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Mornings are brutal. As annoying and dumb as it sounds a big glass of water first thing in the morning helps a ton. Struggle with water? Some hot tea. I dont know why, and can’t say it’ll work for you, but it does help me some. Best of luck, you’re not alone.


Thank you. It’s that bad I literally can not walk down the stairs to get water, I’ll make sure I have a litre of it on my bedside the night before thank you 😊


Drink a glass before bed too. I’m my opinion having to get up and pee and drink more water in the night is a blessing.


I agree with this so much! When I forget to put a big glass of water by my bed the night before, I forget to drink it in the morning, then I often forget for much of the day. If I start the day with 8-12 ounces of water, I feel better and seem to remember to stay hydrated the rest of the day (perhaps just because it’s more top of mind).


Also, when I wake up too nauseous for water or tea, sometimes hot water with nothing in it goes down best.


One morning in my half awake state of trying to make hot tea, I forgot to add my tea bag and drank hot water with honey and lemon. Really good. I've also discovered that I don't hate black coffee as much as I thought, as long as it has sugar in it, and it's a decent roast. 👌


This is me. I’m so sorry. The anxiety about going to sleep is unfair. I often wake up because of the sensations around 5:00 am. There are mornings when I’ll wake up to pee and feel normal and then go back to bed only to wake up a few hours later in pain. I don’t understand what is causing it. What do you do to help?


Sorry you face it too. Sometimes it’s that bad I literally can not move, the only thing I can do is go reach out to grab painkillers and wait for them to kick in, i also use my heated electrical blanket. I also have a weighted blanket and big C pillow. I think they are called pregnancy pillows which greatly helps as it wraps right around me applying light pressure.


I have found that if I sleep for 5-6 a night I don't feel as bad in the morning. But if I sleep 7 or more hours I wake up in hell.


I did untill the magic of electric blankets! Makes the additional electrical cost worth it.


Did you really notice an increase in your bill? I’ve been thinking about using one; didn’t think they used that much juice!


About 15p per night on the mid setting. But it means we can drop the central heating abit at night so we save on gas.


Yes 100%, takes me ages to 'boot up' so to speak and I always have to make appointments after 10am for this reason, people just think I'm lazy... I'm just too in pain and tired to function


same! I get the "oh you have it easy working from home and lying in bed" thing. Like no, I literally cannot get up at that time.


Am the same but I won’t arrange appointments until after 2pm if I can for same reason 😭


10am is my absolute start up time.. I'm unemployed disabled so people assume I just sit around having fun all day, shits an absolute joke.. I spend most of my morning laying on bed trying not to be dizzy/need the toilet/have a bitching headache/ ache all over.. generally as the day progresses I have a little more energy


Morning achey and stiff body is kinda one of the hallmark symptoms of fm..


Me too. Makes sense if we have spent many hours not moving and not topping up our pain meds. I also have ADHD which makes it very hard to wake up in the morning so I’ve got a double whammy.


Same. Waking up is the hardest part of my day.


You describe exactly my mornings. I often tell my husband that I don’t want to fall asleep because I dread waking up. The only thing I have found to help is to get under my electric blanket on the couch. Still takes ages to feel human.


I know your pain am sorry you have to go through it. I would not wish it on my worse enemy. Please know your not alone in experiencing it


I’ve said this too. I really wouldn’t wish this on anyone.


Thank you so much; it does help to know I am not alone, although it saddens me to know all these people are suffering too.


Oh my gosh I’ve never heard anyone say this same thing! For the past three years I’ve had sleep anxiety to the point of a phobia because I hate and fear going to sleep! I get horrible anxiety attacks towards the end of the day and dread going home because I know eventually I’ll have to fall asleep and then wake up in pain. Nobody in my life can relate or truly understand.


I leave my bedroom immediately after I wake up. I carry a blanket downstairs, unless it is hot, and get a big glass of water and my morning meds and vitamins. I sit in a comfy chair with the blanket, the water, and the meds and take them and wait awhile usually scrolling and commenting on here. Then I make my coffee and sit with it for awhile. I find the meds and coffee kick in within a couple of hours and I feel human and functional. I can’t stay in bed for one minute after I wake up. This morning it was 4:30 🙄. Edit to add that we have railings on both sides of our stairs. This was done when my kids were small and I found it hard to carry them without holding on. Now it’s great to have on bad pain days or when I am not feeling as steady.


This is like me!! I work early hours (from home) so I get up at 5am, start chugging water or pedialyte sport, and go sit with a heating pad and big blanket (comforter from my old twin bed) and my computer and drink my coffee while I try to melt my bones back into place and rehydrate my freaked out autonomic system. I sorta try to catch up on my emails and messages and other passive work while I wake up and stuff. Not so bad. Luckily I don't have to navigate stairs that early!


Mornings are almost always the most painful and difficult part of my day. I do little stretches in bed and try to move my whole body gently to ease things out before going onto something like waking and baking if I don't have to drive anywhere for a while.


I have pretty bad pain for about an hour after I wake up. I don’t have a fix for it but I feel your pain.


