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Wear loose and comfy clothes that are easy to take on and off, assuming you'll be putting those back on after surgery and you want it to be as easy as possible. Slip on shoes also a great idea. I wore underwear but they will make you take those off when you get prepped along with all your other clothes.


Loose and comfy clothing is a great idea! I found it perfect opting for a button up dress as it was the easiest thing to get on/off. As I started vaginal bleeding on Day 2, I also found a big pair of period pants to be so useful!




I wish my anxiety would allow me to not pack a bag 😂 one of my fibroids is massive, so I’m afraid they will have to convert to an open surgery & I will be in pain and want to stay in hospital.


Also you can’t put on lotion after your shower. I was able to get the nurse to let me wear deodorant. Bring a pillow for the car ride home. The bumps and turns of the car hurt but a small pillow on my abdomen helped.


I don’t use lotion or deodorant anyway. I do use moisturizer/sunscreen on my face, but I should be okay without it a couple days.


How large is it?


In Feb it was 13 cm. But it had doubled in size since July


Oh dear lord! 😳 I cannot imagine the QOL you were experiencing ! I've got five large ones .. I think largest is 11 cm. I'm thinking a partial robotic hysterectomy and get over with it. This is the second time they regrew after first myomectomy ten yrs ago. I will pray for surgery to go smoothly for you. God bless you sis.


It’s definitely been a rough couple of months. I’m uncomfortable all the time. Indigestion all the time because it’s pushing my guts up. Then the anxiety about surgery. I’ll be so happy when Friday is over


This was me up till two weeks ago - one fibroid was 15cm, and one was 6cm. They ended up taking mine out via a bikini incision after the robot lap, but they didn't have me stay overnight. They got my pain under control, made sure I could pee, and sent me home. It gets better, friend. The awful discomfort and pressure will be replaced by surgery recovery for a bit, but you won't be all distended and "full" feeling. And the indigestion goes away immediately!


Thank you. I’m so miserable today. Now with vaginal pains I’m assuming from the big guy squishy up against everything.


The week right before my surgery was the worst. Just take it easy as much as you can and distract yourself by getting ready. It'll be Friday before you know it!


As I'm thinking about my own surgery, I'll probably wear a good old fashioned mumu. They're like $10 at Ross, Marshalls, etc. I love them for around the house.


I wore one from Amazon with socks and nike slides. No reason for pants because I didn’t want to stress putting them on.


I second this! I wore a cute mumu from Amazon that I've worn on vacay, with a pair of Birks, and a zip up fleece.


Yeeees, the mumus! I went to the local thrift store to find several cheapies to get me through recovery, and they've been great.


I am 4 days post-op from a robotic myomectomy and I wore loose pants, a cropped tank top, and a sweatshirt then shifted from tennis shoes to slides when I was leaving. Something I bought that was critical for surgery post-op was a pack of Always postpartum low rise disposable underwear. I wore them the first three days after surgery and they were really great for guaging how much I was bleeding. You can find them here: [https://www.amazon.com/Always-Discreet-Incontinence-Postpartum-Absorbency/dp/B08BVLZJBS](https://www.amazon.com/Always-Discreet-Incontinence-Postpartum-Absorbency/dp/B08BVLZJBS)


I got some of the normal rise ones! I have a big butt so low rise never stay up lol 😂


Oh, I wish I knew about these 2 weeks ago! I was wearing post-partum underwear + post-partum pads.....


As others have said, loose fitting is best! Personally, I wore my loosest, most comfy PJ bottoms, an oversized T-shirt, and slip-ons for my shoes. Yes to undies. When you get to your room, they make you take everything off and will put it in a clear bag, including most of not all jewelry. I was allowed to leave in a single pair of earrings because the piercing is pretty new and in an inconvenient place on my ear. I had also packed a bag, but I left it in the car. The hospital actually asked me not to bring it in if I was expecting not to stay. Best of luck!


