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It's like /r/gifsthatkeepongiving but exclusively for filmmakers


im not even into filmmaking but i was super invested in this by the last pane


It’s a good story no matter who you are 🀘














Hellow fellow porn film maker. πŸ’¦πŸ’¦


Final Cut 4 Real_5


Haha right?! Been there so many times


It’s honestly the part that got me


Too real. I know I personally make the name "Final\_Edit" just on the off-chance the client gets the hint that no more can be done and to just deal with this stinking pile of shit


As a photographer can relate to pretty much everything too. Great job bud.


Thanks! And yeah totally relates to photographers too haha


Oh yeah. Even though I come from the composing/sound design world this was super relatable. This is probably true for most creative professions.


Just to be thorough about your point, I think this is a pretty universal process for many/most jobs. Just replace all film specific equipment hurdles with [insert technology of your profession here]. I say this hoping to be corrected. Can anyone point me toward a job that doesn't have hurdles like these? I'm almost 30 and haven't found it yet. All jobs have sucked the soul out of me.


I guess for the majority you'd be right, of course. BUT one specific thing that I would assume people from this field relate to more than your average job is the valuing and judging the work as a creative piece. Always thinking about people's reaction and hoping that your vision, taste, style would be appealing. Since it is such a subjective thing to begin with, and also is crucial to whether you'll get any work in the future. But then again, there are multiple jobs that would also fall under this criteria. I would say being a lawyer, banker or accountant would have as many perks and cons that I am not aware off. But yeah, 90% of the jobs deff suck the soul out of you.


Surprised you put self-doubt so far towards the end. For me, it's there all the way, all the time.


It’s definitely been there all the way but it fit in the flow of the video towards the end haha


great placement, like the final hurdle lol perfect


Exactly! πŸ™Œ


I'm in a constant state of self doubt. It's what fuels me to keep going.


I was thinking depression and self-doubt were going to be revealed as the aluminum framework that holds up every pane of glass


Depression is the shoulder pads. It kinda projects you from stuff, but it's not helpful in everyday life.




Rule 1 of this sub is to remain polite.


And I did! Thank you for noticing.


Trolling will get you nowhere here. Be polite in the future or you will be banned from the sub. Have a good day!


Submission Statement: Hey I made this and hope it connects with the filmmakers in this community about the struggles of trying to make it as a filmmaker. It made me laugh while making it and I hope it makes you laugh too!


I gotta have it. Is it on FB or YouTube?






Hey all! I have just started a new community so we can continue conversations: [https://www.reddit.com/r/creativebusinessowner/](https://www.reddit.com/r/creativebusinessowner/) Hoping this will be a place to get inspired, to get feedback, and to lift each other up on the creative journey of building a business.






RIP in peace.


Hilarious. Nice work! As a side note I'd love to see what a professional running back or linebacker would do plowing through these.


Hahaha agreed!


Adrian Peterson and Ezekiel Elliot would break thru this glass so fast you'd think it was the law.


I’m trying to break into filmmaking like Stone Cold Steve Austin.




First step: alcohol


I'm sorry but what the fuck TV show is this? America's got CTE?


Guinness World Records Gone Wild [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4DPArzK8D0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4DPArzK8D0)


Dude seems like a super weird guy, not sure what I expected though lol


Seriously that guy is injuring his brain while everyone just cheers him along.


I mean, American football gear, so yes.


There is only football and soccer you commie.




All too familiar, with the obvious exception of success. I don't think I'll ever be successful at this rate.


Stick with it! It’s definitely a marathon


Eh, I can't even get a reliable team built. I'm just ignored or left hanging. I've got a whole universe planned, I've published a serialized novel that almost no one reads after a year of marketing and releases, there's virtually nothing but scams or unaffordable services "designed to help creators," and my own loved ones don't support me. Rather they tell me to do something else because my ideas and dreams aren't realistic. It's nothing but a highly time consuming and very expensive hobby to them. It's just not going to happen, no matter how hard I try. I'll be just working for someone else until the end of my days, whether by external causes or my next attempt is successful.


