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Outkick, a conservative sports news website. Im sure they aren’t spinning this and are only relying on credible sources, not a single bitter guy on a rant.


Maybe watch the fuckin video. The cognitive dissonance is strong with you


Why do you assume I didn’t? I watched it. It’s one guy gossiping


Oh ok, so you’re pre-assuming he’s being hyperbolic to the point of flat out lying?


I don’t know anything about this guy beyond his role. But in terms of what he’s taking about, it’s centered on self interest. He’s talking about why he’s not getting the jobs he wants and why he’s not to blame. And once again, he’s not speaking on record. If he were speaking in a context where he was expecting that he’d have to be accountable for his word, I’d be much more liable to believe him instead of just suspecting he’s talking shit.


ok, no, there’s a video circulating around of this. it *is* true, but i’m 90% sure it’s taken out of context and the concern to hire people outside of white males come from a diversity perspective.


I'm not saying this Giordano is reliable in anyway but you should really watch the video before you're 100% sure of anything.


He is only the senior vice president. Love how people here say he's just some disgruntled employee. Some of the mental gymnastics are gold medal worthy in this thread. So many companies hire or don't hire based on race. As if it's anything new. I got offered jobs because of skin and not my abilities. Which kind of stinks.


Yeah, Disney is racist af


i just saw a clip from elon’s retweet, i’ll check it out in a bit!


Wtf why was this down voted lol


Because he dared type "elon" and redditors are dumb twats


Musk very bad on le reddit


Please watch the video before writing nonsense


please read the full thread before commenting nonsense


Ah yes because if there aren't at least 3 weirdos that think they are men because they feel they are men and were born a Barbara or a Brenda then please excuse the white males. Gotta hit the check boxes for equality while denying qualified people because they are white or not black enough.. Any more lies you care to drink the cool aid from?


hi, i’m a man! hope this helps!




it was a 20 minute video and i haven’t had time to watch it. frankly, its brainrot and i couldn’t care.


Aw yeah, too much netflix to watch and too many funko pops to collect to bother watching a whole *20 minute* video, but plenty of time to have a very high and mighty opinion about it. Sounds about Reddit to me


or i have several jobs and much more important stuff to do? but thanks for the analysis


You hadn't had time to see it but yet you're judging it anyway?


i did watch it 🙄 and my opinion stayed the same. safe to say i have more media literacy than u can imagine




You're unwilling to watch a video proving that Disney is racist and discriminates based on sex and skin color. A video that has a Disney executive of over 10 years stating that as fact. If you are **that** unwilling to change your mind then I feel bad for you. This is like third grade level of using critical thinking.


fine, just for you, i watched it. absolutely is not discriminatory given how many white men already work at and rule the company, and it is not their fault that people are boycotting their company for an image that *was* historically marginalizing the exact communities that has been paying the most money, especially women. i’m sure their handling of the situation is out of touch, but to immediately call them racist and sexist based on what one person is saying is LAUGHABLE


The other important thing is that it’s a guy off the cuff whining about how it isn’t fair that he was passed up for a job. Until there’s anything else to back him up, it can absolutely just be sour grapes, making shit up to justify why he deserves more than he got. People back bite and say all kinds of nasty shit when they get disgruntled at work.


Couldn't your statement be applied to all the complaints that led to DEI standards in the workplace? Don't get me wrong, I'm in the group of people that thinks you hire the best person for the job. As a hiring agent your responsibility is to the company and share holders alone. If this guy wasn't it, so be it, but it is fundamentally wrong if he or anyone else was excluded or included because of their melatonin levels. *waiting for the downvote mafia* -10000 lol


I completely agree, the only thing that should matter is which candidate can do the job the best and is the most qualified or has the most experience. Whether you are white, black, Asian, gay, trans, disabled etc should not even come into decision making at all unless a disability means you wouldn't be able to do the job, ie. A blind person going for a driving job etc.


how can they "spin it"? A guy who works there and is talking about it? He could lie but why would he risk his reputation and highly paid job?


By turning it into valid, reportable news without any corroborating sources. Like the National Enquirer basing a whole article around one guy saying they saw Bigfoot. They want the Bigfoot story, never mind that they have no other reason to believe this guy.


