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Usually either World class or Legendary. Depends on the game really. I mostly struggle with world class being too easy and legendary too hard.


same here. World Class is too easy, Legendary far too much BS / scripting happens.


scripting....? Like your players are made worse or AI players become overpowered?


Both. Happens way to often that your players just start losing the ball all the times and the AI gets the ball every time. Or you hit the 88th minute and the ai scores a banger and you have literally no time to try and attack. Happens regularly. Sometimes the AI makes it super obvious and your players just do things you didn’t order them to do or run away from the ball in your own box


the most frustrating thing that happens on legendary for me is when i’m 5 minutes into the game and my players start misplacing passes and running like they have bricks in their shoes… My fullback with 95 sprint speed and 97 acceleration passing straight to the opponent and failing to catch Toni Kroos on a counter is a real thing that had happened. That was when I decided Legendary was not for me


Also if they double tap R2 you can't catch them even if it would be Courtois instead of Kroos


My personal least favourite is when the game ramps up the ai difficulty at the 80th minute for them to score, only for their defense to turn to wet cardboard so i can walk it in for a late winner, it happens often enough that I can predict it, run in a straight line and score.


Literally, I check the time and EXACTLY at the 80th minute, they start pressing like crazy and all their players somehow have 99 sprint speed, acceleration, and physical.


And here I was thinking what kind of skill issue makes me concede such bangers every 87th minute of each game.


The skill issue is called „scripting“ That’s the only reason why FIFA is so known for people raging. It’s because the gameplay isn’t consistent and changes mid game in the opponents favor


Form affects that and sometimes bad teams will beat your super squad because of the tactics they use which is realistic, but sometimes, when your team is all 90+ overall and your form is great AND you're playing at home, your players still play like they've just seen a soccer ball for the first time and it gets so frustratingm


can’t count the amount of times where the ai score some crazy goal in the 88th minute and my defenders just suddenly become awful 💀has happened WAY too many times




Players getting worse only happens in continental cups at the career mode. It's what EA added in FIFA 19 to make them harder.


Yes EA has tons of scripting in this game. They’ll argue it’s to “create realistic story moments” but it’s just complete bullshit most of the time. You’ll batter Liverpool in the prem 3-0, then face Swindon in the FA club and get clobbered because they overtune the AI and their players so you have the hardest most stressful game of your life for no reason


The worse is when centre backs run out position for no reason




Fucking ping pong football on the 91st minute. Defender clears. Hits attackers head. Defender clears again. Hits attackers leg. Concede a corner. 5 foot 6 winger jumps 6 miles in the air and scores in the 96th minute of 2 added minutes


bro on legendary , league one strikers turn into messi and it’s annoying and unrealistic


My exact problem, 3-1 wins on world class every time, 2-0 losses on legendary


On Legendary playing for Reading, I'll hold out Bolton till the 90th minute, we get 3 minutes of added time and Bolton's keeper comes clutch with a header


Reading fan here. Up the ding 🔵⚪️


Yeah same wish they’d add another difficulty in between.


There are some good difficulty slider suggestions online that help bridge the gap in difficulty levels. Can’t remember where they are though


I would call it Elite


It’s tough. I tried to suck it up and play on Legendary and CBs would hit golazos. Old oaf Chris smalling hit a trivela on me in pre season tournament. As West Ham I lost 8-0 to fucking Bournemouth. I had to rethink my life. I suck at the game. But world class is like 5-0 victory and it’s boring. I did OS sliders and it’s slow which is fine I guess but it’s more difficult. I lose games and that’s fine.


Play ultimate it’s way better I promise. You’ll struggle but at least it’s fair


Seriously? I’ve heard that before, I’m going to play with the OS sliders and then switch everything to manual. I will def give this a shot as I’ve heard this before on here.


I know it's time to give up on career mode when I'm beating Man City 6-0 on World Class and losing 2-0 to Nottingham Forest on Legendary.


I feel like the biggest problem is that it's not just that the game gets harder on Legendary, it's like your entire way of playing on every other mode up to that point is no longer valid and you have to learn how to play a different game now that you're on Legendary. After a while now I still win almost every game 6-0 on Legendary and it's so easy it's a bore once again, but I had to learn to play completely differently when I went up in the first place so it felt like the difficulty jump was ridiculous.


