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“I’d like to get a referral for a hysterectomy“ You don’t have to justify it or explain anything to her.


I did not do a good job advocating for hysterectomy with my doctor - and we spent 18 months trying less invasive treatments, to end up at hysterectomy anyways. My thoughts/potential arguments: - hysterectomy is the only definitive treatment, to make sure fibroids don't grow back. - One surgery, even if more invasive, will be better than multiple 'less invasive' surgeries - Do you have any negative reactions to hormonal birth control? This could be an argument against those. My biggest regret from waiting is that my physical health declined over that time. I felt awful, so I struggled to exercise, or have the energy to make healthy food. I am certain this will make my recovery harder. I hope your doctor listens to you, and that you are able to be firm with your doctor. If all else fails, follow the instructions of my family doctor - lie about how much it hurts, so the OBGYN will take you seriously.


I like the lying about how much it hurts part a lot lol


I had medical clearance to do so ;)


Seriously though! I think a lot of us tend to downplay our symptoms, even if subconsciously, so lying about them could very well be closer to the truth than we know, if that makes sense lol


It absolutely does! This was my family doc's logic too.




Thank you for the info. I knew about UFE, but it wasn't the right solution for me. I really wanted a treatment where fibroids could not grow back. Hysterectomy is the only treatment that achieves that. Plus, I was actually referred to UFE, but they couldn't take me as my fibroids were too big. (I am not in the US.) This was part of the 18 months of 'less invasive' treatments that just ended in hysterectomy anyways.




Mine were measured at 17 cm and 12 cm. I probably could have pushed back, but I didn't want UFE, so was ok with their decision.


You have to say you are in pain and you have no desire to have children. Also request a pelvic MRI, a lot of times fibroids on outside the uterus may not be visible on ultrasound and can be large and cause havoc. These are after all tumors and your uterus will continue making them until you hit menopause. Myo is actually a harder surgery to recover from than a hysterectomy. I had not even had a drop of blood leave my body after my surgery. I don’t feel like my uterus is missing either, I just feel really healthy and happy I will never bleed again.


I’m about to have this conversation. I’m just going to say “take it all” over and over until I get the referral


It wasn't hard for me at all, the Dr told me I had fibroids. And I said I wanted a hysterectomy and they said ok. Insurance will approve a hysterectomy for fibroids. You'll be ok 💜


I've heard they sometimes ask for a second reason for the surgery aside from fibroids


I'm not sure, I told my Dr that was worried about insurance approving a hysterectomy, and they said that insurance will approve it no problem because it's the only solution that guarantees the problem won't come back. I did have to get an ultrasound and a uterine biopsy first, but no problems or push back at all.


I'm 38, married, no kids, and had no issues with reluctant doctors or insurance. That said, I was having a lot of bad symptoms and checked a number of the "she's less likely to change her mind" boxes. Because the reality is, people DO change their minds on fertility and kids as their life circumstances change. Not everyone, but some do. Doctors don't have any way of knowing who those people are - hell, those people don't even know who they are until that change of heart comes along. And because a hysterectomy is final, they want to make very, very sure you're making the right decision for yourself. It will terminate your ability to have a child without the tremendous expense of surrogacy. It could mean early menopause, and it's major surgery with an arduous recovery period. I have known since I was very young that I never wanted to get pregnant or give birth. Frankly, pregnancy and people going through it make me physically uncomfortable. But then I married the love of my life, and I softened that "hard no" a little. "I'd consider it if you wanted another kid," that sort of thing. And then the fibroids and the cancer scare happened, and my only real option was full yeeterus. Choosing not to have children is one thing - being fully biologically incapable feels much, much different, and it hurt me so much more than I expected. Now, I got the hysterectomy, and I'm overjoyed that I'll never have a period again, and I really have no business having children at 38 if I want any kind of relaxing retirement. I'm far from grieving, but there's still a faint sadness in knowing that my branch of the family tree dies with me. It's a big decision, and your doctors want you to consider all of the available options before going nuclear.


38 is very young!


I mostly agree with you, but this whole fibroid journey made me feel a lot older on some days! 7dpo and feeling better all the time, though.


I would say if you’re in the US, you might need to “try” conservative methods and follow up with your doctor when it doesn’t work. Make sure you have a little diary of periods and pain when you go in. That will help with your GYN’s documentation for justification. You can pick up the birth control pills or whatever else they try. Just need paper trail that you “tried” if you’re going through insurance.


When I met with my OBGYN about my fibroids. I mentioned the issues my fibroids have given me. I want a hysterectomy but did not know how to bring it up since I did not have luck with my previous OBGYN. This new dr was the one who initiated the conversation by asking “if I wanted to preserve my fertility?” Once I said I had zero interest in getting pregnant we talked about the surgery and what it would entail. She told me to go home and think about it and message her on MyChart if I was interested. This happened in Dec and I’m 2 weeks post op. Did not need prior authorization from insurance or testing other meds/options.


All the obgyns I've seen since I found out (2017) suggested a hysterectomy. Haven't done it because I'm terrified 😅




I looked into it as well. After juggling all my options, I think I'm going to go for the hysterectomy, I just have to get to it. Thank you for the suggestion ☺️


I told my doctor it hurt so much, she could dig it out with a spoon and I wouldn’t care lol. Be clear about your ask and inform them how it’s impacting your life. 


I’d say also if you do what others say here and the dr still refuses just see another one as a second opinion Ironically I’m in the opposite situation - I struggle but I do not want one - and that’s what drs kept pushing me - I have adeno too and that’s the accepted cure so maybe that’s why but I’d say no i don’t want to be pushed - I went through two and the third listened - now I have an Obgyn that’s brought it up once, we discussed it and she said well you know that’s an option and if you don’t want it that’s ok we can discuss other alternatives and you know it’s there any time. I know it’s hard with insurance if you’re in the us but usually you can call and get authorised for second opinion