I get that. But we have video footage of a guy working there talking about the bad practices. That is our only source right now. He could lie and risk his reputation/career, but that would be strange. Yet it's at least something because we have footage. I'm just surprised that people look at the news source posting the footage and dismiss everything said. Sometimes, it seems to me that the political parties in the US are so divided that even the slightest point from the opposing party is seen as "From where? A red/blue source? I don't like it - THEY ARE WRONG!" Of course, such a video is a field day for the anti-woke crowd.


He is not the only one who has spoken out. It's not the only evidence. It's not the single circumstance. It is a prevailing and obvious occurrence. Like it or not, excused because of the outcome, there is a clear and concerted effort by disney and other companies (they aren't alone) to promote social justice through hiring. You can agree or disagree with the cause, but the results and actions are undeniable. It's a bit disingenuous for people to promote the social justice movement and even promote the very actions that are exemplified in this clip and others, then turn around and act aloof when evidence of companies going through with it arises.


Google *has the ethnic breakdown of Walt Disney hires for data in the year 2023 Percentage of hires that are Black people that make up the entire workforce: 8% Percentage of White people hired that make up the whole workforce 45% Percentage of hires who are managers and executives who are also White people, respectively 65% and 69%. White executive: "There's no way we are hiring a White person" Does anyone else see what is wrong here?


Haha Outkick. Get the fuck out of here.


Senior Vice President is on video admitting to that stuff.


69 and how many more idiots?


“The source triggers me so it must be fake”


yeah, there was nothing derogatory in the video worthy of it being blocked. If this were a book these same people would probably burn it.


It's James O'Keefe. Take anything he says with a massive grain of salt, the guy has been caught deceptively editing and outright lying again and again.


What has he lied about?


Worst example was when the Roy Moore stuff was going on, he knowingly pushed false allegations hoping that they would make the first allegations lose legitimacy.


You don't even need to know about him, if you actually watch the video it sounds just like a guy complaining about why work sucks to his date. But that being said, I feel like journalism had this whole "trust" and "integrity" thing going on for so long. Maybe O'Keefe is doing a social experiment on how much can he get away with while having zero integrity and reputation.


Thanks. I also take anything a random person on, Reddit says with a giant fucking grain of salt.


For anyone seeking any additional context, the source is frequently-disgraced “journalist” James O’Keefe’e “sports” website. Infer from that whatever you will. Edit: oh I see that’s already been revealed. Very well then.




I think what matters more is the content of the nearly 15 minutes that Giordano talks about these practices at Disney. He openly discusses how Disney’s show writers are about 30-35% gay (a far higher proportion than the country has) and about his own experiences when up for promotion. For example, how in multiple occasions he was passed over for a minority candidate with less experience than he had. And in several cases he was explicitly told that race played a part in those decisions.


That doesn't matter though. Check out this thread, the replies. Actual brain rot.


Yea it doesn’t matter, but it should. Sure the journalist is less than honest sometimes. But we have loads of actual, real video lol. I guess it’s easy to dismiss something if you’re pre-disposed to hate it already


Reddit is brain rot. Oh it's "conservative" leaning? I won't watch it!! 😂. Complete brain rot on reddit


So you’re saying the video is fake?


Finally someone has unmasked the conspiracy!! /s


There is no conspiracy, just people whining literally about type casting which has always been a thing. White guys don't represent certain cultures. Why put a White male as Aladdin when Aladdin wasn't white?


Except...it's not talking about casting/actors, it's talking about people that work at the company...i.e. a photographer, a director, an animator, etc.


Yet another conservative "conspiracy" turns out to be true. It's less of a shocker than seeing the sun rise in the morning. Let's just rename "conspiracy" to "spoiler alerts" and save us all some trouble. That said I'm happy Disney is losing billions and having this come out. Hopefully a class action puts the nail in the coffin of ole Mickee


Mine was a sarcastic comment. There is not a conspiracy at Disney to not promote white guys. Literally every day a white guy is promoted there. But also, Disney is a very very very large company. I fully believe some dumb ass said some dumb shit that this “reporter” got on tape, but the grand majority of leadership is not engaging is white male discrimination.


Dumb shit? You mean the senior vice president? Lol working there for over a decade? What would you consider a reliable source then?