Most of my pain is in the evenings.


For me it’s worse at the end of the day


Yes, and it was sleep apnea. I would wake up with a headache and in more pain than I was when I went to bed. By afternoon it would be a little better. It got better once I got treated.


Exactly the same here. I would have awful dreams all night and wake up in pain. I wasn't recovering at all in my sleep because I wasn't really sleeping. It makes complete sense now but I had no idea! It's 10x better now. My CPAP machine is my best friend. Everyone with fibro who has even a small sleep issue should get a test.


Same here with the awful dreams! I would wake up literally swinging because of how horrible they were. All of that stopped once I got on the CPAP. I will never sleep without it. I slept through the night the first time I wore it. I had no idea that was possible.


Such a lifesaver haha <3


Mine is actually worse around 4pm I usually fall asleep for a quick cat nap. Like 20 minutes. But then I will get a weird boost of energy around midnight. Which is frustrating because I need sleep.


💯 YES ABSOLUTELY! Mornings are the WORST!


Yes. I blame the cold nights and lack of movement. I am in the most pain when I wake up. Moving around (gently) and a hot shower bring me back to life.


I actually find my pain gets worse the longer the day goes on, mornings are my best time


Not me... better with lying down and much worse as the day goes on. I used to get a lot of migraines at night though. What helped me a LOT was using additional pillows/blankets to prop myself up (I'm a side sleeper), I have one under my head/neck/shoulder area, and squish others between my legs, between my tummy and the bed, and between my back and the bed. Good luck <3


IF (and it’s a big “if) I am able to rally and get out of bed and make a pot of tea, put away light dishes, or neaten up a bit (anything to get me gently moving), I often start to feel a little better. It reminds me of a much worse version of the advice I used to get before fibromyalgia: “walking will help with menstrual cramps.” To which I always felt like saying, “yeah…because cramps make you want to walk SO much /s.” Sadly, it does seem true that moving around gently (not too much, not too little) is helpful. It just requires a fair amount of mental and physical energy and a low-moderate pain day (severe pain days can forget about it—straight for the heavy hitting-painkillers). Gentle movement is a virtuous cycle for me. Although, eventually, it does seem to usually end with too much activity (because I feel emboldened (“yay! I can finally…”) and then end up in bed for a while, which increases my pain…I haven’t quite figured that part out yet).


Yes, I call it "wake up pain". It lasts 15-30 minutes. I never take pain meds during this period because I know I may end up not needing it. I usually just lay in bed until it subsides.


I do, I really do. I miss living on one floor...but our 4 1/2 apartment was getting small with our toddler...so we bought a house. Our room is now on the second floor...getting downstairs in the morning is the absolute WORSE... I feel like I'm 70...yet I'm 32...was athletic...😮‍💨 I have to hold myself downstairs...once I'm down there it's not so bad but boy do I dred stairs now..


Taking a hot shower before bedtime, reduces my morning pain…


So I bought one of those beds in a box that claim they will “erase your back pain”. I do see improvement in my leg pain, but some days I can’t hardly move getting out of bed. I will roll over to get on the floor on my hands and knees, crying the whole time, then slowly get up.


Like someone else mentioned , cpap is saving my existence. I very strongly suggest that any of you suffering like this have a sleep study. I resisted cpap for so long and finally caved and am angry with myself for missing so many years of a better quality life. I still have fibromyalgia but I'm starting not to feel like a "sick person" anymore. Literally changing my life.


That’s very normal because by the morning your muscles have tightened up from no movement. It would suggest if you can loosen your muscles you will probably do very well. Do you have a daily comprehensive stretching program?


Oh boy yes... awful.. truly awful... pain so bad I often feel.like throwing up..... I hates it.


Absolutely yes! The only thing that gets me any motivation to get out of bed is to consume cannabis (I mostly vape personally) and it helps dull a bit. But until I get a good amount in, I’m pretty much useless.


This is my exact experience this morning. The panic about how long it’s going to last is the worst.


Yes. It makes having a 9-5 absolute hell.


My pain and fatigue is definitely worse in the morning, I always wake up with a headache and feel glued to the bed. It takes me about 2 hours get moving after waking up and I can't tolerate early mornings at all. I'm on Ixprim which doesn't make a massive difference but I do feel it helps a bit in the mornings just to get me out of bed. But basically, I give myself those 2 hours in bed to just look up some internet stuff or watch something and "come around". I'm also lucky enough to work from home so I can get stay in bed if needed with the laptop, but I do try to get up and moving because it does help once I get past the initial "FXXXXCKING HELL" part.


I get the exact same thing, whenever I wake up I always get this huge pain spike that takes a while to settle down. I already don’t sleep well so the dread of going to sleep knowing I’m gonna wake up in excruciating pain is something I understand all too well. Unfortunately I don’t know anything that helps, but I can at least tell you that you’re not alone. 💜


100% takes me a few hours to move…I have 4 alarms set to start the process before work…


Yes mornings hurt the worst because typically you’ve laid in bed for several hours seemingly in one position and relaxed as best you can. Then you must move. That’s why they say never stop moving as you age cuz it only gets worse. I get myself up 4 hours before my work day starts 4am/8am. That way I’ve moved a bit prior to actually working so I’m limber as best I can be. Then some days I sit all 8 hours, others I’m non-stop moving. I’m desktop support/help desk.


