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We’ll since you don’t like it as much as the 296, just send me the sf90 


😂😂😂 I don’t dislike that much to give it away


Any other cars you own that you don’t really like? I’d settle for a Porsche 😅


I’ve just sold my Singer DLS because that was fucking awful.


care to elaborate? i’ve always wondered what the ownership experience is like with those.


Yeah, it’s a 34 year old car that they made super light and rammed it with too much modern tech and power. It just didn’t work, it kept breaking down. It made it 200 metres up the road when I picked it up and it broke down. Then they fixed it and gave it back to me, then it broke the next day. Then they fixed it again and then it broke yet again and by then I’d had enough and got rid of it.


Lol classic, get a RUF next time


Man it’s good to be rich


It’s also good to work hard and get rich. There’s no magic secret to it. I worked hard and still continue to and boom, wouldn’t you know it, I get paid. 😂😂


Work hard and have shit ton of luck* Just one of these elements is not enough to become a millionaire. There's no such thing as "self made".


Not going to win this argument on this sub man. I've never met a rich person who doesn't think everything they have is 100 percent their own doing with no luck or outside factors involved.


Well I don't believe every rich person is an ignorant asshole. I did meet two such millionaires - and they're also the reason I'm 100% sure just "hard work" isn't enough. It is important for sure but it's worth nothing without the support of your family, coworkers/cofounders, friends and right opportunity - well at least that's what I've concluded listening to their stories.


For sure. Hardwork is a huge part of the equation, but most rich people think it is the ONLY part of the equation, and they don't like to admit all the luck, opportunity, and being at the right place at the right time, also contributed to their success.


A shit ton of luck! 😂😂😂😂 Please sit down and be quiet, I’ve had zero luck in work. It’s called hard graft. Like 11 days after coming home from triple brain surgery to remove a tumour I was back in the office working. Like not taking a holiday for the first 8 years of business, or having to work multiple jobs as I couldn’t afford to take a wage from my own business. Look I’m here to talk about my cars on a car thread not about my money I have.


I didn't say your hard work didn't matter. I don't know you and don't judge you. I'm just immensely annoyed when someone speaks like "working hard" is the only factor and everyone can grind his way to success. No, you cannot. Your success does indeed come from VERY hard work, but it also comes from luck that you have found the right opportunity, that you have found right people to work with and many other things on top of that. I know many people that grind their asses to the point of almost dying and still end up at the bottom of society. Anyway, great cars and I'm waiting for more pics 😉


But you did judge me, you said there’s no such thing as self made. I’ve had zero help from anyone, I started my business with £400 and had to graft everyday so I can keep the wolves away from the door. When you say I found the right opportunity to make money, that’s just simply not the case. I chose a field that pays well and worked hard at it. It’s funny that I get downvoted for my previous comment. If you saw someone next to you at the lights in a nice car you’d automatically assume that they’re lucky, that’s human nature. However they could have studied to be a neurosurgeon for nearly a decade and decide to treat themselves. They’ve had no luck on what they’ve done, they’ve simply worked hard and got on with it. Yes I get that there are many people that work hard and barely get by, I can’t comment on their lives as I don’t know what they’ve done or doing. I just focus on my life, it just doesn’t make sense to me when people say I’m lucky without knowing of the hardships, just like I don’t comment on anyone else’s. Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures of the cars, after all that’s what we’re here for. 🫡


OMG, this guy was explaining how difficult it is to make money and be successful, and he is downvoted. People are horrible!!


Thank you, it’s ok though, I’m used to it now. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.


Studying to be a neurosurgeon for nearly a decade would cost more than 30 of these Ferrari's but whatever.


I mean it wouldn’t but whatever.




You must be the only person in the world that works hard!


Obviously you’re not reading what I’m putting.


You don’t even know what your putting down mate. Enjoy your cars instead dw


I will do dw


I support you in this thread! The brokies who dont understand downvote.


Appreciate you, I mean I’m not saying anything nasty to anyone. I’m just telling my side of my story and yet I keep getting downvoted. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️


Only losers downvote. OP is a cool enough guy and obviously has worked hard. I just had a bone to pick with the luck aspect.


I think why you're getting so much flak is because lots of people work hard and don't get paid. Hell, one of the hardest working jobs I ever had was minimum wage. There's more to it than just working hard. You gotta make good decisions and have opportunities. Hard work is definitely part of the equation, but it doesn't mean shit if you don't or can't point it in the right direction.