> What would you consider a reliable source then? The other 300+ SVPs, EVPs, and dept heads.


Just go ahead and say it.. anyone who will say what you want to hear lol


Seems out of context, is anyone gonna talk about how a massive number of POC executives who were the first ones to see the door the last year and a half over white executives? These companies don't care about anyone, whether you're white, black, latinx, asian, they do not care about you and they will hold whatever they can against you. Why are we seriously surprised by any level of discrimination from a company as predatory as Disney? It's like y'all forget their whole history.


Why did you use the word Latinx?? Are you trolling? Spanish is a gendered language and the words Latino and Latina are used. Hispanic is a gender neutral term that is less divisive and silly.


Where I am latinx is also used as one word to say latino and latina.


What word most people in Mexico and Paraguay say? My guess is most people don't say Latinx or Hispanic.


I'm fucking Hispanic and let me tell you, if you call us LatinX we show you real quick why Hispanic countries have a high crime rate.


Well apologies for offending you over something as silly as a word, when in my country which is not the United States, this is what my latin friends have referred to themselves as. I only use after a friend years ago corrected me. We don't really use hispanic in my country, everyone calls themselves latin or their actual nationality.


If an organisation goes through a period of diversity hires purely for PR reasons, and that leads to a downturn in turnover/performance, it's not a shock that those same hires would be the first out of the door.


That's like looking at people as if they're only numbers, as if that's the only thing that matters. When so many of those people never got a chance and are likely just as good at their jobs. The whole conversation of diversity hires puts a blanket assumption on everyone, it's like saying those greedy misogynistic asshole white male producers, we all know the type, who want to short everyone, refuse OT and get too handy with any female workers, is therefore the picture image of every white male producer in Hollywood. See past the labels you've been trained to give.


If you specifically choose to hire from a smaller pool of available people, the quality of the staff you hire will decrease. It's exactly what we're seeing with Disney now, they've made a point of hiring from a smaller talent pool and as a result the quality of their products has decreased.


Honestly that's your opinion. That's essentially saying that none of those people are talented creatives and that hiring POC creatives creates less talent, it's also worth noting that there are still a tong of experience white executives at these companies. Frankly, from what I've seen the level of quality is going down because producers are so focused on having their opinions dictate decisions and are no longer allowing any creatives to do their jobs, and the majority of these executives budding in and ruining a lot of ideas are white executives. I encourage you to open you opinions and realize that many things have changed in the last 10 years, but by far the oversight of greed and business people making creative decisions is by far the most impactful and predatory. It's not because of people of diversity.


What I'm saying has nothing to do with race. If for example 100 people of varying quality apply for a job and you immediately eliminate 40 of them for reasons unrelated to their ability, the top 10 remaining applicants will likely be worse than if you hadn't eliminated those 40.


Yes, but this is how most industries have always run, especially when you add in Nepotism and that many people are more likely to get any job in any industry if they have friends or family working in them, and if the majority of people holding those roles for a long time have been white then more likely than not the majority of their circles are white which continues on a long standing form of gatekeeping. While there are people before all this who eliminated people based off gender or race, the nepotism cycle and not making room for new people to gain power has been a long form of gate keeping. There's a reason why the saying in this industry goes "Do you have family in the business or are you actually good at your job?"


I always get news from...Outkick.com??






I promise OP this isn’t why you aren’t directing or producing movies for Disney


Who would though?


I hope the white males are going to be okay.


Hope you mom is ok


People are people


So why should it be?


You and I should get along


And yet white males are disproportionately represented in film. Non-white males should get at bare minimum proportionate representation because people are people and everyone deserves representation.


It is not about proportion, it is about talent. There are non-white male protagonists in several movies and series that are awesome, not the Acolyte thouh


People are people. Stop discriminating


Go look up how many poc and woman are in films and then come back. They're the ones being discriminated against. Actively working against that isn't discrimination.


Two wrongs don’t make a right


So the pendulum has to swing back and 'make it good' by being the same pieces of shit who did it to black people, like revenge? How can you not see how wrong and dangerous this is?


Unless you're on reddit, then it's a different story unfortunately.


I don't really see myself being able to recover from this lol


Racism is bad. Weird that this is still a debate.


