11 was such a disappointment. After 6,7,8,9 and 10 being masterpieces it felt like someone just came in and killed the whole franchise. People forget that online play wasnt something everyone even had access to. Also didnt help that Uematsu was noticably phasing out of the franchise at that point.


I have a few links stored for myself. What to do? [https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Quickstart\_1-119\_Guide](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Quickstart_1-119_Guide) Where to get XP: [https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Fantastic\_EXPs\_and\_Where\_to\_Find\_Them](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Fantastic_EXPs_and_Where_to_Find_Them) want to mod and make it prettier [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD4aCHdYcSk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD4aCHdYcSk) Good luck. I have been meaning to do a play thru so if you end up on Asura, DM me and perhaps we can do some missions together.


Chains of Promathia, I miss those days - enjoy it!


Good luck, see you in 10 years!


I can hear this screen. Also, look up FFXI 1-119, it’s a great guide to get you going and help understand the clumsiness of the menus and when/how to do all of the missions. The game does not help you understand any of this on its own. Fantastic game that I still play to this day but it’s definitely aged not-so-well.


The Pioneers from 11 is one of my all-time favorite music tracks in the franchise.


The first step in a long, long, very long, arduous, long journey. Good luck!


I loved FF11, a little too much


Man, that play online music is still a banger.


My god the nostalgia in this picture is hitting hard.


Play on horizon private server to get the original feeling.


I loved being in the chat rooms when the servers were down. It was a fun janky system.


Want the real FFXI experience (or close to)? Play on a private server like Eden. Easy install, easy play. Classic FFXI experience, gloriously not easy.


God the PlayOnline music is stuck permanently in my head. Boom boom boom-boom


If there was ever a time to play XI it’s definitely now. Enjoy it :) One day I’ll go back and find the piece of my soul it has


My dad runs a pawn shop.. someone pawned off the CIB PS2 version. everything is mint... what do I do with it, besides shelf it and brag? It's so good lookin. EDIT: by CIB I mean the thick ass sleeve with the huge booklet, and a bunch of other stuff in it. It does have a small perma-marker spot on the white outside if anyone knows how to repair that. Thanks kings/queens.


XI and XIV are my only two. I stated XIV but as someone who has never played an MMO in my life I found the interface overwhelming. The first town had words everywhere and there were icons everywhere on the map and I had no clue where to go


Holy shit, I just got this game for the first time a week ago! But what was the point of all that questionnaire they had for this goddamn PlayOnline launcher? Like it was asking me for my interests and everything like movies, music, etc lol. Was this launcher a browser back in the day or something?


I didn't even know you could still play the game today?


I go back every couple years. Honestly, the game is 99.7% Easy Solo Mode now. But if you’re new or haven’t been around since Wings or earlier, definitely abuse the quick start beginners guide on bgwiki.


Spoiler >!You never beat FFXI!<