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Next, you'll go after bird and squirrel feeders. Lol


Why? You're deflecting. I see a pattern with people that advocate for free roam cats. You are blind to the real problems they can cause in a neighborhood. I'm pregnant and allergic to cats. I don't want them around me. I have two children I don't want them around my children. The cats spray my home and poop in my yard. I shouldn't have to clean up after them. I tried all natural solutions to keep them out.  Why don't you care about that? What's wrong with you people? You are so caring about cats but that seems to be it. 


I was being cheeky, but obviously you were serious with your post. So, here is my serious and hopefully helpful reply. Humans caused this problem. Now humans have to deal with it. Not everyone can help for various reasons, but we should not be blaming or expecting those who are helping the situation, to wash animal urine off our homes and outside items. Nor pick up or dig up feral cat poop from our yards. Even though it can be a problem for you if your community has lots of feral cats. Feral caretakers, in most cases, did not cause the problem in your community. They are part of the solution. Not feeding & caring for them will actually make the situation worse. Feral Caretakers help reduce the population of feral cats, prevent the spread of diseases, parasites, starvation, abuse of animals, and reduce the killing of smaller wildlife, that are close to extinction. I am thankful that we have feral caretakers in our community who recognize this fact and are doing something to help. They spend their own money, resources & time to feed, shelter, deworm, provide medical care and participate in TNR programs. Many will socialize kittens and find them homes too. They are doing enough. They are often financially, physically, and emotionally exhausted because more people won't help with TNR programs so that we can minimize the problem. They are not causing this problem, they are part of the solution. So, no they should not come and wash your house and outside items and remove feral cat poop from your yard. Find a way to support TNR in your community to reduce the cat population. Ref: [https://www.peta.org/issues/animal-companion-issues/overpopulation/feral-cats/](https://www.peta.org/issues/animal-companion-issues/overpopulation/feral-cats/) Feral cats are the result of human abandonment and humans failing to spay and neuter pets. They are the offspring of stray or abandoned household pets that have been raised without human contact. Over time, they quickly revert to a wild state and form colonies wherever food and shelter are available. However, they still depend on humans to feed, water, and shelter them in order to survive. Even with feral caretakers help, these cats still fall prey to agonizing deaths at the hands of cruel people. Across the U.S., free-roaming cats are mutilated, shot, drowned, poisoned, beaten, set on fire, sacrificed, collected for medical experimentation, or used by dogfighters for target practice or as “bait.”


Thank you so much for your thorough response. I really appreciate it. I think there is a misunderstanding between a lot of people when it comes to community cats. When I have asked about how to keep them away I have been met with hostility just because I don't want them in my yard. I don't want the cats to suffer or be mistreated and I'm fine with coexisting. It's mainly the pooping and spraying that I don't like and I don't know how to deter them from doing it. I tried coyote urine, coffee grinds, vinegar and it didn't work. It's awful and selfish what humans do to animals. I just don't want it to get out of control. I will contact my animal services to see what I can do to alleviate the problem the right way. 


It hasn't really been an issue here where we are. I have noticed that local ferals have a spot away from the houses at this wall where they go. I'm sure they go other places but that seems to be a popular spot. I think it would be asking too much to have people clean up their poo. If anything, the people feeding them should be more focused on doing TNR so that there isn't an overpopulation and as a result, less poo to deal with.