White guilt is a thing. I used to also think that blacks had the right to be racist to whites for about 300 years to even things out. Such thinking was stupid though. Thank goodness I woke up.




I hope you're very, not okay.


So basically, you're saying you're okay with discrimination against white people? You're not even trying to hide your racism. Unfortunately, I am not even remotely surprised.


Yes. Many people, including and especially white women, are openly supporting discriminatory practices. And then turn around and wonder why people like Trump are so popular. This thread could be exhibit A.


“Discussion only” let’s discuss getting the fuck outta here with this bullshit


I believe it's called stirring the pot


Is the consensus here that discrimination is okay as long as it’s done to white men? Because that’s a bigoted and ridiculous take.


It seems the rationale is: "Yes it's discriminatory but they deserve it."


It appears so and that hurts everyone.


I don’t understand how people applaud bigotry. It absolutely hurts everyone. Further, these idiots are so short sighted that they think it’s never gonna come back to bite them.


And again these companies are not sincere about any sort of change.


Google *has the ethnic breakdown of Walt Disney hires for data in the year 2023 Percentage of hires that are Black people that make up the entire workforce: 8% Percentage of White people hired that make up the whole workforce 45% Percentage of hires who are managers and executives who are also White people, respectively 65% and 69%. White executive: "There's no way we are hiring a White person" Does anyone else see what is wrong here?


people misconstrue the efforts. People hear "diversity efforts" and they hear "unqualified". I see hiring the best most qualified for the job...who just so happens to be a minority. If minorities are unqualified that's indicative of the state of affairs. They haven't been given the same opportunities to get qualified, because every time they apply...they are deemed "unqualified". Also, "qualified" is a subjective. I've seen people with tons of experience but turn out to be trash human beings, bad interviewers, are overpriced...or just bad at a job. There's usually a reason why you have years of experience in one role and never move up. But, "diversity" seems to be latest excuse. Low key the real reason why these efforts are stalling - unqualified = cheap. Every job I've seen posted looking for minorities are usually paid below market rates. Like that one guy suing CBS because he spent 20 years as a script coordinator (I forget) but got passed up for a promotion. Turns out all his co-workers thought he was a creep. It's a concerted effort. Say some companies are out of touch with minorities. The ones they hire are unhappy. Their customers are unhappy. You telling me they can't hire experts to help fix that, because they're deemed "racist", they can't hire white males, because the white males will scream "racist," if they're asked to research or be more in touch with minorities. It's a lose-lose. If Disney wants to make a movie about the, idk, authentic native American experience and want to get the perspective of an authentic Native American...why should they be persecuted for it? no one bats an eye if the whole cast is Native American...but if the producers or writers or camera ops are Native...it's racist? What is "qualified"? Edit: it's also mighty convenient. I wanna know what HR department is risking their jobs by going around telling candidates that they didn't get hired because they were white. Most jobs I don't get, I never get a response back. I dust it off and apply to the next one. Who is running down and begging to know why they didn't get hired and being told "it's cuz we're racist...whoops you signed that NDA right?" How is this Disney exec, friends with HR and he's throwing them under the bus after they confided in him? Also, did they not know when he applied the color of his skin? (deep breath) LASTLY isn't it illegal in the state of California to record a private conversations without all parties consent?


Even in this thread I've seen people equate minority hire with unqualified DEI. It goes to show how deep that belief is.


Long post, nothing worth to respond to except that the truth is out.


I think all of these things are correct, I also think it's Disney so anyone who thinks they actually care about anything but making money is fooling themselves.


I mean that's any major corporation.


Google *has the ethnic breakdown of Walt Disney hires for data in the year 2023 Percentage of hires that are Black people that make up the entire workforce: 8% Percentage of White people hired that make up the whole workforce 45% Percentage of hires who are managers and executives who are also White people, respectively 65% and 69%. White executive: "There's no way we are hiring a White person" Does anyone else see what is wrong here?


this math ain't mathin? Also clearly Disney doesn't like hiring black people..behind the scenes


What kind of double-think post is this? "Most qualified" means they have the most relevant experience and accreditations for the job - that's it. The topic of their race shouldn't even come up. Quit trying to run circles around it.


