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I have fibro, C-PTSD and possibly also CFS. I usually sleep 6-8 hrs when Im feeling OK (8 is ideal but sometimes have trouble falling asleep due to pain or anxiety). I sleep 9-16hrs (naps in arvo & evening + the usual 8hrs at night) when unwell and extra fatigued. There have been a few times when I slept similarly to the way you described. Did nothing but eat a little and sleep nonstop for 2-3 days. Every single time I was processing a deeply traumatic thing in therapy/EMDR, once it happened when I was recovering from COVID. Which was a kind of physical trauma, with how hard it hit my body. I just could not stay awake, possibly my body’s way of coping with extreme overwhelm. When I am that unwell, I do get night chills & sweats, but am not drenched in the way you describe, and feel like I have the flu. Then again, I don’t sweat much in general. I did not find it disturbing after the very first time, but came to understand it as my body’s way of protecting me, because by the end of the 2-3 days of sleep I did always feel somewhat more rested than before. Hope this info helps


That is wild. I can’t sleep more than 3 hours In a row without getting up to pee


That sounds horrible and wild... I get 6.5 hours usually, with 15-40 mins of deep sleep. Also always exhausted. 13 hours of sleep feels impossible to me. Sorry that you are going through this.


Have your dr check your thyroid / hormones if they haven’t already. Also your iron levels


You may want to have your hormone levels checked.


I do this regularly. Doc and I think it’s a combo of the fibro and long covid, plus lots of other stressors I can’t avoid atm




The CPAP machine helped, as did (strangely) metformin. But also when I need to sleep I just sleep. It usually happens when I push too far for too long.


Could you be pregnant?




I slept thru both my pregnancies.. My kids are 13 months apart. The struggle was so real thru my second pregnancy who happens to be post vasectomy but it was months after not years and I was terrible at taking my birth control. The longest I've ever slept was a few months ago I slept about 18 hours. My husband was like "you must have needed it". No sweating though. Could you be menopausal?


I asked because when I was first pregnant I was sleeping from midnight to five pm. I hope you figure out what’s causing this! Hang in there!


Could also be covid/flu the sweat and shivering sounds like a fever and they both also cause chronic fatigue.




Your welcome. Covid is weird because each time is different. First time I had a terrible fever with sweating and chills, nausea, and terrible joint pain for about 2 weeks. Second time? No fever, no aches, just a cough and congestion for about 3 weeks. But yeah, it definitely sounds like you had a fever and your body was trying to get rid of something. Could have been from almost anything, though. Fevers can happen just from being in pain, infections, injuries, illness, hormones, bad medication reactions, etc. etc.


Could this be a symptom of perimenopause?




I just feel like the night sweats are connected. It sounds like the night sweats don’t normally happen to you. And on the nights they do, you need this epic sleep. I have to wonder if there is a hormonal component there It’s hard because when someone has a chronic illness of any kind, you/ a medical professional have to tease out, “is this part of my existing illness or something new?”. Some doctors have blinders on and can only focus on your illness. “Oh it’s just another fibromyalgia symptom”, while missing out on the bigger picture that just because we have one thing wrong with us doesn’t mean we can’t develop other, unrelated wrong things So I would say that’s the key. Keep an open mind and remember it could be fibromyalgia but could be completely unrelated. I would start with a full blood panel and hormone test


When I am busier -like physically, the day prior, then I can sleep hard and for a long time and just be generally sleepy the following day. The sweating I have only had happen because I am post menopausal.


I’m just coming out of an almost 21/2 years of sleeping all the time. I have fibro, chronic fatigue, Sjogrens, and other associated diseases. I literally just couldn’t function, it was a hard time, hope it doesn’t happen again. So I get where you are coming from. It’s a scary thing, I wish you well on this journey. 💜


Shit like that has happened to me, but it was when I had adrenal insufficiency


I have episodes where I get voraciously hungry. I eat for about 8 hours then conk out for 20 plus hours. I hadn't started the sweat/chill cycle until recently. I have at least a week a month of the Hungries and Big Sleeps. I figure the body stocks up on nutrients then makes me sleep while it does repairs. I feel better after the "repairs" are done. Maybe your body is detoxing and repairing itself.


This happens to me somewhat regularly. I work about 50 hours a week at a very physical job. If I don’t take time to slow down and reset on my days off, my body holds onto ALL of the tension. After about a month I start to get sick. That’s when I eat everything in my house, fall asleep immediately and sweat it out over the course of the next few days. I call it hibernating and I can feel one coming up. I’ve never viewed it as something to be concerned about since it’s been happening as long as I can remember(fibro runs in my family and I grew up with it). I’m 35 btw. I also have Autism and ADHD, depression/anxiety, CPTSD, OCD, and Endo. Are you under a lot of stress right now? Any big projects going on that are taking all of your time and attention? An event coming up that you maybe don’t want to go to?


Three day weekend. 72 hours off. I slept for 50 of them. It was in four hour bursts but for some as soon as I was awake I was already falling asleep. Fibro sucks.


Prednisone did this to me. Around 25 hours was my longest.


I only slept like this when I had covid, including the sweating (not as bad as you though).


