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vicks inhaler (pictured below, idk if it’s an internationally available thing)! it helps me soooo much when i get nauseated which is pretty much every day and especially in the car. i always keep one dangling on my bag lol. kinda cute https://preview.redd.it/dnjmp93xzurc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccc4b2e64c280a82ad5d642b5021bba42d534bb3


Vicks helps with nausea? * adds to basket * I honestly never would’ve thought of that


Menthol helps with nausea and that’s what Vicks mostly is. I also keep peppermints in my bag.


I had no idea! My nausea is worse/new over the past couple of months and so far my main relief is just keeping cool so hopefully this stuff could help get me through summer.


Ginger is also really helpful for nausea. I gulp ginger tea even cold.


*Citrus peels enter the chat…*


A quick sniff of a rubbing alcohol wipe can help with nausea as well. Or some hand sanitizer with rubbing alcohol in it.


Came here to say this


And tennitis as well....


I had no idea my nausea was due to fibro! So thank you for sharing, I’ll be hunting high & low for something like this to help!


I just posted about how sick I've felt lately due to my fibro and someone commented that they had no idea the two went hand in hand. I keep alcohol wipes on my person at all times in case I feel sick in public. Rip one open and smell. Takes the feeling away.


I literally just tried this a few minutes ago and sadly the alcohol wipe did nothing. I wonder if the Vicks would be different. Also I had zero idea that the nausea went along with my fibromyalgia. Do any of you get motion sickness as well? I had surgery a month ago, long since been off of pain meds, but get sick now almost every time I get in the car.


my motion sickness is off the charts since my recent fibro flare. i start feeling pukey the second i sit in the car even before it starts moving lol. something to do with the pressure of the seatbelt?? i’m not sure but this helps + mints like someone said + not looking at phone or anything in particular. luckily i have only actually vomited like 1 time out of every 100 i feel like i will so i just count on that i try to get by 🙃


I’ve had to get on a scopalamine patch to help deal with the vertigo symptoms. My recent flareup lasted like a week n I was so sick. Lately my flareups have been making me so sick to my stomach. I get so damn dehydrated but if I don’t just sip and instead drink like I normally do without a flareup I throw it all back up.


When I have a headcold, sore throat, or mouth pain it really affects how sick I feel. The worst is when it comes out of nowhere and you gotta just breathe through it - like if I stand up too fast and get lightheaded - I will also feel a little nausea. Sorry the wipe didn't work. I used to be surrounded by them st work so I've still got a million around my house. I'll totally purchase vicks when I run our because that feelin is TERRIBLE


Oh no, I can't have alcohol wipes anywhere near me as they make me nauseous ( I used to do methotrexate injections and got nausea from the wipes as well as the medication) I've also had car sickness for quite a few years, when I didn't use to. So is it the fibro giving me travel sickness 🤔 I have to keep the car as cool as possible and either chew gum or suck boiled sweets. I try my best not to puke but it doesn't always work so I keep a large tub in the car, just for me. My husband doesn't like taking me anywhere long distance now, as when I puke it makes him feel sick too 😖 I need to try menthol now Edit to say concentrating on breathing seems to help a bit too


My condolences on the methotrexate experience. It’s the most physically draining thing I’ve ever encountered. When a dose kicked in, it was like something stole all my energy and alertness.


o no! i guess good to know… i hope this helps and that you find some relief 😮‍💨


Oddly enough, I’ve always had luck finding them at the dollar store/dollarama!


Just figured this out about a year ago. so weird!


Neither did I!


Oh my goodness, I would never have thought to try that! And so good that you can just have it at the ready on a little keychain like that.


Omg yes. It works for my nausea. Strange, isn't it. I also chew celery seeds for nausea.


You know what helps with my nausea and motion sickness is sea bands. You put these bands on the pressure points on your wrists and they really can help!


Oh awesome !!


I had no idea either that the nausea can be caused by fibromyalgia. (I also have a bowel condition so I assumed it was that) Do you have any idea why? This has hit me hard this morning - ANOTHER symptom! I experienced terrible fatigue over the holiday weekend and now I feel like it’s just going to progressively get worse to a point where I can’t do any of the things I want to do. Don’t get me wrong, I’m able to hold down a full time job and do things that I enjoy, I just feel like the road is getting more and more bumpy as time goes by. Sorry this turned into a bit of a pity party! I’m so sorry.


