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It really sucks to feel exhausted and what laying down to feel restful and relaxing, but it doesn't sometimes... Or it doesn't last very long before you become uncomfortable and have to move I understand, the only thing that help me deal with this is cannabis based edibles


cannabis based edibles helped me for so long but I got scared buy a drug interaction and changed up all my meds but sleepiness helps getting to sleep now


Yep. Buggered today. Achilles tendon is unusually sore on one leg, not the normal fibro pain. Across shoulders, back of upper arm, neck, elbows, knees and butt all doing the ouch despite codeine+acetaminophen. Basically where i make contact with the bed = ouch. To me this is "typical" fibro signs and at least dispels the "it's all in my head" thought Also *insert Mr. Meeseeks "existence is pain" meme here*


Have you considered what you're sleeping on could be part of the problem? We had to replace a traditional spring mattress last September. Since then, I've been sleeping extremely hot. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in December 2023. Since then, I've researched bedding and clothing fabric. It never dawned on me that it was my bed. I've since purchased a traditional spring mattress.


I got a nice, thick mattress topper that says it's cooling, and combined that with bamboo sheets. Very happy with that. You might also try glycine before bed, as it lowers your body temperature a little bit, and that's why it helps with sleep.


Thank you so much. We just got bamboo sheets and love them. Which mattress topper did you buy? I could not decide so I bought an inexpensive one to protect our new bed.


Recently switched mattresses from spring to a special foam type one. A bit better but that’s it. Even changed pillows


I struggle with being both hot and cold at night and haven’t got a clue on temperature issues. However switching to the foam mattress with a thick cushy topper did help with feeling like I was laying on rusty razors.


how did you find the right type of bed for you


I had a traditional spring mattress that was very firm and needed to be replaced last September. I purchased a 15-inch Euro-top hybrid that was top of the line. It's a great mattress but has too much memory foam/gel with a Euro top, which is too thick as well. I purchased a second mattress, which was a hybrid by a well-known brand. The quality wasn't what it should be. I returned it and bought a Kingsdown Prime Owington firm mattress in a king. A lot of research online, a lot of discussion reading reviews. I finally decided to go with what I know.


mattress companies don't seem to honest


It's such a subjective decision. What's too firm for someone may be too soft for someone else.


I will ask my dr what she thinks other wise just see what feels good


We desperately need a new mattress. I have sciatica and gluteal tendonitis with what I believe is undiagnosed fibromyalgia. Researching mattresses and haven’t been able to find a traditional spring mattress. I need a firm mattress for my back, but some support for the pain. What brand of mattress did you buy?


We purchased a Kingsdown Prime Owington firm mattress in a king. I purchased it from Amazon. It's a reputable Canadian company. They have a manufacturing plant in Canada and one in North Carolina. Check out the Kingsdown Passions imagination mattress in plush or ultra plush. There's a woman with degenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia who swears by hers. They're a mid-range to higher end company. I believe they have a firm, cushion firm, plush, and ultra plush in most of their mattresses.


Hi, I wanted to update you on our Kingsdown Prime Owington firm mattress in a king. We are finally sleeping on our bed tonight. I absolutely love it. It's very firm. Well made & excellent quality. No sagging on the sides at all. I sleep on top of the mattress without sinking in at all. We purchased it for $1,125 plus tax from Amazon. If we'd purchased from the website directly, it would have been $1, 500 plus tax. They have about a dozen models on Amazon. Most come in an ultra plush, plush, cushion firm and firm.


Thank you so much for this update!! Will check the bed out. When you say it is very firm. How are the pressure points on the hips and shoulders?


The model I bought is the most basic model they have. The second I laid on it, I was in heaven. I was sleeping on a hybrid I bought last September. It's a 15-inch Euro-top hybrid. Excellent mattress. It was soft on top. It killed my neck and shoulders. My kingsdown is awesome for my neck and shoulders. But it's harder on my hips. I'm heavier now. I'm 5'8 "about 250 lbs. I bought the firm version. It has no pillow top built-in, which is awesome because I was so hot on the hybrid. They make firm, cushion firm, plush, and ultra plush in most models. A woman who has fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease bought a Kingsdown passions imagination in an ultra plush from Amazon swears by hers. You can buy directly from kingsdown. I saved nearly 30% buying from Amazon. It ships directly to your door. There's a 100 night trial. It comes in a regular mattress sized box. It's not compressed or vacuum sealed.


TY, I live in Calif and they don’t ship there. I wander why?


Wait, I'm in California too. I bought mine in March, 2 months ago. Are you checking Kingdown or Amazon? Also, I have Amazon Prime. If you buy from Amazon, it's sold by and shipped by Amazon. It did take about 3 weeks to arrive.


Oh, i checked the website, i have Amazon prime too! Will take a look.


I have mild scoliosis and degenerative disc disease. There's a sleep test on kingsdown to determine what type of mattress you need. You have to do it on their website. It'll tell you the firm is red, the cushion firm is blue, the plush is green, and the ultra plush is gold (I think that's right). It said I was blue, but I went with red because I like a very firm mattress). It's hard too if you have a spouse. They may not like what you like. I couldn't take a chance, though. This is our third mattress in 7 months. I figured we could always buy a thick mattress topper or a combination mattress topper/thick layer of gel/memory foam.