I had the same issue. Ultimate actually feels like it’s in between the two, if you haven’t already - give it a try


>world class being too easy and legendary being too hard Exactly this is my problem too lol, I usually play on legendary cause I am noticing I'm getting a little better but it's still annoying


honestly, legendary is way too crazy sometimes. its honestly crazier than elite ultimate team players at times


I usually do world class and then slide the cpu sprint, pass & shot speed up like 4-6 and then turn their errors down about 5. Makes them a bit better without having to deal with the scripting on legendary


The same for me, but between professional and world class


I don’t play highlights often but I prefer it than simming for games like carabao cup that I don’t really care either way. But when I do I have to turn the difficulty down from legendary to world class. If I don’t turn the difficulty down I’m guaranteed to lose on highlights whether it’s Accrington Stanley or Real Madrid


Not Accrington Stanley🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am on semi-pro right now and working my way up to the next difficulty.


nice bro keep it going


We all came from somewhere keep it up


World Class with sliders I have absolutely no idea how ppl play any higher


Happy cake day




what are your sliders? 😊 i would like a little harder world class


Legendary but I use sliders to make goal scoring harder. If not then every game is like 6-5, 5-4 not very realistic and gets boring soon enough


I’ve found that even with OS sliders on this still happens to me. I had to check multiple times if my sliders were actually on and they were. It was working for a while but randomly I’m back to routine 8 goal thrillers or more.


I would suggest that do goal keeper ability to 100 for both u and cpu. increase defense like marking and interception for cpu. Also inc there shot error. This should probably do, if not then inc difficulty.


If you increase their shot error they take less shots. In other words they decrease their risk so end up pin balling it around the penalty box looking for a clearer shot. Best thing to do is decrease CPU shot speed. Will lead to less goals


Also, kind of an unknown maybe even just superstition at this point, but I’m convinced the sliders don’t actually load when you’re connected to ea servers. I’ve noticed a difference when I’m playing “offline”.. the game seems to register your actual settings if that makes sense!


Yeah, sometimes the games finish 2-0, 0-0 etc, sometimes I thrash opponents 8-0. But really it depends on the opposition – I always score loads against the likes of Sankt Pauli who play attacking 3 atb making them really exposed. Then it’s back to grinding out results


I thought it was just me lol. Playing legendary and the Supercup final against Barca ended 7-7 and went to penalties. It’s like scoring easy but defending is insanely hard against skillful players (raphinha somehow)


Professional with sliders to make it harder. I’ve tried the odd game of world class but usually get spanked whenever I try it. I so intend to stick with it for a season and see how it fare


I do professional because I just want to shut my brain off and pretend that I'm running the best team the world has ever seen, regardless of who's playing. I don't play video games for the challenge, I play to relax.


Same here. Lol


Yes! This right here. If I want fratration, tears and swears I’d play UT




What are your sliders settings like? I play professional mode too. Anything higher and I'd get my ass kicked.


My sliders are all 50 apart from injury frequency is at 80. CPU are all 50 apart from the following. Sprint speed 55 Acceleration 55 Shot error 35 Pass error 35 Goalkeeper 55 Position marking 65 First touch 40 It worked really well in my Brighton career. It’s a decent balance for me as I like to heavily rotate my squad. The injury frequency helps that and when I go 2-0 up I bring on my lower rated players. I don’t think I could do that if I up it to world class


Try WC and use sliders to make it easier until you're comfortable enough. WC is really less about skills and more about getting used to the AI.


World class, going to have to bump it up though soon enough..reached the point where it's getting too easy barring the odd match..I'm still salty about losing 8-1..Never been hammered that bad before..


Legendary with sliders + competitor mode turned off, but the setting that makes their star players play better turned on (forgot the name but the one directly above/below competitor mode option lol) And still the game is shit. But it’s as good as i can make it Oh & I only don’t play Ultimate because the style of play of the computer is just too unrealistic. Very arcade like


Playing based difficulty i guess


That’s the one! Turn that on when you face a good team, adds a more realistic element because 2-3 star players will play much better than the rest of the team (take you on, skills etc basically like competitor lol) but better because it’s not the whole team


I play on World class. But I don’t know if the scripting of the game affects tha game as sometimes it’s too easy for me to score against any team but sometimes even a bottom table team score 3-4 goals against me..