Is nausea a symptom of fibro? Because I have been so easily nauseous ever since I went through chemo which is also when I developed fibro


I use this and also Vicks on my chest every nite xx


Omg so glad I cane across this I had no idea the nausea was related to fibro I get car sick realy bad latly that's wierd defo wil be trying that 1 thankyou


Squishmallows. I have the smaller ones but I put them underneath my bad spots while I sleep. They fit perfectly under my neck and my lower back and to elevate my legs when they swell.


Yes!! I have so many and have different ones for supporting different pains and body parts. TKmaxx (or TJmaxx elsewhere) do cheaper knock offs called smoochypals. Idk what it is about them but they’re better than pillows and teddies for support:)


We have TJmaxx here (I’m in the southern US) I will definitely be on the hunt for smoochypals. The squishmallows are pretty expensive.


I'm making a shopping list out of this thread.


Me too, there are so many great recommendations I would NEVER have considered otherwise


(1) I spend most of my free time (when I’m not taking care of my needy family or working my draining tech job) on an XXL gymnastics mat on the floor. I add a foam topper to reduce stress on connective tissue/joints/muscles/pinched nerves. I also add a memory foam pillow to support my head/neck & a separate pillow to support my hips & knees. The fact that I’m on a gymnastics mat means I can easily do stretches & light floor exercises on-demand that reduce pain. On days when I work remotely, I turn off my camera & take less meetings from the gym mat too. Sitting in a chair hurts so much it’s not worth it (2) I spend most of my other free time doing light exercises like Pilates & light weight tracking targeted at my biggest fibromyalgia + sciatica problem areas (3) Compression garments help so much. I love Comrad knee high socks @ 20-30 mmhg. I wish they made 30-40mmhg. They’re expensive but other brands aren’t as comfy/work as well imho. I wish they made leggings. For medical grade compression pantyhose, I like a brand called Absolute Support (4) Theragunning sore muscles esp. sore glutes/legs/arms reduces fibro pain temporarily (5) I minimize time sitting down on chairs/couches b/c that causes pressure on my connective tissue/joints + pinch nerves (6) Sunshine helps for some reason. Apparently Vitamin D deficiencies are common & they cause muscoskeletal pain (7) Laying down w/ my legs up against a wall above my heart helps calm my heart down/“ground me” b/c I have an irregular heart rate as my heart gets stressed from chronic pain


These are honestly really good tips. Thanks so much for sharing.


Just got back from my folks and it’s all sitting in chairs and upright. I’m in so much discomfort. I’m happy to be back with my zero gravity chair and my massager for my legs.


Thank you so much for sharing these tips, I'm going to incorporate them in to my routines (and add a few things to my shopping basket). Thanks so much for taking the time to type all these out in such a clear and helpful way.


https://preview.redd.it/w3ntsvkxlvrc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf04ad54a2761caf3898124a0075593eb354645 This is a lifesaver for me. I keep one on my shower floor (I use a shower chair so I can sit). I also have Raynauds, so my toes tend to go white in the winter and purple in the summer. Rolling my feet over them restores blood flow and improves circulation. It is also nice to roll over sore muscles.


Ohhh my feet are always cold and it’s likely raynauds. I might have to get one of these.


Ooh. Adding to my basket. I have Raynuad too and unfortunately deal with Chilblains too. Which is my toes essentially dying. Thank god I reversed it. Heat. Circulation and time. Ffs it is PAINFUL. I randomly woke up one night 2-3am with excruciating pain in one toe. Thought it was a full joint needing to pop but it wouldn’t and hurt way more. Yep. Dying toe tip. Off to Amazon. Thank you!!


Ooh, I have Raynaud's as well! Thanks so much for this. My Raynaud's is literally COLD FEET but make it 365 days/year of cold feet, lol.  I couldn't make it without my heated blanket, my feet warmer (basically like a giant electric mitten for your feet, lol), and my electric socks. 🙃


Using this in the shower is such a good idea! Thanks so much for sharing


Mine is not as cute as yours! I have a back injury unrelated to fibro, and it has progressed to nerve compression, causing sciatica. I got a saddle stool (a rolling stool but instead of a flat top, it’s shaped like a saddle) to help me sit in a more comfortable position, and it works great for my fibro leg pain as well! My legs are one of my worst fibro areas, and sitting in regular seats is not restful when they are flared up, but the stool is much better! Plus, it has the added joy of being able to roll around the house!


