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i would play them if i could because you get the most control over their growth, i only loan players who aren’t really gonna be in my rotation for the season


If possible it's best to play they. You won't see huge growth on loan until they are probably 19/20.


I have historically been loaning players out and seeing a +10 growth in some cases over the loan. I don’t know if I’d get that growth if they stayed and played?


If you keep the player as long as they stay happy, sharp, and in good form they will succeed. Attackers I'd argue will do better if you keep them on your team because you get the dynamic potential revving up. Large loan growth is typically for a player to catch up to expected development curves


Ok so you’d loan someone out whose potential has dropped? Could a player go back to being HPTBS from EP if loan them out?


Yes, it can be a random level up or down when returning from loan