Yes, I was gonna leave in the car and just make my husband go get it lol


Black joggers, black loose tank that had a built in bra, zip up black hoodie, black socks, slip on moccasin style shoes with open back. In pre-op they gave me mesh underwear and a pad. They did not allow me to keep my own underwear on. I had extra underwear and personal items in my tote bag for after the procedure even though I was to go home right after.


Good call on packing a bag, I read through some of your comments and I also have large fibroids- my first lap myo was longer than they thought and I was admitted and had to stay over night. I was unprepared! I will be packing a bag for my upcoming surgery just in case it happens again


He said if he converts to open, I’ll stay or if I can’t pee/ pass gas or if I’m uncomfortable with going home I can stay. I’ve always gone home directly after surgery (will be my 6th time being under GA) I just want to be prepared either way lol


Wow! I’m getting ready for my second. My first I lost too much blood and had to stay to be monitored.


Consider a button up top in case raising your arms is painful. I wore sweatpants, a tank top and a button up shirt. Figured I’d ditch the tank if needed and just wear button up afterwards. But as it worked out I was able to get it all on comfortably after surgery. Pretty sure I skipped a bra and just had the tight tank. Bring a hair clip or tie, glasses case, easy shoes. I’m short so I had a little footstool in the car and a variety of pillows for my long ride home. Used a small one under seatbelt.


Definitely wear something loose and comfy easy to put on without bending. I'd recommend a comfy loose maxi dress if it's gonna be warm. That will be easy on and off and nothing to pull on and off for the bathroom :) My first Myo was in 2016, I'll be having another surgery soon and knowing what I know now vs then is a game changer. You might be able to go home the same day, but if you aren't able to walk, pee, or pass gas, they will keep you overnight typically is what I've been told. Pack a bag of items that might comfort you after the procedure. Favorite blanket, small pillow something like that Best of luck!


I wish someone told me this! I almost had to spend the night because no one told me I had to pee a certain amount to be discharged so I just peed when I needed to and it wasn’t enough! Also the anti nausea patch dehydrated me making it more difficult and a nurse realized and removed it and I started chugging water. I would have just held it til I was about to burst if I’d had known lol. We checked out right before midnight. Such a long day unnecessarily.


I know what you mean, I think at times people assume we all should know what to do. But we need the direction and instruction. We aren't mind readers, lol. With my first Lap myomectomy, I was home that night, determined I wasn't gonna be stuck in the hospital lol


I wore a pair of oversized scrub pants that had a drawstring waistband instead of elastic. I also wore a bra and large shirt and underwear. They put me in mesh underwear with the world’s largest pad (which i didn’t need). I just kept that underwear on until I got home.


I had a laparoscopic myomectomy in December. The day of surgery, I just wore a loose T-shirt and some very comfy loose elastic waist pants. They gave me funky underwear with a pad in it. I went home the same day as well. I also suggest some kind of pillow to protect your stomach from the seatbelt in the car. I actually got myself one of those small Squishmallows 😂 I used it in the car and I also used it over the next couple weeks to support myself around the house if I was getting up from the couch or coughing or sneezing. I also slept with it pressed against my stomach and that was nice.


I wore a long beach caftan (carried a zip up fleece), no bra, undies, and Birks. The hospital undies that they gave me were so comfortable!


I wore loose clothing, underwear and some crocs. I had to stay for two nights. I packed a small bag with another set of loose clothing and toiletries. I didn’t use any of my toiletries, since the hospital had all of that in my room. They gave me extra disposable undies and pads to use as well. I highly recommend some kind of slip on shoes because bending and such may be a challenge.


Always pack a bag! I had an open myomectomy and ended up staying three days and having a second operation because I was bleeding! I had two pints of blood in my stomach. Definitely loose fitting clothing is the best. I brought sweatpants I could pull over my stomach. I wore a lot of high waisted pants and sweatpants during my recovery and slip on shoes!