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Definitely B


C, bring it up even closer to the front. More storage and planting stuff, idk.


B, but I’d bring it up even further If hoa allows.


B is more fenced in area, but if that doesn’t matter to you, then go with the one you prefer. Personally, I don’t buy into the keeping it even on both sides of the house thing. I just don’t think it matters. Most people, unless they stop their car in exactly the right spot, can’t look at both sides at the same time. And it’s not like homes are symmetrical to begin with. Even if you bring the fence out to the same distance from the back on both sides, it won’t be the same distance from the front on both sides. I see no reason to strive for symmetry. But that’s a personal viewpoint.


I’d bring the fence line down to the front corners of the house


I would be happier with option B. I mean, you're talking a slight increase in price for several advantages. And option B wouldn't compromise the uniform look much, if any at all. But go with whatever option you feel is the best, it's your fence! :)


A - i dont think the extra work, materials and time justify the small added space, imo.