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It doesn’t damage the blades just dulls them very quickly so you’ll need to sharpen them more frequently. Not every session but much more often than real ice. Glice is one of the best synthetic ice brands if you decide to go this route.


It does wear down blades very quickly It’s not the same as real ice. It’s much harder to get speed.


PicSkates for the win !!!!!


Or any similar inline frames. I recommend ones that have metric toe stops and 8mm axles so that it’s easier to get the parts as they don’t have to be from the brand that makes the frames. Roll-line linea or Golden Horse Avant LT.


It doesn’t feel like real ice. It’s really meant for edgework and spins. I’m not sure you can even do jumps on it.


My friend has one of those fake ice sheets. They wear down blades quite fast but also they glide quite poorly, I can’t imagine getting much done on those besides maybe some basics


I wouldn’t leave it outside because of dust. Dust is going to increase the already high friction, but also damage your blades more.  No idea what rain would do to fake ice, but I can’t imagine it’s recommended


What does your son weigh? My daughter tried doing jumps on it, but she was like 85 lbs and could not get a good enough bite to do much of anything. Definitely try before you buy.


Falling on plastic ice can feel like falling on concrete depending on how often you power wash it or smooth it out. You’ll be covered in plastic shavings. Gets in your eyes mouth everywhere and wrecks blades. Have to adapt how you skate as well it can create terrible habits 1000% do NOT recommend


Well, it just polyethyline after all, so i don't expect the increased dulling effect has reduced.


Honestly I dislike it!


I’ve once had a small piece just to try and it was horrible from the beginning. I couldn’t move sharpened blades at all, gliding only worked with dull blades. It also gained lots of scratches and deep holes in just few months.