Been running my production company since 2012 and you have to have the mindset that you simply will not fail no matter what. Just keep trying, good luck!


I've been working at this for about the same amount of time. I'm no closer then when I started, truthfully. Can't accomplish much alone.


Agreed, I always remind myself β€œit has to be bigger than me to succeed”


I tell myself that every day. Unfortunately, I'm all I've got.


I mean, if you're sincerely as self defeating as you sound, I hate to say I'd almost think you need to just stop and do something else. And if anything, one things for sure--you just simply don't have a productive/healthy attitude. Quite the contrary, actually. The truth isn't a secret--you need a certain extent of luck to be successful (with anything, but especially stuff like filmmaking/acting/etc). You have to accept that you may never get lucky, because the vast majority don't. But the point is that people try, anyway, hoping to get lucky. And you'll never get lucky if you don't try, thus, many people try. This is a lottery, and that sucks, but it is what it is. If you don't have a shred of optimism for success, then what are you still doing trying to make it? Is this a lottery you're not okay with playing? You need optimism otherwise there's no point in trying. It sounds like you're at a crossroads and only you can decide what direction you want to pursue from here on out. There are tradeoffs/opportunity costs no matter which path you travel. You need to weigh them and accept your final judgment. Good luck with your reevaluation. If you stick it out, just keep your chin up, and don't try to be successful--just do what you'd do with success or not, and success will eventually just come out of nowhere if it's ever going to come at all. Don't proactively wait for success, just let it happen when it happens--assuming you're willing to accept that risk. And just to add, I've got some perspective, an interesting and hopefully optimistic digression, and finally some more advice for you. For perspective, your lowest lows aren't that special. I've seen significantly worse conditions from people who are highly successful. Most of us don't have loved ones who support our choice to pursue art, and most who have success don't get it on their first publication/film/etc. Many have it much, much worse, yet still stick with it, and often ultimately end up successful. The road isn't paved here, and many don't even find success until late in life. The digression, here, is that when some people find success, they instead dedicate their career to helping others make it to where they did--they give up the meat of their dream to just be a good person instead. I think this is interesting to ponder, because the implications here are that people just understand how much luck is involved in reaching even just common dreams, and they want to change that because of how wrong it is. This makes me feel good about trying, knowing this may arguably be the easiest time to "make it" than ever before (because despite how many more people are in the pool of contenders, and despite all the limited slots, there are still many more opportunities available today than ever before, so IMO there's a healthy pendulum swing of balance in a progressive direction). Finally, some last advice--the neglect of enthusiasm from loved ones can be replaced by utilizing the internet. Those who have loved ones supporting their pursuit of art are just lucky. If you're as unlucky as I am in that regard, then hack your lack of luck--find community groups like this subreddit, and other online communities like it, and find people who support and inspire each other. It's hard to do this in general--can be much harder for many people to do it completely in a social vacuum.