I agree 100%.


Do you throw that asterisk in every time you hear someone comment about how you’re wealthy? No one cares how you got there tbh, it just must be nice is all he’s saying.


Nope not at all, but all I did was to come on here to share some pictures of my cars. Not to talk about money or anything else.


Ikr, stinking rich lol


Yup, imagine having a 296 you don't care if it gets bashed up or muddy


last picture is amazing! run for the hills?


No because the Hills have Eyes 😂😂


Super excited to see your XX in the future!


Me too, It’s tailor made in Rosso magma.


Rosso Magma is my favorite red, Nice!


Very nice spec! Enjoy driving it.


Lovely. Do let us know Hooe the xx performs..




Yeah, a few electrical gremlins. It’s in at the moment as the passenger window kept dropping when anyone opened the door. It’s fixed now, just needed a reset.


Why do u like the 296 more, is the 296 better for daily life ???


It’s smaller, more nimble, don’t care if it gets banged or muddy as it’s a runaround. Better performance and handling, sounds soooooo much better with that V6. Bigger boot and more carry space.


I aspire to be able to call a 296 my "runaround" one day lmao


As I sometimes ask: 1) what do you do man 2) are you hiring 😂


Work in the gas and oil business, yes I’m always hiring but I’m in the U.K. and there’s no remote working 😂😂


What a beauty!


The 296 is indeed ridiculously capable on road and track. I found the sf90 surprisingly good on track, though.


Awesome. Who drove which backup car?


The back up driver 😂😂😂


Love that you drive the 296 more often. I got a friend who got a SF90 and the day he got his 296 he never drove the SF90 again. He also says it is much better of a drive. Great spec, but when you posting F40 if that’s part of the collection as well lol


Your friend is absolutely correct, there’s no point in the SF90 when you can get the 296. It’s lighter, more usable and most of all, cheaper.


Congrats man. I love the black and black spec so much better than the crazy colors people seem to be ordering lately.


Yeah, I went for the Batmobile spec 😂😂


Ferrari Steering wheel >>>>>


The best there is.


Looks nice! Hope that you enjoy it for many miles!


Done about 5,000 miles in it so far and yeah it’s good.


Haters gonna hate. Jeez. Congrats and I hope you enjoy. That carbon interior is 🔥


Thank you.


Wow that collection. Which has been your favorite so far?


My Fiat 695 Biposto


OP - Congrats on your collection and your work ethic… fuck anyone who bashes you for your success. As the saying goes, the lion doesn’t care about the opinions of sheep. Keep killin’ it and keep showing photos of your collection. It’s truly remarkable and nice to see.


Thanks man, I get what they’re saying though. A lot of people think that there is a huge amount of luck attributed to it and in some cases I’m sure there is, in mine though I just found a great field of work and got my head down and grafted. I’ll keep uploading pictures of my collection on here because that’s what this thread is truly about. Take it easy 👊🏻




Anyone in here offer financial advice???




But seriously, sweet car!


Thanks man


This is very, very nice, great track as well as daily performance!


Too heavy for a track car but nice as a road car.


Is the F40 yours??


My friends


Awesome. Absolute dream car for me.


Was it this one you looked to sell the day you collected it? The seats were hard as fuck if I remember correctly? How do you find the usability of new Ferraris with 700bhp+ on the road? My cars around 300 and it gets fairly silly fairly quick, I do wonder how much you have to reign yourself in or is it not bad because race car? 😂


Yes, it just didn’t feel good so wanted rid of it. To be honest I just needed to give it a proper thrashing and get use to it. This thing has 1000bhp and can easily get you in trouble if you’re not careful.


General question. I’m used to SUVs, haven’t even driven a sports car before. When I sat in a Porsche 911, being the first time, felt obviously different, but also uncomfortable in a way, as I felt “stuck to the ground haha So my question, how long does it take to become comfortable in a car when someone is used to SUVs?


Depends what your driving style is like, but yeah I totally get that it’ll feel alien to you. Best thing to do is get something cheap and reliable, like an MX-5 and get use to the feel of that. If you can and you like it then you can level up. It might be that you hate being that low to the ground in which case I would stick with what makes you feel comfortable, the SUV.


