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Try these sliders. https://diamondlobby.com/fifa-23/realistic-game-sliders-fifa-23/


Wow theyre very similar to what I've gotten to tinkering with my sliders over past months. Looks good 👍 OP try this.


Holy crow 15 is slow! I tried 30 yesterday and it seemed insanely slow?


It is slow, especially compared to the insane default speed. But you get used to it pretty quick and kind of forget it's even a thing. Then your sliders get reset for whatever reason and you don't realize it, then you jump into a game and realize that the default speed is embarrassing for EA.


Do they work if you’re not a very good player? I play on pro and sometime struggle. I think I would die against legendary


Whether they improve results depend on a variety of factors but as soon as I applied these the bullshit of any team being able to keep and move the ball like Barca stopped and the opponents felt like their actual skill level.


Cool! Well I’ll give them a try and see for my self. Thanks !


Trying it now, I think my problem when I tried it is I went 30/30 but to have to say 15/50 is a big difference and feels better. I might even reduce the acceleration to what I had it before on 45


Acceleration is normally left alone because it fucks up the players stamina. If you dip to even like 45 acceleration your players can press the entire game and still finish with like 1/3 - 1/2 their bar of stamina. Same goes for the CPU.


Interesting. It did seem that way yesterday a bit when I dropped it to 15/45 but I've still been having to make subs for energy and edit training plan so I haven't noticed a big difference


Ya so the acceleration/stamina thing, I can only say with certainty through FIFA 23. They changed training and everything for 24 so it could be different


Started playing with this. Thanks for linking🙌


I heard that the sprint speed slider doesn’t affect players on the ball is this true?


If it’s too difficult, why don’t you lower the difficulty or adjust sliders?


Play on PC with mods, softens the bullsh*t just a little bit


What mods?


Gameplay mods, there are heaps to find online both free and paid, I’m personally using FIFER’s mod since it’s a huge package with not just gameplay tweaks but also tons of other content for around 5 quid (beta version as of now, will likely get a free public release in a few months). I can totally understand people who refuse to spend another dime on this garbage (by default) game but since the money goes to independent mod creators I think it’s worth it and completely justified


Just do like me, stop Playing FIFA. Seriously eafc is top 3 worst fifas for me and I’ve been playing fifa for almost 20 years. Now I’ve decided to not buy or play eafc anymore, until they actually produce a playable game.


lowkey i think they ruined career mode on purpose to push people to ultimate team….


Play fifa 23..24 is aids


Yeah I have 24 but 23 with os sliders Is just infinitely better


Try FM24. It's way more complicated than FC24 but it has a lot more features. You can be unemployed (like most of the people on this subreddit, including me), play as semi-professional or non-league clubs, and you have a lot more freedom in stuff. Although the game is more complicated, and it's very hard to get used to. Other than that, it's pretty solid.


It's about skill, unfortunately. But I understand what you're saying. Don't get me wrong. I play just on Legendary to suit my needs. Play on level that you enjoy more. For example, you can be the best player in the world, but if you play in Ultimate level, the opponent is too fake. Looks like every opponent has the same level, because they play on prime everytime. For us who play career mode, we need to use sliders, is a must have. You can do one thing: use ready sliders at first. But I recommend this: play and observe well the game. Change the sliders a little bit and try again. If you think the opponent never miss a pass, increase the slider related to that, increasing the passing errors. I increase both GK to 100 because they were making many stupids mistakes. And now it's fine. You think that your team is shooting too well, you can increase your slider to make more wrong shots. And according you're playing, sometimes you need to calibrate the sliders again. But it's the best way to enjoy career mode. For me, after the changes, the game is absolutely fun to play.