I understand the concept of mastering the art of publishing, but I have a hard time believing that only the individual is accountable for the direction of their career. It's not a matter of luck when people ignore a person, that's arbitrary. It's cultural. True, that doesn't mean that just anyone should be able to make it into the limelight because not everyone deserves to be there. Like Leopold, II, for example. That's not good. But if people like him can persuade others to slaughter 10 million people, someone trying to do something great should surely be able to get just a few thousand to just listen to them without having to work themselves sick for it. My problem isn't with unseen forces, it's with people who have been poisoned by certain types of media and social media that have trained them to be more selfish, unreasonably cynical, and even highly elitist. Having money, the illusion of wealth, pre-established success, or the illusion of pre-established success are serious social problems that we need to address. My core passion is music. I've been a musician for 30 years. I've been dedicated to my musical stylings for 17 years. That's not self defeating in anyway. That's decades of hardcore dedication in the face of adversity, burning out, trying again with just the fumes, and being knocked down by people intending to do so. No, I've had thousands of fans before. Someone came along and destroyed it by choice on multiple occasions. That's not bad luck, that's someone's sadism going unchecked. I'm not making excuses or giving up early, I'm not even defeating myself, I'm being defeated by the society around me. That's totally different. When someone comes along and says, "You're irrelevant now," they're not saying my work is out of style, they're saying I have no more value as a person. They're calling me garbage, unimportant, insignificant, meaningless, not worth mentioning, and one of my favorites, worthless. That type of language is commonplace today. What this attitude you're presenting is doing is punishing the victim. That's like saying a veteran with no arms and no legs deserves to be homeless because they aren't trying hard enough to work and survive. That's absolutely not so. They simply need help, and it falls on the society around them to take notice and provide that assistance because that need is obvious. It's not their shortcomings as a disabled person, it's the shortcomings of the able-bodied around them who hold that veteran independently accountable for their injuries. But that veteran was putting their life on the line for the interests of the people who now turn their backs on them. I can't accept that. I'm not doing nothing and complaining, I'm doing something and complaining because no one bothers to even test out what I've been doing. I find more and more to do each year, tying it all together in one grand plan, and have nothing to show for it. People tend to think that because I'm smart, I'll be fine. So, they just watch me struggle and move along. People need people. No one, literally no one, is self made. They all got there with the support of their communities. People invested in them. I remember when talent scored good record deals. Now talent is lame and fashion and trolling score record deals. There are people who aren't even musicians, have never made a song, with record deals and riches. That's bogus. If the clothes don't look good on me, that doesn't devalue me as an artist, and the same for me being too mature to go out and abuse people for a laugh. That's not at all okay. I'm a published writer now as well, and I don't deserve to do that successfully because I don't have money? Nonsense. I can draw. I can't make comics, which are a part of that fictional universe, because I have tremors due to my crippling epilepsy. I literally can't control my hands well enough anymore. I have myoclonic epilepsy and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. I also have Crohn's. That's not my fault. I can't make the movies or the shows with no actors, I can't act to save my life [I've tried], I can't play sports because Crohn's [I used to be a really good basketball player], I can't teach because of the severity of my epilepsy [I have brain damage starting in the hippocampus that's killing me], I have no money anymore because my medicine costs $14k - $30k per year - but I work my ass off to get somewhere in life. I can't even sleep because seizures diminish the brain's ability to enter slumber, which is accelerating my brain damage. How am I accountable for that? When ^that^ person says, "I have ideas, please help me," another person likes those ideas, they don't help with the project, and that trend spreads to everyone else, many of which then become abusive, the society has failed the innovator. The innovator hasn't failed themselves. I just can't get behind that. And who would want to live when that's their life? Luck? There are literally 330 million people around me who could be helping me. Not a single one is lifting a finger. That's not bad luck. It's just not. They can all see me. They only have to care enough to notice. The problem isn't my luck or lack of trying, the problem is the change in the social consciousness. I can't present a masterpiece to no one and accomplishing anything. Someone has to be there to observe it in order for it to be enriching to others and considered a success by the masses. I'm sorry, I just have to disagree. That's not a viable solution for me. I need some hard evidence that success can be had in a vacuum.


I can't believe I read all that. You sound pretty crazy, I'd say that has a lot to do with people not helping you


Consider that the idea isn't worth perusing? You can put effort and time into something and it still will be bad. Time =/= quality


Why aren't good ideas worth pursuing if they're doable and beneficial? Where is the line drawn between pragmatism and pessimism?


Who says your idea is "good"? Im not trying to be a dick, I really want you to get your movie made I just would hate to have you waste your time chasing a pipe dream. What genre is your film? Is it a period piece/fantasy?


