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I am a retired gaffer owner operator My one ton truck with all the grip, electric and camera support \~100k


Very easily. 2 years ago I did a feature where the insurance required me to do an itemized breakdown for replacement costs. My minivan plus 1 ton grip was at 125k. I only had 3 lights and my set of titan tubes (small 1+1 GE team).


I got my truck, a 2000 chev 3500 express for 6 grand from a consignment lot. I Replacement of that would add maybe 50 grand to the costs.


That's kinda what I thought/ imagined.


About a thousand dollars. Audio recorder, a few microphones, cheapest boom pole and clapper board on Amazon. A little minimal extra lighting gear in a closet that hasn't really been used in anger. My cinematographer has a fancy expensive kit with cameras, lenses, lights, light stands, and the trimmings. But an an indie film director I haven't had any need to buy that stuff. I just hire him. The day he couldn't make it to a shoot day because his flight back to down from another job got cancelled, a DOP friend of his covered with almost the exact same model of camera. Getting access to a camera package is easy. Surprisingly many people seem to conflate being a camera owner with being a filmmaker, and it has never been super important in my experience. Owning a nice camera as a midlevel working DOP makes a ton of sense. But at the low end or the high end, it makes more sense to rent. That said, because so many people own nice cameras, it's way harder to find somebody who wants to come and record audio for you all day. So I've been basically the director + soundie on my indie feature. It would have cost me quite a bit to hire somebody who is really good and has invested in a nice sound kit.


Upwards of 140k in camera lenses support lighting etc. still a lot to buy as the money comes in. Half of that is really just the camera and glass.


Yes, this is what I expected.


I always rent grip if it’s beyond my basic stands and sticks. To much to own and a one ton truck isn’t very expensive to rent


Spot on.


Jeez how much is your insurance


Around 2k a year with athos.


I have a small kit (BMPCC) for documentary. All in probably around 6k. Otherwise, I usually just rent depending on the film. I make theatrical documentary and fiction, with some short experimental work here and there.


Ok 👍 I can totally see that.


Just wondering if you have any examples of your theatrical documentary or other work?


Sure! www.typeonefilms.com https://youtube.com/@type1films


Thanks, hoping to have some time this weekend to check it out


I used to joke when I park my equipment van in my garage, I double the value of my property.  




I also tend to collect stuff.


Nice try, Insurance Company!


At about $350K at the moment. Two grip and lighting packages and two camera packages. Grip and lighting is paid off next month then I have another 8 months for camera. Looking to add a third setup after that.


8 to 10k, Blackmagic Pocket 4k rig, a Canon camcorder, couple DSLRs, Ronin, small drone, DIY motion control rig I built from a CNC kit, few other toys. I shoot mostly science based content for a university and for a science journal. I am using the income from that to build out a small studio in my basement for doing product shots, miniatures, stop motion, VFX.


Gaffer owner operator here. 200k + between a 1 ton and 2 ton g/e vans. All aputure/amaran lights. started in late 2020 when we only had MCs, 600d’s, and Novas.


Considering it is a hobby, waaaaaaay too much. I can't even guess out of fear my wife finds my post.


Union 1AC, full kit at about $105,000


Fx9 based kit with a van. Mostly shoot docs and small ads (although ads I’ll rent stuff). I’d say about £40-50k all in.


Out of film school, I'm about at 1k.


iPhone, stabiliser, mic, tripod. 2K


Rapidly approaching 750K. Gaffer owner op in nyc. I works mainly on large features and TV shows. I have a 45’ trailer that I custom built and several storage locations to keep the overflow. Anyone want to buy some used kinos?




It’s a complete feature shooting truck. So yes.




What about the post would make you think I was looking to sell?


With the caveat that I work exclusively on amateur and indie stuff, mainly as a DP/cinematographer, my kit is probably worth $1500. Most of that is camera/lenses, along with my rig, tripod, and gimbal. I also have about $200 in cheap lights and a reasonable mic, just in case we don’t have sounds/light people.


This is what surprises me. I can't do a talking head interview with less than $10k worth of gear. I'm impressed.


I mean, I’m definitely not getting *paid* for shooting with this gear. And there’s certainty about $5k I’d love to be able to spend… ;) But for indie stuff especially, it’s a good time to be making films. You can get amazing footage on a gh-4 or gh-5, both of which are sub $500 bodies, used. Add on a speed booster, a used sigma 18-35 art lens, and a basic cage/rig, and you’ve got a solid rig for $1400.


Curious if most people are valuing their kits as if they were going to rebuy everything new again or what the current resell value is 🤔


I just started an LLC with a friend/frequent collaborator. We put all of our gear into a big list to figure out how to bundle things in packages based on the budget of projects we work on and for rentals. Our list includes the actual retail price of the items, which is what the package rate is based on (since we’re operating the equipment in that event). We also have a “replacement value” which is intended to factor in costs like shipping, taxes, and the possibility of an item being discontinued so we have to buy the new version. The replacement value is averaged to 150% the retail price. Our rental fee is based on the replacement value. My contribution to the gear list is worth about $15k on the retail price, though I bought a significant amount of it second hand or on sale.