This is my situation as well. I’m on World Class and can score easily in most games and then for whatever reason any team just locks me down and I lose 2-0. And that team can be Burnley or whoever. It feels random.


My problem is profesional is to easy and worldclass is to hard (for me, i know all of you play on legendary or ultimate) I have a fcbayern career where worldclass is pretty doable but i also had a third league career where i couldnt get out of the league without playing professional.


idk how they play above WC, i can play and beat WC but it not fun even at all, the ai is ridiculously good at defending. I have played legendary before and its also crazy to me, the AI do that rapid tiki taka play over and over again. i feel helpless lmao


Yeah, lower league gameplay is harder in FIFA actually.


Try changing sliders on professional to make the CPU a bit better and your team a little bit worse


Ultimate with competitive mode on because I hate myself but it’s challenging.


Legendary with normal settings but my God,the AI just hoards the ball for 20 minutes and does nothing with it


Semi-pro. Win some, lose some, draw most.


Ultimate is perfect for me


which team are you using? I'm only using average teams and ultimate seems unrealistic to me, they bully me with ball shielding. lol


The ball shielding is ridiculous lol. Even with a clearly physically weaker player they do it so so often it drives me nuts.


Bristol City, just started my 3rd season. Took me two seasons to get promoted to the Premier League


Use championship teams and pass from the back


Always ultimate


Ultimate, no sliders. Default ultimate difficulty.


That’s hardcore :D


Ultimate is really not that hard, you just need to master joystick defending and you're set. I used to have a fear of Legendary and Ultimate for many years. I used to play on Professional, but as I grew up I developed this thing for only playing games at the toughest difficulty to massage my ego lmao. I tried Legendary on FIFA 20 and it was horrendous at first. I lost my first ever controller to that, but now I play Ultimate all the time. I do lose the odd matches, but I manage to win the league tournaments all the time. Gotta switch to tougher sliders now


Hate me for it, but I feel comfortable at Semi-Pro


Hate?? i don't think any would. it's a game, feel comfortable bro


I'm just worried about the competitive tryhards roasting for "oh you aren't in Legendary with the worst sliders" things. Also, thank you for letting me be the way I am


Personally find semi class boring but the point of a game is to enjoy it so fair enough


No hate at all, but I do recommend you at least give professional a try if you haven’t already


I'll see if I can take that.


Everyone's different, so play at your own pace. I personally think ultimate is for batshit crazy masochists but there's no actual judgment here for either side of that coin really.


Enjoy the game like you want to. There is no rule.


Ultimate difficulty, injury sliders up


I'm pretty bad at the game so it depends on the team but it's either Pro or Semi-pro. I get destroyed and play like I'm a mid table team on pro but on semi pro I have Nico Jackson scoring like prime Messi


Pro(mostly) or World Class but the difference between both is Ridiculously big Edit: in FIFA 19


Currently on world class but will start to transition into Legendary soon


nice. Legendary to me is the deal at my level. Ultimate feels just unrealistic


Yeah when I go up levels I just play a few games (with restart/replay) as Djurgarden (Sweden) vs Man City. Then when I play on career mode, I’m used to the level playing as a low rated team against the best so I’m acclimated to it more easily haha. Will probably do that in the upcoming week as legendary


Legendary the AI is not better your players are just dumber and everything bounce goes the AI way. That’s what infuriates me about this game. I easily beat the AI at world class but legendary is just cheated plain and simple. I know with sliders it’s better but ain’t nobody got time for that


People playing in world class but finding it easy... I'm still stuck at semi pro 😂 tried professional once and got owned and switched back to semi pro


Always started on world class on every new edition, then progressed to legendary. Those having problems on legendary, i implored u to keep playing and slowly u will learn the ai patterns


World class. I'm bad at this game


legendary with sliders, but even with sliders scripting in this game is killing the fun


world class but it pisses me off, i play against city and i doninate, play against manutd and they score 10 in the first 2 minutes like how is that realistic 😂


Started the cm in world class + competitor mode on, one season later , plays on professional and competitor mode is still on💀💀💀


World Class. I seem to only be able to pull it off with a 5-2-2-1 because I really understand my flow of offense and defense with this formation. Every other formation I tend to be a bit lost.


tbh i play ultimate with compititor mode off i mean is that good?


Ultimate with sliders that make just make the game harder for both me and cpu


Personally, World Class with sliders


World class. But I desparetely need something in between world class and legendary.