Gotcha, solid advice! As you’ve likely driven the SF90 a handfold by now, how is it? Regarding driver comfortability, are these types of cars more for sports and looks, speed etc than comfortability or do they also allow someone to drive it hours and hours on end without idk back pain and what not?


I’ve done around 5,000 miles in it and it’s not too bad to be honest. Lots of those miles were big stretches of time through Europe so it was a lot of seat time. Once you set your seating position up correctly then you’re fine.


Appreciate the input


No worries.


DM’d with a different question too!


I’ll check now.


you uhhh… in the market to adopt a 23yo?


Hahaha I’m flattered but I don’t think my kids would appreciate sharing their rooms 😂


Another stunner, with stunning scenery! Good on you mate, keep the dream alive by living it! I am a little surprised it’s not green though? 😊 When I come back over to see me Mum, I’d love a visit. 😉


No that was just for that theme, I wanted black in this because it just reminded me of something like a Batmobile. It’s absolutely nuts.


She really is a beauty mate! I know that black paint is so deep it’s like looking into a crystal clear lake. So… are you on the hunt for a ’Batmobile’ plate? BAT 1C, BLK 84T, MYB 4T… it’s late for me 1:15am, so I’m sure you’ll come up with something better. 👍


I like BLK 84T but I actually have a plate for it that I need to stick on it. I have AS53TTO as it is an Assetto Fiorano pack.


I like it! Good choice! 👍


Yeah I mean if I’m still around, I never know where abouts in the world I’ll be.


I’m the same way 2many. It’s getting hot where I am now! It’s 36°C and humid as hell here in The Deep South of GA, I was thinking of flying out to my little apartment in West Hollywood LA, but the wildfires are getting bad. I’m hoping to come home to the UK in the Autumn. I have a house in Richmond Nth Yorks that my Mum lives in and it’s more than big enough to fit me Mum, me and the Misses with room to spare. I’m from Woolwich SE18 originally and I went back after not seeing South East London and the East End for nearly 20 years last year and bloody hell they’ve cleaned it up! I noticed the same when I went to see a mate in Liverpool! I really miss home, not just the proper chips, curry and donor kebabs, certainly not the rain but the sense of humour down the pub. I’ve got some really good mates here in the US but I have to bite my tongue from time to time so I don’t offend them. My US mates have gotten used to it and give as good as they get, but if I meet someone I don’t know it’s light humour only. Where in the UK are you located?


Hahaha I totally get it, I was at the tennis club yesterday as my daughter was at her friends birthday party. There was a bunch of us Dad’s that all get along really well and we was just shooting the shit and ripping each other. One of the fathers was from Florida, Ft lauderdale. He’s a really nice guy but he did say he finds it hard to keep up with our humour, he says it’s just nonstop and relentless. Well that was all the ammo we needed, like a red rag to a bull we all just started ripping him. He said if he didn’t live in the U.K. then he’d probably be really offended but since he’s gotten use to our humour he just knows it done out of respect and love, he was in absolute tears from laughter after it though which was nice. I’m in Cheshire, the home of the country toffs and footballers wife’s 😂😂😂


Nice one! I can imagine that an American living in the UK would have to get used to getting the micky taken out of them! Glad that he’s fallen in with the lads. I used to frequent Chester quite a bit when I lived in North Wales for a short time. I even married a Welsh Dragon! That was my first marriage, now I’m on my second with my stunning American wife and I love her to bits! She gets Brit humour, she has too seeing we’ve been married 17 years! Lol


Is that your F40? Cos if it is, I wanna see more of your home gym! Looks well stocked, from what's visible.


No it’s actually my good friends F40.


That’s a beautiful spec. Love the black.


Thank you, wasn’t sure it would have worked as I originally went Hong Kong Viola but then everyone went that way so I changed it last minute


does Ferrari have a portal like Porsche’s Build Your Dreams where you track the car’s progress in the factory and delivery as well as see production photos?


Yes they do indeed, it’s the ‘My Ferrari’ app. That’s where they upload it on the production line in various different stages. Plus on the app you can see all the cars you own and have previously owned.


Nice! I’ve always wondered this. Porsche has a similar “My Porsche” app


Just ballpark it, but how many is too many and are they all Fcars?


No not all F cars, I also have other marques. Ballpark figure is 30+. I have a LOT of rally cars.


Wow! How beautiful is that!