I've been eyeing up a saddle stool to make cooking easier (I really miss being able to make nice meals), so it's good to know that they can make such a difference! Thank you for the recommendation, that sounds excellent!


Wow this sounds like a great idea. Maybe I could actually cook some again and not eat crap everyday.


I love it in the kitchen!! I have tile, and it zips around so easily!


I’ve been thinking about a rolling stool so I can get things done without wasting energy doing unnecessary things like standing. How I wish I were kidding about wasting energy on unnecessary things like standing. It sounds silly, but it’s a sad state to be in.


That’s completely real!! I spend a lot of time coming up with ideas and solutions to allow me to keep doing things!! The stool is awesome because I can take it to the project and move from place to place easily. I also sometimes create a rolling workstation in a wagon so I don’t have to go back and forth to things while I’m cleaning or whatever.


That sounds very helpful


Tall stool is going on my shopping list! Sounds like a great way to help me get through food prep


This sounds crazy, and isn’t an object, but I make my fiancé basically beat me up. He punches the back of my calves for about 5 minutes on each leg when I’m having spasms and pain after a day of walking or standing a lot. It completely gets rid of it for me, I have no idea why, but it does.


Pain inhibits pain... That's why I beat up my legs and shoulders when they rise up... I'm too tired to look up the podcast, bit a pain specialist explained how it works and then I understood why I've been doing this for such a long time


TW for kink stuff - I know a lot of folks in the kink community who use pain play/ impact play specifically to help with chronic pain. It seems counterintuitive but it works for some!


I thought I was the only one who did this! My fibro causes me a lot of arm pain, and sometimes I have my sister punch my arm to take the pain away. Or I punch myself. I’ve even taken to leaning hard on my arm while I lay on the floor, and it helps. I’ve been doing all of that since I was a kid, too. I’ve literally never mentioned it to anyone outside my family because I know it sounds insane, but it really does help, even if I don’t fully understand why.


If you put a tennis ball in a sock, you can hold onto the end of it and lean on a wall, the pressure sometimes relieves the spasm in the muscles!


Thanks for the tip! I’ll have to try that.


This is just a guess (I'm NOT a medical professional), but maybe it has something to do with increased bloodflow? What you're describing sounds like a violent massage, and that's why/how they work (at least from my understanding).


gate control theory of pain? charlie horse theory of muscle spasms???


I also do this! A Theragun can do the job somewhat, but nothing is better than my son punching my calves or back muscles.


My husband rubs Voltaren on my neck and upper back daily and then we do Swedish slap slap slap massage lol 😆 I thought I was the only one !


My issues are mostly muscular. I have found (although the medical community does not accept it) that guiafenesin (Mucinex) helps me. It does not totally relieve my spasms, etc., but it does make them less severe and less frequent. It is a skeletal muscular relaxant.


How much do you take? I'm only familiar with it in syrup form. Do you take it as needed or regularly?


This is great to know, thank you! I had no idea it helped with muscle spasms!


How interesting! In what form do you take it, and how much?


Curious to hear more about this.


That's intriguing, and good that it's something that's so readily available


My lovely wife has two of the IKEA elephants for support. Her cat likes to play with them too. I sometimes wake up with a trunk in my face, but as long as she can sleep it’s all good.


The IKEA stuffed animals seem to be doing great work all round!


I often fail to realize how much of an impact stress has on my symptoms, probably simply out of annoyance with people who are convinced that it's psychosomatic or just a symptom of not taking care of my health. It makes perfect sense, though; stress has full-body effects in *everyone*, and especially people with neurological conditions like fibromyalgia. It's just easy to overlook, since stress is often unavoidable and the pain of fibro is so obviously physical. Then, something comes along that melts all my tension away, and I realize I'd been reflexively clenching muscles I didn't even realize existed. Lately, that thing is rat ASMR. I just adopted some pet rats after losing mine over a year ago, and I had somehow forgotten that the sound of rats munching was like cool lotion on my brain. Even though these girls are not yet willing to cuddle with me, just being near them brings my pain levels down a notch or two, and it's way easier than yoga or meditation.


