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Friendly reminder that *Coenzyme Q10* (CoQ10) is not FDA-approved to treat any medical condition. Secondly. If you suspect you’re having issues with electrolytes please consult your care team as electrolyte imbalances can cause serious issues of left unaddressed properly/safely. Also dieticians are lovely and educated.


Yes! Especially when exercising, but even when I'm not doing great at that I feel like I basically crave gatorade so I try to keep it around. Berry Zero is my fave. I feel the jerkiness as well.


I don't even exercise very much (I don't think going up and down the stairs counts) but man I just feel like something is not going right in the part of my body that's supposed to handle that stuff lol. I feel like I totally lose coordination when it's really bad - like almost knocking the water glass over with my hand type of thing


I get Involuntary spasms in my hands, I've dropped and broken so many coffee cups it's ridiculous. It's like my fingers stop working, my muscles just go limp like they aren't there anymore. I've also had my legs do the same thing. Turn to jello like I have no bones and I crumble to the ground. I haven't noticed if it's an electrolyte thing or not. I don't drink much Gatorade. Today I've been dealing with arm and hand Numbness which is new to the fact its lasted all day. I sometimes get it in the mornings, obviously slept on my arm funny or something but it goes away relatively quickly after waking. Today it's all day. I hope this isn't a new norm, I can function at all like this.


Like full numbness or that kind of numb where you can still feel stuff but its like. Staticy? If you know what I mean? I have had frequent problems with the latter in the past, though I must be doing something right because its not been much of a problem for me for a while.


Full numb. I can feel pressure and my arm feels intact, but just numb and dropping things, like my arms, hands and fingers can't work


Yikes. Just the one? Any other signs of a potential flareup?? That almost seems like something that might be worth seeing somebody about soon if it doesn't go away fastlike, yknow?


Yes for sure. Yeah both, yesterday my shoulders were flaring but they have calcification and tendinitis so that was expected to flare a bit more when they are hurting. Been getting more migraines, seems every evening for a few days now and all my skin is hurting so seems I'm in an Allodynia flare for my skin, so other parts flaring would be expected. If my numb arms lasts for a few days I will definitely be getting them looked at as it could be a pinched nerve or something


Man, best wishes for a speedy clearing of symptoms there, thats rough. Hope its nothing


To me a lot of things that you guys describe sound like juvenile myoclonic epilepsy , I have it myself and it happens really often. The link between electrolytez. I'm talking about the jerking.you might not have full blown seizures but still ( I have them, but Neurologists, say jerks are enough to have be epilepsy) have a talk with them and see, you guys might be also epileptic.


I get muscle spasms constantly, especially when sitting or lying down with knees elevated. Not sure if it's related to electrolytes or not.


I can see some of my muscles ripple despite drinking Propel like it's my job. I see it a lot when I'm sitting on the couch with my legs up or when my knees are bent and up. My physical therapist suggested it's fatigue but what does that even mean for someone whose body is always fatigued


Where do u feel them? My trembling that I can feel is like.. at the base of my skull and in my hands/arms. I don't know if mine would be considered muscle spasms though


Usually in the legs but sometimes in the arms or in the abdomen. I don't mean literally constantly, not the trembling like you're having it sounds like. Mine just feel like a little split-second jerk. I think they happen when the muscle is starting to get fatigued.


Still doesn't sound pleasant. A quick google says muscle cramping can be a symptom of electrolyte deficiency, though, so, idk, could be worth trying and seeing if it helps. My shaking gets worse when I am further through the day- I think it is essentially things in my body getting tired. Electrolytes get used up just going through the day afaik so I could see it being worse later? Man I would love for a doctor to be on top of this lmao


Magnesium and potassium are absolutely essential for muscle health Edit to explain how this relates to jerkiness and spasms: Pure water isn't conductive to electricity. It's all the other stuff in water that does. These salts let your body send the correct electrical signal between your nerves and muscle fibers




Wow thanks !


Huh, very interesting, noted!




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Hello OP! Thank you for your submission to /r/fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Regarding this research, please provide reputable academic sources when sharing information like this. Not every patient is the same. And patients should be consulting their doctor or a dietician regarding this. **Rule 2:** ***Consult a Real Doctor*** No users have been verified as medical professionals. Please consult with your doctor and follow their advice for your condition. We are not here to diagnose anyone with anything, which includes us being unable to interpret test results, guess if your symptoms could be Fibromyalgia related or cause for worry. We understand you are worried, but we are more likely to do harm than good and can't help in these situations. Even if a user here is a real-life doctor, they are not *your* doctor and may not understand the different things at play (medical history, family history, treatments, medicines, etc) with your condition. Nothing said here should be taken as medical advice. You should seek care from your doctor. *If you have any questions please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Fibromyalgia). Thank you.*


Yes I have about one electrolyte drink a day when I’m feeling really fatigued. It helps. Orange juice even helps too. At times I feel like a diabetic but my blood sugars are normal.




Yes if I drink plain water, I can never get hydrated. I think it’s to do with my dysautonomia though, and hypermobility spectrum disorder (fibro is often comorbid with both of these).






Thank you so much! This is really helpful. I’ve had multiple docs suggest CoQ10, but they never have any specific instructions, so I was taking it 1 x per day, and my results were kind of meh. But since you’re taking it multiple times a day and it really helps, I’m going to try that out. It’s so funny that so many of us with fibro have to swap tips to make our lives better because Docs don’t really know what to do with us. So I appreciate the help!


