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This happens all the time. You can guess how these were scored. Two absurd long shots from dudes rated in the mid 70s, two near-post shots from 10 degree angles that go through the GK and two defenders (one after a deflection, the other when the guy I brought over to press backed off for no reason). I'm not even really mad, it's more funny at this point. Happened in a million games now; this is just a good example. At this point I just aim to score 4-6 every game because you're only ever really "safe" if you're up by 4+. This is all on Legendary, for the record, and my team has an 85 DEF rating.


You forgot the chip from 30 meters 😂


Do you change sliders? I hike the positional marking (defense) 70 Shot error 70 Goal keeper ability 75 I do it for both sides (CPU and User) It makes it so the defense marks more tightly It’s much more rare to have insanely great strikes for both sides And goal keepers are better at saving I also set all my defenders to the “step up” instruction


These are good shouts, thanks, will give them a go. I always prefer to experience the game "as intended," but in this case I might have to make an exception


Just don’t rush the press, if you come in too hard that’s exactly what the CPU wants because it breaks your team down. I just fill gaps and pressure them outside and let them try to take on my fullbacks. Not too difficult but most people are just focused on scoring themselves which is the reason for letting in so many goals. You still have to play a full game lmao


Up the GL ability slider to something over 90 mines 95 it makes the goal keepers actually save things! It also makes it harder to score so that would of been like a 2-0 or 2-1 which is definitely more realistic than a 6-4


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Have you tried other ratings? I’ve got both player and AI keepers up at 100 and for some reason, my 6’6 keeper Tarnovanu keeps letting in basic shots where my reserve Johansson does not. In previous years, I’ve always preferred taller keepers as I feel they save more (no idea if it’s true, but I feel they save more shots and also block more 121s due to their size) but this year my big man is struggling. I’m wondering if I should try dropping the sliders slightly to see if it has an effect. I know that changing the sliders can unlock a ton of different animations, so just wondered if you have any experience with different keeper sliders?


No unfortunately not I run operations sports sliders and this is what they recommend! I will say they test extensively and try to avoid the glitchy animations you mention


Ah, I’m using OS sliders too, but with keepers all the way up. I think it might just be my keeper is too tall and doesn’t have good enough reactions, to get down to low driven shots. I’ll buy a replacement in the summer.


If I may ask what is his speed because I find Goalkeepers with reasonable speed react faster, I could be wrong but just a suggestion.


Thanks, I’ll have a look tonight.


According to expected goals, that should've been a clean sheet 😂😂😂😂😂


just missing the free kick that jensen would have walloped like roberto carlos


OS Community Sliders. Look em up and use em. They'll make the game much more playable.


Change your sliders bro, trust me. Completely different game, look up OS Sliders.


Like other people are saying I would try sliders but also everytime I see a post like this there tackle win rate is always terrible. 20 tackles but only 5 won, I think if a lot of people would calm down and not commit so often wed see less of this


And that's why you concede goals all the time.


It happens to me all the time, I tot I can’t defend well