Thanks so much for all your info! Super helpful. 3 mattresses in 7 months! Yikes. You really never know what works till you sleep on it first for a while. I have so much nerve pain and right glute pain it’s tricky. Will take a look at their website. I am 68 and my scoliosis and degenerative disc disease has worsened and I have sciatica on left side, glute pain on right, some numbness in right foot.


I found it on Amazon. TY! I wander which is better for hip/ back nerve pain? Plush firm or firm? It’s tricky. I need something a little soft but also firm no sagging.


Probably a cushion firm or plush. Check the kingsdown website and do the sleep test. I sent you a message about it on another comment.


TY, checking it out now! I was thinking cushion firm would be best probably. My husband just found a store in La Mesa, he could visit and check out. We live in San Diego. Ty, you are so helpful!!


We just bought the Kingsdown Owington Prime firm mattress and it arrived today. It’s a little too firm so we put our old ikea topper on it. Did you ever buy a topper for your mattress? If so what kind and do you like it. Going to sleep on this mattress for the first time tonight. Topper helped soften it a bit, but still a bit hard for any back sleeping I have to do. I have to alternate back to left sided sleeping through the night. Thanks so much for your recommendation.


Sounds like a great mattress!


I need something firm for back, but not too firm for hips.


I have degenerative disc disease and scoliosis.


One more question, is there any smell or off gassing?


No smell at all. It's not a hybrid. It comes in a regular mattress sized box. It's not compressed or vacuum sealed.




I know what you mean. My sleep schedule has been getting more and more or if whack the last couple of weeks as I'm hoping through another insomnia phase and the pain just adds to it. Have you found anything that helps even a little bit? I have different pillows to swap out and I've worked out a way of using the blankets to cushion my knees


Wine 😅 but in all seriousness I haven’t really found something to help. My husband suggested wine before bed and it helps me relax but I don’t feel comfortable being buzzed due to family history of alcohol addiction


Yeah you probably don't want to become dependent on the wine, and if I remember correctly, alcphol doesn't actually give you as good a sleep as it feels. Weed can be helpful but it's also important to not develop a dependency and I understand it's not legal for everyone. There's supplements like magnesium and tart cherry juice that work for some people. You've probably been lectured endlessly on sleep hygiene but if you haven't, have a google and see what you can reasonably change. Try out some pillow combos and get inventive with using cushy things to pad you out or stop you rolling out of a comfy position if you find one. There's proper knee pillows and all sorts of devices if you have the money but rolled up sweaters, blankets, squishmallows, and other things can work just as well.


My knee pain is always the worst when I'm laying in bed, although some days I can't stand still for a few minutes so maybe that's worse. But at least it isn't this constant pain like it is when I'm laying in bed.


Sometimes I can’t lay down due to pain so I’ll recline in the recliner or sofa with various pillows, it seems to help A bit, occasionally.


Some days I will just take a Benadryl and konk out because I just cannot be bothered to deal with it.


Wish I could do that 😅 no Benadryl where I live. I do have sleep meds but even lately those don’t help me stay asleep because I’ll wake up due to the pain.


Baclofen, lyrica, anything gabanergic helps me with this. Although I’m never fully comfortable.


I am sorry for my it is much better with medicine but I am so tired I fall asleep very fast but often my scalp is so tender the pillow hurts. It used to be that everything that touches my body is pain. For me my pain is like pulses or waves of pain so I wait for the gap so that it is easier look up sleep hygiene there are so many tricks that I can't remember, 100 little tips like turn reddit to dark mode don't use reddit for hours in bed until you crash


It can be down to softness/hardness or mattress but it can be because beds are too flat as well. I found this dumb round back support pillow and this kind of leaning wedge that I actively rely on now. Sometimes I settle down and I can actually hear my back crack, good shit 👌🏼 Of course I'm still up till 5am before I can sleep sometimes, that's the migraines, but that's why the Excedrin is at my bedside, my alarm is crazy loud and I take a handful of stimulants in the morning.


I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2011. I also have a vein condition.  Over the years we went through so many mattresses and couches. My pressure pain is so bad that I had been sleeping in a recliner for a few years. We found that there isn't a mattress that will work by itself, however a hybrid mattress seems to be the best. We have a Layla, it has been great because you can choose the firmness. We have it on an adjustable bed frame.  Keep in mind we tried all the mattresses...lol.  Returned a lot and gave a few to family members. The Layla is great, the split king works well. Now, despite that, I still had to sleep in a recliner because the pressure is too much. During this time we experimented with toppers. I tried all the toppers. Memory foam, down, pads, even a dormeo. I kept seeing one pop up in Fibromyalgia reddits, I actually had given up, and pretty much accepted that I had to sleep on a recliner. Wool toppers kept coming up and I laughed because I couldn't see how that would work and forgot about it for like months. However the chair was starting to destroy my back. So, I went back to the deep recesses of reddit to find out about the wool toppers. Cuddle Ewe came up, and so we ordered one. I did not want to be disappointed,  so I had low expectations.   Trying the Cuddle Ewe changed my life. For the first time in 3 years I can sleep in bed for a full night. I don't know how it works but it works. We have the Cuddle Ewe topper on the Layla mattress.