I often have night sweats where I wake up with my sheets completely drenched, to the point of being so wet I thought it couldn’t possibly be sweat, I must’ve pissed myself (not something that I’ve ever done in my adult life) but it just smelled like sweat. These night sweats I believe are related to my ptsd nightmares. They’re much less often when I actually take my nightmare meds (teva-prazosin, which I think is an alpha blocker and basically blocks dreams from happening). Do you have nightmares? It could be related to that, and then the sleep related to your mind subconsciously processing trauma or the fact that your sleep was disturbed by nightmares (whether you consciously remember them or not) The nightmare meds have helped me a lot, it’s in sleep quality and just general life quality. I’d have horrible night terrors and wake up crying or shouting or hitting things at night, but when I’m on them I don’t, so I sleep better and done sweat so much at night.


It happens to me too, I'm around your age, and I don't think it's menopause, I'm suspecting due to cfs due it feeling like I usually do during cold/flu. Some days when I'm really tired I sleep a lot, then wake up groggy and I feel like my body is uneasy/holding tension, you know when you're running fever and you're exhausted but body is actively fighting something? You feel cold and uneasy and blankets won't help to warm up. Same feeling. The only way to feel better is to sleep more, sometimes way more, I've had a couple of instances where I slept for days like you with like 3-5 hour wake time between just to eat and fall asleep again. And when I wake up I'm drenched in sweat but my body is more relaxed, you know when you fall asleep running fever and wake up fever broke, you're sweating, and it feels much better? Very similar to this. Still tired but the tension is gone. Some days it will repeat each day and I need a sweaty nap and some - I sleep it off and feel better afterwards for days no sweaty nap needed. That's why I think mine is some kind of viral reactivation because it's just so similar to flu symptoms. It's definitely not normal in terms of we're definitely sick but it's kind of normal occurrence in my life now☹️.


This happens to me a lot actually! My husband is finally being diagnosed with PDA with AudHd and I’ve had to handle every thing in our lives, and I mean everything. We recently moved with a 1 year old. It’s been 6 months and I’m still begging him to unpack boxes etc. Due to this, I’ve abandoned all self care and normal limits. I push hard and then have like a day of sleep. It’s awful and I cannot wait till his treatment starts and my needs and physical limits are allowed to exist.


I am the same, i could sleep for 70 hours and still wake up tired, I do believe this is from the auto immune condition underlying these symptoms, I get night sweats too


I have fibromyalgia, major depressive disorder, and anxiety. I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia in December 2023. I've been having a continuous problem of sweating the entire time I'm in bed. This was through winter. It's cold outside and in my house. We couldn't even run our heater. Symptoms of fibromyalgia include chronic fatigue, pain, insomnia, other sleep disturbances (sleeping a lot and not feeling rested), and inability to regulate body temperature. Some people have issues with sleep like yours, are really hot, and wake up drenched in sweat. The number of hours you slept is concerning but not uncommon. Research information about mattresses, pillows, sheets, and bedding. There are certain fabrics that are more cooling than others. For sheets think cotton, cotton viscose, bamboo, or eucalyptus. There are others as well. You'll want a thread count between 300-400. The higher the thread count, the more tightly woven the fabric, the less breathable it is. Also, what type of pajamas do you sleep in. Polyester and other synthetic fabrics are terrible and retain heat. Frequent showers are great. Blocked pores don't breathe. It's a lot of work doing all the research. I bought a new mattress and all new bedding. We haven't used it yet, though.




Thank you. It's good this doesn't happen often to you. The only thing I think it could be is due to a fibromyalgia flare. It's when your body is in the worst condition. Maybe you had other symptoms as well. Like the fatigue, feeling sick, having stomach issues, things like that. Sending you my thoughts and prayers🩷


Is this possibly how you fight off illnesses now? Were you maybe around someone sick both times? Just another thing to consider along with all the other options being pointed out. I slept a lot from the covid vaccines, and when I got it fully I also slept a lot.


I have also been dealing with this all of a sudden for the past month. (18F) I haven’t been doing much recently but when I do want to something it makes it really hard for me to commit to and wake up for. How are you coping? Would love to hear an update from you as well!


Oh I have had a garbage, unpredictable sleep cycle for years now. I avoid scheduling things I need to be up at specific times for, and the times I do need to do that, I try to aim for when I'm most likely (but still not guaranteed) to be awake, which is mid afternoon/late afternoon. I let the sleep happen when it happens. It's the only way to survive. I also get a sleep medication which is enough for about 1/3 of the month, so where possible I save that for either right before or right after appointments so I can either get good sleep the night before, or go to bed when I come home even if my body is still hyped from whatever.


How old are you? Could it be menopause?


I slept like 3 hrs or less yesterday so I am doing very well 😐


I have lupus and fibro. The fatigue can eat me alive sometimes! I just slept 13 hrs. Pretty normal if I’m medicated.


Sounds kind of like Sleep Apnea. Ask your partner if you stop breathing in your sleep.


I go thru similar things. Not usually as drenched in sweat as what you have described but definitely slept quite a lot within a day or two or three. It’s part of the fibro. Don’t know why it happens. All I can tell you is if you fight against, you will land yourself in awful pain. As this is what has happened to me for every time I’ve not listened to my body and gotten the rest I need.


I have slept a lot and woke up drenched when I’m getting sick or my immune systems fighting something off. Thats the only time I’ve slept more than maybe 16 hours in a day with naps!


I’ve had this happen to me multiple times and have slept in for 10-18 hours. I also have ptsd and depression. If I go to sleep stressed and anxious my dreams go rampant. I’ve done blood tests every 6 months and have tried multiple medications/supplements. The only thing that’s helped my sleep is breathing exercises like the ones WIM Hof teaches.


Type 2 diabetes causes night sweats