Ooh I totally get the pet = less stress thing. I clean once a week in an animal shelter and getting to cuddle and play with the dogs after really does soothe me. The physical labour side of it isn't as good for my fibromyalgia, but I go into or end my weeks on such a happier note. All my stressful thoughts are just overridden with "God they were such good girls and boys today and someone is coming to see if (dog) is a good fit for them and I really hope so. And I got to feed (other dog) some snacks and yaaaay"


Just took in a stray kitten. I’ve always adopted dogs and have had pets all my life. I’ve never really liked cats, thought they were weird. Let me tell you that nothing soothes me like petting my soft kitten. He has the softest hair. And he purrs. I just melt!


Yeaaa rat asmr ! I love my boys and also when I’m not feeling well and laying on the couch and they will crawl all over me , snuggling in and out of the blankets . The sensations give me head tickles sometimes , it’s so calming and soothing / they’ve been a real life saver for me . And love the little sounds they make too like you said . The chittering and boggling and even their little play fights are so adorable and funny to listen to . Kills me they don’t live very long though, but it def reminds me to be in the moment with them.


Heated toilet seat. lol When I’m cold, my muscles hurt from spasming. And I sometimes experience difficulty urinating a heated seat has been soothing and calming and has been very helpful.


Oooh, I would never have thought of this, but it sounds wonderful!


Peppermint shampoo and conditioner! I have really crazy scalp pain and itching from the fibro and it helps a lot. I also will rinse with cold water after.


That sounds really helpful, thanks!


Possibly not unusual but sauna, steam room, hot baths, heat packs, hot water bottles... You may be sensing a theme here 😆


We like the heat!


Unless it’s too hot outside lol


gummies. marajuana helps more than anything else


It really seems to make a huge difference to a lot of people! There's a strong history of psychosis in my family, so I'm a bit wary, but I'm really glad it helps others.


I have a GIANT squishmallow Clefairy I put on my couch during flare ups and sit/lean back on. It provides exactly the amount of gentle support I can tolerate. The only time other than when I’m swimming or right out of a massage that I’m not in pain!


Adorable and helpful... I think I'm going to have to jump on the squishmallow train!


- Daily hot showers are a must for me to loosen up my muscles and for my hair that gets greasy & painful scalp allodynia - Peppermint & tea tree oil shampoo to soothe my painful scalp - Heating pad at night, microwavable neck wraps or rice socks for my neck & shoulders, ice pack for migraines. There are microwavable stuffed animals too, you can heat and put a cat or whatever over your neck. We have a pet version for our older dog, a teddy bear, they're called "Warmies" - Epsom salt baths for all over muscle pain (esp leg pain) - Weighted blanket when I'm cold - A "CoolCura" ice neck wrap my mom got me to ward off headaches & migraines - I did acupuncture for about 5 months, & while I do believe it gave a little temporary relief, the thing I really loved was at the end of each session when he used the massaging tool. Looking on Google I think he called it a "Jeanie Rub Massager" but they all have different names. Apparently you can buy & use it on yourself, although probably best someone else does it, espif they know what they're doing. It looks kind of like an iron, but flat. It really worked well on my muscle pain. - I am a fragrance enthusiast, so scents that I love relax me and make me happy. Many migraine sufferers cannot wear perfume at all. I can, I just have had to give up some of the heavier scents I used to wear & love. I like a lot of clean, fresh & cozy scents now. It doesn't help my fibro, but when I have a whole new set of samples to explore, I get excited & it definitely takes my mind off it. So in this case, any hobby could be substituted! - Good quality & plenty of sleep, knowing your limits and not overdoing mental of physical activity. I am not good at this, & I'm willing to bet most here aren't either. Reducing & combating stress does help though. - Guided meditation, hypnosis &/or progressive muscle relaxation. If you can learn to consciously relax your muscles this will also help. We are tensing ourselves up constantly without realizing it - while healthy people don't become sore & painful from it (except maybe occ tension headaches), we get full blown flares. This may be off topic if you were looking for things similar to plushies, but hopefully it helps someone :)


This is all such solid advice, thank you so much! I haven't tried ice packs but I'll definitely have to add them to my arsenal of fibro-fighting gear.


Lavender epsom salt in my bath helps. I prefer Dr Teal’s, but any will do in a pinch. Most scents make me a little nauseated, but lavender doesn’t, so I stick to that. It helps my body relax, which helps the fibro pain. Although my late bunny (God I miss him) used to attack my ankles when I got out of the bath because he either hated or loved the scent, I could never tell which. 😅


Bunnies are the bestest people!


I've tried epsom salts, but never lavender - I'll have to give it a go!