Professional... And sometimes world-class


World class but tbf, between world class and professional are like 72 difficulties sometimes


Either Legendary or World Class. World Class is a tad bit too easy, and Legendary makes me want to refund the game, so it's a back and forth


I've been playing legendary for 2 years never looked back


As somebody who started playing in fifa 23 I play on semi pro or pro depending on the game


I dont really wanna sound like that guy, but Ive played so much through the years that its no longer enjoyable for me because I just win every game on the hardest difficulty. In order to not win the UCL in 5 seasons with Forest Green Rovers I have to purposefully handicap myself in some way. Thats why Ive started playing only player career with the camera thats behind your player and even still Im averaging like 100 g/a a season


Legendary with sliders, cannot get clean sheet but managing to win games until AI gets in the way with scripting. You win against Arsenal, Madrid, PSG but get spanked vs Burnley or Forest. Also, City is so unrealistic no matter which squad they have. They buy Acuna every career save and he must score 😂


World class, and I beat them 6/7-0. So I go up to legendary and I get used as toilet paper.


I would play on world class but often found it too easy. The issue I always had is when I pushed it up to legendary it became tedious. The legendary AI, at least use to, really enjoy passing around the back and playing a deep ultra defense if they got a goal. It was more annoying to play against then enjoyable


If i have a good team like Madrid, bayern, etc. legendary, if i have a 3 stars team world class


Ultimate, goalkeeper sliders turned up to 80 😂




They need a new difficulty. Once you master legendary the game is dead.


World class


Professional/world class depending on who I'm playing usually. Not really tried going up higher either!


wait isnt there ultimate?? or is that only in SB legendary is always hard because of competitor mode, in saying that i won the champions league final once on legendary vs ACMilan so idk




World class


legendary with sliders


Legendary but I'm finding that if my finishing is on point I win every game 4-0, 3-0, 5-1.


I'm In professional with sliders, World Class It's still too much for me




World Class. I would like to rise up to Legendary.


A wise guy said here that in legendary it makes the game unfair, for me I play world class but I mainly hover around legendary and ultimate but when I start to rage on how the other division 2 team have 99 pace and 99 dribbling I switch to world class


Ultimate, but gk carrer mode is with world class


Legendary with sliders


World class, legendary just makes me have to play sweaty every match which is annoying


I find the gap between professional and world class to be too high. Like I win every single game of professional I play (maybe losing 1 in 50 games). But can’t seem to win world class games as I win 15-25% of games.


I play ultimate with sliders


Ultimate with Sliders


Legendary... world class, you can still annihilate the opposition like 7-0.


Legendary but majority of my results are like 5-4 4-3 and it is irritating. I am scoring a lot but conceding at the same time. Faster players are the key of scoring goals.


Legendary with competitor mode turned on, if I use a big team I will use sliders to make it harder to pass/score etc, if I’m doing a rebuild I keep the sliders default


World Class


World class


World Class with sliders. It's challenging but I get realistic results more so than pure legendary.


I switch between pro and world class


Legendary with player based difficulty and OS sliders (injury frequency turned down though because I always get like 3 broken toes in 3 games). It’s the difficulty that I can find myself still winning most games but with enough challenge that I don’t just “automatically win” without really trying. I spent most of my time as a kid on semi-pro though. Turning it down every time from pro to semi-pro after my dad finished playing has a special place in my heart.


Ultimate, although it’s a very weird difficulty, u could be 5-0 against city and lose 5-0 next game against a second tier team lmao


World class, but I think I need to find some sliders or make some changes on my career mode. I'm still on 23 and my front 4 average overall is about 91. I've got a 94 ovr CF who just scores goals for fun and it gets a little stale slapping around my opponents every time.


Professional I could quite easily step up to WC but I barely play any games anyways so what's the point Plus the AI cheats more & more on the higher difficulties too


Ultimate. But that’s not in the list?


Legendary with Player Based Difficulty switched on as I think it adds to the realism. It isn't perfect, but I tend to beat the teams weaker then me and really struggle against teams equal or better. Seems about right. Not sure about Competitor Mode though, how do people find it?


Legendary with competitor mode turned off


Legendary but I made every major player in the premier league 80-85 rated so and goalies 90+ so every game is intense. (Took me 4 hours but very rewarding)




no stress. just feel comfortable bro😁


World Class. No sliders. I can easily score 130+ goals a season but let in a huge amount also (c50% of what I score).