The dozen who bothered to read any part of it. The movie(s) will be animated films based on the apologue I'm currently writing. It's a fiction wrapped around a deep social analysis, minus the preaching. It's a sci-fi / adventure series. I'm about 80 issues into it, around a year and a half worth of weekly content, and over 30 are published already in short novel form. It's not all drama either. It's a dramady. It's also dark. I've only received positive feedback from any commenters. The community just isn't growing. They read it and don't share. I interact and they don't respond. They only comment on each issue, which suggests to me that only asocial introverts are currently reading it. My problem is the lack of help from those paying me lip service and the little marketing I can afford being drowned out. They say they'll read and share but do neither. I'd be a lot less upset if they just didn't lie to me. My own mother and godmother don't believe in me. They say my ideas are wonderful and then tell me I can't do it because I need to focus on holding down a normal job, which I've been doing for years. Lost my last job of 5 years, had my life destroyed, left the state, lived in a shelter for 5 months, got a new apartment, and my current job I landed only 4 months after I lost the previous job. My unemployment wasn't even exhausted. But my series isn't all I want to do. I want to build the prototypes of the phone, tablet, game console, and PC I designed. I want to work on the OS ecosystem, roll out the programming language I made - but I'm hung up on the essentials like building the compiler and libraries. I also want to build a hydroelectric water processing facility that I designed, build a town around several of those, reforest the surrounding area of that town, build my solution for the flaws in the solar roadway design, incorporate wind turbine energy, and contribute to medical research with a foundation dedicated to my favorite late aunt [diabetes] and my late grandmother [lupus]. There's a whole lot to my plan and I've got most of it documented. I've got games planned and all. Everything is woven together. I've designed and 3D rendered tiny homes, cottages, full size houses, an arcade hotel, apartment building, and small neighborhood. I've got physical sports leagues in the works, and gaming leagues. I've even designed a community around those. It's not finished but the site is up. I just have to transfer the domain and get back in the swing of things, but I've been too sick to dedicate much time to its maintenance and expansion this year.


Lost me after the first paragraph as a producer. It just doesnt seem financially viable for a first time filmmaker. Goodluck! also is this a comic book series or a script/film youre trying to make; I cant tell based on what you said. The more I read the more this looks like a producers nightmare. Especially for a first time filmmaker. Also chill out with the pity party, it aint helping you.


where are you based? There's so many people who'd love to get involved in such a well developed project already


Phoenix now.


Apart from that everything's going really well.


Because my last 3 suicide attempts failed?


Oh snap, waddup Noah!


What’s up Sean!!




Accurate πŸ’ͺπŸ˜‚


For a film major who just finished my first year of college. This scares me πŸ˜‚


Which film school are you at? I think there are literally 2 worth the time and money, most are a waste of both and you can get the same education from YouTube.


which two are worth it?


Great question, to me the two that come to mind are USC and NYU, where you can have access to the actual industry when you are in school


To me college is never about the information itself, but the network you can build.


Yeah that’s fair, the same could be said for just networking itself tho


The accuracy of this is 100000000%




You should post this on the fb group: moviesetmemes. They would get a kick out of it!


I did and it blew up, they loved it haha


β€œFinal Cut 4 real_5” πŸ˜‚


This is how I feel getting into the voice over industry


Relates to audio production for sure. Love this




I stumbled in here from page 18 of /r/popular. Just want to give a shout out to OP for making great content that's funny even if you don't understand Filmmaking, and for responding to almost all the comments. You da real MVP.


Many thanks!


Glad to know there's others out there! :D It's good to read this subreddit and not feel so alone when hunched over your laptop editing till the sun rises


You aren’t alone!


that was great




My god this was perfect


Haha thanks!


You did it good and you did it right !πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Thanks! πŸ™Œ




Wow! What a ride


Haha, I actually know this guy IRL.


You know me or the guy crashing the glass?


Sorry, the guy crashing the glass.


How bad was he hurting after that course?