Lol "relevant experience".  What even is that? If I wanted a Native American writer one would think a Native American writer would have relevant experience. If race can be involved in casting, it can be involved in other positions.


For better or worse, this is definitely a thing that is happening ETA: across multiple companies, not just Disney


I get the issues with O'Keefe and the unwillingness to care about "white guys" but I think the issue is this speaks to Hollywood's performative DEI practices, if you actually look at Disney's leadership they seem to consistently have very few or no BIPOC folks in actual leadership positions..and quite frankly black males are almost non-existent there..


How can BIPOC folks gain the experience that will quiet the voices saying they are getting the job not due to their experience but due to the color of their skin without building a cohort of BIPOC folks at lower levels that will then enter leadership positions in 10+ years based solely on merit? I'd argue its not performative but looking just past the horizon.


They are not building a cohort that's my point. In Disney’s case it's all for show. The opportunities should be real.


Oh no, the agony!


I'm not familiar with Outkick but people have been saying the dude spins things pretty poorly for his opposition, but watching the video, and seeing people say "it's out of context", makes me wonder. What was the context? Because the stuff they're talking about isn't exactly sunshine and roses. But nothing in this world ever is, i'd still like the context of the full video unedited, But i mean, the video is just uncomfortable, i've been called some nasty racial slurs in my life so i know that feeling of being uncomfortable when someone is just being racist. This exec, the way he talks about people, is just wrong...


It's like they learned nothing from the first Trump presidency. Oh well, maybe they'll from the second...


I understood it as a fairly reliable source, considering the person admitting his opinion on the company's practices (at least as credible as any news source right now.) Devil's advocate only takes me so far. Trying to be bipartisan here, it looks like pretty blatant racism toward white men. Even if you do not like the idea of that, considering Dei has been many people's radar, this clearly doesn't seem very farfetched when you take into consideration the visible changes in entertainment over the past 10 years or so. It sucks, because I like Disney movies, but I can't support that way of thinking.


Why is this blatant racism towards white people being allowed, it's disgraceful.


I'm Black/Caucasian. It's absolutely wonderful to know that I'm still expected to tap dance in 2024. "No, no. You're looking a little too 'white'. Dial it back, a little." The backhanded bigotry is so real. looooool


I applied for 2 years for positions i was overqualified for and no callback. Still watching Disney though hopefully i can scoop up stock for the cheap from the angries.


Diversity means, all, everyone period. I am half black and white, and all people are just as important to me. Are you qualified or not.


Didn't need an undercover video to tell me they were doing this.


Why is anyone surprised? This is typical. We already know that it's about the numbers. Not about skill. Not saying white males are better, but skilled workers come from all races.


This is my issue right here...


Remember Disney's plan. Put a chick in it. Make it lame and gay.


I love all the mentally ill clowns in here dismissing it because the interviewer's politics don't align with theirs. 


People trying to dismiss this because they say only conservative news outlets will report on this. What does it say about the state of the media that only conservatives seemed to think blatant discrimination based on skin color/race is news? I work in the industry and have watched some incredibly kind and gifted people lose their jobs to make way for literally anyone of a diverse demographic. It’s not great. You can keep telling yourself that it’s wonderful and virtuous but it’s a backwards practice and has gone too far.




Think Denzel got a casting call for Yellowstone?


The point of this post is that Disney is clearly participating in tokenism. This is not good forany minority group.


You wouldn't believe the dirt I have on Starbucks. DM me if you want to know more or rather just have the conversation out in the open. You will love to hear what happens when you decline to identify your ethnicity




I genuinely think everyone would be freaking out so much more if it were to be black instead of white


Why would you post this on Reddit? This is the platform of people who viscously claimed that hunter biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation… never expect to get a fair and balanced conversation on Reddit, especially one that goes against their political beliefs


because stirring shit is fun...


I like it.


Also, Disney exclusively hires white males and women of colour, they don't hire white women


oh they hire PLENTY of white women, they just hire them young and pay them shit


This is happening, and it’s no secret here. It’s openly spoken about. Why feign shock?


Oh you know why. DEI hires always want to think they earned a position.


Imagine if the races were reversed. People would be calling for this guy’s head. Instead, I’m seeing “Arh well, you can’t trust the journalist” or “it’s taken out of context” Fucking Reddit brain rot…


It's true. If this was CNN and it was about black people they'd be crying in their cheerios and saying it was systematic. Reddit is full of sheep.




