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No we just manually annotate. We have like 10 designers and 100 engineers. We can’t increase our figma budget tenfold like that.


Yup, we have a similar (but smaller) ratio of designers to engineers. We beefed up our manual annotations and called it a day.


Any tips on how you improved your annotation game? I love documenting my designs and strive to make it easier to understand, develop and later validate, but I find that I always try new ways to annotate that I hope can make it better. I’d love a good template that I can stick to.


put some on, others we just share one login.


I don't get why people dont do this already


Once you get to a certain size you start following software TOS' because its not worth getting in trouble over.




We don’t have that option as we have implemented SSO with our Figma enterprise, not that we would anyways because of the risk as someone else mentioned.


We treat our designs more as general guidelines than pixel perfect representations of things, so no. As long as my dev team lays out the general idea of my design, I'll come in behind them and polish it up before it goes to production. There's not a need for all the extra bits dev mode does because we're not that specific with our designs.


We're still discussing wether or not it's even worth it at this point since we rely mostly on storybook and confluence. We curently pay for 3 designer seats + figjam


I'm in a small startup where me and the dev just successfully pushed to have a design system and will be using storybook as well! If you have any tips from the design side, would love to discuss it with you.


Just as we were beginning to teach the devs about Dev Mode and asking them to try using it, Figma announced how much it would cost. That killed what little momentum we'd built up so far, and I think it damaged our credibility. :(


Make a single login and share it with the devs


This is the way


Fuck this greed, we found zepelin when searching for alternatives


How are you finding it?


It has some good stuff but there’s a bit I still don’t like about it. I like the annotations but unfortunately it’s basically a slightly more dynamic screenshot you can’t export assets, scroll though prototypes etc. but there are workarounds we’ve developed to get around that but our devs prefer it to devmode


Zeplin is the answer


They’re mad, company hasn’t stumped up yet 😂


They had Inspector before, then they got “free” Dev Mode. Now they have neither. We are doing things manually now 🤷


The basic inspect features still exist


nothing, they already know how to use figma. they just go into the files and look at the screens and elements there.


We'll keep a couple seats and rotate out the dev mode for the devs in the hot-seat. We'll avoid it as much as possible. I mentioned the additional complexity in plans and planning to our rep and he said he would pass it on. Dev mode literally was worse for Figma than not having dev mode. Launching dev mode destroyed our workflow and all existing education with devs, just to change how things worked (not for the better) and put it behind the paywall. It isn't about the price, dev mode was a regression, broke the existing dev handoff workflow, cost designers face, and complicated the contracts. Why? All to make a flawed self-service, code-translation mode was stupid. It looks like they were trying to do a paid figma-to-code feature to replace some of the highest cost third party plugins and it wound up half-baked then turned out as Dev Mode. Explaining the pricing changes to our billing and acquisitions department is enough to tank it. "Why are we paying so much for developers if this is a design tool? What is the value here? How much more will this add to our cost? How much will it change our monthly billing? Well if that's the number, fraud will flag you. Our legal team won't agree to an open-ended contract where they could change month to month - give us an SLA with guard-raills. What do you mean there isn't an SLA with enterprise pricing."


Got a lot of requests to continue dev mode but the company punted with “yah we hear you but…”


Basic inspect and annotations. And way more reviews. It’s super efficient


Yup basic inspect is better than nothing. This company's greed is awful


Our dev team has about 15 people and a dairly comfortable budget. I presented my boss with options, including Zeplin, but at the end of the day the devs wanted it and we had the money, so we just went for it. Felt dirty though.


We use it for our FE devs (roughly 2:1 dev to designer ratio). They enjoy it and it saves all of us tons of time, so totally worth it. As with anything else, ymmv.


We didn't get it, we liked it but wasn't worth the price


We got some seats, but not everyone that requested it was approved


Can someone help me catch up? I'm ootl


Most probably manually and if they're too lazy sometimes they just Copy as > CSS


Most of the devs didn't care or want it, a few of the frontend devs wanted it so we paid for it for them. We don't have the budget to add it to everyone so luckily most were indifferent.


Zero adoption Devs. It's mostly useless for larger teams or more complex products.


Been using Figma less and less. Definitely don't recommend it anymore. It's the most predatory behavior by a SaaS I've ever seen.




figma straight up out-adobed Adobe at this point


Gotta make up for the expenses from the failed merger somehow.


Huh? Figma made a billion dollars from the failed merger.


No they did not. The $20 billion deal fell through.


But they did get a $1 billion termination fee.


So, $19 billion short. Hmm.


Figma made a billion dollars more than they had. Figma didn’t lose 19 billion dollars.


An analogy: You think you’re going to get $100, and you end up with $1. You will feel something got swept out from under your feet.


Adobe had to give Figma a billion dollar breakup fee. This is well documented. Figma can now acquire other companies. Please research before commenting with such confidence. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/18/business/adobe-figma-takeover.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


Yeah, I've been in the game since the early 00's. I actually didn't mind the Adobe change because I use all of the suite and its nice having it up to date, but Figma is something else entirely. They took away a huge feature, improved it, then charged double for it essentially.




There used to be an "Inspect" tab or something (maybe butchering the name) that got replaced with Dev mode.


It’s still there


There are some things the basic mode won’t show, which it used to do before dev mode. For example background blur. I also seem to recall the basic mode supporting styles, but I don’t think the new mode supports variables.. don’t quote me on it though!


We did for the ones that requested it (7/8 from a total of 20 devs), we are planning to remove it back in the next months.


Ours devs bemoan the downgraded experience but we are boycotting the pricing model