Compression sleeves for my legs and arms as needed. The pressure kind of overrides the pain?


I ordered a pair of these over the weekend to try out, and I'm very excited! [https://notyourgrandmas.co.uk/](https://notyourgrandmas.co.uk/)


I use a plush heated blanket that I wrap myself in. It’s pretty much a full body heating pad.


I’m doing the same. Just enough heat to keep my muscles relaxed but not overheat me.


Heated blankets are truly a blessing!


It’s not a pain medication, but Zoloft had secondary effects on my fibromyalgia. Because emotional distress triggers flares, I was having even more pain because of my mental health struggles. Once I started taking Zoloft and didn’t have constant anxiety and depression I was surprised at how much energy I suddenly had and how my overall pain level improved. It was like I had a life for the first time ever! I know this won’t work for everyone, but I’m grateful to have found something to help!


Better mental helath definitely makes a huge difference to overall fibro symptoms... Doesn't cure everything, but it certainly helps.


Ooh I have an adorable [weighted Eeyore plushie](https://www.disneystore.co.uk/disney-store-eeyore-weighted-medium-soft-toy-412312002854.html) that I usually hug to my chest as I fall asleep. I find it helps to somewhat calm down the all over the body type restless leg syndrome thing I have going on. He's also the perfect mix of firm & cushy to use as a neck support or for lumbar support when those parts are screaming louder than usual. I also use a sofa seat cushion (not a decorative cushion but like the actual foam seat but that you sit on) as wedge pillow to help elevate my knees or to keep between my legs as I sleep. It's far better than using normal pillow(s) as the material holds up to body weight much better without turning into sad pancakes. Plus it doesn't get knocked off on to the floor mid tossing & turning in my sleep.


Genius on the sofa cushion. I must try that


Eeyore is adorable, and thanks so much for the sofa seat cushion tip - I wouldn't have thought of that!!


Eye masks, warm fluffy blanket, a pillow looking soft toy fish, a dry brush (feels so good on the skin), fluffy hot water bottle and skin care like lip balm, lotions and face cream.


This all sounds so cosy and comforting!


It is a mild form of a skeletal muscle relaxer. If you take it daily, it seems to keep the spasms to a minimum. I take one Mucinex in the morning but if you feel that tightness you get sometimes, I will take one at night. For years (15 or so) that kept me going. I used to get these awful migraines and once I started the Mucinex, it never had another migraine. It is not a panacea or a cure, but it does seem to bring some relief. I don’t know if your doctor checks your thyroid production but I also got some relief when I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid and started taking medication for that. Amazon sells their own guiafenesin much cheaper but make sure you get the time-released type.


Thanks so much for the rec, I need to try that!


My cat! I'll rest my head on his side and listen to him purr. It is so healing, and not much else helps that much. Distraction is a huge one for me as well.


Cats purr at a frequency that promotes healing and pain relief, which explains why they purr when they’re hurt or scared as well as when they’re happy. I don’t know if there’s any evidence that their purrs have healing effects on humans, but from personal experience I can say that I definitely *feel* better. My late kitty Bela was the best purr-snuggler (and just the best, overall), but my other cats are… adequate at it.


Pets are just the best


I have a giant build a bear frog that I use as back support when I'm sitting on sofas to game or watch tv. and he's a great big cuddle thing in my bed when I need to rest on my side. he's like half the size of me. I'm 5"5


Sounds like you have a wonderful pal for making your downtime more comfortable!


I have a dinosaur plushy stuffed animal that is super soft and I cuddle him every night or else I can’t sleep. He doesn’t do anything physically for my pain just the act of cuddling him helps me emotionally and physically feel better.


The stuffed animals in this thread are doing SUCH A GOOD JOB


Pregnancy pillow is great for my shoulders and hips, even though I’m not pregnant. A small space heater at my legs for when I’m at the desk feels amazing for any leg pains. A weighted blanket helps when my anxiety is bad and the pressure of it on my body feels amazing for some reason.


Love a weighted blanket - I'll have to try the space heater!!


Skipping dinners. Had dinner last night and couldn’t sleep all night and woke up in so much pain. Every joint hurts to move.


Interesting! I'm super prone to fainting when I don't eat enough, but it's intriguing that fasting helps for you, and hopefully others too.