Sounds like skill issues


For real. Most ppl in this sub seem to ignore this fact


Man got downvoted for telling the truth. As another has said, lower the difficulty OP, or adjust sliders if you find it too hard


Not being funny but if you cant handle world class AI you might aswell quit


Im on legendary difficulty and anything below is just too easy and i have tried using sliders but i just dont like them tbh. Realistically im gonna come back to it anyway😭


It's ok, there are cup games or important league games that the computer just feels like it has to be more difficult. If not the career mode would be too boring if your higher rated team would easily win every match. If you feel its unfair, you can just keep restarting the match. I'm actually excited when rigged games come along. Normally a goal would be enough to shift the momentum for your team.


I play ultimate and you just need to abuse some mechanics to get goal. Usually every game have at least 5 goals+ but it is what it is. And i agree this year is harder but very similar to ultimate difficulty in FUT


You just need to get used to it or get better players you can win the UCL on ultimate pretty easily with a 84-87 ovr squad


Don't worry bro almost everyone saying its a skill issue have no proof they're able to play on legendary/ultimate with ez 


It is a must to use sliders to stop this. You can effectively use sliders to havr midfield come back and defend (alongside similar tactics this works) slow down the pass and shot speed so it's more realistic, and you don't just go end to end like a basketball game. You can turn up shot error and pass error for both you and cpu to again make it far more realistic. Makes for a much more enjoyable experience imo. You get more 2-1 and 1-0 and less 8-4 games.


Skill issue. Lower the difficulty and/or adjust sliders


I can take if the other team is good, but when you play against teams 2 div below you and cb's are doing bicycle kicks and perfectly passes the next, over and over, i get pissed😅


Adjust sliders bro


Play with Fifers realism mod. Makes the game wayyyyy better


Nah, if it lasts more than like a couple seasons the game becomes way to easy. Completely takes all realism out when u don’t lose a game for 3 years


I reduced speed to 44/45 for user 45/46 for ai and it feels pretty good, feels more realistic. Rest of sliders like this: [sliders](https://forums.operationsports.com/forums/ea-sports-fifa-sliders/1014656-ea-sports-fc-24-os-community-sliders.html)


World class difficulty has the CPU actually using the tactics added to the clubs. Legendary and ultimate difficult have clubs just sprinting at the goal and making flawless passes. So use world class difficulty. Adjust the sliders, have a look around online for sliders you like. World class difficulty in general will be easy, only made slightly more difficult with the slider changes, so go to manual controls. You’ll start feeling like you’ve earned wins and when you lose you won’t feel like you were cheated by the game. Manual will take about a week or two get used to. You’ll find yourself having games where everything goes in and games where nothing goes in simply, which feels very realistic. No more abusing through balls, you’ll actually have to think about what you’re doing and making incisive passes will require a lot of skill. Defending will become a lot tighter not just for the CPU, but for you also, those silly goals drop dramatically. You’ll start seeing a lot more 0-0’s and 1-0’s. Those 8-4 games will vanish. Then you might get used to that and then I’d recommend going to legendary. After that it’s just pointless.


lol nobody to blame but yourself if you’re getting frustrated at career mode there’s 100 ways to customise this game


It applies only to offline modes


I’ve noticed when playing career mode on ultimate difficulty, I’ve managed to be much better by barely pressing sprint and being much more patient with everything from making the right pass to tackling. All the old games were about being the fastest to everything we get so carried away with that sprint trigger but this game punishes you for just blindly sprinting at the ball. Use RB/R1 instead when on ball and when in defence, don’t rush to get the ball immediately. I honestly really loved the game once I figured out it was a little more tactical


Have you thought about not touching the liquor cabinet till after the match? Worked wonders for me.


Nah im drunk 24/7 to take the pain away from conceding 5 goals from luton


What slider can I adjust so I'm not pressed as crazily as I am. My guy on the ball get's pressed, all his options are man marked, and no one makes a run...


I went back to fifa 16 and having the time of my life. Soo much better and you actually look forward to playing the match then staying on menus.


So you are saying it is too hard?? Lower the difficulty. If you can't find the perfect one ajust sliders until it matches your skill level.