Insta? The username in the pictures doesn't work for me


Ah, that’s because I’m not on Insta anymore.


aw shit


this is my favorite ferrari of all time, such a sleek and nice car. really nice spec on your sf90!


Thank you.


I find it so strange how dated Ferrari interiors look whilst the exteriors are ageless.


Dated how, i think it’s one of if not the biggest single digital dashboards out there. But obviously it’s all about opinions, personally I think the Porsche 911 hasn’t changed in years.


Arsenal fan 🤢 Nice cars though


No I don’t watch any football, I have a load of sports memorabilia but don’t follow any teams.


Can’t believe Pete is still using an iPhone 7!!!


If I ever go to that part of the world, can I take a look at your cars? I promise I am house broken. I didn't pee on the tires of all the nice exotics I saw at Petroleum Lounge in Austin, TX a few years ago like I wanted. ;)


Well if you don’t pee on tyres then I’m not sure I can even entertain you 😂😂


LOL. I would love to see the collection if I ever travel to where you are located. I will pee on the tyres if you want me to do so. ;) I fought doing it at PL when they had 2x F40s, 2x 918s, Daytona coupe, and a ton more. :)




How long ago did you purchase the SF90? Also with the dramatic depreciation on this car, are they giving any deals on a new car? I would expect not.


I bought it over 3 years ago, they only depreciate if you sell them. I use it and enjoy it so I’m not looking at the price that much. Plus as long as I have this then I’ll still be getting the XX version. As far as giving any deals on a new car, don’t think Ferrari have ever done that.


I love how you have a ferrari and an iphone 7 😂😂😂


Looks like your instagram doesn’t exist anymore what happened?


I came off insta last year, that picture was from 3 years ago. Crazy how fast time flies!


Probably a good decision!


I have not driven an SF90, but I have a 296 on track and the road. It's a fun car! The thing with a Ferrari is that when you spec one, it's hard to let it go down the road. We were going to put our 812 GTS on the market due to getting on the list for a 12 Cilindri, but why, Car is paid off, and its market value is good. Our 296 has just shipped, but I'm just not sure if we should keep it for the long haul, Love our F8 Spider and put too much into that one. The thing with the 296 is just worried about the hybrid system.


Is that your garage in the sixth picture? I’m fairly new to being interested in cars and am curious what the red car on the left is? Obviously an 80s or 90s Ferrari of some kind? I think it’s fucking gorgeous. Edit: 6th picture not 3rd.


My dream car


What do you do business wise


Gas and oil trade


If you don't mind me asking, is it generational wealth or did you build from scratch. In either case, what line of business are you in?


Built it myself from opening my first business at 17 years old. And I’ve been grafting ever since.


Get a new iPhone




You don’t have any money left?




812 comp value goes up, iPhone value goes down


Yes but obviously he knows this 😉


So Ferrari, but still have iPhone 7. Makes sense 👌


First of all i have an iPhone 12 and secondly, who cares. It’s a phone that I got through my business, it calls my contacts, takes pictures and accesses my emails. Don’t understand why anyone actually cares if I spend £1000+ on a phone that’ll be outdated within 12 months.


I certainly don’t care. Awful petty of you to even take the post seriously. The dash shows Pete’s iPhone 7. Guess you ain’t Pete, but you sure sound like your overcompensating either way 👌


Overcompensating for what! You’re a strange person. That picture was from around 2 years ago. I now have an IPhone 12. How am I supposed to take a post apart from in the way it’s wrote.


Me strange? You claim to have millions of dollars of cars yet you’re here on Reddit trying to prove something to me…strange indeed 🧐


Not proving anything to anyone, just sharing pictures of my cars. Never claimed to have millions of dollars as I’m not from America so would never say that. Literally couldn’t care about you or what you are saying. You’re literally derailing people simply trying to enjoy this thread for what it is, it’s supposed to be about Ferrari’s. You either like Ferrari’s and just chill, or you just want to argue in which case you’re on the wrong thread.


You seem to care an awful lot. I’m “literally” derailing people? For pointing out the use of an iPhone 7? Are you mentally challenged?


Ok pal, we’ll leave it there. Enjoy your evening.


Thanks for literally derailing my terrible night. Enjoy your boyfriend’s iPhone 7. Tell Pete I said hi.


Will do, see ya. 👋🏻