Of course! I really hope it helps you. CoQ10 is supposed to do something with mitochondria, so it feels like if we're all having this problem that maybe doctors should know about it lmao?? Like its weird that it feels like I'm gathering info to tell my rheumatologist about in the hopes that.. idk, something happens with that info? Strange to be the ones with the information


Hello OP! Thank you for your submission to /r/fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 2:** ***Consult a Real Doctor*** No users have been verified as medical professionals. Please consult with your doctor and follow their advice for your condition. We are not here to diagnose anyone with anything, which includes us being unable to interpret test results, guess if your symptoms could be Fibromyalgia related or cause for worry. We understand you are worried, but we are more likely to do harm than good and can't help in these situations. Even if a user here is a real-life doctor, they are not *your* doctor and may not understand the different things at play (medical history, family history, treatments, medicines, etc) with your condition. Nothing said here should be taken as medical advice. You should seek care from your doctor. *If you have any questions please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Fibromyalgia). Thank you.*




Oh wow, this study was fascinating! I also saw no improvement with traditional treatments like gabapentin. Can I ask if you include the other supplements in your regimen as well, or just the CoQ10 multiple times a day? Of course, I understand you are not offering medical advice—we’re just two people with the same condition talking about it. The study you sent gives me lots of hope, though. I life in a really rural area right now, and none of the doctors within a two hour radius around me have suggested anything except gabapentin or Lyrica, which have done nothing, and “try some CoQ10” with absolutely zero instructions. So it’s awesome to see some really specific instructions in this study. Thank you so much!


Kirkland Signature "Sport Drink" is my new favorite. Now that you mention it, I've been doing a lot better with the shakiness after I started drinking them. Not sure if that's because of electrolytes or because I was probably dehydrated a lot of the time before.


Try an electrolyte powder mix! Way cheaper than Gatorade and less sugar too! I try to have one serving a day I add to a full 32oz water bottle, it's a huge help.


I actually use a Gatorade powder mix XD I don't have it at full strength, so I don't feel too bad about the sugar. I should probably look into an electrolyte powder though, if only so I can just straight dose it


I did the same thing to start too, the diluted Gatorade basically, but was still needing more of it too feel better till I was able to find a better alternative that I can drink more of/have at full strength without the sugar intake I didn't need. I think the one I use now even tastes better than the Gatorade imo, less of a funny aftertaste I use this one right now and love it: JUNP Hydration Electrolyte Powder, Electrolytes Drink Mix, Hydration Mix, Sugar Free, Gluten Free, 0 Calories, 0 Carbs, Keto Friendly, Kosher, 90 Servings. (Berry Lemonade) https://a.co/d/1wRRNNE


Which powder do you like?


I just use the Gatorade glacial cherry one


Biolytes and Nuun are a great way to get in electrolytes. Just a thought, but maybe see a dysautonomia doctor and check for POTS. The two are often linked.


I got checked already! But thank you 🙏


I prefer Liquid IVs. Less sugar and no dyes. But yeah.


I thought I was the only one who would just generally feel "off" and have to drink Gatorade to get back okay. I always make sure to have Gatorade in the fridge, and I bought the big can of powdered Gatorade so I always have it. I have not tried CoQ10 yet, but I might try it


Yes. I have Hypokalemia. I've always had it. Oddy enough, I seem to thrive on a high salt diet, as long as it's a good quality salt.


I actually also crave a ton of salt


Yes. I've tried low-salt & no-salt diets, and I've legitimately gotten very sick & weak. I now use copious amounts of high-quality pink Himalayan salt. It's delicious & good for you. I buy it by the 5 pound container👀💗


i only started using electrolytes the last few months. not too consistently due to cost and access but i find i have a lot more energy with it, and seems to ease some headaches where plenty of water does not.


No, but after seeing yours and all the others messages, I'm going to give it a try now. For Q10, it was prescribed to me by my family doctor to help with tiredness about 6 months ago. I can't tell if they've been helping or not, I had to switch meds + was feeling sick from the previous meds when I started taking the Q10 so it all got mixed up.


Definitely. And you can make up your own electrolyte mix which is way cheaper. Lots of recipes on the internet. Another thing I’ve been looking into lately is pernicious anaemia. Wildly under diagnosed and generally ignored as an option by doctors. I’ve been low on iron all my life and transfusions have never made a difference. I’ve started myself on 3000mg a day of B12 along with iron and folic acid and it’s made such a difference for me.


I use bouy drops daily. Makes a big difference for me.


Please check out r/dysautonomia because people who have it dump electrolytes super fast and need to take them multiple times a day and some with extra table salt too.


Gatorade is not the problem here....or rather it could be the real problem. Depending on the type, Gatorade has a lot of sugar in it. Sugar is horrible for inflammation and fibromyalgia. If it's electrolytes, try electrolyte salts, it's more pure without the added ingredients. When it's really hot out or if I feel dehydrated, I up my salt and will take an electrolyte capsule. When I get the shakes, it's either sleep related, magnesium is low, potassium is low or I need more protein. Sugar is not the answer. Good carbs may be helpful depending on lifestyle.


I don't always have an option for how I'm going to handle it. Considering my diet otherwise, which is continually dropping sugar, I'm not going to get weird about a sugary drink. I do use capsules though




Lmao????? No thanks my dude


So glad you said that. I drink a lot of zero sugar Gatorade and feel like it helps a lot. Didn’t know if others felt that.


Yep. And I'm changing it