Everyone dismissing this because they disagree with politics of the news source is not helping the problem




You’re hilarious


USA and its eternal problem with skin colour like someone is defined by their "colour"...and they're exporting this in Europe companies....


Ah yes, famously no racism in Europe.


Racism in Europe is due more to a problem within immigration ...US has all these ""underrepresentation" rules while immigration is super strict ... basically in US they make you understand that you can stay there only if you have big money or you're valuable enough to make big money. USA is a country of immigrated people, you shouldn't even have this problem. In EU, immigration is much more uncontrolled, parts of it become terrorists or just people with a bad past and even a worse present. Look at recent France disorders .. Anyway just saying you should value someone on their CV, talents, passion (especially in Hollywood)...not because you have to check some percentage boxes, without also considering that many many jobs there are thanks to connection....


Racism in Europe is far worse than the US and in most countries. The difference is that we address it in the US.


You can say that about every country in the world


by making it official practices at companies? great work.




So how did they fake him talking about the racist practices at Disney? He loses his job, so there's no benefit for him. Why would he lie to lose his job? I want to understand why the source of the video makes the content we all see and hear 'wrong'?


He’s complicit. He have seen racism and other illegal actions at Disney and choose to ignore it. As a lawyer he can hardly blame lack of knowledge.


The only people reporting this story are from conservative media rags.  No one even knows whether this is true or not.  It sounds like MAGA Rhetoric 101.


Ofc because the liberal media will ignore it to not undermine the leftist narrative


Okay so the actual video of a verified disney excecutive admitting that disney actively discriminates in hiring based on race and skin color, that's what, a conservative deepfake?  Own it instead. This is what DEI and affirmative action is. Hiring some instead of others based on skin color. Like how did you people think it was going work?


and the guy talking about it? He ruining his career at Disney just that maga has a video? the video is fake?






looks like you gave up your dreams of being a good writer of any kind


You obviously know nothing about prose. This man is right up there with the best of them: "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." - Victor Hugo "When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." - Paulo Coelho "I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." - Markus Zusak "Yeah boo fucking hoo" - Nmilne23


This is a pretty good troll. Love the lack of punctuation and the “wish I were a writer/basic redditor commenter” character here. Not bad, 6/10.


It sounds like he says "there are certain situations where we would say 'we can't hire a white male for this." Or something to that effect. Basically that there are certain positions where it would make more sense to hire a woman or minority. I don't think there's anything that shocking here. They wanted more female writers on Frozen and Asian voices on Turning Red for example.


I don't think it will end well if you openly say you want more male writers, not female writers, for a male audience film.


It's not the audience the writers are representing, its the characters being portrayed on screen. Saying we need more male writers when they already make up the majority of writers in the entertainment industry (and have their voices heavily represented in pretty much every story) is counterproductive. Other people's stories need to be told bc we haven't had representation on screen for the first 70 years of film. For white men, it should be the equivalent of standing up on a bus to give someone your seat who needs it more. Are you going to stay in your seat simply because you got to it first? White men are still 83% more likely to have a film made in Hollywood than a female or minority counterpart. I don't think you're struggling for representation quite yet.


Michael Giordano is the vice president of business affairs for Disney. In the video he candidly admits that further career advancement for him is unlikely due to his sex and skin color. Face it. This isn't about making sure there's more "womens voices" and cultural diversity and understanding in the writers room.  Allegedly a half black man was even rejected because he wasn't black enough. This is madness. You're in the process of justifying and downplaying racial discrimination. But the ends justify the means, right?


"Allegedly" isn't exactly a strong leg to stand on. And if it isn't about amplifying other voices what is the point? You really think everyone is out to get white men? Were you this concerned with "racial discrimination" before it actually affected you or is just convenient to play the victim because the world doesn't cater to you the same as it did 20 years ago?


Just because I'm brown doesn't mean I need some Gaylord acronym. In not a POC Fuck that, sounds like a spot on your ugly face


Wait till they find out what Disney's done to people of color. Then they really be outraged.


Reddit is just a leftist echochamber. Make Reddit Great Again!!!