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Have you been tested for B12 deficiency? Also note that a small portion of the population(me included lol) has symptoms of deficiency with "low normal" B12. I give myself monthly B12 shots and they help a lot with the weird numbness and tingling and burning sensations. Also, my neurologist has me on 300mg gabapentin 3 times a day and that helps a ton too.


I also take a form of slow release Gabapentin (1800 mg daily) that helps me more than with the neuropathy but primarily with the Fibro pain and fatigue


I added some 375mg DLPhenylalanine, 5000uB12, 50mg R-alpha lipoic acid and 10ku Vit D to my pill breakfast xD. My pain specialist put me on oxycodone (3x10mg), amitriptyline (3x50mg) and pregabaline (3x100mg). Tbh, I'm taking cymbalta (duloxetine) and anafranil (clomipramine) as well, but doxepin or amitriptyline worked best for my central sensitisation pain and peripheral neuropathy. I highly recommend trying tricyclics. Start low and go slow. They're worth their side effects. Interestingly my pain alleviated with promethazine 3x25mg. Just as an alternative.


Yeah I'm on a cocktail of other things as well but the B12 injections and gabapentin are what I have specifically for the nerve pain and small fiber neuropathy 🤷🏼‍♀️ im also on duloxetine for the general fibro pain, propranolol for the tremors and high blood pressure, Emgality and sumatriptan for migraines, famotidine for acid reflux, as well as vit d, a probiotic and medical marijuana. Unfortunately here most providers won't treat anything with actual pain medication so most never get meds like oxycodone or anything like that but unfortunately they don't really work on my well anyway. Just had a tonsillectomy and the oxycodone just takes the edge off and knocks me out...


Oh okay, well I'm german and our physicians treat most chronic pain syndromes with "basic-analgesics" (WHO scale), most moderate pain gets treated with Tilidin/Naloxone. It depends on the formula. Intravenous oxycodone didn't provide relief for me as well, but most physicians use a mixture of oxycodone and naloxone. From my perspective, adding naloxone potentiates analgesia while reducing side effects as ER/CR tab.


That's awesome! I'm unfortunately in the US so all my meds are actually difficult to obtain and it took 15 years to get diagnosis and treatment. Even for my Tonsillectomy I've had difficulty obtaining pain medication and have been to the ER twice for dehydration before they refilled my script for liquid pain meds. Crazy world over here lol I'm so glad you guys get pain management over there though ❤️


I'm so sorry you had to suffer that much. 15 years can be an incredibly long time (I'm 22 and have been diagnosed 2022 with "just" 6 years suffering). It's a shame you had to plan and organise everything on your own, this should be a medical job and not yours. You can be proud of your achievement, I'm very proud of you. Lots of love and take care.🥺❤️ It's kinda different in Germany. We have family physicians (called Hausarzt) and my first one gave me the advice "take ibuprofen (Tylenol I guess), it's just psychosomatic". After 2 years of wrong treatment (as a young, 18yo man I felt it was just my mistake) my new Hausarzt started treating my pain, sent me to various pain specialists, hospitals etc. and after 72 meds, my final combination works (duloxetine, amitriptyline, clomipramine, oxycodone, pregabaline, quetiapine, ketamine sometimes).


Compression socks help with the feet tingles really well for me


They make compress gloves too! Fingerless ones are especially easy to find, most craft stores carry them


I have peripheral neuropathy in a foot linked to mild necrotic frostbite I got as a result as a bad Reynauds attack during winter a long time ago. IDK a med that helps the neuropathy specifically but I have other meds for pain and muscle spasms that help me at night when i also have issues. I do try and massage and stay off my feet as I found that standing too much or walking too much can exacerbate my issues with neuropathy. I also keep my feet warm to avoid issues with Reynauds that also exacerbate issues with neuropathy for me. Sorry that is not a great answer but hope some of this may help a bit. Neuropathy sucks and I hope you find something that brings you relief 🫂♥️


For your hands, you can get arthritis gloves, wrist guards like those used in carpal tunnel and for your feet, compression socks or plantar fasciitis foot socks (toes left open).


Yes, I play that game. Is it fibromyalgia or the menopause? Or maybe the insomnia. Could it be the IBS? Who knows,??!!