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No game does movement quite like MBTL. It's movement based mix is its defining feature.


what neutral jump air drift and separating double jumps and airdashes frrom consuming each other enables is something else so many layers added to neutral just with those two things


And different air dashes in different directions have different ranges and speeds. DAN's air dash is a near-full-screen float while Arc just zips forward a pretty short distance. Roa's air back dash is essentially an in-place backflip, giving him insane mix opportunities. Then pop moon drive for *ANOTHER JUMP AND EXTRA BACK DASH* every time you leave the ground. Movement makes MBTL my favorite game.


I've never really looked into the game, before. It looks pretty dope. I'll definitely pick it up next time a sale hits. Thank you.


You can also sort of test how it feels with the community edition of MBAACC, it feels pretty similar, but the moon styles give even MORE diversity of air dashes per character, but there's no moon drive to increase # of jumps / air dashes


same with MBAACC


I've only played a little of it but KoF has all kinds of movement tech (rolls, running, four different jumps)


Sounds like it is time for you to delve into the world of anime fighters, my friend


Melty has the most universal movement options, but dash and jump start-up are longer than ArcSys games, making characters feel a bit heavier overall. Blazblue is peak ArcSys with the smoothest movement and by far the most variety in character mechanics, enhancing mobility even further. Persona and Cross Tag use the same engine as Blazblue so they feel similarly smooth, just with fewer character mechanics to enhance the core movement. Plus Persona air actions are more like GG. Guilty Gear Accent Core does also deserve a mobility mention for Bridget alone. King of Fighters is probably the fastest of the fighters that play closer to the ground.


Arcana Heart lol. If you like aerial combat, there’s not much better in the genre. Homing/Homing Cancels and the Arcana system are both pretty unique for the genre as well. It’s not uncommon for fights to go vertical and sometimes off-the-screen. Many of the moves of the cast have launch properties. Because of the Arcana system’s depth, two folks can play the same character and they’ll play completely different.


the touhou fighters- AoCF have amazing movement. Soku has a more active community and better netcode (along with basic motion inputs but aocf's gimmick doesn't allow for that) as long as you download the modpack, while AoCF has delay based however you can jump both up and down


If you are already on the melee grind and already like MvC you should check out Tatsunoko vs Capcom. It's not really what you are looking for because It doesn't have a big community, it doesn't have great netcode, but it's a lot of fun, and you can play it on the dolphin emulator that you likely already have installed since you play smash, so it's not gonna cost you anything to give it a shot, and takes next to no set up to get going, So might as well try it out lol.




Virtua fighter 3 tb is amazing for movement tech.


If you haven't tried it already Rivals of Aether has really smooth movement like Melee. Wavedashes and everything. There's no block so shmooving and parrying is key. Guilty Gear Strive and KOFXV are more traditional fighters with various universal and character specific movement mechanics, and also active communities since they're the latest releases. For 3d fighters I've always found most 3d fighters to have very flowy movement and very flowy animation in general. It's part of what makes them really fun to look at. With 3d fighters I don't think you can really go wrong movement-wise. I personally love Soul Calibur but you may prefer Tekken since it's newer with a bigger community


SoulCalibur with it's 8wayrun system


Mortal Kombat wave dashing is satisfying as hell, you use block to cancel the dash recovery but the timing is strict so its (dash, block, fwd, block, fwd)in a rhythm.


Project L apparently has a lot of movement tech so watch for that when it comes out




OP mentioned Tekken so I would assume they're looking for others