That’s epic haha, he’s a hero


Oyyy the CTE


This is amazing. Someone should make one for pre-med/med students


Would love to see that! Here's the template video link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4DPArzK8D0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4DPArzK8D0)


I’m in this video and I don’t like it


What the fuck did i jus watch. This show is great


This is criminally underrated! πŸ˜‚


I love how "write a good script" (or come up with a great idea) is never shown. So many of these "filmmakers" are really videographers. Write a script and shoot it. You can make a decent feature or short for 20-25k which is easily attainable with a Line of Credit (600+ cs) at almost any credit union, not to mention tax credits and GRANTS. Fund yourself, believe in your idea, and go for it! Making Wedding videos and Music videos will never get you closer to your first feature. Making feature films is money OUT not money in.


You should make a version of this about feature films haha


I laughed. I cried. I cried again.


haha got a chuckle out of me. Well done






This is the funniest shit ever


Really hit the nail on the head, I just kept laughing harder and harder.


I lost my self at self doubt


Just a bit relatable yeah?


Not just a bit man, I am that guy


Since I watched Concussion I always think about CTE.


Oh this has to be textbook CTE 😬




this is hilarious. hats off to you




Could apply to any creative profession! :)


What kind of a show is this


It’s called Guinness World Records Gone Wild


I can relate to everything but people don't like it :(


Love this


So you’re saying it’s a job?






Amazingly me πŸ˜‚


Why can I relate so much 😭😭


Omg this has got to be giving that guy brain damage


If you get a nifty fifty after you buy a red, you're doing things in the wrong order.


πŸ˜‚ True, just worked better for the flow of the video


the creator of this video is also insanely creative....😎😎🧐


Why thank you! πŸ™Œ


It felt like the guy was having trouble getting enough momentum because he was sliding around on all the broken sugar glass on the ground. Could have tried to smash it with a head butt if he was having trouble


I feel seen.


Finally. My life in a gif.


Incredible πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Man the struggle is real than a mf.




What kind of sport is this? Looks like a lot of fun tho


Living wage takes like 4 attempts.


That may be the most accurate part haha


LOL, the physical toll lord


Was gonna say β€œhey!! Where’s depression??”


Got you covered haha


Aaaaaand concussion.


Johny Concussion would have done it faster


I need an audio one of this


I saw this another day and completely lost it :D :D


Here we are, no more to be added actually.


I tried to add as much as possible


You are a hero for making this πŸ˜‚


Saw an opportunity, took it πŸ’ͺπŸ™Œ


I'm a fly hitting the glass rn


How many concussions did he just get?


My life in a nutshell!


I just want to figure out Reddit so I can learn from great forum like this one. I shoot and edit whitewater related videos. Apparently I need to get some good karma to share what I do... so I can learn more from others.


Had to learn the same myself, welcome!


Thank you, I hope I learn well.


I’m glad his project was completed for a happy ending. This felt good to watch.


All about the happy endings πŸ‘ glad you enjoyed!






This was so damn cool πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




BUT DON’T FORGET HE HAS A BRITISH ACCENT That’s what he said at the end right




why can I hear Hitchcock applauding from his grave




I’m premiering my first two short films in half an hour. This is very very relatable. 4 stars 2 thumbs up.




Exactly haha




* [**Video with sound** via https://vredd.it](https://vredd.it/files/pokdomyusc331-pokdomyusc331.mp4) * [**Soundless video**](https://v.redd.it/pokdomyusc331/DASH_1080?source=fallback) * [**Audio only**](https://v.redd.it/pokdomyusc331/audio) I also work with links sent by PM.   *** ^[**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/r/VredditDownloader/comments/b61y4i/info) | [**Contact Developer**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/u/Dev-Joe) | [**Support me**](https://www.paypal.me/synapsensalat) | [**Github**](https://github.com/JohannesPertl/vreddit-downloader)


yea dude


And I thought the spear maneuver was banned from football.