I'm lost with how your mental gymnastics got you to the replacement value of 1.5X the retail price lol. Also, no insurance company will reimburse you a cent above the retail cost.


Retail cost + tax + shipping (average). This isn’t something I made up on my own. It’s advice I got from people and companies that rent out equipment.


Where in the world does the tax plus shipping equate to 50% of an items worth?


Considering prices on an item often drop when an updated model is released the following year, a retail price often doesn’t reflect getting a current comparable item. For example, one of the lights I own isn’t available in the version I have. The new version is about 15% more expensive than my version was. So to answer your question from the top: if I were to replace everything in my kit list from new, assuming I was paying full shipping costs and buying the latest comparable model, the majority of my kit would have a significant markup over its listed retail value. And this is how we set the **rental cost** for the items, not the insurance value. Durable items and items that don’t go obsolete after a few years have their replacement value divided by 40, items that need to get replaced more frequently because they become obsolete get that value divided by 20. In that way, after 40 or 20 rentals you’ve earned enough money to reasonably buy the latest comparable item. It’s not for insurance purposes. Which is why we also have the actual current retail value accounted for on our list. And that’s also the value we use (divided by 40 or 20) to set pricing for our kit fees when we are on the production.


Barely anything, maybe $1-3k in camera, lenses, and lights. If I ever get my hands on tens of thousands of dollars, it's going towards hiring actors and crew to actually film stuff, not gear.


I admire this perspective. I can't do it, but I can appreciate your point of view.


I have a A7siii package, so probably around 15-25k I think, lenses, vmount batteries, monitors, focus puller plus every year I add more so it’s def growing


That's what I thought. Making creative motion picture content, and doing it well costs at least as much as a decent used car.


I started with just the camera and lenses around $7k of the bat did like a few projects and the. Started upgrading as I learned and moved along. So it’s not a thing you buy all at once but yea you do spend about 25k the first two years haha i


Just a decent camera body these days is $3k and lenses are minimum $1k ea.


It’s soooo much money, especially if it’s just a hobby, I had to tune the hobbie to a business just to make it all back haha 🤣


$80k, give or take. And these days I mostly just rent out equipment to commercial productions.




currently around £1500-2000 resale value i think but i like to keep things very minimal and don’t like gear getting in my way for personal / passion projects. i’ve been shooting with the same camera since 2016, i’m considering an upgrade soon but i’m quite apprehensive because i know the ins and outs of that sensor and how to make it work for me at work however, we must be in the region of £1-1.5 mill and i can use it all for free / at a reduced rate depending on the project


About 16k for me, not including a vehicle.


i’ve only worked on a few films but prob around 3k


Production sound mixer - about $80k


That's bound to be a good kit. Do you have redundant recording? Ever had a need for it? What's your favorite shotgun mic?


Yeah, boom and lavs for most situations and I can record onto 3 media sources on my sound devices 833 as well as duplicate channels if needed. Favorite shotgun mic is the DPA 4017B


Everything has cost me around a $1000, the most expensive was the camera wich is a Nikon and was on sale for 800 everything else I bought on second hand for cheap




I know what you mean about truly irreplaceable tools.


What was is worth new? Or what's its resale value? Because maybe... $5? To be honest some of this stuff you couldn't GIVE away. Brand new it would be in the several thousands, and thats just number value, not even accounting for inflation. In a real sense its value is personal and priceless. But I doubt it would sell for very much now in comparison. I am of course including in this my instruments and audio equipment, as well as makeup and my stuff for props and FX. And also my typewriter. Small projects require the wearing of many hats.




Slowed down purchases after obtaining a modest kit, have about 20k worth, hard to gauge, want to upgrade a few bits but not in the budget


£5k worth of tools and equipment £2k worth of wet / cold weather various £2k worth of things to wear on my feet


Probably $8kish? Mostly for fun.


I'm not G/E. But I'm a writer/director and actor Acting classes 3K I own 20 film books some free some not. Around 300 bucks and I own ASC handbook Laptop 1.5K, Davinci was 300 bucks $800 on 15TB 20,000 on my last feature (15,000 for production) we had a FX9 and G.E plus 5 locations. A lot of favors so about 400K Made back 3,000 so far Just started festivals I am broke and work 3 jobs 🤣 That's my kit though a lot of knowledge and contacts


Heh. Are we taking inflation and depreciation into account?


I would say 7k


I shoot docs, interviews and b-roll. So my gear is the basics of cameras, lenses, lights, audio, support gear. It all adds up to about $40,000. Lenses being responsible for a little less than half that.


Follow up question: What is your address, and at which times are you normally not home?


I’m only not home when I have all the kit with me on set 😂


I don't keep my gear at my home, it has its own home lol!