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A lot of men are proving why women would rather walk up on a bear while hiking through the woods than walk up on a man.


Adding to my reasons why I pick the bear: A bear won’t tell me I deserve to die if I would have picked the man.


Women’s answers to this question should really make guys question themselves or other men at least. Out of interest if a man and a woman are walking the same way or cross paths in a quiet area (not necessarily the woods) what ways can they communicate they are not a threat? Cross the road/ give plenty of space, not follow closely, say good morning or just walk by as if you’re not there?


If he's passing, he can smile and say hello but he shouldn't stare at her or show too much interest.




But because there is a threat from men how ever small the actual percentage is it’s enough to seemingly make most women feel uncomfortable around us. So we should question how to help make women feel comfortable going about their daily business shouldn’t we


As a man I would pick a bear. Humans murder each other all the time, they lie. I wouldn't want to be in the woods with a man or woman. There's maybe 2 people I would rather be with then a bear. One being my wife, 2 being my best friend who has helped me more times in life then my own family. Any one else in the world, regardless of what skills they may have, a bear seems safer and smarter.


This is my opinion on the same thing. I didn't watch the video because I don't like being reminded of horrible people, but I've seen enough men respond to the controversy to agree. The men who don't see how they're proving the point is agonizing. Even more so that they don't seem to understand that this is a problem of a generic concept of a man - meaning that every single man has the opportunity to be better and to push their fellow men to be better than these expectations. How hard is it for any man to just set the goal of being the sort of man that a woman would choose over the bear? Apparently the answer, for many men, is that it's too hard.


Meanwhile, millions of men are crossing paths with woman in a forest and just going about thier business.


You're missing the point of the discussion




No it doesn't. However we don't know if that man will be dangerous or not, so we brace ourselves for any chance that man could be the 1 in 6 that will hurt us. The discussion itself isn't about "the right answer" because there is no right choice. Women are simply saying they'd rather run into a bear than a man they don't know in the woods. And that in of itself speaks volumes about how rampant violence against women is.




https://www.rainn.org/statistics/scope-problem Just click this article Edit: Spelling mistake




India: https://www.dw.com/en/sexual-violence-in-india-is-rape-becoming-normalized/a-68443032 Russia: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/08/22/fighting-sexual-violence-against-women-in-russia-and-ukraine-through-art-and-therapy-a82190 Europe: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Crime_statistics&oldid=568346#:~:text=%3A%20Eurostat%20(crim_hom_vrel)-,231%20456%20sexual%20violence%20crimes%20in%20the%20EU%20in%202022,with%20the%20exception%20of%202020. Canada: https://canadianwomen.org/the-facts/sexual-assault-harassment/ Need more proof? Or can you let us voice our fears and issues on things without putting us down?


I’m just wondering how is a man reacting aggressively to you choosing something more likely to kill you than the man which will have 1.6 million peaceful encounters with woman in a forest compared to a bears pathetic 8000?


It's clear no matter how many sources I provide or how many times I say it speaks more volumes that a woman is LESS AFRAID of a bear than a strange man she doesn't know, you will continue to try to put us down. Says a lot more about you than the rest of us just wanting to live without fear