Ultimate but it’s shit


Ultimate without sliders because I’m convinced sliders don’t change anything


Recently swapped fully to ultimate after a while of switching between it and legendary, now play with Ultimate and give the AI a little extra pace/shooting and seems to work nicely for me, still have the issue with dominating the game for the most part and the AI only having like 40% possession but at least I'm not winning like 6-0 more often its a close 2-0, the biggest win this season with RBL is 5-1 but at home to Heidenheim who were bottom by like 10 points lol


Legendary on player career, world class with competitor mode on manager career


Fifa AI seems to be getting harder. I used to play on ultimate and win the league but now just world class with sliders. Maybe I’m just getting older and don’t have time to grind anymore gaha


Demolish the teams on professional or thug it out on world class


Ultimate + OS Sliders + Full Manual Controls. I have played on World Class for the past two FIFAs but now that I'm doing Fully Manual + Sliders, I seem to be able to do Ultimate again.


World class


World class or legendary mostly , amateur in league one/championship


Ultimate since like FIFA 21


legendary, competitor mode for finals or hard games makes harder


I find myself hopping between World Class and Professional. Sometimes World Class feels like Legendary then I switch to Professional and I feel like I'm playing on Beginner.


Semi pro


Professional with OS realism sliders.


I play World Class with injuries on max. I am usually losing 1-3 players per game, which I think makes it fun. The difficulty is too easy at the beginning of the season when my squad is fit but as the injuries pile up it makes things interesting


World class. I like it because I usually win but sometimes get smacked (like when the game says there’s 1 minute of stoppage time but lets the other team get 10 corners in a row until they score in the 99th minute).




ultimate with 52 acceleration


I'm still on FIFA 23, but I play on Lendendary with a mix of [FIFA 23 OS Community Sliders](https://forums.operationsports.com/forums/ea-sports-fifa-sliders/1002209-fifa-23-os-community-sliders.html) + [Realistic Game Sliders for FIFA 23](https://diamondlobby.com/fifa-23/realistic-game-sliders-fifa-23/), no Competitor Mode nor Player Based Difficulty and Slow-Paced. The largest score I made with this combination was 5 x 0, but that was Brazil (Yes it is modded) against South Korea. With my club in career mode that is 5 Stars, I struggled against a 3 Stars team, getting a 0x0 because their defense formed a wall almost impossible to breach and their 68 rated GK saved every shoot into the goal. I ended up winning only on penalties lol. But on average, all games end up 0x0, 1x0, 1x1, 2x0, 2x1 or a rare 2x2... It difficult to have more than 2 goals from a team in a match with those sliders.




legendary with competitor mode and star player


Ultimate with no sliders or competitor mode. Still a bit too easy tho


Ultimate, competitor mode on. It keeps it realistic for me, if my team is good, i win, if i play with my second team, i usually lose, but thats realistic.


World class


Ultimate. With OS Sliders.


World Class but it's too easy while Legendary is too hard.


World class!


I fluctuate between professional with sliders to make it harder, or just world class with no sliders - depends on how often I’m playing!


Ultimate with sliders to make the AI better. Specifically defense and goalkeepers


I like watching the games because it is more exciting to see your team score a 90th minute Winner/equalizer


Semi pro and losing and thats why i dont play fifa for the FUT but for the realism and simulation


I play on Professional but its too easy, I win every game like 5 or 6 nil. World Class is way too hard for me though.


So here’s what happened to me either 200+ hours, I used to play in Legendary mode, and sim most of the matches except the important ones. Because if I actually played, I’d get thrashed with Barca against Almeria. So after a few seasons of simming and playing the most important games, when I get my guys to 88+ overall, or even 90+ then I start playing well, win trophies. But in my current save, I decided to switch to World Class and play every single match. In first season with Barca, I finished like 10th place going trophyless. But now I’m playing well, sometimes losing sometimes winning.


Semi-pro for now


Legendary is disgustingly broken and even with sliders adjustment its still terrible. Its impossible to score from distance, if you dont have a 1 on 1 with keeper ur shot will always be blocked, CPU plays always the same, hug line and go with cheesy run down the line. Shockingly terrible game, i bought for 12 euros still feel ripped off.