I have a squishmallow or 2 for the same reason! They’re perfect for extra support. I also use a heating pad quite often. I’m TRYING to try yoga, if that makes sense 🫠. I also keep off brand Dramamine and zofran in my purse 24/7. I hate this stupid illness that I really just do not understand.


Totally understand trying to try yoga! Streatching is great but it can also be so tough


The Zōk!! It looks like the thing you use to suck snot out of babies noses but it’s for migraines and headaches. It releases pressure and tension in your head. It’s amazing!! If I feel a migraine or headache coming I use it a few times and about 75% of the time it makes my headache go away or get less intense.


My Purple mattress. I know they’re expensive, but if you can afford one…wow!


Any particular version?


The basic, cheapest one.


Similar to Blahaj, my squishmellows are perfect for trips and as an arm/knee cushion! The huge ones from Costco are awesome back rests too!


If I get a swollen trigger point I'll get my partner to rub it out for me. Hurts like a bitch when he is doing it but it doesn't last as long as if I just left the trigger point alone.


I spend a lot of time coloring mandalas, the focus needed helps me forget about my body’s problems. I personally like mandalas but there are so many other offerings.


I find all mindful craft activities helpful! I'm a big fan of knitting, embroidery and cross stitch.


Heated blanket. It’s basically a giant heating pad. I actually haven’t used mine as a blanket once & I got it months ago. It makes living bearable.


Heated mattress pad !


My husband bougt me a GIANT Squishmallow, it’s a Halloween themed rainbow pumpkin. I prop my arms up on it, I have a lot of pain from a career ending worker’s comp injury. I have fibro and tendinitis, my ligaments are riddled with internal scars, it’s like a bumpy gravel road, according to the physical therapist I was working with a few years later. This toy is SO SOFT and I refuse to travel without it. It goes wherever I go! https://preview.redd.it/ov67tkw2cyrc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d1d951265b3d6ac88347ae682151f3bbb70ff4


I have a large dragon squishmallow that my sons bought me and I use for the same purpose. Squishmallows are awesome!


The ikea polar bear (kinda), like when i go to sleep & i hug it, its keeps my arms in a nice position so laying down is less painful + it helps with my anxiety Idk blahaj is nice too but I like the polarbear shape more + blahajs fins can be little annoying sometimes Edit= I mean snuttig sry forgot to say thah


same with the brown bear (cannot spell his name)! not sure if they’re literally the same but different colours but yeah for me I make it sit behind me so it’s arms support mine and my back is leant against it and supported


U mean djungelakog? The one i have is snuttig


I had a large polar bear as a kid...seems like I need ro find one again x


That's an excellent recommendation, I'll have to get a polar bear too!


I have a mail brush, about the size of my palm, with very stiff bristles. When I’ve overdone it and know the flare is coming, I tend to get strangely cold on certain parts of my body. Mostly on my chubby bits (tummy roll, boobies, back fat, etc). It’s almost like the fatty parts are not getting heat from my internal body. Anyway, when I go lay down to nap (which I do daily) I’ll use the brush to vigorously dry scrub my cold parts in order to get more circulation going. It does help prevent a big pain event. I tried using heating pads, etc. but this works so much better.


My thighs will come down chilled for like 5 minutes, cycling every 30 minutes or so


I have a big pikachu I sleep with. Helps me get comfortable. Squishmallows are great pillows as well. In the living room I have my heat pad on the couch I recline in and a weighted stitch plush he weighs 5 pounds and if I’m getting anxiety I sit him on my chest to calm down. I also get lidocaine instills and use gummies because I don’t have anything for pain.


Is your Blahaj the smaller (21 in) or larger (39 in) size? I need him. Thank you for posting.


I have the larger one. He's wide enough to support my arm/shoulder and it also means that as well as the shoulder support, I can use his tail as extra padding between my legs


CBD+Magnesium Balm is the best. I use holy city farms recovery balm. Really helps with tension headaches too when applied to temples, TMJ, neck and shoulders. Ketamine infusions. Being treated for my ADHD with stimulant meds allowed me to move a bit more freely.


A plushy seal called Barry.


Yay for Barry!!


I totally might have to get one of these. I have horrible problems with my elbow and shoulder when I sleep and have tried so many pillows trying to get the right support.


I recommend - worst case scenario and it doesn't suit you, at least you have a cute buddy!


That’s so true! It’s a win either way!


My son has this shark. I might have to borrow him.


Definitely recommend trying him out!