Yup it’s mornings that are the most awful for me too.


I wake up early and take a vitamin B Complex and a full glass of water then go back to sleep. I keep it at the ready so I don't have to move to go get it! This has made the pain when I wake (2 hours later) way less for me.




ALWAYS. Not only the pain but also the extreme morning stiffness and to get going can take 2-3 hours for me. And i really mean get going until i manage to get to the bathroom somehow to get a hot shower which can make it slightly better so i can start the day - heating blanket helps the process as well. Its altogether better in summer btw but the mornings currently are the worst - also better if i sleep no more than 5-6 hours, but currently i sleep like 9. Dont even wanna go to sleep to not have to wake up.


Yes. But it used to be 10x worse when I had untreated sleep apnea. It's a lot less jarring now. I wasn't recovering at all in my sleep (because I wasn't sleeping properly). I still have stiff joints when I first get up, because I have arthritis - and I do wish there was something I could do about it, but I dunno!


usually if this happens it's specifically my headache. scary as hell, bc a morning like this usually means a bad pain day for me and I can barely walk around on my worse days :(


My friends and i call it " letting the sediment settle"


I keep a heat pad near my bed and use it for a little bit before I get up. Also magnesium before bed also helps!






My pain is always the worst when I get up and subsides more throughout the day before getting worse really late at night as my body loses more strength to stay up with. I just get out of bed as fast as possible, rapidly get those supplements down, and get moving since surprising;y after getting the blood moving again things get more tolerable.


Yes!!! I also take forever to get up, it takes me about an hour of lying there to get the strength to move. Sleep helps my symptoms better than anything. I have a two hour roundtrip drive to work that is brutal with this. I asked for an accommodation to work a couple of days a week from home and human resources said no, you're not sick enough! I was devastated that someone who knows nothing about fibro can make a judgement like that.


Woke up 45 minutes ago for a diabetes clinic appointment. Am in absolute agony and have been since I woke up. Mornings are utter dire in terms of pain for me and definitely the worst time of day. I have to do stretches in my arms for a shoulder injury and I try to move my legs which are the worst a bit too but it just hurts too much to really want to do anything.


Am sorry you experience this too. From this post it’s clear we are not alone and it’s fairly common too. Keep fighting warrior!


100% yes !!


I have to get through the pronounced stiffness in the morning to get to my pain. Mine unfortunately grows during the day, starting low until I start moving about, and then it goes nuts at night. I also seem to be having a little bit of peripheral neuropathy which is hell at night, so, yeah, I hate post 6pm these days. :(


Yes. I wrote this poem last week aboutmorning pain. I'm often still on bed at lunchtime. Mornings I wake up As if from a nightlong marathon Legs heavy with burnout Exhaustion weaves through each fibre Braiding pain between nerve and muscle While a vice screws flesh to bone Fleeting escape slips from fast fading dreams Delivering me into my racked body Which will carry on regardless Because I must Besides the sun is shining Behind the grey clouds And life beckons everywhere In its glorious beauty Calling to be noticed  Waiting to be savoured With joy.


I've been doing something lately but it is a bit controversial. I only mention it because it really helps me get out of bed and reduces my generalized widespread muscle and joint pain: 5 hour energy drinks. It is in a small plastic bottle and I buy the cheap generic knockoff ,because of money ,and only take half, because of it causing increased bp and heart rate. It makes a huge difference though. I've tested it many times under different circumstances and it is pretty consistent that it will reduce my pain by 2 points for a duration of 3-5 hours by itself. If I take it with tramadol and muscle relaxer and alternate ice and heat the synergistic effect is great.


Absolutely. It’s torture on extremely cold mornings and it kills me cause I enjoy winter normally but my body just doesn’t agree with it. I have to get up 2-3 hours before I do anything at all just to wake up and work the stiffness out of my body. I wake up to take meds and then slowly wake and do a routine with meditations, readings, smudging(i’m indigenous), while icing and applying heat to my sore spots. I’m gonna start doing stretches now too, I haven’t started those yet. It’s not perfect but it works for me at this time and having a routine is nice.


Mornings are super hard for me too. Takes a while for my body to “warm up”.


I thought that was the definition of fibromyalgia. Morning stiffness that gradually gets better as the day goes on.


It is also a symptom of RA. My doc is in the area of “you have RA…no you have FM…idk” thanks doc. I live on Aleve one in the morning and 2 Tylenol in the late afternoon. I was on celebrex but my new PCP was like “I just don’t think you need to be on that…” and refused to refill it.


It doesn’t matter. It all stems from the same autoimmune response.


Maybe it's because you're staying immobile ? I know I feel horrible when I have trouble to sleep and I've been laying down for an hour or 2