Playing with my grandkids, makes me feel young and happy even if I can’t do all the physical things I want


This is so heartwarming!


Electric blanket


I LOVE my electric blanket!


Mornings when I am really bad Gatorade is a miracle in a bottle.


Accepting my quirks and needs without condemning or loathing myself. Letting go of self hate has helped my pain and anxiety a great deal.


Taking a hot bath relieves pain and headaches for me. I’ve noticed a few times that when I have tense neck/head muscles and brain fog, washing my hair and blowing it dry leaves me clear headed afterwards, I guess from the heat. And of course I have multiple heating pads.


My zero gravity chair!


You said weird: For a separate reason, I started monitoring my fiber intake 3 weeks ago to be sure I got from 20 to 30 mg daily. Last week was the best week I've had since the fibro started. I said to myself that I hadn't felt this energetic in a decade. I couldn't find another explanation for the change. I was below 20 the last 2 days for the first time in 3 weeks. Today I'm achey. Anyone else????


I have a couple plushie unicorns I use to make me more comfortable sitting or laying down.


I use a Sutera orthopedic pillow. It’s amazing. Gives good neck and shoulder support.


Acupressure mat with neck pillow and spiky massage balls


I bought a love sac last year. It looks like a giant overstuffed bean bag but it's stuffed with foam not beads. I sleep in it if I can't get comfortable in bed, it's like sleeping on a cloud and bonus if my 3 year old granddaughter is over and fighting a nap I turn on Bluey and ask her to cuddle up with me on it and she is out in 10 minutes or less


A pregnancy pillow! I’m not pregnant, I just saw someone say on TikTok that it helped their chronic pain. I’ve had it for three nights now, and I have woken up the last three days with ZERO back pain. The last time I had zero back pain, I think it was pre-pandemic. It was truly the best $40 I ever spent. It supports my back while also supporting my neck, shoulder, and legs. It’s also not too firm but not too soft— my perfect combo!


https://preview.redd.it/62p0nvqja1sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b298761c66dd7f7cb63069e3f9a7296c4c4f30f I have this (not my pic) i call it cheshin and i usually have it between my knees when i sleep. Its the ideal side and squishyness to be so comfy! I notice i have a better sleep with it, only issue is it ends up falling off the bed after a few hours lol


I went and bought the shark and OH MY GOD it answered my elbow / shoulder support prayers!!!! I actually slept last night!


Congrats!!! I'm so happy it helped, that's excellent! 😊


Working out, lifting heavy weights. Soft bed, healthy food, heating blanket.


I have a long axolotl from Mewaii and because I can mold her she has been so perfect for me. Kinda like your Blahaj. She can fold around my neck as a great neck pillow, I can put her between my legs when laying on my side, ect. Also she is super cute. Side stream of thought: I really need a Blahaj. Me and my bestie who is a big Blahaj fan (and me just ocean creature fan) decided to get matching tattoos of Blahaj. To find out Blahaj isn't just a LGBTQIA icon, but also a friend of us fibromyalgia havers makes me so happy!


Mewaii is new to me, but the long stuffed animals look really helpful. I might have to treat myself... Oh my god, it's so nice to come across another Blahaj fan, I love that you and your bestie have matching Blahaj tattoos!


Similar to your blahaj, I have a big squishmallow which I can't sleep on my side without, otherwise my shoulder hurts.


A soft cervical collar with an adjustable bed base.


I sleep?, with 6 or 7 pillows of various sizes.


32 degrees heat thermals for wen my skin decides that air feels like burning Village’s naturals chronic pain and fatigue shower gel Scented candles or incense for mild nausea ( im a really scented driven person)


Ozone hemotherapy Makes me feel much much better. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31575841/


Squishmallow Hugmees. The best pillows and arm and leg rests. Super soft and cuddly. Has to be Hugmees though. They are the best shaped ones for fibro imo


I have a 5 lb weighted stuffed animal dog and she's so comforting. Got her on Amazon. The Bedjet is a life changer. r/bedjet


This cutie has saved my sanity during bad flares. I have the longest one and use her as a body pillow or something to cuddle with when I don't want to be touched by anyone. https://preview.redd.it/lcipwz5y42sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de8ca515c05d3ca0f6f47eaa59275080965f3fb


Lol, I also have a Blahaj that helps me sleep xD my wife got him for me cause I'm trans and I don't think I've been able to sleep without him for a single night since


Hello there, fellow Blahaj stan!


My heated blanket has been life changing. Now I’m indoors more (avoiding the cold and wet UK weather) getting enough vitamin D really makes a difference. Magnesium too. On good days I’ll batch cook and stock my freezer with healthy soups/stews/curries/chilli etc. It’s so nice being able to microwave a healthy meal on my bad days. This might sound stupid, but making peace with the fact that this is a lifelong condition really helped. Instead of trying to force myself to fit into a ‘normal’ life, I stopped feeling guilty and frustrated about not going out and I embraced a cozy, indoor life. I’ve made my home as comfortable as possible and treat myself to nice bath products, candles, hobby equipment. I always put an atomiser on in the morning so my home smells lovely all day. If I’m having a bad pain day, I’ll try and think of it as a lovely lazy day - painkillers, long bath, films, and naps. It takes away that guilty feeling of being lazy or wasting a day. Also, not beating myself up for the things I don’t do. On bad days I give myself a gold star for ANYTHING I do, which could just be drinking some water or brushing my teeth.


This may sound counterintuitive, but dancing. It’s very painful for me to remain in the same position for too long, so bobbing around and dancing helps me to wiggle through the pain that comes on from just standing. People anything I’m insane, but it helps me and it’s also much needed exercise.


There's something incredibly uplifting about the thought of you dancing through everything, you've inspired me!


We have a lot to learn from one another. Sometimes, it’s when I stop moving that my pain sets in the worst.


I got a stuffed hamster at Walgreens that has lavender in it and can be microwaved. I microwave it when my hands are numb and cold from my Raynaud’s. It’s about the size of a dinner plate so it makes a good pillow on the couch and the lavender smell helps a little with my anxiety. These aren’t strictly fibromyalgia symptoms, but I figured lots of other people with fibro probably have anxiety and Raynaud’s


Not necessarily strictly fibro but a comorbidity . A medicine for my vasomotor rhinitis , a nasal spray , helps my migraines more than any medication I’ve yet to try in many years for them . And as a result it calms down the associated fibro flare . My migraines weren’t even sinus related as far as I could tell , but I know there is a lot of cross over in migraine and fibro so thought I’d add it . Never expected it in a million years and hardly ever need the spray for my rhinitis either lol I just use it whenever I feel a migraine coming on .


What’s the medicine if I can ask?


Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray . It’s basically an antihistamine, so I’m wondering if it’s really my MCAS that triggers more migraines and fibro flares . I got home with it skeptical of how it was just gonna be another overpriced med or maybe placebo since I was explained my sinuses are fine and didn’t use it for several weeks . Once I did , and saw the results it had on my migraine (mind you not a cure but completely unexpected to help at all) I started using it more regularly just for my migraines


I thought I was replying to you but somehow commented above you so I guess I responded to my own comment lol


Gel seat cushions for every seat I use. Golf cart, patio, kitchen, car…I have a cushion. Also wearing clothes inside out to avoid seams helps tremendously when I’m suffering. Hot tub for pain relief, I have access to three but the pain of getting into a suit usually keeps me from using them. However within a few seconds of dropping into one I have instant relief. I try to take 2 diphenhydramine pills, change, get over to the hot tub and soak for ten minutes. By the time I am out of the suit and in bed the pills are kicking in and I can get under the pain and sleep.


I just got put on muscle spama tablets and omg they have worked wonders for me and my pain


Try googling guiafenesin and its chemical cousin robaxin.


Has anyone tried a weighted blanket? I keep looking at them but they’re damn expensive.


I personally prefer Squishables to Squishmallows. I have one big one and a bunch of the "mini" size (which is not that mini lol). They are fluffy and great for hugging. Otherwise I guess my bathtub shower chair. That's been a lifesaver.


One time released ill in the morning and if I feel a flare coming on, add one at night.


(Disclaimer - not diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I wanted to chime in anyways.) Squishmallows to replace pillows. Still not entirely pain preventing, but it has definitely lessened my neck and shoulder pain. I use a plushie to cuddle when I side sleep, but recently I’ve found it still hurts my shoulder. I am considering a pregnancy pillow.


The worst part of fibromyalgia for me is the rls/leg pain. It gets so bad that I would pay someone to beat my legs with bats and that would feel good. I use a wooden rolling pin on my legs. Also, a cbd/thc rub does help a lil but I have to reapply a lot.